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Grimace the story it's grimace's birthday so he created his own shake the world starts crumbling as rumors start to come out about grimace's true intentions oh my goodness we better jump in and play Grandma's Shake oh my God give me one give me one would you like to buy Grandma Shake it's 50 cents fine I'll take it what choice do I even have here look at it what happens when I drink it oh it just gets stuck into my eyeball that's pretty cool all right you know what let's jump into this one here wait hello let me in please I have to put my shake away well there we go I I can't go in with my Grimace Shake is that Kenny oh Kenny Kenny look I have a shake I can drink it and the straw goes right in my eyeball all right here we go yay school is almost done we need to go try the new Grimace shake it can all come over my house and try it together little do you know I already have one and that is the loudest spell I've ever heard that spell chain let's go over to your house well this is a massive sock roll here if I score then I automatically get out of here go no go away girl not gonna beat me hey wait we're playing soccer oh the Saucy chain this guy's always in these games he's always so sus hey Shane check this out I got a bat you take that straight to the face yeah yeah I wish I could do this to him just beat him down vote food I want whatever this is this pizza who doesn't love a good slice of pizza okay honestly this music's way loud looks like pizza wins come to the kitchen let's eat oh that's the bedroom oh the kitchen's over here okay so we go into the kitchen and Kenny's already seated Kenny ready for the pizza take this no don't don't hit me Kenny please I have a Grimace Shake into my eyeball oh wait it's not going into my eyeball anymore wait did I shrink am I like a like a now that was really loud I'm sorry guys I didn't know that was gonna happen my ears are blowing out my speakers are destroyed my computer is currently on fire what's happening explore Elizabeth I thought this is Grimace story it's grimace's birthday so he created his own Mystery Shake take a seat in one of the chairs okay do they mean uh these chairs over here yeah why does this say Explorer Elizabeth is chain being a sussy developer is chain sus uh what's happening wait shut up with your pizza I'm trying to watch Explorer Elizabeth the movie I Am oh my goodness I'm Grimace I'm announcing my new Shake just celebrate my birthday why does he have braces by the way does anyone notice that drink the shake if you dare okay I already have one don't say I didn't warn you do I get to beat him with my bat let me show you what will happen if you don't drink the shake pick a friend of yours okay guys if you pick me then you're all uh losers dude they're gonna vote me 100 because I'm a YouTuber you know what let's drink this shake one last oh you are to be made an example of what will happen if you don't drink the shake okay where is he where's he is it Kenny oh what's happening what's happening I have no idea what's happening I can't see anything what hello okay now you are all next okay so something happened but we didn't see it SK family says she's real run Grimace is a girl wow it's a girl okay so where is he I'm just gonna drink my shake uh hello dude what is this game I'm just gonna stand here because I don't see what's happening Grimace hello I think this game is broken I repeat chain I I don't think it's working is my flashlight even on Kenny's climbing the bookshelf I'm gonna go up with him Kenny I'm coming can you come on we need to climb together come on Kenny climb up quickly uh candy what are we gonna do these kids are just sitting on top of the sign maybe I can hop up here and join them Yo is this like the spot to be oh I just got five coins for doing nothing okay a chain see change of stancer he knows there's no monster maybe you have a working game before you try to sell me stuff with Boba you can choose to play as the birthday boy Grimace no haha just kidding I want to scare you guys to make sure you go drink my birthday Shake Wait so so that was just a troll the whole time if you wish to find me look for the first clue in the forest you better bring a shake don't worry I have one and it's really good Grimace is real we must stop him for making everyone drink his birthday okay you know what oh look I'm speaking he said there would be a clue in the forest let's go there yeah you know what I am taking lead because I am Alpha oh my goodness okay we're here in the forest I have my baseball bat Grimace said we should find a clue let's walk until we find something all right um just follow me I guess I the coming here was my idea I'm the alpha Giga chat follow chain why it was my idea to come to the forest look at change trying to take credit yeah take a credit for it my genius idea oh look a cabin Kenny what could be in here there's a cabin yeah I just said that dude chain keeps taking like everything I say it's taking all my ideas come on Kenny let's go away we just walked through the door oh is this uh wait what are we looking for in here we have uh what seven seconds to do what well maybe it's uh to get into the cabin I see Kenny don't die please Kenny start searching for a clue about Grimace I think uh Kenny's played this game before have you played