"I’m quite twisted!" Furiosa's Anya Taylor-Joy on being buried alive and Chris Hemsworth's tongue

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[Music] so mhm let's get right to it yes I hate to say it though it's right there you're furiosa oh how the heck did that happen I don't know I'm furiosa the darkest of angels wait are you asking me this are you like how did that happen how did that happen um of all the people of all the people of all the talented actresses working today uhhuh you dared give 9 months of your life in a desert mhm and by the way I just discovered George Miller told me that he can't tell his left from his right what I've often say right when I mean left and vice versa so can you imagine what happens in stunts so he was directing it with you guys what what do you mean and he couldn't always work out whether he meant his left well do you mean because you've got like camera left and this and that and uh I mean look we knew what we were doing and when you're driving a truck you know not into people you know what I mean so it's like if it's left or right I kind of don't care as long as I'm not hitting anybody um rule for life exactly and you haven't even passed your test and I haven't no I've apparently got a wasteland license though I do have to say like in terms of I I come from a racing family my dad was a parit racer like I've always enjoyed it but I now love it when the first thing that you learn how to do in a car is a juy lift 180 like I now really like cars it's going to be really boring your test when you do do it I know really boring I know but also the motor way and the free way in like who who knows maybe these skills will come in handy I think it's you and Max for stappen who can have a conversation because he got his super license before he got his license what and that's like you you've got your Wasteland license thanks bud pretty cool I'll I'll take that company yeah you should you've given interviews though about this movie that have made me want to ask this question are you okay um you know it was a really it was a really intense relationship to have with a character and it was a very intense Universe to be a part of and I kind of knew immediately when I first read the script that it was going to be one of those situations where I was just going to feel it and there was nothing that I could do about it and that like in the slightly crazy way that I think you kind of have to be in this job or at least I have to be in this job I was quite excited about it at the same time because you're like ah this is going to hurt okay bring it bring it but I feel a lot more relieved now after can because it did feel like I just was like you know these films are our babies and you don't know if they're going to be it feels like you kind of throw them out a window and you hope someone's going to catch it and so hopefully people will catch this and then I can be a bit more chill about it to be honest Ally let me just tell you Ana you can be as chill as you want please thank you that's the ultimate compliment you can be as chill as you want although George again was saying that two weeks into the shoot you were literally thrown out of a window yeah and he said to you you're no longer Ana you are furiosa and I bet you felt it as your shoulders hit the sand Light Me Up come on there's another shot in this movie where you have to crawl out of your own grave yeah one of one of my favorite moments ever is so I I was in Australia for the whole six and a half months and I was working you know six days a week anytime I wasn't on main unit I was on second unit mostly shooting stow away like it was it was just a gargantuan effort and I really wanted to do it my agent came to visit and she showed up and she was like wait where is Ana and they're like she's in the dirt like what what do you mean they're like you see where all those rocks are like piled up on top of she's buried in there and she's like okay cool you good I was like yeah I'm great I mean it's the most comfortable part of rocks I've ever been buried in exactly exactly so here we are so here we are you've got about I believe is it 30 or 40 lines like direct lines of dialogue here do you have a favorite I've seen in the can press conference you really like I've had a hard day or yeah that's uh petorian Jack's line but I just find it specifically because it's after the sequence that we shot for 78 days and his reaction to it is it's been a hard day or it's either hard or long it's one of the two and you're just like understatement of the century but I also I really enjoy purposeful savagery you have about you a purposeful sa savagery I like connect with that mhm yeah and remember me obviously and remember me is also pretty great remember me you just have to be careful not to sing the song from Coco oh my God I never thought about that that's a crossover that movie messed me up so badly big tears right so badly I wasn't expecting it at all remember me though I have to travel far remember me I think in the onew punch of Pixar instant tear Jer is it's up and Coco oh yeah but up gets you like immediately and then Coco's kind of like a slow build and then you're just distra well George is just used to making people cry like if you actually ball down like his he that's what he wants to do that's what he wants you to do he wants to get deep into your soul and just twist it whether it's babe or Happy Feet you know to be fair though one of my favorite moments on this is I think because I was raised in a horror movie environment I'm quite like Twisted when it comes to like different things that like one can do to the other and like my favorite moments were George being like Anna where