Stewardship of Finances (10th March, 2021)

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just as long as you want [Music] reach for the stars [Music] [Music] heart matthew 25 and verse 29 i'm going to read it it says for to everyone who has more will be given and he will have abundance but from him who does not have even what he has will be taken away for to everyone who has more will be given and he will have abundance but from him who does not have even what he has will be taken away marty 25 29 we're discussing stewardship of finances stewardship of finances or the stewardship of money i love this particular story makes me smile every time i remember it of the man who just accepted jesus into his life became a christian and went for water baptism when it was his stone to be baptized he stepped into the water walked toward the pastor and remembered something so he taunt the pastor said stop there it is either i baptize you and your money or i don't baptize you at all in this place today because the man remembered his purse was in his pocket so he wanted to remove the post and to give his friend my pastor says stop because some people are born again but their money is not they have given their life to jesus but they don't want to give their money so when you talk about money in church they're not happy back to the subject the secret of increase or reduction in the volume of money that we handle is in stewardship some people experience increase the last 20 30 years of my life i've experienced increase in the volume of money that god has given me to manage both as an individual and as a leader and a manager of resources some people for some people it's not that they've not seen money before but they've gone down on the decrease and sometimes not all the time but sometimes the problem has to do with stewardship in matthew 25 we have the parable of talent the master gave someone five talents give another one two give somebody one and the bible says that he gave each of them according to their ability when he came back the guy with five talents said i've made five more the one with two said i've made two more he responded the same way matthew 25 21 says his lord said to him well done good and faithful servant you were faithful over a few things i will make you ruler over many things so he went from few to many he said enter into the joy of your lord money is always being redistributed always being redistributed when you look at verse 29 that we started from it says for to everyone that has more will be given money is always being redistributed by god take the talent from him he said the one man with one talent he said take it from him and give it to the man that has 10 then he said for to him that has more will be given from him that has not even what he has the little bit that he's supposed to have it will be taken away from him redistribution is always taking place and in god's economy the first can become the last and the last can become the first the city is filled the country is filled with ex-millionaires and there are loads of new millionaires it's redistribution that is taking place and it happens on the basis of stewardship many financial problems i didn't say all but many financial problems are rooted in stewardship issues christ selling a lot about money so if we want to learn how to be good stewards of money we have a lot to learn from the lord in fact jesus spoke more about money than any other subject it's hypocritical people that refuse to see that and there's a reason why see jesus spoke more about money because some people say why is it that you these pastors talk about money money all the time talk about heaven talk about hell where jesus spoke about he spoke more about money than he spoke about heaven and hell combined why i believe the secret is in luke 16 11. he said therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammal he was talking about money who will commit to your trust the true riches the implication money in god's economy is the best taste of a man's character money is the best taste of character if you fail on the morning issue you will likely feel it elsewhere if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous moment he said who will commit to your trust the true riches so the beautiful thing that you see there is the realization that in god's economy riches are committed to our trust riches are committed to our trust but it's on the basis of our faithfulness so a few lessons on the stewardship of money number one god owns everything resolve that in your heart everything belongs to god i know it's very easy for us to lay claim on the money my money give me my money where is my money what are you doing with my money ultimately the man that carried it too far jesus shared his story in luke chapter 12. the man that planted in one year his ground or his farm brought forth crops in abundance he said i don't even know what i'm going to do i'm going to pull down my bands i'm going to build bigger ones he said then i will say to my soul relax eat and be merry jesus said god spoke from heaven and said you're a fool so tonight the soul that you are claiming is yours we need it in heaven so you can have the rest okay take everything else god said so all those things that you stored up whose will they be the money is not yours it's just committed to your trust so god owns everything he only commits financial resources to our trust but i want to say here today that if you do your part play the money game god's way god will not fail you he will do his part let me draw on the story of a