"Don't Trust the Rules" - Touré Roberts

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[Music] I want to read a few verses from Matthew chapter 14 and then from Psalm 16 Matthew 14 beginning in verse 22 it says immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on the mountain by himself to pray now when evening came he was alone there but the boat was now in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear see I think I'm gonna keep reading a minute but I think that that's what some of you are right now you are experiencing things watch this that are natural for promotion I feel the Holy Ghost you're experiencing things that are common for the stretching that is required for destiny but while you're in it it is difficult to discern it so you're calling it a ghost you're calling it a scary thing you're calling it something that would harm you but really it's in your life to help you I feel the Spirit of the Living God and I think that this moment that we're gonna spin together this encounter is really about helping you to understand it and so so when they see Jesus they were actually troubled they see him walking on the sea walking on the sea the miracle was on its way it was close to them but they were blinded by so many other things they couldn't even perceive that the miracle was close just do me a favor and turn to the person next to you and say you are closer than you think I feel the Spirit of God you are closer you're closer than you think closer than you think closer closer closer closer closer closer than you think a sensitive feeling how do you know it I know it it is so close and what is the it that I'm talking about I'm talking about God's setting you in a large place some of you have been in a tight space for so long not realizing not realizing that God is getting ready to move you into a dimension where you can breathe again where you can trust again where you can love again where will your stirred again when your faith is there again when you're motivated again it's coming it's coming it's coming I sense it it's coming so they they say in verse 26 they say it is a ghost and they cried out for fear and I love this but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is I and I hear God saying that to some of you right now he's saying I know you're wondering what this is is you know transition seasons are a crazy man because because it's transition you you're no longer what you were and you haven't quite become what you're gonna be and so you're in the middle and it's awkward and it's funny and it's scary and you feel all deformed emotionally in and I hear Jesus saying to you it is I my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways how I go about developing you is different then you would go about developing you watch this even better the way that I go about blessing you hey the way that I go about blessing you is different from how you would go about blessing yourself and the way that I bless you was better you may have to go through some things that you may have to go through some some confusing processes but when I get finished with you the glory that's on the other side of the process will be worth everything you have to go through I hear Jesus saying it is I do me a favor just turn to somebody and say it's him it's him it's him him it's him it's him yes but Jesus immediately Jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer at his I do not be afraid and Peter answered him and said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water so he said come and when Peter had come down out of the boat he walked on the water to Jesus but when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him o you of little faith why did you doubt we had a good thing going man come on somebody you out here rolling with you stomping with the big dogs for like 30 seconds man you were living the dream dude are you kidding me I was going to take you places I'm still gonna do it he said why did you why did you doubt and when they got into the boat the wind ceased then this then those who were in the boat came and worshiped him saying truly you are the son of God Psalm 15 excuse me Psalm 16 verse 5 says O Lord you are the portion of you are the portion of my inheritance and my cup you maintain my lot the lines have fallen to me in Pleasant places yes I have a good inheritance I want to talk today around this subject and I want you to get this don't trust the rules don't don't trust don't trust the rules god bless you you may be seated don't trust the rules don't trust them and trust them don't trust the rules I can't trust the rules because I don't know who made them I can't I can't trust the rules because I don't know what rules God has anointed to be broken in my life on my behalf oh you gotta catch what I'm saying III can't trust the rules because I don't understand I do not quite know how far God has called me to go are you tracking with me I I when when I when I that last passes that I read it was the psalmist basically saying that that he had a portion and that his portion was good and that the lines or the boundaries of his portion had fallen into Pleasant places in other words there's an inheritance there is a a pre-determined inheritance for my life there's a there's a predetermined amount of internal resource and external blessing and the only challenge is that I don't know how far that God has taken this thing and so it puts me in this place of reaching let me just kind of tell you about one of the things that drives me one of the things that drives me is the concept of stewardship and the concept of stewardship for me is that I believe that that my life is not my own and I believe that God has placed things in me and has put things outside in the world that what's in me is supposed to connect to the things that are outside the world and greatness is supposed to happen through my life my fear is that I will allow preconceived limitations to rob me from the full expression of my life being