How To Replace A Front Door

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so welcome back everyone so today I'm going to show you how to replace an exterior door this is a door that has bothered me ever since we bought replace five six years ago it was not put in properly it doesn't fit there's about an inch and a half gap on the bottom my poor wife has to roll up towels in the wintertime and bugs and critters can come in and it's a very dated design and every time I look at it it makes me sad so we're going to rip this out today I'll show you how to easily replace the front door or back door or just an exterior door something you can do yourself it's not witchcraft and pretty simple if you follow these steps these are the tools if you hadn't we're going to come in real handy you don't need all this stuff but it makes the job a whole lot easier a reciprocating saw you're going to need a pack of wedges you can get these anywhere a flat bar pry bar of some sort a good level four foot at least and a small nail gun if you don't have a nail gun you can use a screw gun it's not a problem I'm going to use a nail gun makes it easier for setup but that's basically it so the first thing we're going to do is remove this the molding this is called brick molding or it is in this area I know everything is kind of geographically has its own names but the trim boards we'll take those off I don't know how to look at the new door I don't know if there it will have to reuse these or something similar maybe I don't know if it comes with brick molding but check and see you might have to reuse it so don't tear it up too bad one of the essential tools for your home carpentry toolbox is that what we call a wonder bar a flat bar it is it's the first pry bar you're going to want to buy it's useful for everything it's really good for slipping into tight areas and when you can save specially if you're taking trimmer baseboards off you can usually save everything and not have to not not tear it up or break wood flat bar so we can take off the door now you know the order is not super important here you can knock the pins out I'm not going to reuse this I'll just take the screws out here and just leave the hinges on it's one less thing to deal with now if you have an old door that's a wood door that's a solid core meaning it's not hollow solid wood you might want to save it they make really good work benches now take the jamb you're going to see probably they use a nail gun too there may be screws there cruising to take them out also these screws here for the deadbolt you're going to want to take these out because we're going to reuse these so here's what the reciprocating saw comes in handy it's just to go rather than to try to deal pull these nails out we'll just go right down through here both sides and cut them now there should never be nails on the top that's always left unmailed for settling but there will be nails on the side so if you don't have a reciprocating saw you can take a nail set and just punch them through it's typically the best way or even just take a nail until the end of it and you can use like a 16 penny nail and do it but use a bi-metal blade your sauce your reciprocating saws are going to have two main blades one or bi-metal one for cutting wood one for metal metal is going to be the best [Applause] [Music] that should do it this should just push right out so once you remove the jam just get rid of all the nails one quick way to do it don't use your hand you run your hand up and down you're going to cut your hand grab your speed square and just carefully use it as kind of a scraper and that's going to pick up if you're going to feel anything is sticking down is when you start hanging that door anything sticking out nails or remnants of legends they're going to give you trouble I think for a lot of us doors are kind of an intimidating thing maybe you tried not have ropes not had good luck with it if you follow these simple steps here there's nothing to it I'm not going to purge anything and it's something that you can definitely do yourself so if you wanted to upgrade an exterior door especially if you live in an area like we do that is just murder on exterior siding in doors and things I'd recommend fiberglass wood of course is very nice and and expensive but if you like this great paint and deal with cracking and checking and tons and maintenance go ahead and get a wood door but if you like to have a life get yourself a nice fiberglass door steels okay fiber glasses and has a nice nicer feel to it but this is a fiberglass so it's damaged too it's always something isn't it always something okay so it's fiberglass so we can repair that but should have seen that before I picked it up with it anyway so here's the fiberglass one light meaning is one window in it Craftsman style that fits more the style of our home so that's a nice nice door fiberglass doors are heavy especially when they have these big two by six jams on them all goodness the reason I like the fiberglass doors is they're pretty much impervious to weather this is the south side of the home which really takes a beating from the Sun and all of the weather and wood just doesn't hold up in this area so fiberglass is almost impervious to this so this framing on this X portion of the house here was all done with two by six exterior walls in the original door was a 2x4 and so it never fit and had a trim piece it just was hokey and not done right when