I Believe The Bible // Thrive with Dr. Dharius Daniels

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amen amen and so and so and so I wanted to say that second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 14. watch what Paul says to Timothy he says but as for you continue in what you've learned and have become convinced of because you know those from whom you've learned it and how from infancy you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through or in through faith in Christ Jesus all scripture this is the way Paul understood it all not some it's the way Paul understood it he says all scripture is God breathed same thing that happened in the garden with Adam and Eve happened when people wrote This Book it's God breed and it's useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in what's right or righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work I want to talk tonight from this subject I believe the Bible it's what we've taught in this series we've taught God is real we've taught God is good right we've taught I need Jesus and finally I believe the Bible ladies and gentlemen um what I am teaching from tonight my notes are contained within a device called an iPad and this iPad at its core is a product that is the consequence of the creation of a creator the product the iPad did not create itself someone created this product called an iPad and because the iPad did not create itself it is disingenuous it is arrogant it is uh unintellectual for the iPad to assume it knows what's best for it when it didn't create itself it just makes sense that the creator of the thing would be in a position to determine what is in the best interest of a thing therefore because the creator of a thing knows what is in the best interest of the creation watch this accompany with this product when I got it was a manual did you hear what I said this manual details and describes how the product is supposed to work and how to get the best use out of the product now if you're like me you got a tendency to try to use products without reading the manual and very often it takes us running into some challenges that we cannot overcome ourselves that will cause us to make a U-turn repent and run back to the manual to help me get answers to problems with myself I couldn't fix cause I didn't know I needed the manual until I discovered my way didn't work this is what's interesting because the manual contains some dues and some don'ts don't put the iPad in water don't put the iPad in extremely warm temperatures but the do's and the don'ts are not to restrict my use it is to enhance my use when the Creator says don't put the iPad there they aren't trying to control me they're trying to protect me when they say don't put the iPad in extremely warm temperatures the the Creator is not trying to rob me of my joy they're actually trying to extend and to protect my joy because they know the prohibitions are in the best interest of the product the iPad would be ignorant to say leave me alone and put me in this kitchen sink Let Me Be Me [Applause] let me do me let me live according to my own truth put me in this sink her not gonna harm me but the prohibitions are not for the purpose of restriction therefore the purpose of protection and if you follow the manual the product will last longer than it could and and it will be more effective than it could and it will accomplish the purpose for which it was created because there's a lot you can do with an iPad but just because it can be used watch this for a number of things does not mean it's being used for the thing it's been created for you can use an iPad for a coaster but just because it's being used that way doesn't mean it's accomplishing its purpose you can use the iPad as a fly swatter but just because it's being used that way does not mean it's accomplishing its purpose if you want to know its purpose you've got to ask the one who created it and because you cannot speak to him you've got to use the manual [Applause] yeah he he there are certain questions that the manual ass now this is what's interesting about the manual the creator of the product didn't write it the one who created the iPad was not the one who sat down in front of a computer and wrote the manual I'ma say it one more time the one who created the product doesn't leave the office of creativity walk into the cubicle sit down and start typing the man but what the creator of the product does is has conversation ha has conversation with people who who have been tasked who have been vested with the authority and the responsibility to capture the conversation from the Creator and to record what's been said are you hearing what I'm saying they oversee the Creator oversees the writing of the manual to ensure that the manual reflects the truth but just because the Creator did not write it with his own hand does not mean it's not right because no one who creates a thing has to go and sit down and write the manual for you get other people to do that for you please don't let me lose you I'm not talking about an iPad the iPad is simply an illustration that I'm attempting to use to articulate the way the Eternal relates to us you see you are the iPad God is the creator and God sends a manual called the Bible that is filled with some do's and don'ts and the do's and don'ts are not for your restriction they are for your protection the dues and the don'ts are not to rob you of Joy but to lead you into Joy because you and I did not create ourselves and as a consequence we really don't know what's in our best interest and no God did not sit down at a desk and write the manual but he oversaw the compilation of the book to ensure that the book reflected the truth that lines up with the Creator and just because he did not personally write it does not mean is not right I'm just trying to summarize