manifest according to what God knew before he put me in my mother's womb why are you tracking with me I want you to get this so so what what drives me to continue to grow I'm never satisfied hello somebody I'm never fully satisfied and what drives me to continuously grow and to continuously increase and to continuously become better and to continuously evolve is the understanding that who God sees me as versus who I see myself as are two different things in other words I don't know my limits I don't know what I can do are you tracking with me and so what I will do is I mean if there are lines set to me if their boundaries set to me and I don't know what those boundaries are the only way that I'm gonna reach it is if I continue to stretch are you tracking with me this is what Paul was talking about when he said that that I have not attained I've not arrived but here's one thing I do I forget what's behind me in other words I'm not celebrating yesterday's victories I'm more excited about tomorrow's testimonies are you tracking with me oh I feel the Holy Spirit and some of you right now you are consumed what now and the reality of it is you're next you are intimidated by what you're seeing now but but now it's not even what is I think the next is more glorious than now and there's some things that are on the inside of you that God is getting ready to stir up and cause to be produced and you're gonna show up next greater than your past and even greater than all the things that you're seeing now and so I'm challenged I'm challenged every single day you know people ask me some or some people ask you know what's my greatest fear and my greatest fear is not reaching the lines the God pre-established for me because I've got these rules I've got these these things in my head these these these unseen invisible rules that tell me how far I can go kind of take my time and teach today we may not shout but we can grow is that okay can we can we grow instead I'm afraid that that there is a silent can't in my spirit that's keeping me from realizing everything that God has placed on inside of me there's more to you than you think but the challenges you will never fully know where that border is are you track of than me you ever look in the mirror and look at yourself and just say how far is this thing really gonna go you ever been there before that's me I'm like God you know because every round goes higher and higher in life for God is perpetual upgrades are you tracking with me it is perpetual upgrades that's why if for a believer if you're honest believers we have ups and downs we have up so like yes yes yes yes yes and if we're honest I don't know about you but the moment that I am too long I get nervous I get nervous but when I'm not being stretched and see if you aren't stretched to the point where you feel awkward and uncomfortable you look in the mirror you say Who am I you start thinking things you've never thought before if you haven't done that you haven't even begin to grow into the type of person that lays hold of everything that God has called you to be because the process of growth requires this this great discomfort and not what I was but I'm not where I'm headed and I'm somewhere in the middle and I have to live in that place in the middle isn't that horrible wouldn't it be awesome if God could just take you from level to level like you go from this one good place and he just wrote and took you the next good place without you feeling like you're crazy but he doesn't do that I feel the spirit he lets you live in this in-between place uh and it's horrible and is awkward and it's frustrating and it's painful but it's critical this is necessary it's something about being in that in-between place and fighting what you have to fight in order to survive that creates capacity for what God wants to pour into you are you tracking with me then I know I hate it so it's weird like like I get nervous when things are easy but then I get frustrated when I have to go through the season that will produce the growth that I ultimately was nervous that Ulta no how many sales right that way I gotta say cuz my thoughts are like like this long right now chop em up but I get nervous in the season where everything is going the way I want it to go because I know I'm not growing and I know I'm not possessed for next but then when I get into that in-between place that's leading me to next I get frustrated so I'm either nervous most of the time are frustrated are you tracking with me and I'm trying to reason why I'm taking time here is I'm trying to help you to understand that where some of you are is actually very normal and you're not gonna lose it and you're not gonna fall off and you're not gonna miss anything God knows exactly where you are you are clay on the potter's wheel and he is shaping you and what he is doing is he is creating capacity he's creating capacity you know that in that scripture in the Psalms Psalm 16 and five it says he says the Lord is my portion he said the portion of my inheritance and my cup that's kind of heavy because my portion if he is the portion my portion the portion of my inheritance that means he's saying he's the resource and then if he's saying and he's also the cup the cup has to do with capacity are you tracking with me so I can't have my cup and God's resources because my cup is my capacity can't take my time talked to you for a second so so like like right now God can only do for me according to my capacity according to my cup so he could want to pour you know millions of gallons of resources but if I have an eight liter cup then there's going to be waste so God says not only am i your resource I am your cup I will stretch you so that you can have the capacity for what I'm going to do for you so that you can realize the boundaries or the actual borders that are assigned to your life not to perceive orders and there are a lot of things you know we all have rules there their rules in our lives and we don't we don't necessarily