did this idea come from and I was like how can you say that to me he's like that was very violent Anna and I'm like George bro listen if you outwear George Miller you're a bit like is there something wrong with me no that's a great dayk that's an absolutely great day thank you do you remember any of his Direction in particular where you just got a line from him that felt very like okay well only on a Mad Max film you know it was something that I was never intimidated by the lack of dialogue the only thing that I was intimidated by was when I first showed up to Australia George had a very spe specific idea of how he wanted me to hold my face for a large portion of the movie so you have to act with your eyeballs only eyeballs for like a large portion of it and that can feel really scary when you're used to having everything at your disposal but I feel like he was so steady and rigid on it that I was like I have to trust you like this is the number one piece of advice that anybody ever says from a Mad Max movie is trust George so I'm like okay here's some eyeball acting and I I hope you're picking up what I'm putting down and I think he did yeah I think he did um do you have any momentos that you were given I'm hoping there was some sort of I mean maybe not the robot arm but something I have it the whole arm yeah the whole arm charie Starin tells a story of being given some of her robot fingers and she thought they were something else he designed one of the fingers for me but it is in this box and when he gave it to me it looked like it was a vibrator and I was like wow I did not know we were this friendly that's a very personal GI personal gift and I thank you for it oh it's got it well actually so on this subject so I have my arm but I also there's one there's one choice in the movie that I really wanted that didn't make it in but I wanted it so badly that the prop depart they shot George was kind to me he shot it it's not in the movie but the prop Department gave it to me to take home and that is uh Chris's tongue I've got Chris's prosthetic tongue in a in a [Laughter] box that was one of the ones where George was like Anna and I was like it she silenced him you know what I've asked that question many times over that is easily the most shocking answer I'm so sorry what have you got to be sorry about I am speechless I I thought it'd be cool I don't know I just love that they shot it they shot it they shot it for me that was very sweet just extraordinary mhm I remember your face and your memory Speaking of Chris though there should have been must have been moments even when it's so hot and so tiring and you've ped your heart and soul into this character which isn't a barrel of laughs where you must have cracked up oh yeah because Chris gives it both barrels both shotguns MH did you have to just say could you do that again for me Chris cuz no I think the the moments that I most remember and and Love Actually is like thank God we like each other as much as we do like genuinely because we were you know we were together at the beginning we realized that we loved each other then we were like kind of separated for a long time and then when we get put back together we're just trying to murder each [Music] other like with everything in us so thank goodness we care about the other one you fabulous thing yeah my memory is of us that confrontation scene you crawled out of a piess grave deeper than hell only one thing's going to do that for you not hope height we had discussed it for months and it was really important to me that it was a physical confrontation no Sham in height it's one of the great forces of nature and Chris really backed me up on that and was like I you know agree I think that this is how we should do it which is very sweet because you know he's basically saying like I will let you beat me up and I'm like thank you um cheers thank you that wasn't hope that was Instinct but yeah I just remember the moments of like you know they yell and it we just immediately are you okay do you need water how can I help you like that makes me feel good it's an intense three days I bet I have to wrap and I hate to do this but I want to hear just briefly some words of positivity towards Haley Ray oh Haley Wright right right Haley Wright yes but Haley Ray I'm sure is lovely it's Haley is we met on this movie we were instantly just sisters we have spent so much time together she is extraordinary the level of commitment kindness genuine patience where she's just you know everything that she's doing she's teaching me how like the whole point is like for it to become exactly one exactly um and I just feel so lucky not only to be able to witness her like Glory but also just to have her as my best friend I think she's incredible stun people witness them hardcore by my deds I honor him V8 hardcore that's how hardcore it felt like you just laid an egg it did a bit and I kind of did both metally a Bor that's how I end my interviews um ana well done thank you be proud thank you my love you're great thanks Angel thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio one movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BCI player by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 115,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, RADIO 1, anya taylor joy, anya taylor-joy, ali plumb, mad max, furiosa, fury road, a mad max saga, anya taylor-joy interview, ali plumb interview, george miller, chris hemsworth, charlize theron, radio one, iplayer, becoming, movies that made me, story so far, movies with ali plumb, Imperator Furiosa, tom hardy
Id: rVgOZh9XoOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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