I ordered this door I ordered the deep jams for the proper size jams that will go the full width and so we can trim them out and it'll be the way it's supposed to be now most your doors are going to have a piece of wood on the bottom just to hold it together for transport make sure you remove that will be put on with staples and pull those staples out sometimes they'll hang in there and they'll give you all sorts of trouble you want that to sit flat the threshold yeah you're easy to put full leaned over for my hat thank you you're easy to please baby you're just a fancy a fancy lady you're just a fancy lady why this tour is heavy so just before you set your door in the aperture there you'll take these these little plastic plugs out of here that are threaded all these are for is just to keep everything in line for transportation you're not going to need these and you won't be able to take them out once you set the door in so you want to take them out now it's good to have two people to do this it's easier I've always done them by myself you can do it but just take your time now now since we've removed those boards on the bottom and these plugs the door is is because it's not really strengthened by those things yet be careful and not go crack it and damage anything but if you just set one corner up usually you can just kind of roll it right into position without too much difficulty so do you know when you take on these projects that nothing is going to go as planned and everything is going to be difficult so because I added carpet and pad the floor or the door no longer opens it won't swing and I can't raise it up it's too tight here so what I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to cut out one of these two by sixes now this is a non bearing wall unfortunately whoever framed this very interestingly put three plates up here if it were easy everyone to do it right okay so now we're going to switch over on our reciprocating saw from our metal blade to a wood blade this is not a with this tool this a little setback like this is not really a not really a big deal so and if we cut it straight we can even reuse the piece on the bottom hopefully we're basically taking that inch and a half off the top and putting it on the bottom to compensate for the carpet and the pad that I added now we can't just do a two by six on here because we have figures to the siding so I took a two by eight and ripped it down so what I'm looking for here is I want to be flush with the inside the framing here flush with the outside of the sheathing not the siding but the sheathing there and once I have that then I'm good and then we can correctly waterproof it now you're going to want to use a screws use tough construction screws on this because if you do nails it it can squeak on you because of all the foot traffic nails are worth loose so now we know our entries are really our wet areas we're going to be coming in here with ski boots on and skis and and wintertime and rain we want to protect this from rot and this what's this stuff called grace I don't know we'll call it threshold rubber this stuff is really amazing it's kind of a gummy rubber Oh am I going to have enough and not oh yes we're going to have not inches left over so that'll work out okay it's kind of a gummy rubber with an adhesive on the back and we'll lay it in here and it's really it's kind of self-healing it's a really a neat stuff and so any water that comes through the threshold will hit this and not going and right out the wood so much and then we'll wrap it down below and we'll put it down in here where it will drain off and pick up the the house wrap now we can take our last piece overlap that a little bit and then we're going to have more than enough we can cut a little bit off of there actually now you see how that works there we got a we've got a curb there it's right up the side it's overlap there we have a good seam it's rolled down so when the water hits here it will come down and outside and not down so much into the house so that's a that's a good good way to go there so I think we're ready so as our a Minnesotan friends and say well let's go ahead and go on and put that there door in its whole way what do you think of that fit only that there's real nice okay all right looks like we got a door it's actually going to clear the carpet now and that nice this is a pretty heavy door though I might have to impress Mrs W into service here they say I get get it shimmed up thank you never has a man been thirsty night now are you filming I should always ask before I do anything huh this is Debbie and I went out to Thai food last night it was so delicious but when I got home I was so thirsty I drank like a half a gallon orange juice all by myself thirsty this morning that tells me they put MSG in it I am super thirsty right thing I can't we can't eat a place to put MSG MSG makes food really greasy and good but it it's really horrible stuff I would go back there bring you canteen I might just eat less okay there's some assumes they're having those gyms so when you're putting your door in you always start with the with the hand side that it's important yeah you're going to need the shims here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to have you coming for the back side to be easier so when I put one in you come in and tell their stud okay okay now I gotta bring a camera because we need to talk about hinges for a minute so miracle upon miracle