Best TVs to Buy Right Now in 2024 | Top OLED & QLED TVs

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Thanks to Yoshino for sponsoring a portion of our video what a year it's been for  TV reviews I think we're up to 14   models that we've evaluated and  it's no small Delight that most   of them have been really good but some are  definitely better than others and a select   few are worthy of being called the best so  let's talk about the best TVs 2023 Edition welcome back everyone I'm Caleb Denison and  whether you're just starting to shop for a new   TV and want to build a short list or you're just  curious about the best TVs of 2023 you have landed   in the right place I know many of you who follow  this channel may have your ideas around what the   best TVs are this year so let's see if we match up  and for those of you who are just starting to look   for a new TV and want to build a short list this  video is especially for you my goal is to point   you at some specific models and from there you can  dive deeper into any of these TVs by checking out   our full review for those models and we'll link to  those reviews down in the description to make your   research a little bit easier also quick reminder  that this list is just the best of the best there   are other really great TVs out there but we have  to whittle down all those choices somehow so I'm   sticking to my personal favorites these are the  TVs that I recommend to my friend friends and   family sound good all right let's get into it I'm  going to start with the QLED TVs and then we'll   migrate to OLED TVs now if you're not familiar  with the difference between QLED and OLED I've   got a video for that again linked down in the  description and it's probably popping up over   my left shoulder right now yeah see there it is  but here's the short version for you QLED TVs are   LCD TVs with LED backlights and Quantum dots that  combine to make bright colorful images QLED TVs   are better than non QLED LCD TVs for high dynamic  range or HDR and there's a ton of HDR content out   there now coming from streaming services and  4K Blu-rays we're even seeing some HDR content   coming through some cable and satellite channels  and it is gorgeous stuff to look at anyway QLED   TVs are the best of the LCD TV camp OLED TVs  are a different kind of technology where each   pixel makes its own light no backlight required  and thus they have perfect black levels which is   the basis for amazing contrast now it used to  be that OLED TVs couldn't get quite as bright   as LCD TVs but now they punch right up there  in terms of brightness enough brightness for   most folks in most situations so we'll talk more  about whether you might want an OLED or a QLED   as we go down this list okay let's start with  the more affordable best QLED TVs and work our   way up from there it's a tossup really between  two TVs the Hisense U8K and the TCL QM8 so let's   just talk about those two together at the same  time these two TVs are very similar in that they   offer tremendous performance for the price if  you're looking to get the best picture quality   you can for your money these are the two TVs you  should be looking at both of them offer class   leading brightness excellent backlight control so  blacks are black and bright highlights have a lot   of punch and both offer pretty accurate picture  quality if you select the correct picture mode   these TVs are so close in performance that it  was a tough call deciding between the two when   I compared them so if you're leaning toward  one of these two TVs I'd suggest checking out   my comparison link below ultimately I ended up  deciding that I'd probably lean toward the TCL   QM8 personally but not by much the Hisense U8K is  actually easier to adjust if you want to have the   TV calibrated which I understand is not something  most folks are likely to do but when searching   for Meaningful differences we have to drill down  to that level also the Hisense U8K has slightly   better onboard sound quality so if you're not  going to use a soundbar or any other audio   system there's another reason to lean toward the  U8K otherwise I'm confident that most folks are   going to be thrilled with either one of these TVs  they really are just the easiest recommendations   that I can make this year following closely on  their heels is the Sony X90L now depending on how   deeply discounted TVs are when you're shopping  the Sony X90L may or may not be a little more   expensive than the TCL QM8 or the Hisense U8K  what I like about the Sony X90L is that it has   better picture processing than the TCL or Hisense  and what that really means for you is that cable   satellite and other lower quality streaming TV  like YouTube or YouTube TV Tubi Pluto Etc that's   just going to look cleaner on the X90L than the  TCL or Hisense options you may pay a little more   but the Sony does make lower quality streaming  content look better now the specs on the Sony   may not look as impressive as those for the TCL  and Hisense but in reality the picture is just as   good if not better in most instances I helped  a close friends family choose a TV recently   they wanted a 65 in under $1,000 and the X90L  was my top recommendation they got it and they   are thrilled of course they were also upgrading  from a 14-year-old TV so it's a massive upgrade   anyway Sony X90L my top pick for a 65-in TV under  $1,000 portable power stations are all the rage   now and I get it who doesn't love being able to  power whatever you want wherever you go but now   that the newness and Novelty of portable power  is starting to dwindle folks are understandably   demanding better that's where the Yoshino B4000  SST comes in those three letters SST they're   the key here yoshino's solid state technology  is what makes its Power Solutions so Advanced   Yoshino solid state Solutions are more reliable  better for the environment and more practical than   conventional lithium iron cells and with its light  compact ergonomic design and soft touch aluminum   handles the Yoshino B4000 SST is actually easily  portable but that portability doesn't come at   the cost of real power the B4000 SST the punch of  much larger heavier portable power stations 4,000   wats of power is on