a conversation that a man named Paul has with his spiritual son named Timothy it's extremely important because Paul as he is teaching his mentee his his son in the faith about a number of things such as dealing with false teachers he he begins to in this particular part of the conversation this particular part of the pericope Paul says some interesting things to him about the scriptures Paul Paul says to him first of all you you heard it he says I want you Timothy to continue is that what he says to him he says I I want you I want you to continue in what you have learned he says you've learned some things people around you may be deviating from what they've learned but your success is Tethered to and tied to you continuing in what you've learned he say stay in the truth and then he tells them why I love this I love this he says stay in the truth because watch this you become convinced of it don't let people make you unconvinced over what you become convinced about if they're unconvinced that's their problem right but don't adopt the baby of their problem into your own home of your own heart he says continue he says continue now I don't care who doesn't believe it you you continue you continue and he says you need to continue because you know from whom you learned it now if you're familiar with Timothy's Timothy's narrative you'll know his father was a Greek and so when Paul writes to him in another part of the letter he commends he commends Timmy Timothy's lineage and he talks about how Timothy received Faith from his grandmother and mother he says he says the people who taught you this authenticated you you can look at their life and their life is evidence of The credibility of this book the ones who prayed you through look at their life the ones who picked you up when others threw you away look at their life the ones who who modeled got the living before you look at their life he he says to him he says he says now Timothy you you know how from infancy you've known the holy scriptures and he says these scriptures this is powerful because this is the purpose of the Bible although the Bible contains history it's not a history book you cannot read it like a history book because it is not a history book although the Bible has a number of different subjects you cannot read the Bible in that you got to catch me in that particular way it's not it's not it's not compiled like a narrative it's compiled like books in a bookstore they're genres that are put together so the purpose of the Bible listen to what he says he says is to make you wise is that it for salvation so when we say that the Bible is infallible it does not fail this is what we mean we mean that it does not fail in the Creator's intent for it which is to make you wise unto salvation doesn't fail it's it's not it's not with error in the sense that it contains everything that we need to know to understand to embrace and to enjoy our salvation and then he says these words y'all ready for this he says all scripture not some all is God breathed he says God Breathe new King James says it's given by inspiration of God God inspired the people to write it it is God breathed he he uses the same language that's used in Genesis that talks about what happens when there's an empty corpse with no breath without the breath it's just a corpse but when God breathes into Adam Man became a living Soul right and see this is what distinguishes the Bible for any other books it's just any other book no no no no no Paul says it's different it's not just the empty corpse it's not just parchment and words it's not just Pages God breathed in it God embedded himself into this the nature of this is different when you hear Shakespeare something happens but when you hear the word something else happens because God has put himself into his word and that's why when the word is proclaimed there's an energy that comes in the room that's why when the word is proclaimed light bulbs go off that's why when the word is proclaimed burdens that had you down and that had you heavy become released because God has put the essence of himself in his word it's not it's not just a motivational speaking when the word is proclaimed God is moving God is talking because he's he's he's breathed you see this imagery in John chapter 20 verse 22 when it says and with that Jesus breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit the only one of the third person of the Trinity that has the assignment to live on the inside of you you all missed it yeah the only one the third person Jesus said let me do to you again what God did to Adam in the garden did you hear what I said God did it to Adam in the garden and Adam was able to function with dominion and see and so when I come and live on the inside of you when I breathe on you again you you're able to function according to my creative intent right did you hear what I said the eating life Mike that's what you called it right the eating life you can function according to my original intent this is why churches cannot should not ignore the potency the importance the the significance of the third person of the Trinity it's the Holy Spirit you need him Jesus talked a whole lot about him and I know many of us come from Traditions that that just relegate him and push him in the corner and limit him to the one who regenerates you and the one who makes you shout but I came to tell you that's the one that helps you live like Adam was supposed to live in the garden it's the third person of the Trinity and when God's word is proclaimed it's not just the word you experience the spirit of God because God God himself is embedded with he is married to he's a part of inseparable from his word in the beginning what's the word Hallelujah and the word was God and the Word was the word that was God was with God are you hearing what I'm saying just