man in the bible who could stand clearly and say i was faithful his name jacob genesis 31 verses 38 to 42 genesis 31 verses 40 38-42 jacob had been with his uncle laban serving in his house then one day god told him move he left so his uncle ran after him it was when they met that jacob said this genesis 31 from verse 38 these 20 years i have been with you your ears and your female goats have not miscarried their young and i have not eaten the rams of your flock that which was torn by beasts i did not bring to you i bore the loss of it you required it from my hand whether stolen by day or stolen by night there i was in the day the drought consumed me and the frost by night and my sleep departed from my eyes thoughts i have been in your house 20 years i served you 14 years for your two daughters and six years for your flock and you have changed my wages ten times unless the god of my father the god of abraham and the fear of isaac had been with me surely now you would have sent me empty-handed you would have sent me away empty-handed he said god has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands and rebuked you last night i want to assure someone if you do your part do it god's way you don't steal you don't scheme you don't cheat god will take care of you no devil will be able to improvise you this guy had one of the most difficult employers anybody could have you know the story there's somewhere along the line the guy said i've served you enough i want to go the man said don't go i can see it's because of you god is blessing me name your wages then the man labor said okay this will be your widgets all the animals that are spotted speckled ring strict will be yours and he knew those were the skinny ones hungry looking and they were few in number the bible says that he separated them from the fat looking ones the fresh looking ones he he separated them by three days journey so that they would not make by mistake with the fat looking ones he wanted to keep jacob in poverty he wanted to keep him in slavery but when you read genesis chapter 30 and 31 you will see it jacob said i had a dream in the night i saw spotted and speckled animals mating with the fresh-looking plain colored ones in my dream he said an angel the angel of the lord spoke to me and said jacob i am the god of bethel where you made a vow to me what was the vow jacob made if you bless me i will give you a tight of everything that you give me she said the angel of god said lift up your eyes and look there are spotted and speckled animals that are meeting with the plain colored ones i will bless you so while jacob was plotting to make jacob while laban was plotting to make jacob poor god imported spotted animals from the realm of the spirit to meet with the plane called once when plane colored cows gave back to children they were spotted against the laws of nature you cannot impoverish the man that god has decided to prosper there are loads of young people destroying their destinies right now especially in our own environment giving the environment as an excuse oh you don't understand ah you don't understand to prosper in this country you have to do this there are people cutting deals padding invoices cheating their employers and they don't know they're cheating themselves what you don't realize is you may have a boss in the physical that's not the ultimate boss the fulfillment of your destiny does not depend on your physical boss there's another boss is the ultimate boss when he prospers you know devil can keep you down did i hear you say amen jacob said 10 times you changed my salary he said accept that if god had not been with me except that god was with me the god of abraham and the fear of isaac said you will have sent me away empty-handed but you cannot he said my god appeared to you in the dream last night he rebuked you on my sake i'm saying here in jesus name any devil that wants to hold anything that belongs to you god will rebuke them on your behalf some people will lose their seats for your sake if they want to stop you and god has started to prosper and bless you they are wasting their time you do your part god will do his own do your part god will do so work the principles work the principles i had an interesting experience with god many years ago you know it was about the time that this church was starting and there was a lot of money in the spirit realm in the physical we're trusting god so i want to preach somewhere i want to preach somewhere i preached at the end you know the first day they said god bless you they gave me juice i drank it i went home i went the second day i preached now my job was done and then they said well thank you they gave me more juice said god bless you and sent me home like that not i said wow amazing i thought you were supposed to give honorarium to someone who spoke what's going on so the next day at home i was praying and i reported them to god i said i said lord they didn't give me anything he said yes so i said no no no the bible says do not muzzle the ox that threads the corn and the laborer is worthy of his wages that's what the bible says the holy spirit says yes true and who did i say there was supposed to pray the laborer i said oh i didn't think about that wait the laborer is worthy of his wages i said well the person that employed him he said good so why are you looking at fellow laborers to pay you i employed you he said when i ask you to go somewhere to preach go there do the preaching i will choose how to bless you some they may bless you they may not bless you just do the job he said i will pay