tap here with a 2.6 KW hour  capacity in this can you believe that believe it   and look you've got all the connections you need  and expect USB-C USB-A DC power ports AC power   ports wireless charging pads it's all here but my  favorite feature is right here this is the TT-30R   power port you can plug your RV in directly leave  your your adapter dongles at home and as an avid   RV I love that doesn't matter whether you're at  home a campsite or a job site the oino B4000 SST   is out of sight literally it's so compact you can  tuck it away it's like invisible power but why   hide it this thing looks so cool best of all we  have a huge deal for you on the B4000 SST $800 off   for the holidays just click the link down in the  description for instant savings thanks again to   Yoshino for sponsoring this portion of our video  now let's step up to some more premium TVs this is   where you'll start paying a bit more but you'll  also get some more refinements to the picture   quality and some added features these next two TVs  are what I think are the best QLED TVs for this   year the first I'll mention is the Samsung QN90C  now some of you out there may be wondering why   I'm not talking about the QN90C which is one step  above this TV or why I'm not recommending one of   Samsung's 8K TVs well I'm not going to recommend  one of Samsung's 8K TVs because while they are   definitely stunning I don't feel they offer enough  benefit over Samsung's best 4K TVs to justify the   bump in price you may notice that none of the TVs  I'm recommending are 8K TVs and that's because I   just don't feel that they serve many people that  well if you've got tons of money to burn sure get   an 8K TV they have the best tech in them and you  won't be disappointed with any of them but there's   really no deliberating among 8K TVs cuz there's so  few of them it's harder to choose among the best   4K TVs so I'm sticking to those as for the QN90C  why am I not recommending that one well I don't   know what the deal is with that model honestly  but it is not easily buyable at retail anymore   I think you can get it from Custom installers and  from some Oddball retailers but it's not in stock   anywhere last I checked which is why I'm going  to stick with the QN90C plus the QN90C is just   a tremendous TV overall super high brightness  excellent backlight control Vivid color solid   picture processing but I'd say the QN90C's real  Ace in the whole is its off angle viewing and its   anti-glare capabilities this TV makes just about  any seat in the house the best seat in the house   so if that sounds like something that you need  the QN90C might be the best QLED choice for you   it's got the best off angle viewing of any of  the QLED TVs on this list and it's second only   to OLED TVs in off angle viewing which I'm going  to talk about some later up next the Sony X95L   it's my choice for the best QLED TV of the year  and you'll pay handsomely for it but what sets   the X95L apart from the rest is what sets any  Sony TV apart from its competition and that is   the picture processing it's just an exceptionally  clean looking TV with Punchy brightness excellent   contrast the best upscaling the best Improvement  to low bit rate content like cable satellite and   live streaming TV services and the best cinematic  motion if you're real picky about picture quality   and accuracy and willing to pay the premium the  Sony X95L delivers okay one last QLED TV before   we move on to OLED and this is kind of a special  one that resides outside the list of conventional   TVs it's a novelty but it is not a gimmick I'm  talking about Samsung's the frame TV folks if you   want your TV to be more than a TV more like a work  of art when you're not watching it rather than   just being a big black rectangle and it's off time  then the frame is for you I cannot overstate how   realistic art looks when this TV is displaying it  the frame TV looks like art on a canvas and that's   thanks to its special matte finish also as a bonus  it's really good at bucking glare so if you have a   bright room with lots of Windows the frame does a  great job handling reflection so that you see the   content not your reflection it's a solid I mean  remarkable HDR TV that doubles as a work of art   and it comes in a wide range of sizes I've even  seen some folks use more than one in a room I   cannot say enough good things about the frame TV  as a lifestyle TV choice highly recommend and now   my friends we switch gears to the OLED TV options  on our list before I start running down the model   op options let me first clarify who an OLED TV is  good for and perhaps more importantly for whom an   OLED TV is probably not a good choice I say get an  OLED TV if you are really deliberate about liking   to sit down and watch TV watching TV for you is a  real occasion you make watching sports a big deal   you make watching movies a big deal you want the  best picture quality possible and when you sit   down to watch TV it's it's a real treat maybe you  have a dedicated media room or a Home Theater OLED   is a great choice in those cases OLED is probably  not the right TV type for you if you turn on your   TV in the morning and you let it run all day  long that's a popular thing to do and I make   zero judgments about that but because OLED TVs  are susceptible to burn in under high-intensity   use conditions someone who puts on ESPN or CNN or  any other Channel with a Chiron that's the info   Banner at the bottom of the screen that's always  on and leaves the TV on for 12 hours or more   there's just too much risk long term of wearing  out an OLED TV even today when OLED TVs have a   lot of built-in measures that help prevent Burnin  plus frankly paying a premium for an OLED TV just   seems like a waste if you aren't spending most of  the time the TV is on sitting down and enjoying   it OLED TVs just aren't a great background TV and  I know that's a popular type of use so keep that   in mind but if you do consider yourself a good  match for an OLED TV they are gorgeous still   the best picture quality you can get so let's  talk about the best oleds you can buy and each   of these is going to have a step down option too  that will offer you like 90 something per of the   flagships