How To Carry Out the Vision That Is Bigger Than You - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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knock down lift up move on say move on you are important that your gift is important profit with it obedience to god we give you testimony are you ready for god i tell you god is ready for you god is ready to bless you [Music] when you are not inspiring you are inspiring people when you stop growing you sat down god is ready for you to be happy the earlier you know whom you are in god the better you will be [Music] i see the head of god moving [Music] [Music] you came down from heaven and you rescued me [Applause] [Music] i'm grateful for everything you've done for me every day [Music] you never left me you were always [Music] oh amazes me is foreign oh you picked me up you let me no one else all i just want to say yes oh yeah hey hallelujah for every trial we have there's a day for it to stop how many can say men to that if god tells you to do the impossible don't look for who have not done it somebody say i hear you i don't say how many years you cannot reproach they say dear god take the reproach away somebody say amen for elizabeth if you want to be inspired don't look for who has expired [Music] many of us have friends that are dead bearers leave them alone go and look for elizabeth you don't need who will weigh you down you need who will lift you up somebody say hallelujah you don't need someone that is annoyed of what god is doing with you you need someone who will rejoice in your miracle hallelujah i say hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god thank you dr sridhar for your kindness to bring me here this morning i bring you all greeting from africa i thank god for what he's doing over there the gospel of luke chapter 1 is where my text is coming from luke chapter 1 about 18 years ago i came across this scripture not because it had not been in the bible but because i didn't see it as something that was different from christmas message but i saw it in a way that god made it known to me that for every trial we have there's a day for it to stop how many can say meant to that i read this scripture and it touched my life and i'm grateful to god that i have preached it to countless millions in all over the world but look at this verse here verse 24 of luke chapter 1 the bible says and after those days his wife elizabeth conceived and he heed herself five months saying thus had the lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me to take away my reproach among men who said to your neighbor your reproach is gone please help me say it loud your approach is gone so many times when we face tribulations and trials and life of torture especially when we are serving god you know you wouldn't believe this for 38 years and three months i've been preaching now but i never knew a christian as a young man can face trial i never knew you can be in the house of god and face tribulation i never knew that christians can fight one another or betray one another or even try to kill one another before i began to read the bible that lucifer was not from tampa lucifer was in heaven and the second incumbent in command attacked fathers on the holy ghost lucifer was second in command because he was the archangel of worship but the bible says and this is what happened the most and there was war in heaven i said oh my god there if there is one in my church no problem if there's one in heaven there's one in my city there was war in heaven but coming back to the story i have just read it took several years for this woman of god and her husband to get their need met and she uttered the words of prophecy which i want you to retain in your mind god has dealt kindly with me say that to everybody please talk to me i'm not a visitor here i'm just preaching for the first time say god has dealt with me kindly now now at the second word he is taking away my reproach now say the two words together god has dealt with me kindly he's taking away my reproach how many of you want any kind of reproach in your life to go away say hallelujah i say hallelujah now for elizabeth to say that that today march the second you can time the day your change takes place you can time the day the difference came to your life you can come and live for a long time in your life but the day can come when you can say like today elizabeth is saying this day say that with me the lord has taken away my reproach among men that's good for you brother it doesn't matter how many laughed at you before he doesn't matter how many say who are you before god says from today your reproach is somebody say amen i thank god for that now you know to have a reproach may not be by your own approach it could be what the enemy imposed upon you sometimes people ask me hey the hoser why do good thing bad things happen to good people i say because when bad happens too bad nobody sees it may i repeat why does bad thing happen to good people because when bad ask me why point your hand say what i didn't hear you people don't be afraid why what [Applause] why do bad things happen to good people so ask me a question loud [Applause] because when bad happens too bad nobody sees it understand that when something bad happen to a bad man there's no difference but when something bad happened to a good person everybody know did you hear what i'm saying oh yes if you build this church the world may not know too much but you if you if the pastor who built this church is not known all over america but if this person were to steal a bicycle everybody no you understand what i'm saying satan doesn't advertise good thing because that's not his job oh god am i offending you the devil does not advertise good things that's not his job his job is to kill to destroy but the good thing is which sense should have to advertise what is good you didn't hear that the devil doesn't talk good of good people but good people should talk good of what is good somebody say amen all right let me go straight to the bible so that you don't miss make mistake look at verse 26 and in this in the sixth month youngjae gabriel was sent from god onto a city of galilee named nazareth a virgin exposed to a man whose name was joseph of the house of david and the virgin's name was mary now listen to this god sent angel to mary how many of you are tired of seeing the devil aren't you tired