always see the rules but let me tell you how you know that there are rules in your life that are limiting you and restricting you from being all that God has called you to be here's one telltale sign that that is a reality in your life the absence of motivation the absence of motivation to move motivation and vision and clarity to move from where you are to the next space is evidence the absence of that is evidence of the presence of a rule somewhere in your psyche that is keeping you from what God has for you and that's why I say you can't trust the rules and here's why you can't trust the rules you can't trust the rules because you don't know who made them some of us right now are limited and restricted because of our experiences some of us are limited and restricted and these rules are in place because of generational bondage so it wasn't even your rule you didn't agree to the rule you didn't sign up to the rule you just were born in the context of that rule and that begins to shape and define now you're perceived parameters of growth are you tracking with me I don't trust the rules because I don't know how far this thing will go and so I just have to assume that if I am still alive God has me alive and on this planet and taking up air because there's still more growth there's still more to accomplish there is still more increased assigned to my life so instead of submitting to the rules I'm gonna be a rule breaker I'm gonna run up on every rule I'm gonna run up on every limitation I'm gonna run up on every blockade because maybe just maybe it's only in my head see see a miracle with miracles take place think about what a miracle is a miracle is a confrontation of a rule and it is evidence that the rule wasn't real are you tracking with me even when you think about things like prayer what is prayer you know as it passes in the scripture that says you have not watched this you have not that is a reality a reality of lack you have not reality of lack because you ask not meaning that I did not ask more than likely because there was some rule in place that made me think it wasn't even worth asking and because that rule was in place I did not have the reality that I could have had because I didn't pray I was bound by a rule so even in prayer and the effects of prayer there is the reality the rules are made to be broken and the only way that's what intercession is intercession I wish I had time to really break it down but intercession one of the Greek words are in a session has to do with boundaries in other words it is to pray to see where the real boundary is almost like negotiations right when there is a negotiation taking place there is a lowest price that the buyer will sell it for and there is a highest price that the seller will pay for it and the only issue is nobody knows what that number is I'm trying to use an analogy maybe it's not a good one if I go to buy a car right and the car is $30,000 right some of you like here right okay Carlos and the car was the car the MSRP was was $30,000 this is an even worse analogy gosh what I'm saying is we don't know where the line is I don't trust the line of limitation some of you aren't moving forward in things because somebody spoke to you and said you can't do this or that can't happen or it's never happened before and I'm just crazy enough to not trust that line I'm just crazy enough to believe that if I'm looking at that wall if I'm looking at that mountain maybe just maybe God is anointed me to be the one to push that barrier back maybe that's why I'm looking at it what what mountain are you in front of right now aw I feel the Holy Spirit and it is intimidating to you it's intimidating to you and you are not recognizing that for some reason God's got you in front of it some obstacle some wall some crazy thing something in your life that is screaming no to you but for some reason you're right there in front of it see I've got to keep pressing because I don't know what rule God has already broken in my future I feel the Holy Spirit a miracle is a breakthrough a miracle is the breaking of some rule that's why it's called a miracle Peter walking on water was a miracle it was a breaking of the rule it is possible that everyone in the boat had been anointed to break the rule that said if you walk on water you will drown but only Peter had the wherewithal and was in tune with geez in such a way that he said maybe just maybe this rule is being broken on my behalf because God is gonna do something in my life he's gonna use my life in such a wonderful way see he had a rule-breaker mentality can we talk a little bit so I'm looking at this text and I'm looking at this encounter the Peter and Jesus have it's it's it's a wonder it's a beautiful encounter it looks something like this you know they're all in the boat and the boat is experiencing all the wind and you know the story sea is raging and everything there in this boat Jesus now comes walking officers who see this please Jesus now the waves are crashing the winds are blowing to see is going every which way just absolute pandemonium and yet that is juxtaposed against Jesus calmly walking on the water he's breaking the rules the people in the boat most of the people most of the disciples in the boat they're freaking out and so Jesus helps them and he says chill out be of good cheer what look at the difference in energies the tumultuous sea how life is sometimes and even in the midst of that in life as Jesus was walking on the water he's calm he's cool he's saying chill man it's okay and he's walking on it he's like you know it's not he's not he's walking on it and and obviously his coordination was together cuz he's walking and talking he's rubbing his stomach and pat in his head it just yeah you get that later but so he's in he's in this state I want you to see this and because Jesus is the word that means that even when he's not speaking he's saying something see the scene the waves the boats being tossed all over the Sea of Galilee