like God breathed into man God breathed into the scriptures this is why we reverence the scriptures we don't worship them but we reverence them this is why without apology when whoever steps on this platform to proclaim the scriptures Gets behind this sacred desk We Stand because we will not stand for a judge who will interpret the law and then sit on somebody that's about to speak something to me that's about to change the very essence of my life when the men therefore The Men Who wrote the scriptures that's why I believe the Bible because the men who wrote it believed they were writing God's word I'ma say that again I believe the Bible because the men who wrote it believed that they were writing God's word yeah listen to what Paul says in First Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 13 Paul says this he says this is what we speak not in words taught us by human wisdom he says this isn't just education talking and Paul was educated he says but but in words taught by the spirit explaining spiritual realities with Spirit taught where he says the spirit taught me this not school [Applause] yeah this this is a consistent view with many people who contributed to the writing of the Bible if you listen to what David said David looked at the word and it wasn't just the word to him David said this word is a lamp in Psalms 119 105 he says your word is a lamp for my feet and light on my path but Paul didn't just see the word as words he saw the word as a weapon he says in Ephesians 6 verse number 17 take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is what which is the word of God that James didn't see the word just as a word the word James saw the word as a mirror he says in James 1 23 anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says it's like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like Jesus didn't see the word just as a word I believe the Bible because Jesus believed the Bible I believe the Bible because everything I know about Jesus came from the Bible so how can I believe in Jesus and not believe in the book that it's the most comprehensive record of his birth of his life of his death of his resurrection and of his Ascension how can I believe I shall love my neighbor as myself when I don't believe the book that contains it [Applause] Jesus didn't say the the that the word was just the word Jesus said the word is a rock in Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 he says everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock Jesus didn't just believe that the word was the word he believed it was also truth Jesus believed that the word was truth that not not my experience not my passions but Jesus believed that the word was truth he says in John 17 17 sanctify them come on Church by the truth your word is truth not Hallelujah my feelings your word is the truth now this is what he's saying he's not saying the truth is only found in the word but he's saying the word only determines what's truth it's a Latin term Sola scriptura not so low scriptura no no no no Sola scriptura by scripture alone scripture alone determines what's true so whenever I have an opinion and you have an opinion we don't have the authority to mitigate our opinions ourselves we must take them to a superior Authority and the Supreme Court that has the final say on all matters is the scripture so you can say I feel this way and I can say I feel this way we ought to take the dispute of our reason to the Supreme Court of the word of God and the word of God reserves the right to render the final verdict on what is true and what is not and if I don't like it it's still true and if it steps on my toes it's still true and if it tells me I gotta stop what I don't want to stop doing is still true and the fact that I don't want to stop doing it doesn't change the truth of God's word God's word [Applause] is [Applause] Jesus believed it's it's truth and because it is truth Paul says it's profitable it's prophet he says this is what you need to use Timothy for teaching when you teach people use this because it's true don't abuse and misuse their time by teaching them principles that they will practice for years only to end up at the exit of frustration after wasting time trying to follow principles and practices that are not going to work for you he says it's profitable for teaching I like this for rebuking yeah I know I know we don't want anybody to tell us what to do but but the word can tell us what to do I know we don't like to be wrong but when the word says I'm wrong I'm wrong yeah when the word says I'm wrong watch this I would marry anybody this problem some of some of us some of us you just look at that unequally yoke thing and if they come to church you like check I got it not realizing that just because they attend church does not mean they are submitted to an authority above themselves now if somebody's not submitted to an authority above themselves how are they going to self-correct when they're wrong did you hear what I said yeah so so how are they gonna how are they gonna self-correct when they're wrong I wouldn't do it I would not do it I would not I would not do it correcting and training in righteousness therefore I I believe the Bible now now now I for me to get to the point where I believed the Bible there were some obstacles that I had to overcome and there's some obstacles that others may have to overcome to help them believe the Bible and one of the obstacles I think we have to overcome to really believe the Bible is the Obstacle of arrogance that's the first one the Obstacle of arrogancy of arrogance and overestimation of One's Own intellectual ability I just I just got some I just got some Revelation that's um just you know it just makes more sense to me and so uh and so I I just I can't believe this I can't believe this Bob I can't I can't believe