"Don't fart!" John Krasinski and Emily Blunt on what A Quiet Place *could* have been.

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[Music] do you have to speak like that oh yeah yeah you have to say welcome to BBC one hello and welcome to BBC Radio one no my first night in the war can you get news just in there's a film called Oh quite place and it's out now what other titles did you consider for a quiet place don't fart right you knew that's where you wanted me to go written down right next Emily yes what if you didn't call this film a quiet place what would you've called what would I call it Silas silent anxiety attack something like that that's actually really good I think we should retitle this think you imagine how that's gonna look it'll work it's what he gets the punters in yeah it does yeah I'm looking at my suggestions here than no one there was good tell me Shh oh it sounds a bit seductive though the way you'd be is what maybe is the way you did it could we convey that on the poster yeah like with you winking yeah Shh what done shut up shut up but we're two DS so shut up shut up perfect shut up oooh that's aggressive it is a bit but you know who loves it who kids under 14 you shut up oh my god it's a movement for tickets - shut up um zip it for Austin Powers fans okay our exhibit you can't exhibit STFU which is kind of unpicked by a poster you guys he fu STFU we mustn't say it very rude BBC BBC keep it fresh and my final one which actually saw a poster and ruined this joke st fo mmm-hmm but it's supposed to be STFU right yes so if I've miss said it out loud so it's written down that this is BBC I know I thought it could be better than this come on would be right now your bosses are going at this is he doing please fight him what's happened my question to you is how hot is it not to crack up on this film because Jimmy crack up let go crazy what because there was that both I imagine actually yeah first question not to break and laugh second question to break your mind my mind was broken mm-hmm um we did laugh a lot between takes but actually during it we were pretty much in the pocket y'all really were I gotta say there was only one scene I'm the only reason why we took it very seriously when we were shooting I think because certainly my wife is wildly professional in that she is able to snap out of it immediately yeah the scene in the poster where she's in the bathtub we did one take yep very intense [Music] couldn't believe it happened felt almost bad for putting her through it then I call cut and she goes do they have chicken for lunch what is it and that's a true story I'm not kidding so we were always bringing levity to the set and which really helped the movie he loved it he loved it the number of stories I hear about being on set and people are just thinking about lunch oh yeah yeah well that's all we're getting to right that's all we're trying to get to you wake up who cares if the movies good do they have fajitas that's the question you might sell this film better if you change the name to free food yeah free food ooh now we're now are there a whole circle we got it are you a bath person or a shower person well after this film a shower person I just cannot imagine you getting in a bath and not thinking I kind of want to do for bath tubs what Steven Spielberg did for water swimming in general [Music] it's a good mission to have yeah thank you succeeded it's good I will encourage everyone I know to watch it and then we'll make that okay great is it unusual for you obviously you've been an actor for many years but does it ever become normal to be acting off nothing because you obviously have an alien in the room and you have to be like well I don't know if you know this but John was very often put in a mocap suit with his enormous beard hanging out at the skullcap and he would be the alien for us is this so thrilling for you to hear and you're telling me you never laughed no because that gun was really heavy often I didn't want have to do it again it was partly that but I would laugh if I was watching it behind the monitors because it was quite funny saying you know we were doing shots of like and he'd also be holding the monitor so it would be on his back on the kids or on me and he would be holding them on to see where his body was in the frame like multitasking and then it would start on his foot and then go up his foot and often he'd be wearing just like his vans just fan sneakers with the mocap suit then up to a full bed side view of him roaring you know I think this is really until they are proper Nike high-tops proper because he got to be comfortable no you have to yeah look at me it would have been better if he was in Crocs that would have been pure gold I was thinking about that what are the shoes to wear in the apocalypse of a quiet place I think the croc could be good but aren't they a bit squeaky I think a bit sloppy slappy oh how did how did she die oh no they were slapping about just sound yeah you know what so I'm one of the many people who have seen the film lucky me yes I love it oh good so I'm gonna do this thing which I look through every so often which is Emily Blunt could you tell me why this film is so brilliant this film is so brilliant for many reasons it is the most suspenseful intense and emotional experience that I've seen people having in a while that's good that's good particularly if you renamed it what was it again violent anxiety attack the silent anxiety attack I feel like if this was released and like in between the walls as a silent film in you about watch silent anxiety attacks silent anxiety attack fresh from the front I love this film thank you and I was wondering as silly as it sounds could you just talk about how great it is can I talk about a greater this yeah that's such a good idea and I really would love to do it if my Catholicism wasn't overriding my brain right now and said if you say one nice thing about this you will not sleep tonight um no I will say here's what I love about the film and I mean this truthfully there is an element to how nice everybody has been about this film that is very hard to process for me and it's a fundamental thing that I realized which is when you're in high school and you think something's cool let's say you put on a t-shirt that you think is cool and you're going into the school there's that moment where you're like it's pretty great right and then as the door opens you're like what if no one else thinks so and so the fact that we're going into the proverbial gym uh-huh and people are like I also love your t-shirt it feels like that to me I know what you mean you do I do your wedding the bra iced t-shirt and you go uh-huh and then the door opens and everybody goes that was last year's you know you've made a huge mistake okay thank you so much that was one of my favorite interviews ever thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you could listen to my radio on movies and TV podcasts screen time on BBC sounds and you can find 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Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 832,895
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Keywords: a quiet place, a quiet place part 2, ali plumb, radio 1, radio one, movies, john krasinski, john kransinski, emily blunt, jon krasinski, the office, jaws, alien, austin powers, director, horror, ali plumb interview, movies that made me, becoming, bath scene, a quiet place part II, some good news, somegoodnews, emily blunt husband, john krasinski wife, bright eyes, conor oberst, Movies With Ali Plumb, Radio 1 Movies, BBC, Screen Time, Ali Plumb Interview, Movies That Made Me
Id: kYfutx4EWvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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