The Spirit & The Word - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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for a few years now i've been training myself in two areas of life number one when the power of god is present don't let the devil be in charge did you hear me second i'm training myself to learn that if i'm to practice faith i should stop fake i do not believe i can say to god help me do this this and i said but let me do my best first if i fail then you help me but if not let me do it the reason many christians are in trouble every time is that they don't know the difference between faith and fake they try to say i believe god will do it but i know i can do it better than god i have tried severally to see if i can improve on what god is not able to do i've only succeeded once all the time i try to do it better than god i've succeeded once and that once was when i failed you didn't hear what i said i have tried every time to help god do it better and only once i succeeded and that once i failed so i have now learned to say no i should give god first and second chance before i come in to help him and i found that are you with me today i find that every time i give god opportunity to do something for me it's never done twice did you hear me it's never done twice and i also found dr haverson you can't improve on god say it i can't improve on god i can't do it better than god so what does that mean i'm learning now to say rather than me try to tell god how to do when to do it i should just come to him with humble heart and say god help me help me put your hand on this my life need help me let me give you chance to see how far you can go then if you are not able then i can join you to do it and every time i let him do it like that when i come back he's finished it i have not succeeded yet to give god a backup i try i try when i used to be in charge so many failures but since i learned to say god okay you'll be number one and number two and when you fail send for me you understand what i'm talking you must have got the revelation of what i'm trying to say every time i say god do it first and when you fail send for me when i come back i have nothing to do and that's painful very painful because i like to see that god is helped but he doesn't give me opportunity to help him and i'm sorry for myself why can't he wait when he fails then i help him say god from now i put you first and last now where will you fit in do they understand english say god from now i put you first and last this girl must understand english and now if god is first and last what number are you one i guess i don't know when there was schooling this woman wasn't born yet so now if god is first and last what you're an intelligent man so let's find out let's see it's very intelligent look at him you can just see by the address you can tell it he's failed already no need to ask if he is first and his last what number am i say none you can't be number two the reason many of us failed in our lives and devil is that we put we said god you are in charge then we come around and say don't do all try some then let me do the rest and everything we try to help god do fail so learn on time that life is not god you do some i do some no that's why you can sing have your own way in my life but lord do it for me if you live in africa you are going to say god do it for me because blessed assurance is better than blessed insurance [Applause] are you ready now genesis chapter 1 the first book of the bible if you don't know where it is start from the book of revelation you'll find it two days ago i said somebody opened genesis chapter one and he went straight to corinthians so i said you'll soon be there verse one in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from darkness and god called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning we are the first day now say with me in the beginning god created in the beginning now listen beginning god had beginning of creating in our own god the creator are not created you believe that that's right he's a creator and not created he he created all things and all things were created by him and he was not created yes or no i know you went to school yes or no god is the creator say that after he god was established after he became god and his god and he still god and shall ever be god he in the beginning that is the unsatiable riches of his power you try and try and try for 6 000 years man is making effort to see when he can find out the secret of god they went to the moon they brought sand lesser has spent billions to bring something from there but the greatest they brought is rock nothing they couldn't bring god here they tried to bring him here but they can't and every time they tried they failed but now god has beginning of creating now what i'm here to say today is now that you are already in faith you have an origin it is time for you to use your faith in creativity are you listening to what i'm saying you're already a christian how creative when have you had a foundation of beginning new process of life of creating things there are over 200 million ideas in this single head we are not bringing forth we are not giving back to what is inside us that's why every time the sins are struggling instead of living god in the beginning created heaven and hell when he finished creating heaven and hell that devil spread his hands over what god made now listen you say i don't know why i have so many troubles i don't know why i'm so pushed by the world somebody once said to me why is it that the whole world is crumbling around me i said where is it he said he's just crumbling around me i said show me the crumble he tried and he said my market is bad my home is bad my marriage is bad everything i do there are troubles here and there i don't know what i've done i said you are improving the devil doesn't trouble dead people did you hear what i'm saying i said did you hear what i'm saying devil doesn't trouble dead people once you are pushed here and there there's life in you let me slow down let me slow down the only reason you have trouble in life is because you are a living being as soon as you die you are troubled with that so if you want if you don't want any trouble at all that god finished creation god created everything life and lively but soon you hear the creation was without form and void how can god create dead thing he doesn't but why was it void somebody killed it listening to how god reacted listening to how god handled it the bible said and the spirit of god moved said the spirit moved the first thing to know in your life as becoming the child of god is that you possess a new spirit that handles problems than you god didn't come down with matches with swords with spirits who made whom who turned the word void why is he become chaotic why is he void who did it who's he said no spirit go and find out spirit go and find out spirit go there when the spirit came it began to move say move especially what went