in you know that flood thing I can't believe that Pastor dares I can't believe you believe that that's intellectually inferior come on you people have some sense have a brain you mean you mean water did all of that how how how can that happen but I wonder if if we were in Bible days and Katrina happened how would that be written y'all not talking to me I mean I mean when levies break and water comes and it washes out entire communities and and places that were populated with businesses and buildings and homes or wastelands and flat I wonder how people would have described that and I wonder how some supposed intellectuals would would read that I wonder if we were living in Bible days in the tsunami that happened some time ago in Indonesia when I mean when there's y'all not talking to me when there's an earthquake at a level at a sea level at which you can cannot see and all of a sudden water just leaves the sea for no reason and comes to show I wonder when they wrote about if they wrote If we wrote about that how many people would believe it these type of anomalies happen every day we're just so desensitized to them that we don't write about them the same way we are so desensitized to them that that they lose their sense of grandeur and all it's just like oh when in the Bible days they were like wow yeah so so when somebody's intellect is their own God their own sense of intellectuality they just they aren't going to believe this book you got to overcome that you got arrogance that's one obstacle and then two here's another obstacle this is a tough one unbridledness this is an unwillingness to restrain oneself in an area where the Bible calls for restraint all along help me preach unbridledness right that this unwillingness to restrain myself in the area where the Bible calls for restraint because this degree of the strength is so difficult it's so uncomfortable that there's no way God actually wants me to live this way I mean God can't want me marriage pastor wait God can't that's he can't want me that's that's not God's will for me Pastor I made us right this attitude assumes that passion that the passion one feels for something is justification for it that my passion authenticates the legitimacy of what I feel that if I feel this strongly about it then this must be okay there has to be some error in the scriptures watch this or some error in the way that we're interpreting this because there is no way that God would call for this type of restraint from me right it's no way God wants to deal with my greed I mean he he can he just no there's there's no way he wants me to be that generous that that part can't be true I mean God don't want me to have a little some something to turn up on the weekends and the the vacation that I need you know this this whole 10 thing God that that just can't that can't be right because I don't really want to restrain myself in that area because I'd rather wear it and then theologically articulate why it doesn't matter to God because he can't want me to do that he can't want me to sacrifice even though Christian theology begins on a Hill Called Calvary with an instrument called the cross even though one of the one of the most important spiritual disciplines in Christianity is something called fasting which is an which is a application of the cross oh yeah yes it yes it is yeah fasting is an application of this this principle of self-denial that is called the cross at the core of the faith is self-denial now if you don't want that you don't want Christianity and that's okay if you don't want that but let's not delude it let's not pervert it because what Jesus did is he gave people the right to reject the truth of his message John 6 he said let you eat my flesh drink my blood you have no parts of me now they misinterpreted what he said and the Bible says based on the misinterpretation many of them left him that day to follow him no further and he did not run behind them to change his theology he looked at Peter and said are you going to leave too he said because just because it offends you does not mean it's not true just because you don't want to bottle up what I'm telling you to bottle up does not mean it's not true just because you don't want to let go of what I want you to let go of does not mean it's not true because if any man is going to follow me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me Christianity is a whole lot of not doing what you want to do it's a whole lot of not saying what you want to say it's a whole lot of not hitting who you'd like to hit it's a whole lot of not getting back up getting back at people you want to get back at it's a whole lot of not going where you want to go for my whole life possibly it costs Jesus his [Applause] so I mean purpose can cost Jesus his but purpose can't require you to be uncomfortable in yours I wish I could tell you every aspect of purpose is comfortable but it is not the only thing that makes it worth it is being in the center for me in the center of God's will the joy that comes from knowing I'm in the center of God's will but there are aspects of this that are extremely uncomfortable it is the only job that I would not trade but would not recommend and see people don't tell you that enough that that that but that even that the restraint that is called for is in your best interest and for your joy because you feel like I'm miserable and God's will be God's like you'll be more miserable if I'll let you off that lease [Applause] God I'm miserable I just want to turn up he said but if you keep turning up it's gonna lead to something that's gonna make you more miserable than the misery you feel by exercising the restraint I'm calling you to Lord I just I want somebody and I don't uh they're unequally young thing I just want somebody I'm miserable being by myself and he says if you give with