you nothing more liberating than that god said he will pay me he has been paying me my brother ah his own pace better i'm just simply saying walk this thing god's way walk god's system work god's principles god owns everything he is the one that commits them to our trust so that's the worship lesson number one jacob demonstrated first class stewardship if you cannot trust god it is inevitable you will go into scheming and ultimately you will box yourself into a corner luke 16 verses 1 and 2. luke 16 verses 1 and 2 jesus speaking he also said to his disciples there was a certain rich man who had a steward and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods so he called and said to him what is this i hear about you give an account of your stewardship for you can no longer be a steward your stewardship can be terminated bear that in mind god contaminate the person still worship i pray in the name of jesus that your still worship will not be terminated there are people who had money before who don't have any more things can change at short notice for that matter next i want us to pick some stewardship lessons from first timothy chapter six first timothy chapter six from verse six i'll pick the verses as we go downwards so let me read first verses six to eight of first timothy six it is now godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out and having food and clothing with these we shall be content learn contentment very important lesson number one if you will ever manage money well god's way you have to be someone that has discovered the secret of being content someone that is not desperate for money learn contentment how do you gain contempt he said having them food and raiment define what your basic needs are some people have not made the difference between needs and wants between their basic needs and things that are luxury once your basic needs are met you are fine and the basic needs food drink clothes shelter define your basic needs anything beyond that is extra give god thanks for them when they are there use them when they are not there stay fine i hear christians quote philippians 4 13 a lot i can do all things through christ who strengthens me don't pick only verse 13 out read the previous verse because paul the apostle said i have learned both how to abound and how to obey i've learned how to have surplus and how to have nothing he said i'm okay either way i can do all things that's the one he's talking about not just anything your basic need is food rice is rice it's just that you can eat rice at a side canteen or restaurant you can also eat rice in a five-star hotel the prices are different am i right but rice is rise the basic need that you are trying to meet is hunger everything else is packaged [Applause] so when you can afford the five-star hotel use it now excuse me don't say jesus you see pastor sam is making sense what is it what is it is [Music] yes ac is good don't don't give yourself excuse for poverty i don't like such arguments when you can afford it use it enjoy it what i'm just saying is if you've been used to enjoying it and it just so happens that maybe the income goes down you can't afford it don't build your estimate don't begin to move around like a and be mourning like a disaster happened to your life the challenge with that is people will be thinking what will people say what will people they see me eating in some places people say he'd see me eating what i was not eating before or they see me driving a car i was not right what would people say what would people not say leave your size part-time use the resources that you have part-time you don't owe them anything they were not there when your destiny was designed you don't owe them anything don't in the bid to impress them destroy yourself because there are loads of people like that they've crushed big time because they're trying to sustain that facade and to impress people if you are smart you know when you buy a mercedes car god gives you the grace to buy mercedes car you are not buying it for transportation you don't buy mercedes for transportation you buy it for prestige for ego if you is only transportation buy toyota buy care bye bye here picanto it will move you from here to there yeah if they employ you at the mercedes dealership to buy to sell mercedes you better understand when people walk into the room that it is not transportation they are looking for it's a steam it's ego so you supply the things that make them feel good they have the money they can afford it they won't mind but when you cannot afford to sustain the mercedes anymore sell it adjust comfortably because another cycle will come then you will buy the new model instead of dying with the old model if you will ever manage resources god's way you must learn contentment and when it comes to your basic needs god says he will take care of them matthew 6 from verse 25 don't worry about your life what you will eat what you will drink what you will put on says your heavenly father knows that you need those things and in verse 33 he says paul he says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness all these things will be added to you when you live this way you deliver yourself from desperation and from stress when your own needs have been taken care of please be part of the building of systems that ensure that people's basic needs are met the structure of church new testament church that i read in acts chapter 2 those people made sure nobody went to bed hungry in the church basic needs had to be met people even sold their lands and sold their houses that's