door tier list but its minecraft

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Doors. They open, they close… and open… and close… huehuehuehuehueheuhuehue I’m gonna rank all the doors in Minecraft!  Because Minecraft is really special to me,   and so are doors. Huehuehuehueheuhuehue- Oak! Classic. Solid. The default  character. This is the Super Mario   Mario of doors right here. It’s  been kicking around since Infdev,   and for a reason. It works. When I see  this, I think door. But. It is not…   special. When I look at a door, I wanna know  something about it. Where it’s from or what it’s   dreams are. This door… It works a 9 to 5. And  Jerry keeps stealing his lunch but y’know what   Oak Door isn’t gonna DO anything about it because  OAK DOOR IS A PUSHOVER!! *slight heavy breathing* B Tier. Birch. This. Door. Is. Everything. Oak. Wants. To.  BEEEEEEEE! It’s classy. It’s smooth. Subtle. It’s   dry, with a real earthy flavor. *sluuuuurp*  oh yeah that’s the good stuff. THAT, that   is door. It goes with so many builds too!  It’s not intrusive, it doesn’t have any   weird window things, it’s a solid, well  built, eye-catching and eye-pleasing door. A Tier. Ok so Spruce. I respect this door… but I fear.  This door. What in the medevial torture dungeon   does this lead to. A tickle dungeon? A dracula  castle? A Subway that’s out of Italian herbs and   cheese? hwuuuh. All of these things are possible.  There’s a rustic mystery to spruce door that   allures and yet… repulses. It’s strong and sturdy,  and even somewhat challenging. Very nice design. A tier. Ok Jungle. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I just- I  dont know. It’s fiiiiiiine? It’s not doing   anything wrong but it’s really not winning  any favors either. The circle is kind of   a weird choice considering this is… Minecraft  but I respect the hustle. I respect it. Just…   I don’t know man. We never really got close,  we just kinda happened to be in the same place.   I spawned in the jungle and you were just…  there. I’m sorry, but I’m just not… into you. C tier. Oh! Oh my.. C-Crimson door, WOAH NELLY-   The Crimson door. Oh LLAMMAS  IN PAJAMAS IS THIS A GOOD DOOR.   NEVER before have I seen such deep, saturated  color and such a clean, beautiful design. The   lines. The depth. The controlled palette. I  want to be friends with this door and know   how it feels and have my music tastes expanded as  they introduce me to really good bands. … don't   worry about them. This door listens to  Mother Mother. Do I even need to say it? S tier! Ok. So. How do we follow up that bombshell. Well  let me tell you- dark oak. It is… mm hmm. Oh   yeah. Four on the floor, bar on the door,  I have never seen such beauty before.   Shakespeare. Need I say more- It’s traditionalist,  but with a modern approach. The smooth, crisp   lines are absolutely exquisite. It looks like  a chocolate bar. I am going to eat it. *homm*. B Tier. *siiiiiiigh* Iron Door. I don’t understand the  neeeed. Why are you heeeeere. Iron is such a   precious resource, and this is what I get?? I  see you, ripping off Oak over here. I toiled,   I mined, I ruined a village’s local security  for you, and YOU TRACE MR. DEFAULT DAN   OVER HERE??? Look, Iron Door, I’m not mad…  I’m just disappointed. Why can’t you be more   like your brother, Tiny 2x2 Hidden Piston Door  Flush and Seamless Mumbo Jumbo? He’s S tier. You’re D tier now go to your room. Can I just say. That Minecraft blocks are not  characters. But if they were Warped Door and   Crimson Door would be together. Do you know  what I mean? You know what I mean. Warped   Door buys mushroom lamps off the internet  and has two cats, meanwhile Crimson door   watches a ton of cartoons and has an extensive  vinyl collection. You know what I mean. Also,   the design is definitely the most intricate of  all the doors, and it’s just so pretty. The vines,   the color, the color wow the color, I  just… it’s just really good. A tier. Honestly, I’ve been really  impressed with these doors!   ..Yep! This is how I spend my time.  It’s awesome tha- *bass tremble*.   To call this a door is to insult the millions of  years of the universe colliding with itself to   shape our reality to arrive at this moment. I have  never seen a greater insult to doors. “Oh man wow,   I sure am glad that I’m in here and  safe because I have a door in between   me and the outside world OH WHAT’S  THIS??? A GAP IN MY DEFENSES??   OH NO OH HOW COULD I HAVE SEEN THIS COMING  OH OOF OUCHIE AH I’M DEAD YOU’RE DEAD   you’re dead. You see what I’m saying? It’s just…  I don’t even feel like it belongs on the list but   there it is in the code… taunting me…  jerk. You go into the F tier. I slam you. Thank you for watching video. If  you like video, please subscribe.   It makes me happy knowing you are here.  It gets lonely here. I am alone. Sub-
Channel: MashUpArt
Views: 96,057
Rating: 4.8801565 out of 5
Keywords: door tier list minecraft, door tier list but its minecraft, door tier list, tier list, icecreamsandwich, ice cream sandwich, ice cream sandwich comics, storytime youtuber, animation, cartoon, animated, storytime animation, mashupart animation, mashupart storytime, mashupart, mashuparts
Id: rSoRcREtUVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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