somebody who is not submitted to the authority of the scriptures the misery you feel is going to be multiplied over and over and over so If You Think You're Lonely Now I know some of my young people I lost you don't yeah he says yeah he says because ain't nothing like having somebody and being alone [Applause] yeah cause some of you think you lonely now but but see it's nothing worse because at least now in your loneliness you got options but what what what do you do when you lock down with somebody and now you lock down and you don't have options and now you're lonely lonely without options and then stuck because you said for better or worse so when God calls for moderation and things of that nature that's for your joy he said I'm trying I'm trying to stop you from messing up your liver I'm trying to stop you from getting a DUI I'm trying to stop you from having to check into rehab I'm I'm it's in your best interest right when he says just don't be turning up out there I'm trying to protect you from just all types of stuff that's out there that that you don't know am I making sense y'all it's amazing how we will use how we how we use our issue and so God's truth has to be truth even if it's an area I need Grace for but I can't change the truth just because I want Grace for it so truth has to be truth even it's a even if it's an area that you are in need of great grace for I still must embrace the fact that God's word says this about that unbridledness oh my I'm over my time but this is this is the last messages number three ignorance now when I say ignorance this is the obstacle we got to overcome I don't mean lack of intelligence all of us are uninformed about something right it's amazing because religion religion and politics are the only two fields that people with no training in feel like they're experts at I mean like that's the only that's the only area where we just automatically feel like we know what's going on right like nobody's like you don't just give me my taxes I'm gonna do my taxes I can do this right I mean we don't feel that way about medicine we don't feel that way about counting but but religion and politics it's like we just we all know the answers right why the president do that well man were you in that meeting do you know what they told him and do you know what it's like to have so much responsibility that you got to make decisions based off what people tell you because you can't be in everything you can't be in everything and so so you can only make good decisions when you get good information we become experts and stuff for which we we have no do you send the troops in or do you not I don't know do you know what it is to be up under that kind of pressure where you're making decisions that that affect more than just you know what that feels like the implications of lives of people eating based off decision that you make and you want to make the right one and there's no right or wrong it's better or best but no manual you just got to go with your gut dude do we know that so when it comes to this whole religion thing that becomes interesting people people just say some of the most ignorant stuff I listen some stuff I don't even get upset I just get upset I just laugh at now you're like these churches got all that money I say that's ignorance right there that's ignorance because even if you know stats you know that the average Christian gave 2.8 of their income to charity average Americans like 1.8 1.7 that's what you know you would know that everybody you can count you can't count on ignorance right ignorance so what happens is people have this they don't have proper training on how to accurately interpret the Bible so you can read the Bible but that'll mean you reading it right now let me tell you what I mean am I boring y'all okay in Luke chapter 10 verse number 26 watch what Jesus says Jesus asked this question he asked them he says what is written in the law do you see that that's but the next question is is the most important question and he says and how do you read it a woman shall not wear anything pertaining to a man that's in the law but now let me ask you this how do you read that because some of you come from traditions where that's interpreted as a man wears pants so a woman can't wear pants but in those days nobody will pants Jesus didn't repentance Jesus didn't have on jeans he [Music] didn't there were no Levi's there right Moses and have on Levi it's old school most of them have on your bows come on Jordan Ash cross colors FUBU Fat Farm how do you read it slaves obey your masters for this is right in the Lord that's what it says for a woman shall be silent in church and she's got any questions let her go home and ask her husband that's what it says but the next question is how do you read it because the same one that says a woman Paul says I shall not permit a woman to have authority over a man and to teach a man the same Paul that said that in Timothy is the same Paul in Corinthians that said If a woman prays or prophesies with her head uncovered she dishonors her head so instead of reading it with a hermeneutical suspicion you got to read it with a hermeneutical trust and you got to know that this man who spoke over 14 languages who was trained on the rabbinical tutelage of gamiliel who went to school at the University of Tarsus would not blatantly contradict himself while telling the leaders at Ephesus to tell those women to be quiet but tell them leaders at Corinth when a woman prophesies her head should be covered how can I be quiet and prophesy I can't so could it be that it was a contextual conversation because when you read what's going on in Timothy you're dealing with some unruly women and could it be that Paul is telling Timothy you tell those women be quiet and ask their husband but what if I don't have a husband who do I ask so could