the winds are blowing everybody's afraid is the ship going to sink and yet in the midst of that in the midst of that Jesus the god of the breakthrough is walking calmly Peter connects no one else connects everyone else watch this is connecting to the rule the rule that says I'm drowning the rule that says you can't walk on water the rule that says if a storm of this magnitude hits your boat you gonna die everyone else's reality was the rule because they were trusting the rule Peter catches Jesus's vibe hello somebody Jesus he is not seeing what everybody else is seeing because everybody else is blinded by the rule are you tracking with me the rule was their reality Peter doesn't trust the rule because he is so engaged by the energy that Jesus is emitting I feel this Jesus is on another frequency ceci breakthrough people live on another frequency that they confront obstacles they confront challenges they confront norm because they believe maybe just maybe if Jesus is the God of the breakthrough and he lives in me maybe I am a breakthrough oh I gotta take my time I you got to see it the way I see it I got to get you to see it the way I see it so Peter is not looking at what they're looking at Peter is looking at this breakthrough and so so when Jesus says it is I be of good cheer it is I don't be afraid Peter engages with the breakthrough and not only calls God the breakthrough but something within himself says I'm a breakthrough - there was no where did that that so - Peter asked him he says he says lord if it's you let me come on the water what did that question even come from what did that thinking even come how do you deduce from Jesus walking on the water that you can - here is the reality when Peter when Jesus is walking on the water - Peter it is activating an innate power and ability that was placed on the inside of Peter before the foundation of the world Jesus breakthrough was connecting with Peters breakthrough that was yet to be manifest stay with me somehow without provocation Peter now begins to connect with Jesus and he begins to see himself in Jesus because here is the reality one of the greatest roles of Jesus in your life is to show you who you really are I want to keep it 100 with you one of the greatest responsibilities of Jesus is to reflect back a merit to you of the real you are you not ready I wish I'd about 45 more minutes with you uh you yeah that's what Jesus listen he comes from heaven comes down and takes the form of you to ultimately reveal you to you and that's why he says says you're marveling at what I do but greater things you are gonna do Paul says in Romans that Jesus was not only the the firstborn son or not only the only begotten Son but the firstborn son amongst many brethren so one of the things that Jesus's responsibility in your life is to show you what you can do that's why Paul says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me are you tracking with me so so when Peter gets this breakthrough mentality he doesn't trust the cast the cast he doesn't trust the rules I think my wife pre semesters got don't trust a chasm when when he's when he doesn't trust the rules and he begins to block out of his mind the rule mentality and begins to look at Jesus who was reflecting to him and image watch this really of himself Jesus walking on the water was in essence saying Peter come walk on the water but it was a spiritual thing it was language it was unspoken it was vibe to vibe energy to energy spirit to spirit soul to soul feel the Holy Spirit are you tracking with me and that's the type of relationship Jesus wants to have with us he doesn't want to have a relationship that is convoluted by rules that other people have placed on us rules that we placed on ourselves he doesn't want to have our relationship convoluted like that he says I am the breakthrough stop looking at that stop looking at that just look at me are you paying attention to the words that are coming out of my mouth I will tell you who you are I will show you what you can do and the gates of Hell themselves cannot prevail against you look at me don't look at religion don't look to the left don't look to the right don't let the traditions just look at me and you will do that which has never been done before look at me look at me just focus right here I feel it for somebody that's how you're gonna get forward because the only way you're gonna break the rules is to see the rule breaker plainly and you have got to break the rules to get to your true limits Jesus is breaking the rules on the water and he's coming and because Peter was in tune Peter Peter was always in tune most of the time always into most of the time that makes sense Peter was always in tune most of the time but I'm thinking my Peter memmer maybe when I say who does who do men say that I am and all the other side was a bla bla bla bla bla bla and then Peter says you are the Christ the Son of the Living God he was in - he said watch this he said flesh and blood did not reveal that but my father who was in Himmel did you see that flesh and blood did not reveal religious systems and traditions did not reveal that to you you didn't learn that in Sunday school and we thank God for Sunday's because something's a wonderful answer but you didn't learn at a certain high level things that pertain to your life that will only come to you by revelation borne out of your personal relationship with Jesus I fill it the Holy Spirit is the only one who has perfect theology concerning your life and you catch that and I've got to have a relationship with my gonna wrap this up so so Jesus is walking he's walking on the water somehow Peter taps into his frequency and now that ability to break the rule that says that if you walk on water you're gonna drown which was placed on the inside of him before he was even born was activated and the faith to do it was manifest and therefore he walked on water it was absolutely wonderful now we know that even when you don't trust the rule and when you