this game before take that grimace's birthday I'm not alone you found the first clue you fools will now be teleported into my world okay I think we're being teleported are we trapped in a hole look the roof is open we need to climb out check for a lever or a button anywhere okay uh that's not secret it's actually just right here on the wall these things just spawned on top of me and Kenny oh we screwing oh there we go I think it's only me and Kenny left in the game come on Kenny we have 30 seconds to get to the top maybe if I uh drink out of my Grimace Shake I'll get there even faster all right that was easy then again I'm the best in the world at obbys yes drink that Grimace Shake oh what's happening we're teleporting few we escape let's go see what's out there follow me chain once again thinking he's the leader but he's not I'm going first yeah we're beating you chain a chain such a loser well there has to be a clue somewhere around here okay well Kenny knows exactly where it is good job Kenny I'm really proud of you now take that clue too you should have just drank the shake now you will fight I will drink it there we go who are we fighting says vitamin D oh no wait what what's this what's this have to do with Grimace Shake okay just give me that ow you actually do a lot of damage can you help Kenny you're not oh my gosh kidding okay we kill him let me eat some pizza wait isn't that supposed to give me Health about Grimace Shake does that give me Health nothing gives me Health well this game's a scam are you ready Kenny it's grimace's headquarters but it says Elizabeth only you have two choices ahead of you Choose Wisely which one is it Kenny uh-oh there are two holes we have to choose one Kenny are you ready I'm just gonna follow you you because you've clearly played this game before all right here we go we is this where uh Grimace lives oh get up idiot my health is slowly recovering is it from my Grimace Shake Wait I think it is look every time I drink it goes up a little bit I'm just gonna suck on this thing until I have full health even though this is opening I'm still actually drinking the shake my health just went up and one more sip there we go my health is now full let's put the shake away well we have no choice but to cross the lava yeah I said that it even shows my Shake in my hand all right come on Kenny don't fall oh my gosh Kenny's so good at this game Kenny how are you so good it's like you've played this game so many times okay actually he's uh doing better than me hello how are you so far ahead Kenny I hope he falls in the lava that'd be so funny and bam yeah good job Kenny I'll take a bat to the Head we are done let's go that's true Kenny I think Grimace is right outside this cave so that the developer changed the ward Elizabeth to Grimace that's literally the game we have epic boss music oh my gosh it's Grimace Grimace hello how are you Grandma's happy birthday by the way your shake sucks it was my birthday all you to do was drink my shake your Finnish Grimace we will stop you I'm kidding Grimace actually your shake is pretty good I ended up drinking it and uh got my health back wait Kenny how are you so hurt already okay I think Kenny got hit by uh the falling meteors all right stupid Grimace it's time for me to just beat you down with this uh bat here yeah good job Kenny knock him in the ankles that's how you win you just beat them down right in the ankles run away oh Kenny just died no kidding oh Kenny's dead it's just me all alone me and this purple loser can't believe you killed Kenny oh the Music's Over but the boss fight is not over well okay the boss music's back oh my God Grimace you killed Kenny he's almost halfway dead come on beat him just knock him in the knees wait I'm not hitting him dude what the heck okay there we go come on come skip being down please all right Grandma come on you're halfway dead I'm always The Last One Alive in these games ah that's okay look I'm Alpha come on just beat him down speed him right in the knee boom yeah take that Grimace stop invading Roblox there's enough trash on this platform as it is come here oh no this is not good no no I fell the game is glitching okay I'm alive I better drink some Grimace Shake I bet this makes scream is happy you're not gonna kill me Grimace I'm just gonna drink the shake a little bit yeah take that bam bam knock his kneecaps out look at that just jumping away if I jump a little higher I can hit him in a special spot all right come on let's keep drinking the shake get my health up all right Grimace it's time to knock you where the sun don't shine come on get him right in those purple Grimace balls wait there we go oh you skinny loser enough you win all I wanted was to have some fun on my birthday let me go let me be drinking The Shake while he talks and get my HP up Let You Go never is this music copyright because if it is uh I'm gonna sue you if you let me go I'll stop my Grimace shakes from being sold everywhere what do you want to do let Grimace Go free or end the Grimace and his shakes yeah let's murder him I think that's what everyone uh would do no deal this is the end of not only the shakes but you too but let me drink some of your shake because it's actually good please no sorry Grandma's I got a bat I'm gonna smash your face in bye Grimace let me Smash him you died wait you can