performance for less money so you've  got options the first OLED TV we'll talk about is   the LG G3 Gallery Series OLED this OLED has in my  experience the highest perceived brightness of the   oleds on my list that's thanks to what LG calls  MLA or Micro Lens Array technology which is a   super thin layer of tiny little lenses that focus  light out to you the viewer the G3 is capable of   stunning picture quality and it is loaded with  features the one catch with this TV is that it   does not come with a tabletop stand it's meant  to be mounted on the wall but the good news is   that LG provides a no gap wall mount right in the  box so that when you mount this TV it's as flush   against the wall as it can be which yields a very  sleek look you can buy a tabletop stand for the TV   LG sells a rotating Lazy Susan style stand but I'm  not a huge fan of it since it's kind of wobbly you   can also buy third party stands that screw into  the back of the TV but I mean I just don't think   they look all that great this TV really is best  wall mounted and if the G3 is a little Rich for   your blood check out the step down LG C3 OLED it  isn't quite as bright as the G3 but it is plenty   bright for most folks and it comes with a stand  and it costs significantly less oh and one last   thing the LG G3 and C3 can both be had up to 83 in  screen sizes whereas the next two TVs I'm talking   about max out at 77 in so if you want to go  OLED and go big the LG G3 or C3 may be your best bet next OLED TV on this list is the Samsung  S95C OLED this OLED TV uses a new Quantum Dot   OLED panel also known as QD-OLED and the trick up  this TV sleeve is that it can emit very pure High   brightness colors it's hard to describe what that  experience is like but when you see it you'll know   what I'm talking about and as a top tier Samsung  TV this thing is loaded with bells and whistles   including some audio te that works exclusively  with Samsung Soundbars including Wireless Dolby   Atmos surround Q Symphony sound which uses  the TV speakers along with the Soundbar for   an even bigger audio experience then you get  Samsung's remarkably effective calibration app   and I'm a big fan of Samsung solar powerered USB  rechargeable remote control as well oh and then   there's the one connect box too I can't forget  that this allows you to plug everything into   this one box and then run one cable up to the  TV this can make make wall mount installation   a bit easier if you're going to DIY that job now  there's also the step down S90C which again gets   you almost all of the performance of the s95  C it's just missing a few features like that   one connect box frankly the S90C is going to  make more sense for a lot of folks who want the   QD-OLED picture quality but don't want a pony  up a small fortune especially if you want the   77in model which already commands a premium due  to its size finally let's talk about my favorite   TV this year it's the Sony A95L folks this TV  is stunning and I just I love it so much it's   the best TV I've ever reviewed and it may stay  that way through 2024 honestly here's a little   secret for any of my fans who have stuck around  with me through this video I have a feeling that   the Sony A95L may not get a replacement model in  2024 I'm not saying that that for sure it's just   a let's call it a well-informed suspicion anyway  the Sony A95L commands a real premium and we'll   talk about whether it makes more sense to buy the  A95L over the other OLED TVs I put on this list in   an OLED TV battle video that I'm working on right  now look there it is I'm taking care of that in   almost all of my free time but as marginal as its  superiority may be the A95L really is the best and   once again it comes down to Sony's processing for  the same reason I recommended the X90L and X95L   on this list earlier the A95L comes out on top by  having the most cinematic motion the most scalable   motion smoothing a killer looking game mode the  most accurate out-of-box performance and the best   tone mapping for HDR yielding these absolutely  stunning images especially for HDR content let   me put it this way there's not a single person  to whom I've shown this TV that didn't think   it was just the most beautiful looking TV they've  seen before am I right Zeke yeah see zek knows it   doesn't just deliver the wow it delivers the whoo  I said did I just sound like K Reeves just now I   anyway I said that in the review I'll repeat  it here it's just the most app description I   I can't help it of course Sony does have a more  affordable OLED and honestly it's the one that   makes more sense for the most people that would  be the Sony A8L the A8L is a lot like the LG C3 I   mentioned earlier in that it is less expensive  goes up to 83 in and offers excellent picture   quality it actually uses the same OLED panel  as the LG C3 but it's got Sony's processing and   Sony's take on Google TV built-in so it's just an  excellent choice in its own right that's the list   folks feels like a big moment for me right now  it feels good to finally weigh in on my favorite   TVs of the Year these TVs are going to remain  Stellar buys well into 2024 so even if you're   watching this video in 2024 high from the past or  you're still saving up for your dream TV this list   should do well for a long time thanks as always  for watching everyone I know lots of you out there   have your favorite so tell us about it down in  the comments don't forget to like And subscribe   I'll see you on the next one and until then  here's two other videos I think you might like
Channel: Digital Trends
Views: 768,902
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Keywords: best tvs to buy, best tv to buy, best tv to buy right now, best 4k tv, best sony tv, best samsung tv to buy, best lg tv, best oled tv, best oled tv for the money, which tv is best, which tv to buy, best tv 2024, best tv 2024 sony, best samsung tv 2024, best lg tv 2024, best tcl tv 2024, best hisense tv 2024, best oled tv 2024, best mini led tv 2024, best lcd led tv 2024, 2024 tv to, 2024 tv to buy, best tv 2024 to buy, which tv to buy 2024, tv buying guide 2024
Id: UY7tfaqY6qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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