our philosophy in our church nobody should go to bed hungry in our church if you have a church where people are going to bed hungry it's an irresponsible church it's not new testament then you will find out that countries that really prosper and advance they usually have systems that ensure that nobody goes to bed hungry at least food they will give people be part of the building of such systems next prioritize god over money prioritize god give god priority over money you cannot serve god and mammon luke 16 13 don't let money control your thoughts control your values control your decision making give god priority in your thinking over money next i take this from first timothy 6 verses 9 and 10 verses 9 and 10 but those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and they snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil for which some have strayed from their faith in their greediness they have strayed from the faith in their goodness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows what's the point here manage your appetite for money the way we have appetite for food appetite for drink appetite for this appetite for that that's why we have appetite for money in our country i realize we have very large appetites for money because we tie our esteem to it temper your appetite for money because paul the apostle says there is a spirit that follows it it's the spirit of greed template kill your greed before greed kills you money when you pray for money you better realize what you are praying for it comes with new opportunities to do crazy things like i say there are sins you have not committed not because you are holy but because you cannot afford them have you noticed if your income doubles the next time you visit the shop it's amazing how clothes and shoes things that you could not afford before will be speaking to you it's not that they didn't speak to you before you didn't hear them now they will be talking to you buy me buy me you come you can't buy me before buy me now you can afford me now buy me you need to prove something you need to prove that your status has changed and you need to shame the devil you need to shame poverty by me [Applause] you too you'll be buying until the money finishes because you're trying to prove something to yourself or to the devil temptations come with you will be amazed the idea satan will give you once you develop the capacity to afford temptations you did not think of before things that you did not think of before crazy things if you don't kill greed before money comes it won't solve your problem it will amplify it manage your appetite for money next obey god in the use of money obey god in the use of loads of things that the bible identifies that god sanctions for us to do with money but he says we should honor him first he wants us to pay our tithes he wants us to give our offense he wants us to invest in his kingdom to keep his work going you read hey guy chapter one he says you guys you notice you go you farm you bring them home and there is nothing he said i've been blowing it away he said you are building paneled houses for yourself you left my own house in ruins that's why when you go out and gather you come home it comes to nothing god wants us to put him first next god wants us to take care of our families you read first timothy chapter five he says if you have a widow in your family and there are people there that can sustain the we don't let them sustain the widow don't let the widow become the responsibility of the church but if there's a widow that nobody can take care of then let the church take care of them and then that famous verse in first timothy 5 8 anyone that does not take care of his own household has denied the fate and he's worse than an infidel that was that women used to beat their christian husbands on the head but the general principle there is as a responsible christian take care of your family another one pay your workers if you're an employer pay them james chapter 5 verse 4 says that the cry of the wages of the workers that mowed your field which you refused to pay as entered into the heirs of the lord of sabbath the lord of sabbath is the lord of hosts that's the fighting part of god you somebody worked for you you didn't pay the person says if they cry god will hear the money you are keeping will cry they can block your provision from heaven if you can't afford to pay someone don't hire the person what else god wants us to take care of our parents say hold on your father and your mother take care of your parents give to those in need around you god expects that god expects us to pay our taxes romans 13 pay tax and this one is also important leave a legacy proverbs 13 22 a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children not just his children children's children you live good character and you leave money and material resources very important leave them a good name leave a legacy think beyond now think of tomorrow in the allocation of your financial resources my time is up first timothy 6 17-19 first timothy 6 17-19 if you want to kill greed this is my recommendation command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty not to trust in uncertain riches but in the living god who gives us richly all things to enjoy let them do good that's how to kill greed do good that they be rich in good works ready to do what to give willing to share storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life you kill greed through giving you send the message to satan and to money you won't be my god you cannot be my source