break the rule doubt is going to go to war with you there's some of you the reason why is difficult right now I feel this prophetically for some of you the reason why it's kind of tough for you right now is because you stepped out the boat and God gave you the grace to have what you needed to step out the boat but for whatever reason you stopped doing the thing that gave you the power to step out the boat and now you're looking at the environment instead of the one who called you out of the environment to get you to the other side and I think I think that what God is going to do today what God is going to do today and in this season is he's going to get your focus back your focus back because you think you're drowning but you're not drowning but if you think you're drowning long enough you will drown are you tracking with me but even but you know I would say you would drown but actually you won't because I think the Jesus gonna reach down and lift you up maybe that's what's happening today you were drowning and Regis is like why did you doubt and he's gonna lift you up and put you back on the boat and you're gonna get to the other side what what unspoken unordained rules are in your life right now keeping you from what God promised you what what are you missing right now what what unspoken barriers boundaries rules are determining the limits on where you think your life can go that's a real question I want to pray for you I don't want you I think that there's some rules that you've been bowing down to I want you to live in this space where you're challenging and confronting everywhere I want you to look for rules I'm not saying be rebellious and stupid that's that's not what I'm saying I'm talking about your life I'm talking about being honest enough and real enough with yourself to begin to deal with these unspoken but but proven by your the lack of motivation sometimes proven by procrastination because procrastination really is failure right it's failure to act and typically it's because you believe that you're gonna fail and so let me just keep pushing this off I want us to get to the place where we are really taking inventory of our lives because I'm telling you you've gotten inheritance you've got a portion and you've got to you've got to grow you've got to increase you've got to become you've got to whether those transition seasons you've got to whether that's stretching and that's stretching is hard because let me tell you when God is stretching you for what's next it will disrupt everything in your life it would disrupt relationships it will disrupt business associations it will disrupt plans on purpose because every thought of bashad oh yeah speak in tongues oh sorry everything not sorry everything that is connected to you presently is connected to who you presently are and so when you grow and you evolve it brings everything that you were once connected to into question because can you connect with me on this level and so sometimes if you're not careful I got to stop but sometimes if you're not careful you will think that there's something wrong with you and it's not the case a lot of times there's something wrong with the connection and maybe it's that we will reconnect later but we can't reconnect now because I am still in transition I'm like Jesus after he was raised from the dead you know that marrying him came to touch him and he was like hold up I love you but you can't touch me because I'm in transition right now I'm still evolving and I haven't become who I'm gonna become and you're trying to touch the old version of me and if you try to touch the old version of me you're gonna stifle my progress because I don't live there anymore I'm leveling up and I'm going from level to level and so so so you can't touch me like that anymore and I don't know who I'm becoming so I've got to go in this space of isolation maybe we will get reunited and reacquainted later but I'm leveling up and so and so and so you've got to pay attention to the connections that don't connect anymore and the things that are assigned to be in your life will connect with you not only in transition not only in the next place but in that place of transition pay attention to what connects now and don't be so bound I'm done but don't be so bound to what was or this false guilt I got a taylors I gotta tell you story I'm so so and I'm almost wish but somebody reached out to me recently from and god bless my love everybody you know I do you know when I say that somebody reached out to me and basically said you know I know you progress and it all any time anybody starts with that I know you're winning it all but how can that be a but baby I'm winning I'm supposed to win why do you have to I know I know I know you're a winner I see you winning and all I say you progressing but but you know what I mean don't don't forget you a one from day one and beginning to tell me what I need to do now we haven't been close in 20 years do you know how many times I've leveled up in 20 years but but see but see the temptation is to say man I don't want you know I don't want to even think you need a change you know to me like I said but but you did change [Music] [Applause] get a chance don't apologize for God blessing you and increasing you and taking you from faith to faith level to level glory to glory don't you apologize for that you praise God for that and if we connect great if we don't connect great but blessed be the name of the Lord for what he's doing in my life you've got a push back against that false guilt push back against it it's false guilt you don't think you're better than anybody has nothing to do with better nobody's better anybody but can we connect did you change too because the only reason why we were connected on that level is because we were similar and I'm gonna be honest with you I told you I was done I mean it here's the sad reality the more you level up the smaller circle and that's sad man is it's really sad it's really sad but the quality of that