Don't Blame the Devil // Dr. Dharius Daniels

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if I tell you don't dance on a glass coffee table this is not controlled it's protective custody but you can't keep dancing on a glass coffee table and get cut and then blame the devil see see in the Book of Judges it's called judges because this was an aging era where Israel had no king and it says that there is no king in Israel and everyone did what was right in their own eyes got me and so what began to happen is there are certain Commandments that God had gave that they would not take seriously that they would disobey now here's the issue with Divine instruction God's Divine interest how many of you wait maybe if you've ever heard the Bible say if you ever heard somebody say or read in the Bible God's a jealous God wave at me you've heard that okay so there are different types of jealousy there is a jealousy that is possessive and then there's a jealousy that is protective and God's like I'm not jealous because I'm possessive I'm God whether you know it or not he I'm God whether you treat me like I'm God or not he says so my jealousy regarding you is not possessive it's not that I feel less about me it is protective it's because because I know that the instruction that I'm giving you regarding what you need to have allegiance to is what's best for you my instruction is for your protection and when you don't obey me you make it harder for me to protect you every parent should be saying amen right now because sometimes your children think you have nothing else to do but control their life like you don't have bills and a job and so much else going on in your life that you just want to find out who they texting and what they doing you're like I am not in your business just to be in your business I'm in your business because you have blind spots and the instruction that I'm giving you is not me being possessive it's me be being protected because it's hard for me to protect you if you don't obey me if I say don't just drink something that's in somebody's cup I'm not trying to be in control this is protective custody do you know that the quality of your life is based on quality of your decisions and the quality of your decisions based on the quality information that you have that so that means you need reliable sources of information and the most reliable source of information in the world is the Bible but you know what most people don't understand it if you want to understand the Bible God is enough but Sunday is not I want to help you understand I want to help you interpret and apply I want to help you explain the Bible better this is why I'm inviting you to be a part of my Tribe Called Bible you if I tell you don't dance on a glass coffee table this is not control it's protective custody but you can't keep dancing on a glass coffee table and get cut and then blame the devil he's saying that's not the enemy that's the end of me [Applause] [Music] so God's like I'm telling you forgive people I ain't gonna forget he's like you're dancing on a glass table love your enemies I'm not loving okay you dancing on the glass table don't be unequally yolk I like who I like okay you dancing on a glass table and the problem is some of you been dancing so long you hadn't failed [Applause] and we don't think falling is possible [Applause] but Grace is not permission to continue Grace is an opportunity to get it right without consequence [Applause] so Israel's in a season of judgment and they don't know it they're being oppressed by this group called the Philistines they're oppressed 40 years 40 years now I'm not um I'm not trying to tie these two things together but there's a pattern I want you to see because there's a there's a judge named Gideon in the Book of Judges who led Israel out of midianite Oppression and that was seven years that's in like judges six right now we're in judges 13. and they've been dealing with the Philistines 40 years because God's like so seven went long enough for you did you hear what I just said [Music] to say so seven didn't get the message across so 40 years they're dealing with Philistine depression and the Bible says they start crying out to God in their pain they need Deliverance they crowd to God for deliverance they need Deliverance so they cry out to God for deliverance they need Deliverance so they cry out to God for deliverance they have a problem so they talk to God Marlon about the problem they have a problem so they talk to God about the problem God answers their prayer not by answering them God answers their prayer about orchestrating a pregnancy so they asking for deliverance God impregnates a woman with a deliverer watch this but doesn't announce to Israel that your answers in the womb of a woman so for nine months they suffering not knowing Deliverance is on the way did you hear what I just said I say they have no idea watch this because just because you talk to God about the problem doesn't mean God talks to you about the answer sometimes God's not talking to you about the problem because he's impregnating somebody with the answer are you hearing what I'm saying and you just gotta be willing to wait the nine months and all of a sudden without notice your answer just shows up I don't know who this is for but this next thing that's about to hit your life is gonna come without warning foreign I need somebody to receive this this next text this next email this next phone call is about to blow your mind without warning all right [Applause] this is interesting so this this man named Manoa has a wife who was Barren and the Lord says she's gonna have a child his name's gonna be Samson and he's going to have Supernatural strength but remember his birth is an answer to the problem of the Philistines so the strength that he has is based on the enemy he's assigned to that's a problem because there's people in your life who want your strength but they can't handle your enemies did you hear without Jesse oh you don't get this kind of strength without having to have fought some enemies in your past [Applause] isn't it amazing how people will admire your strengths but won't know parts of your story they like oh my God you so strong and you're like I wish I didn't have to be this strong there's a reason I'm this strong I've been through something where I had to grow or die and I choose to live Armando [Applause] I could have died I could have gave up I could have threw in the town but I made a decision I will live and not die [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so don't miss this so Samson's strength was to protect Israel from the Philistines he's born to protect Israel from the Philistines here's the problem let me read this judges 16 verse number four sometime later he fell in love with a woman in the valley of Surat whose name was Delilah so he born to protect Israel from the Philistines but he keep falling in love with Philistine women y'all aren't talking to me he like what's killing him killing me but I like it y'all aren't talking to me I want you to see the reality of his Duality you're born to protect Israel from the Philistines yet you got affection for it the very enemies you're supposed to protect Israel from
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 6,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual growth, faith journey, Christian teachings, life lessons, personal development, spiritual guidance, resisting help, navigating life challenges, trust in God, Bible study, Christian life, religious teachings, spiritual enlightenment, Christian sermons, overcoming adversity, dr dharius daniels, dr dharius daniels 2023, dharius daniels, dharius daniels sermons, spiritual growth in christ, dont blame the devil for everything, stop blaming satan for everything
Id: S6xWYfefndM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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