wrong what what what what happened what killed this plant who took this flag away what's wrong what's wrong and when the spirit began to move then god said i have been told in many geological places around the world in 102 countries i have heard preachers say god created the heaven and earth from nothing that's a lie of the devil heaven and earth did not come from nothing heaven and head came from god are you hearing me if in the beginning was god and god created heaven and hell heaven and earth was in god say amen if you believe it or not i don't want you to to use american sense to try it if he is the beginning and he created heaven and earth in the beginning heaven and earth was in him in the beginning he brought it out there's a dream in you there's life in you there's miracle in you there's anointing in you there's healing in you there's finances in you they're surprising you yes sense and wonders inside you no matter how big these things in you are until you speak them forth you never see them come forth did you hear what i'm saying light was in god there was in god night was in god farmer meant was in god monastery was in god everything was in god when god now said let there be the bible said and it was so say it was so say it was so say it was so there's so many things inside you you have not allowed to be so did you hear what i'm saying there are millionaires here sitting down now but they are living in penelope they are living in struggle they are living without because they have not said millions come forth did you hear what i'm saying god said listen listen to me god said how can god say comfort if it wasn't there listen to me this will be clear to you ronda come here how many of you know this give a hand all right nearly 30 years ago did you hear me i learned that in america years ago don't tell their age you've been in trouble all right nearly 30 years ago a young man and a young woman met when they met one day they stood before a pastor and he asked would thou have this woman as a lovely wedded wife he said i will would i have this man as a lovely wedded husband he said i will after they said i will this man took this girl home are you hearing what i'm saying did you hear what i'm saying he took her home when all that came for the marriage left he took her in first took her home now took her in after a few months what has been there before creation what has been there before they met nine months after she started bending one day number one render number two christine christie come here come here christie please give them a hand now one two before she had them for him they were always here how did they become ronda and christie when this man as the world met this girl as the spirit when they met together as husband and wife this one came first and god said there's still one more or another and then this one came next see there are so many things inside us because we refuse to let the spirit and the world merge if when this man and this guy met after the wedding in the church the woman went to west coast and he went to east coast as husband and wife and for 30 nearly 30 years they've been living a path there should have been no christie and no wonder are you hearing me even though they were always there this you have been there before they met do you believe that they were always there why couldn't they come out before they met because they never met is that a simple english why we are then not born before they married because they were not married how did they get born after they were married because there was a connection between the connected and collected can you say amen when you take the power in the world and merge it with the spirit answer come forth no matter how spiritual you are if you didn't say to what you conceived come out it will die inside you the power of death the power of creation only materializes when the spirit and the word become comfort it wasn't hard for these two queens these two women to come out of this girl are you hearing my description this queen and this queen were always there the effort that this man or woman made was very simple the connecting wire connected and she gave birth there are so many things inside you you have never bothered to say come forth joy comfort miracle comfort you say i don't know why i'm so sad you are sad because you didn't let joy come out i don't know why i'm so poor you are poor because the wealth in you you didn't say to prosperity come forth when the devil turned the world to a chaotic place the spirit moved but when the spirit moved the devil never left but when god said who is with me said the spirit moved but the world didn't change i don't think this is american message said the spirit move then god said everything you will ever need on earth is already created by god [Applause] but now say now it is time say it's time to call to be those things that be not ask if they will and they shall be so give these queens a big hand how can we avoid voidness in our life how can we eliminate void when we send this spirit to every situation the devil tried to destroy the spirit gets there with hammer the spirit gets there with power the spirit gets there with the sword of the spirit the spirit is already inside you but the spirit cannot do anything until you say to the spirit let there be say let there be let there be how many of you are looking for finances more than what you can spend how many i say how many need more money than what they are making how many need more money than what they are making hold your hand up say ah keep it up the only way you can have more money than what you are making is when you begin to call to be the things that be enough as if they were learn how to live relaxed life zechariah said it's not by might put your hands down it's not by power it is by my spirit how does the spirit bring what is is in the spiritual dr ron for everything we need in the natural is already created by god in the spiritual house is there car is dead wife is dead husband is there but when we come to church we are asking god for peanuts when we need small money for hamburger we say father give me money in the name of jesus i claim it i claim it but when we need a big car we go to the bank when we have fever we go to god i rebuke you headache in jesus name but when we have migraine we go to doctor so god said oh ho you are giving me the small things because i'm smaller than the doctor [Music] [Applause] how to put god first because in the beginning god said god say god i am trying to say to you pastor ron don't try first after you have tried your skill your wisdom the body of trustee the chairman the advisers the counsel then you say okay god help me no read me verse one in the beginning god no no no in the beginning bud it's bad bird of trusty don't you see the bird no i don't see it your bible is not good in the beginning police in the beginning my job in the beginning people in the beginning choir in the beginning tight in the beginning offering in the