actually put a level on here this is this is the only plumb wall we've ever had in the house that's bigger than addition okay so now these hinges these hinge screws give me four screws in there now if you had a good door we did come with with a set of long screws this is not one of those so what you can do is we want to take out one of those screws in your hinges and you want to get your your big framing screws your 3-inch screws and we're going to one of the one of the in one of these we're going to drill that through there and go into the framing that's going to make this door nice and strong and we'll just leave that screw in there's a different color you could paint over it if you care about that type of thing but sometimes doors if you request them they'll come with a long one okay so I've got multiple bits going on here of course nobody can get get standardized okay so we've got shims top and bottom and I'm going to take and just check this for plumb that we're close we can that's perfect right there we can alter it a little bit and I'd like to finish nailer because I I can put them in and and if I change my mind I need to change up that's really easy to fix Oh Mrs W want you to flush the top exactly with the drywall what okay you like it double-check it all right so now we got a pin there so we've got one nail in it so we'll just double check here and see what do we need to do so we're a little bit Canton so we're going to take a little less Jim all right now we're going to nail it up screw trip just do one I'd like to get the whole thing all kind of sit in there the whole thing fit in there before I get too crazy with all the nail e I just make sure that it's square and closing properly so before we check the other side we'll make sure that we're level across here which we are looks really good all right heavy shim - and now we can shim this top side here your rough opening on your hole should not be it should be almost a couple inches bigger than your door inch and a half or so give your room lots of room to play with you try to framing you'll never be square you try to put a square door in into a purpose up a hole that's tight it is not going to happen okay now the only thing we have left is this corner this corners we still have some adjustment in there and that's going to we're going to use the door to it to make sure that that's set right okay so for the last corner what we're looking for is making sure that we call a reveal meaning that everything around here we have the same gap and the door is coming in contact with the jamb here and there at the same time if the door is crooked if the jam is crooked like this and the door closes it'll close and it will touch the top and at the bottom and when you push it be spongy you can feel it it is not making contact at the same time so we've waited for this corner here we've got this fixed so right when we come into contact here right with that weather stripping this is going to kind of determine where this goes and we'll we'll push this in until that comes into contact good okay so grab a shim and let's put it right in the bottom and the shims will make up the gap but also they'll hold pressure hold the door into place now we can check to see are we flush with the dry well sometimes your house is crooked you have to compromise and get kind of meet in the middle somewhere but this looks pretty square we're coming in contact there and we want to make sure this is important because when the door closes that we have a weather or weather stripping is pushing tight and it's sealed that looks really good right there so we can go ahead and stick a nail in here and you put your nail right through your shims hold them in place now we can add the rest of our shims so if your openings really big you may need to double up double up your shims like on here it's a little bit crooked on the side there's no problem there so if you just by yourself take two like that put them in you let your shims of course to go like this put two in there like that and you don't want put shim right behind your hinge and then we can go in there with one or two I'm going to take two this whole house all right don't go too tight as you can now that we know we're pretty much where you want to go you can push it out and have a bow right there but get them closed and then what I'll do is I'll stick a nail in there to hold everything now we've got shims on all three hinges we've got shims in three places here I'm going to go ahead and add two more in between that so we'll do shims here I like to just because it just takes away some of that little some of that wiggle right there and then we can run in our big screws now nail the rest here wedge is in the only thing left to do now is to put your hardware on your deadbolt in your handle to swap that over from your old one we'll do our trim inside and outside pick coffee and paint and we have a we have a brand new door with good weather stripping
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 551,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do it yourself, door, home improvement, home repair, how to, repair, installation, how to replace an interior door, replacing an interior door, replace, door replacement, how-to, hanging a door, construction, interior door, diy, replace door, doors, this old house, exterior door
Id: hHjrXJb_dS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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