and i'm not going to serve you i'm only going to use you to fulfill god's purposes satan said to jesus the bible says he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in the moment and all the glory the beauty thereof and said to him all these i will give you if you will do what bow down and satan wants to take your worship in exchange for wealth what did jesus say satan i can't take the fake when that is original it is written you shall worship the lord your god only him you shall serve when you give the money away you are expressing absolute trust in god money and the spirit behind it mammon here's the message claire money cannot be my source giving is the key and when you look in the bible you see various dimensions of giving we won't go into the details today i close on this note i find out there are many people in town today that are concerned about what the church does with its money really really concerned on god's behalf very concerned i understand their perspective because there are dishonest leaders in church and it is not new they've always been you've always had dishonest and greedy religious leaders example luke 16 verse 14 says now the pharisees who were lovers of money also had all these things and they derided him those were the religious leaders in the day of jesus and the bible says they were lovers of money jesus used to take them on he took on their doctrines they used to get deep revelations each of them had to do with money and how to squeeze more out of people's pockets example jesus took them up one day he said you people tell people that whatever it is you are supposed to give to your parents if you name it koban which means a gift to god they said it is acceptable chief hold on your father and your mother take care of your parents said if you bring it instead to church we will sanctify it it is okay for you not to take over your prayer as long as it is church you bring the money to that's a thief with a deep revelation so we understand the concept but everybody is not a thief so our encouragement is don't cry more than they believed if anybody is messing up god's resources he has a way of terminating their stewardship have you noticed is not every child that was in town 20 years ago that is still here he has he loves his sheep he has a way of taking them elsewhere leave him let him take care of his sheep don't work on the assumption that those of us that give in the church are foolish people your problem is you are looking at the pastor we he's not pastor we came to worship we came to worship god we have a covenant with him when we give it to him we're giving our resources and he's the one that guarantees our promotion did i hear amen to that and today in the name of jesus i declare over everyone here that subscribes to do this morning thing god's way i prophesy by the spirit of the living god poverty can never catch up with you again in mark chapter 10 from verse 29 jesus said i shortly i say to you there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the gospels who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecution and in the age to come eternal life he said but many that are first will be last and the last will be first i announced the arrival of new millionaires i announced the arrival of new billionaires as god redistributes resources in this country i declare in jesus name the resources are coming in your direction i am announcing today everyone who has been misusing resources in this country their time has expired [Applause] listen this country has more money than what is in circulation now god will not release the real wealth of this country while thieves are managing the resources there is more coming this country was designed to be a developed country so there's change coming but i'm prophesying it is coming in your favor if you sign up to do it god's way i am declaring as it was for jacob so it is for you no system built by man fwelled by the devil will ever be able to imperfect you joseph came into egypt as a slave then he landed in prison when god's time came prison to palace i'm announcing your supernatural promotion i have tested god i have proven him in this same country economy go down economy come up doesn't matter personally i've been on ascension i'm declaring in the name of jesus you will never go down [Applause] and i am declaring that your resources are coming on a global dimension beyond the capacity of the economy of this country your resources will show up heaven will open doors of favor for you anyone who has no stagnation here that stagnation ends today in the name of jesus [Applause] no curse can survive the release of the power of god here today no curse from anywhere any negative statement made by anyone that has affected you i stand by the blood of jesus to declare it is dissolved [Applause] no body will be powerful enough to stop you from today angel is going to work on your behalf whatever belongs to you is coming to you now in the mighty name of jesus christ you will get ideas from heaven you will get instructions from god heaven will give you the courage to go where you need to go to do what you need to do to say what you need to say the first shall be the last the last shall be the first i declare many that were caught last before today have become first now welcome to your new status in the mighty name of jesus christ d star raising role models days
Channel: Daystar Christian Centre
Views: 56,093
Rating: 4.8186398 out of 5
Id: hQrUIBnsdIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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