of seeing visit of course written satan satan i think once a while we all need to see angel gabriel i'd like to hear you say amen listen to what this angel said to mary verse 2018 and the nj came in unto her and said hey hey say that everybody art highly favored the lord is with thee blessed are doubt among women somebody say amen i look forward to the day i will hear the church being told hey he said hell is better than shame mary hey you are highly favored you are blessed among women somebody say amen now listen to this picture carefully and when she saw him she was troubled that he's saying and cutting her mind what man of suggestion this should be and then just said unto her fear not mary for thou had found favor with god said that's good for me i didn't hear you i didn't hear you i didn't hear you [Applause] i'm not going to say too many things this morning but i love the visitation of angel i love the word the word you are highly favored i love the word god is with you oh tap your chest say god is with me if god was not in this place this man would have been dead by now for a long time so it doesn't matter how many years you so good to come out you are going to come out sometimes it takes longer than expected but delay is no denial sometimes the load you carry is heavier than you expected but jesus is still our body bearer sometimes your fear is not out of fear but out of what is this but if it's from god that's a good one mary said what is this what are you saying going to conceive have a baby i'm not married i know no man and jesus is favor thank god that's favor to have what you don't have and become your own is favor especially if your reproach is removed somebody say amen oh god let me look at the scripture again and he said behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name jesus he shall be great and shall be called the song of the highest and the lord shall give unto him the throne of his father david and he shall reign over the house of jacob forever and his kingdom shall be no end of his kingdom there shall be no end they said mary unto and unto the angel how shall this sin i know nothing that is one of the biggest problem today god is telling me do the impossible god is showing me big revelation god is telling me my reproach is gone god is telling mary now said god says i'm going to conceive god says i'm going to give back to his son he shall be great he shall be called the son of the highest but i'm not married how shall this thing be maybe you are there this morning maybe you are hearing me on the radio or you are going to watch this program by television in africa anywhere all that god sent to you that are bigger than you is small for god anything too high for you is below god but mary asked a good question how can god ask me to build a big facility like this when i have no money and the ng answered the holy ghost oh somebody jump up and say the holy ghost i said jump over the holy ghost [Applause] all the years i've heard of the carpenter's home church i wonder whether the pastor was a human being then two years ago he was one of our key speakers at icbm he opened his mouth and shook the thousands of people that stood there and i said well if this man he has trouble and he's shaking those with trouble then his trouble is not too big you will never you never never i'm not sure you remember the message you prayed to those 7 000 people that night he gave them confidence he gave us hope he told us it doesn't matter how much we are bruised and shaken god can steal your tempest and i'm here this morning just in case you are passing through fire don't stop pass through for david said though i walk to the valley of the shadow of death me it didn't say you by the eye shall fear no evil somebody say amen [Applause] how can i fulfill a dream bigger water end goals how can i have a car when my salary cannot feed me holy ghost how can i build a when i lost my job holy ghost how can i live in peace when everything around me is peaceful holy ghost how do i know i will be well when i'm very sick holy ghost who will lift me up when i'm down and everybody around me is down holy ghost somebody said holy ghost let me hear you again say it again when you are weak who do you need when you are done who do you need when you are poor who do you need when you don't know what to do what you need when everything around you falling now what do you need everybody say holy ghost let me hear you say holy ghost [Applause] let me hear you the holy ghost everybody say holy ghost take the holy ghost somebody's the holy ghost that's who you need when there's no food on your table holy ghost when your body is not agreed to your life holy ghost when you are down holy ghost where you are holy ghost [Applause] the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost somebody said big hallelujah listen to this sit down for a few minutes listen to this verse 35 the angel answered and said unto her the holy ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shalom i quoted from your book to one of my books faithful lifestyle you see a chapter that concerned you there i quoted you verbatim that the devil doesn't touch his own like he touched what is not his own but hear what the word of god is saying here when anything in your life is too big for you to handle hide under the shadow of the moses he said the power of the highest shallow washer do you that's why you are alive today if it wasn't the power of the highest they will show me your tomb but the power of the highest is higher than anything else somebody say hallelujah well let's set that one aside what god sent me here for i'm getting close to it to this church this morning this ministry this ministry i prophesy cannot be destroyed by man it's under the power of the most high [Applause] i said that by the authority god put in my mouth capping that church was not built by months ago it was built by god's revelation and i want to say this if you allow the vision of this home church to die god will not blame that man he will blame you ask me why put your hand say why everybody i do this in my home church and i'm not afraid to do it here point your hand to me say why now dude he said why would god blame me because god told him to eat that you may continue to keep it did you hear me i said did you hear me [Applause] god told him to build this that you may keep it he's doing his part if you