it be a contextual conversation what do you do with Phillips four daughters who the Bible calls a prophetess what do you do about halda who's a prophet what do you do about Miriam who was a prophetess what do you do about Deborah who was a judge so how do you read it because you must read the Bible comprehensively comprehensively comprehensively what does the whole of scripture have to say about a subject and not draw particular conclusions based off of reading particular passages right I'm not finished and on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit appeared like great clothing tons of fire and set up on them and they all spoke with tongues that's what it says but how do you read it because if you keep reading you will see the tones they spoke in well not the tones everybody's telling us we should speak in so so how do you read it because this is what I see I see people go to the Old Testament and pull out obscure extreme passages in the Old Testament and use that to justify right their opinion that the Bible is unintellectual and illegitimate so they'll go to something like Leviticus [Applause] so you you don't do what your Bible said your Bible say if you if you do somebody's arm off it's like that's what it says but how do you read it one time I heard a president do it and uh I was I was disappointed that the president did it he was making his stance on a particular issue and he was trying to speak to a part of the country who had a different view on that particular subject he's speaking to Christians in particular and that's what tried the president tried to do that a president tried to do that and attempted to go to Old Testament passages and say well the Bible says this and the Bible says this and I'm sitting in the room and saying I'm Mr President that's what it says but how do you read it because there are certain things that you got to know that the Bible says that the law was Galatians it says that the law was our school Master our Guardian to lead us to Christ that the law was given to us temporarily and the law is not just one section there are different types of laws there were ritual laws there were ceremonial laws there were Purity laws so if you were unclean there were laws on things that had to be done there were dietary laws meaning there were certain things you could and could not eat and have anything to do with spirituality God was trying to keep people alive you got millions of people in the wilderness and God said I got to keep you alive so stay away from these things the Purity laws regarding contagious diseases and things of that nature were so diseased would not run rampant in communities and so when you're reading some of that stuff in the Old Testament you got to look at it from that lens yeah God says if you steal you got to cut their arm off why because you got millions of people in the wilderness with no police no police and no Holy Ghost you want to be there not me so he has to use fear to Bridal extreme Behavior to keep some level of orderliness when you got millions of people in the wilderness so the only part of the law that continued to the New Testament is the moral requirements of the law but the dietary restrictions the Purity laws the ceremonial laws were no longer necessary because they were fulfilled in Jesus so what are you saying Darius some parts of the Old Testament apply if it has to do with morality but there are other parts of the Old Testament that ended in Jesus that's why we have a new testament it's new and don't mess with me and the right of Hebrews I got to go said it's better than the Old Testament the word testament means agreement or Covenant Hallelujah and God says I got to give you another one that's based on better promises and a better sacrifice that gives you some better blood because in the old Covenant every time you sin you had to go and get new blood but in the New Covenant Jesus Hallelujah the lamb that was slain from the foundations of the world shed his blood once and eternally for my past sins my present sins and my future sins I believe the Bible I believe it because it's authentic it's God inspired even though it was redacted and edited God oversaw the editing process the councils that determine what would be put in and what left out God and his sovereignty oversaw that it's authentic it's accurate the Bible says it's able to make us wise unto salvation it's not a history book that's not what is intended to be it's intended to give us the info that we need to be wise unto salvation and it's accurate it's authoritative the text teaches it's profitable for useful and useful for teaching and rebuking and correcting and training you see Jesus treated the word as authoritative authoritative when when he was tempted by the devil he said it's written he says what's going to govern my behavior is what's written not what I feel if you're hungry command these stones to be turned into bread it's written when it came to what the church should do and what it shouldn't do when Jesus was trying to reform the Church and he went in and he saw things going on in the synagogue that he was not pleased with he said these words it is written that my father's house should be a House of Prayer but you've made it into something that's not what's written and What's So Scary is church is so unfamiliar Christians are so unfamiliar what the Bible has to say about church when a church actually looks like what the Bible says most Christians call it a cult because you don't know what's written I believe it I believe it because it's credible I'm not operating by blind belief I believe it historically there are more copies of biblical manuscripts with remarkable consistency and between them between them then there are any of the classics like Plato and Socrates we've got more evidence of biblical manuscripts than we do of Plato and