beginning my brain in the beginning what god said god let's return back to putting god first [Applause] why jesus said whatsoever i hear my father say i do jesus said my father walk and i walk hit her toe are you hearing what i'm saying jesus said my god sent me from above not to do my will but the will of him that sent me say with me i came not to do my will but the will of him that sent me i have recently learned dr ron that there's nothing i can do well that god can do better i pray that this message as it has spoken to me will speak to you i used to bring god in when i'm tired when i have struggled and tried we need piano god where do we oh excuse me all members wait we need piano then we fail sister gamba we have been looking for piano for three years no money help me she said i'm looking for money for grocery and when she failed at the end of it all and then i say let's pray [Music] father we need piano i have now learned before i write to you that's why you have never received one begging letter from me even though i live in africa i refuse to make god number two [Applause] do you do you hear what i'm saying we have run from this verse we have always said in the beginning me in the beginning my job in the beginning my salary people who refused to live by miracle would die sweating [Applause] try not to give god second chance don't sweat and sweat and sweat when you already frustrated confused and your case is not in terminal situation when you're already in coma then they resuscitate you then you say god now you can help me no why you are still alive brilliant smart say god everybody said god in my marriage god said god for my home for my job for what i need when i don't know what to do when i'm tired when i'm weak when i'm rich when i'm poor everybody say go try god try god try god try god try god when things are not moving well try god when you are weak try god when you are in trouble try god don't make god number two make god number one in the beginning god [Applause] in the beginning pastor in the beginning god we are failing so much because we do not remember that in the beginning amen everything you need was created by him so when you need anything today merge the spirit with the word and when the spirit moves let the world call it to be are you hearing what i'm saying healing is in the spirit but it has to be manifested in the natural power is in the spirit it has to be manifested in the natural prosperity is already there i didn't come to america to study prosperity i found that jesus didn't die so that i can prosper he was already i was already prosperous before jesus was born are you hearing me people say when people say when you join faith movement you will prosper it's not you can join anything you will die but if you join jesus you will leave somebody say i will leave in the beginning god i land now rather than call god when i have failed i call him before i start am i making sense to you i say am i making sense to you don't make god your last resort making your first result if you put him first you don't struggle too much don't don't don't say well i try first no pastor this thing hit me god said benson why do why do you try first after you have failed with bruises and injuries after you have accidented yourself before you begin to cry he said you could have done it by smile if you put me first and there are many successes inside you that are not born yet because you have never said success come forth miracle comfort abundant comfort life comfort god asked me one day say how many ministries do you need i name all i said i want a bible college i want hospital i want schools i want tv i want i went to the church after god asked me i told god all i went to the board i said i told god we want this we want this we want this they said to me where will we have the money every time you seek the opinion of your head and the opinion of the people you find no answer because sometimes the person you are telling your problem have more problem than you so i went back to god i said father i have just told them all that i told you tv churches bible college radio newspaper evangelism schools hospital i said i told them and they asked me where would the money come from he said to me where did the vision come from [Applause] if god gives a vision he makes provision [Applause] don't try first then when you fail you say god come in we have turned ourselves to barren people because we are waiting to see if at the end we may need god no start on time i say start on time so many of you are qualified millionaires but you have no money you live in pain because you have never learned to save money come first and many of you are qualified women that have reached the age of having a husband but no man greets you no man have ever said to you i'd like to marry you no woman have said to you i want to marry you because you have never said god i speak my husband to be i speak my wife to be the bible says what things so ever you shall ask the father is that that's that's limitlessness don't wait don't don't fast and pray fast and pray and say god let a man speak to me no if you're in this church and you have spirit filled and you are born again and you are in christ look round look around don't go too far just look around look around and as you find a man you think he will be a good husband and a friend and a brother and a husband if he didn't speak to you speak to him [Music] you think that's offensive it's not it's not to be don't die in struggle die asking god and there is nothing in your life i'm in my life you are going to say god help me do it and he says i wish you came five years ago when i used to be god but now there's recession [Applause] in the beginning god said beginning god let me tell you what i'm after this morning become a christian that put god in the beginning of everything [Music] how many are tired of making god their last result and a one quick result stand up if you are tired of not getting answers but you want god to become all in all come forward come forward i say come forward if you are tired of getting answers late listen to me while you are coming forward i as god's own servant and minister it took me years it took me years dr harrison to discover that many of the things i wouldn't have fumbled at i fumbled at them because i make god last john chapter 2 verse 11 this beginning of miracle did jesus are you hearing me in creation for light to come light was already in existence but god said let there be so i found out that without going to mysticism without going to occult without going to a spiritual world without entering to demon kingdom i can make god my beginning
Channel: Church Of God Mission International
Views: 566,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CGMi, Church Of God Mission Int'l, benson idahosa, archbishop benson idahosa, benson idahosa sermons, The Spirit And The Word
Id: WdywbhBhJXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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