don't play your part god will blame you will not blame him [Applause] did you hear me god said kyle build me a testimony house in lakeland build it by my provision build it in the face of all odds he obeyed god now the challenge is your own to fill this house with souls the challenges your own to bring men and women to worship god in this church somebody said big hallelujah you say i was like how do i do that the holy ghost lift your hand and say holy ghost wherever your hand and say holy ghost sit down now listen to how to carry out the vision that is bigger than you that's my message how to carry out say that everybody the vision i didn't hear you that is bigger than me say it again [Applause] tell your neighbour i want you to learn how to carry out the vision that is bigger than you listen to this and be listen to this behold verse 26 let's read it together once you go and behold thy cousin elizabeth she also had also conceived a son in her old age and this is the sixth month with her who was called baron it doesn't matter whatever name they call you in the past let it be worse you didn't hear me mary what god is telling me to tell you is that your cousin elizabeth at her old age who was called byron has conceived and the baby her womb is now six months old who was god i don't care what you called me before give me a new name [Applause] your own name is not important your new name is very very important she was called byron but now she's pregnant and the baby is six months old somebody shout hallelujah oh look at verse 27 for with god verse 37 for with god i didn't hear you that's not in your bible for with god what for with god what for with god's word [Applause] [Applause] many times with you and i there are many things we cannot do not with god many times there are many things that god gives what grace to do that flesh cannot do but thank god that with god say i'm with god i didn't hear you because i'm with god all things are possible i'm with god because i'm with god all things are possible shut hallelujah [Applause] for with god nothing is impossible mary had that look at what mary did and mary mary said behold the hand of the lord the handmaiden of the lord be it unto me according to thy word and the injured departed from her and mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with his into a city called judah and entered into the house of zechariah and saluted elizabeth and he came to pass when elizabeth had the salutation of mary the babe lived in her womb and elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost somebody shot hallelujah oh sir may i borrow you for one minute come bring your bible yes come yes sir listen to this and to get breath said to mary i've given you all the message god gave me for you i'm going but look at these words and hear it in your ears god says you mary will give back to his son and the seed from you shall be called the son of the highest but for you to know that what i'm saying is true for you to know i'm a woman leader come here you black dress woman yes yes okay thank you ma'am this is elizabeth you lady come yes please come don't be ashamed this is your father i met you here this is for example mary this is elizabeth i am zachariah you and jacabra and jesus mary your cousin elizabeth who was called baron now her sister baby in her womb she was called barren she was called byron was not now god has taken her reproach away somebody said hallelujah i don't care how many years you currently reproach they say god takes the reproach away somebody say amen but the bible says this bastard mary arose mary had the sense to go to look for elizabeth if god tells you to do the impossible don't look for who have not done it somebody said i hear you that is why it's a secret today come on son steve no come sir come please don't blame me i'm at home if you are looking for a visitor saying for another pastor every time i see your father in oreo and i looked at what aura robert have done and i looked at what your father have been to this place three times without letting your father know i've looked around this whole property but any man that wants to defeat setback must constantly look at his success this is a success story this place is a success story yeah this is not the defeated place this is your piece this is a success story this is a success story where you are now it's a success story but every time i see your dad in torso and i look around the entire properties in orou and look at the property here i look at similar story and look at the similarity of is possible when your dad did this he didn't know how to do it open your but god told him how to do it now that it has been done no fear god is not only author his author and finisher somebody say amen that's one story you keep that within yourself god who provided this place will sustain this place that's my prophecy number one number two mary went to look for elizabeth if you want to be inspired don't look for who has expired elizabeth is a proof that what god is telling you is true she was called byron but she's not pregnant with six months baby when you want your vision to be fulfilled go and look for elizabeth who was called barren who is no more barren if you want your vision to rise go look for elizabeth because the bible said when mary arrived in elizabeth's house the baby her womb lipped up somebody said hallelujah look for someone to lift up your vision look for someone who will make your baby lift not somebody who will cause you abortion not somebody who will cause you miscarriage look for whose vision can challenge your vision look for whose story is a true story everybody say yes elizabeth is a proof that what god is telling you is true elizabeth is a cancellation to barrenness elizabeth is the answer to your question how can this thing be go and see elizabeth elizabeth has a baby in his womb who stands up to say is right if you don't want your vision to die visit elizabeth if you want god to confirm what he is telling you visit elizabeth many of you have friends that are still barren leave them alone go and look for elizabeth many of us have friends that are terrible leave them alone go and look for elizabeth you don't need who will weigh you down you need who will lift you up somebody say hallelujah you don't need someone that is annoyed of what god is doing with you you need someone who will rejoice in your miracle somebody