little circle spear gold [Applause] I just want you to know that you're not going crazy you're on your way to something keep at it keep fighting push up against the limits live in the atmospheres faith focus on him solely let him speak to you he's the only one that knows the true limits of your life and he will never invite you beyond what he has not already prepared for you he will never invite you beyond your limits he will invite you according to your limits amen I want to pray for you we got go god I just we thank you so much for what you're helping us to better understand Lord there's some people that were closer than they've ever been to more than they've ever known and just needed a reminder that you're the god of the breakthrough father I pray for each one Lord may we be a people that habitually and as a lifestyle bring my child back please and as a lifestyle a bit chewy as a lifestyle we'll confront confront thank you we'll confront the rules that we would recognize that there's some rules that we were abiding by that you did not Institute and they're keeping us from everything that you called us to be help us to Lord be suspicious of boundaries and more than anything draws closer to you you hold within your very image and all of your encounters you hold the true version of us you know what our limits are if you say we can walk on water then walking on water we will do if you say that we can build this business that has never been done before never been seen before then that we will do if you say we could have an impact in your name four regions that everyone else says can never prosper and thrive in the gospel then so be it we're after it Lord raise up a generation that will not trust rules but will only trust your voice and live thereby and I pray this in Jesus name Amen I want to do something real quick just sit down real quick we'll be out in about ten minutes I want to do a couple of things real quick if you're here and this is between you and the Lord this has nothing to do with me or anybody else around you but if you're here and you want to know Jesus like that let me tell you something you got to know Jesus because he's the only one that knows you he's the only one I can reveal to you who you are just like he did with Peter Jesus walking on the water wasn't even about Jesus about Peter next st. Peter had a huge distant his life first of all after he steps out the boat after he steps out the boat and has this experience when they get back on the boat everybody else on the boat ultimately gets saved because they say oh yeah you are the son of God so it took one man's not trusting the rule focusing on Jesus and stepping out one man pursuing the boundaries of his potential to touch and affect not only those are on that boat but if you study if you studied the trajectory of Peters life Peter became a powerhouse for God and I believe that he was able to become all that God had called him to become it's because he didn't trust the rules he trusted Jesus trusted and so I'm saying is because there is the possibility that you're here or you're watching online you're in Colorado and you haven't come to that place where you know Jesus yet can I think you've been introduced to him if you've been maybe you're visiting for the first time or maybe you've come around and maybe you you know you're not quite maybe up to this point your experience with Jesus has been Church but God wants to take it deeper because having a personal relationship with him is how you get to discover who your true person is mm-hmm see when people say be like Jesus what they really mean is be like the you version of Jesus you didn't catch that that that seems sacrilegious Christ in you is the hope of glory in other words you have a unique and specific identity in Christ that is relevant to the world that he's placed you in so you may not do exactly what Christ did but you will you will do when your relationship with him what you see Christ doing communicates to you what you should do even Jesus said I only do what I see my father do so his father was reflecting back to him what he should do that's relationship so what I want to do is if you're here and you don't have that relationship come on intimate relationship a transcends Church it's your life church is an hour in 30 minutes on a Sunday I need Jesus all day a day you tracking with me I've got stuff to do decisions to make people to meet people to shake I need the wisdom of God in my life so we're gonna just pray and I just want you to in Colorado look here California just bow your head real quick and and if that's you if you hear and you say pastor I want to have a personal I want I want to be friends with I want to see why everyone calls him their best friend if that's you I just want you to lift your hand nobody's look at this between me and you and you and God but should I see you I see bush I see I see question I see father you see every hand that's raised and Lord you said whoever calls on your name shall be saved whoever calls on you Lord God you really are just proving that you called them first and they're responding you said behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I'll come in and sup with he and he with me so father right now in this moment yes you extended this invitation and your children have said yes seal this opportunity and this promise in the hearts of everyone by the Holy Spirit that they will from this moment forward never be the same again that it would no longer be Christ over there but Christ in here and I thank you God that the fruits of that relationship will be wisdom inspiration encouragement revelation transformation and the assurance that even in seasons of stretching you're going to work those things together for our good bless each one in Jesus name Amen amen amen god bless you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 22,456
Rating: 4.8910084 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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