Socrates writings the Bible contains 66 books written over 1500 years with 40 different writers to tell one big story about the coming of Jesus you can't keep a conspiracy going for 1500 years I believe it because it's prophetic prophetic consistency that over 300 specific prophecies in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in Jesus Christ in the New Testament how he will be born where he will be born written hundreds of years later that came true in the birth and in the life of Jesus Christ I believe it because there were eyewitnesses there were people who were around who walked with Jesus and when these things happen they when when these things were written about him these people that walked with him were still around see it's hard to tell a lie when people who were with him were still around people saw Jesus crucified they saw the tomb empty and this is what's different when it comes to Christianity than any other religion see in other religious narratives one person has a private encounter with God they have a dream or private encounter with God and then they come back and tell everybody else about what they saw in private but nobody saw it with them the reason I believe the Bible because it's different because it didn't start out in private it started out in public Jesus had a public Ministry he was killed publicly he rose publicly and then publicly showed himself to people after the resurrection and then he didn't go tell everybody else the public told everybody else what they saw so this is a lot everybody was lying I believe it I believe it intellectually because when I read the Bible I see Superior intellect I see stuff that makes sense forgiving people makes sense because if you ever held unforgiveness in your heart you see the only person it poisons is you it makes sense guarding your heart without without diligence for out of it flows the issues of life that just makes sense because when my heart is messed up it's going to flow into absolutely every single thing that I do and I believe it not just historically or intellectual it's not just credible in that sense it's credible experientially Hallelujah I'm not just speaking of his credibility based off of what I read but based off of what I know I've had some experiences where God's word has proven itself to be true I know Isaiah 54 17 is true that no weapon formed against you will prosper because I've been in situations where will the weapon formed and the weapon attacked but that did not work I know it's true I know it's true I know Psalms 35 is true that his anger is for a moment but his favor is for a lifetime I know weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in I know weeping endures for a night I know Joy comes in the morning because I've been in situations where my heart was so broken that I did not know if it could ever be put back together again and I don't know if you know what it's like to cry like that and to feel that kind of despair I don't know if you know what it's like to sit in your dorm room at 19 years old and contemplate taking your own life I don't know if you know what it's like to be on a path of destruction and God somehow come in and protect you during your stupid season and then grab you and pull you out of the muck and the mire so I know David is right when he says he redeems my life from destruction when I was about to mess this thing up and God stepped in and turned my mess into a miracle and my mess into a Ministry I know experientially that God's word is true I know that where sin did abound Grace did that much more abound I know [Applause] I know it's true and I know if any man be in Christ [Music] he's a new creature the old is God and the newest come because there are some things in my life that that I that I know no one could change but Jesus [Music] see and you can you yourself see if you if you hadn't been there you can't even feel what I'm talking about yeah but but but I'm talking to some people who know what it's like to be in some stubborn seasons and some stubborn situations where you made promises to yourself over and over and over again and you disappointed yourself and you felt like you'd never be able to get out but then God stepped in walked over picked you up turn you around and place your feet on Solid Ground I I know I know that is true I believe the Bible and because I believe the Bible I don't live a hopeless life [Music] right because where there's no faith there's no hope because I believe the Bible I don't live a life without hope the Bible is what gives me hope because without faith there's no hope and Faith only comes by hearing the word of God and I don't care who doesn't believe it I believe it I don't care who makes fun of me for believing it I'm still gonna believe it I don't care who stops believing it still gonna believe it [Applause] because God's word is true I'm way over father tonight I thank you for your word for your word is true it is right and we thank you for it and I pray father that those who are living a hopeless life without having hope in you and hope in your word that their hope would be revived restored and renewed tonight that we would trust you and trust your word in Jesus name amen [Music] well listen thank you for watching Thrive I want you to make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any of our teachings and remember you can watch me live at Thrive every Wednesday at 7 pm Eastern Standard time take care I'll see you soon
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 30,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, Jackie Hill Perry, Sarah Jakes, Priscilla Shirer, T.D Jakes, Steven Furtick, Tony Evans
Id: Chn0jBw8J9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 31sec (3271 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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