still wait what what hello how did I just die you stupid trash gay today we are trying the new purple Shake oh look at it this shake is evil oh my gosh hey Grimace oh guys Grimace is here run oh my gosh where do we go we got 10 minutes to to do something here what's this a key okay oh I click it okay I have a pink key what do I do with the pink key oh my gosh Grandma's place get those a stupid french fries off your head my gosh she's so scary is he gonna murder people hey Grimace okay well I don't know what to do with this pink keep Grandma stop he's gonna kill this little kid oh my gosh here's block him can I like hug grandma says oh my gosh does he even does he have to actually hurt you okay so I just died wait he touched like everyone else and then I die somehow what a broken game one other Grimace trash do we have on Roblox oh Grimace Shake simulator wow Grandma Shake simulator so I come into here I um hi can I have the Grimace Shake please sure one second is that is that mine I have a Grimace shake this is such a great game let me just drink it oh yeah the straw actually goes and my mouth in this game okay so so what do we actually do who's this oh that's a player okay so everyone's just drinking Grimace shakes we're going into the party house here here this is where everyone parties with the Grimace Shake we're all having such a great time drinking Grimace shakes oh that car just drove by and murdered so many people there's one two three four five children killed oh it's coming back oh oh my gosh I died how do I uh how do I get up I have four sips and one incident bro this car is so evil it's just murdering everybody oh I still have my grandma Shake even though I died so I need to start sipping it because this is the the simulator you just sip the shake as many times as possible and then you get on the leaderboard so love for music he has taken 6164 sips he's also been hit by the car 448 times so he's actually probably number one in the world at the game well let's see we have a leaderboard no he's actually number two number one is uh the nagaski with 9 000 sips yeah sorry Nate you're just not good enough can I go to the bathroom please okay good let me just come in here hey oh sorry uh what I didn't mean to uh yeah no dude listen these stalls are for multiple people yeah hey what's up man I just want to drink my grandma shake with you uh in the toilet saw okay milky cookie Kitty one is that is that all right with you why is everyone just taking a crap here maybe these shakes just give you massive diarrhea that'd be my guess wait how do I Ragdoll everyone's like ragdolling stuff can I drive the car or not oh if you type exclamation mark Ragdoll then yeah your Ragdoll it's pretty cool okay how do I get up though guys I'm stuck at least I'm able to drink my Grimace Shake while dead on the ground please kill me oh no it didn't kill me there that's just that's just me uh Sir with the capybara can you get off me with your copy Bara please oh my gosh the car just killed a lot more kids I'm actually dead down here can the car come in this Lane and run me over please please please yes I think we're all dead all right well this was a fun game cart ride into Grimace shake well I can't wait for this one all right come on let me in it's time for us to go Do Not Crash us we should just a j is that how you say your name I really don't know good just take it slow we want to get to the Grimace Shake if we don't get to the Grimace Shake then we are failures in life oh my gosh look how far we have to go wait where's the end oh is this is that in a mogas oh it's an imposter oh okay there's the Grimace Shake it's actually massive and we have to take the cart ride all the way up to the top hopefully we can jump into the straw or something all right good job man you're doing a really good job oh wait what my game just not load there's a gap there okay you're doing such a wonderful job but um I'm gonna press this uh a couple times and let's just get some more speed good all right we're actually going too slow come on come on let's go ah there we go we also have a secret Grimace parkour well everybody knows I'm the parkour champion of the world number one I have more wins in Tower of Hell than any player that does an absolute fact no cap look at this just running up is this where the staircases disappear yeah so we just gotta run up really quickly and there we go I'm a winner that was just the easiest thing I've ever done in my life so we go into the bouncy castle and okay what do we do now if we have a white uh little Podium over here what do I do here do I just pose oh I click this I got booms what can I like throw them what awesome submarine Titanic Adventure take a vacation to the Bottom of the Sea I think it's too early for uh Titanic jokes yeah like a jumping oh no bro this is just too much oh my gosh okay let's regen the cart all right come on what do we do here oh it's a car inside of this thing I'm pressing the speed a lot okay can we go please hello okay well that was a scam look I'm just gonna say it guys stop making video games [Music] thank you
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 422,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimace shake
Id: j7-NXcUfsy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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