say hallelujah paul if you follow me just a minister before you leave come back come back come back four of you come around me i will let you go come and look at this she speak out with a loud voice and said blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb and when and whence is this to me that the mother of my lord shall come to me for lo as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears the babe lived in my womb for joy [Applause] from now the only visitor you must entertain you know will bring you joy did anybody hear what i'm saying don't go to where your vision will be blount don't visit who will tell you that's not god that's the devil look for who will tell you though i walk to the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil look for who will tell you go he slay me yes shall i follow him can i hear you everybody say hallelujah [Applause] mary thank god you went to elizabeth elizabeth is a reminder that whom god say he is whom he is elizabeth is a reminder that old age does not stop miracle yes elizabeth is a reminder that if god says something to you no matter how long it takes he shall bring it to pass lastly elizabeth is a fulfillment that god can visit man with joy in the midst of sorrow yeah [Applause] stand up god bless you how many of you want to ask god to give you friendly elizabeth today come forward right now how many of you want your vision to become new how many of you want god to give you new direction how many of you want to say god you put me here and satan will not take me away how many of you want to say god here am i use me how many of you want to say god make me an instrument come forward right now this is not just utter call for salvation disorder call for a dedication how many of you know that god is the one that put you in this ministry how many of you know that god is the one that sent you the cabinet home church get up and come and meet me here right now quickly quickly quickly get up get up get up get up get to come closer come closer come closer i want everybody as many as can get up and say i'm going to rededicate myself i'm going to recommit myself to the vision of this place i spent four hours last night praying on what to say to you you know why to whom much is which is respected this is a vision we must not allow to die god bet this place we must be alive to keep it alive how many of you can say amen to that [Applause] we build both city and village churches if they had left me i said god bless you devil would have killed me but they joined with me to say lord what would that have me do are you hearing what i'm saying i'm going to believe god no sickness in your body will follow you home no pain in your body will follow you home and everything that god asks you to do in this ministry you will not be discouraged to go back i want you to get up and say god you sent me to carpenter's home church use me god make me a soul winner god make me an instrument of honor in your hand if that is you come forward right now get up from where you are and join us here thank you thank you from this side come forward this is not dr carsoeta's church this is the church of jesus christ it was just an instrument to do it but this is the work of the lord can i hear you say amen thank you you're right there thank you fine god bless you god bless you thank you god bless you thank you yes hallelujah thank god for your commitment thank god for your commitment hallelujah somebody lift your hand off just lift your hand up oh lift your hand up lift your hand up lift your hands up oh raise your hands say with me lord here am i use me lord jeremiah stay my spirit lift me up again give me joy in your service to follow you all the days of my life i know lord you put me here to work for you to work for you to labor in your vineyard i commit myself i press to you from now to serve you and do whatsoever you call upon me to do in faithfulness in tithes in offering in giving in preaching in ministering use me lord use me lord use me lord i surrender myself to you in jesus name say loud amen [Applause] put your hand down listen to this if you forget everything i have said today don't forget this god is the one that brought you to this church not man not him not steve but god but god put them here to give you direction sometimes sometimes our faith is weak but god whom we are following is not weak sometimes we are discouraged but we are not discouraged because he who is in us is encouraging us i want you to rededicate yourself if every one of you here this morning will win one soul this time next month this church will be doubled god didn't give you this facility so you can stroll in and throw out so you can beg god to give you a miracle then you go out and face obstacles you have to use here as a center of excellence to win soul for the kingdom of god how many will say god here i might use me amen i want you now to put your right hand on your forehead say after me my dear father by your stripes i'm healed from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet i'm healed in body in soul in spirit i'm here now in jesus name amen now put your hand there father i take authority and dominion over every foul attack of the enemy in these bodies from this minute i rebuked the devourer i caused the destroyer i command you from the crown of your head to the soul of your faith be healed in jesus name thank you lord you are our healer and our restorer in jesus name everybody say amen amen i thank you for your commitment to god in service and in the call of his life ministry i pray that today upwards all your friends will be elizabeth who when you go to their home the vision in you will lift up not the person who you tell god just gave me a new car and he said what are you sure you're a christian no you need someone who will stare your vision up somebody who will spoil you to action somebody you say i'm going to evening service who will say i'm going to not the one that we ask you were you not there last week you need a challenger for good and not a destroyer of evil amen amen amen amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] it
Channel: IWO TV Plus
Views: 154,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benson Idahosa, Benson Idahosa Sermons, CGMi, Archbishop Benson Idahosa
Id: OAU-utdVVyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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