6 Uncomfortable "Truths" About RV Life You Need to Hear

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in this video we're going to talk about some  uncomfortable truths about the RV lifestyle   that you need to not only hear but also  be reminded of especially if you're new or   considering jumping into this lifestyle  so you're going to want to stay tuned   hello and welcome to our Channel if you're new  here my name is charity and my husband Ben and   I have been rving for five years now visiting  47 States along the way and we have learned a   ton during this time and that's really why we  have this channel to share our best tips tricks   travel stories and more with you and the RV  community so let's Jump Right In and talk about   some inconvenient truths when it comes to RV life  try and keep on walking that road truth number one   life on the road is not easy logistically living  a travel lifestyle requires a lot more forethought   and nothing is guaranteed in this lifestyle  including a place to park your RV from campground   reservations to getting packages delivered on the  road to Medical Care the list really just goes on   and on and when you take life on the road and  you're in a different city in a different state   every week or every month life gets exponentially  much more complicated so let's just talk about   getting packages delivered for just a moment  as an example now let's say you need to order   something from Amazon do you will need to order  something at some point which you'll understand   when I talk about truth number five this is not  just easy as clicking a few buttons like when   you're living stationary when you're an rver you  first need to check to see when that package is   going to arrive versus when you're going to be  moving to the next RV park or campground to make   sure it's going to arrive before that you leave  and in more than one instance we've actually had   to send things to the campground we're going to  be at two visits down the road since campgrounds   in some remote areas don't always get two to three  day delivery plus more and more campgrounds right   now are charging campers to receive a package  so you have to make sure to check with the   campground office that you're at least allowed  package delivery at no cost in short things are   a lot more complicated with this lifestyle and  it's definitely not as easy as stationary life now let's talk about truth  number two RV life isn't cheap   there is a lot of misinformation out there about  RV life being cheaper than Sticks and Bricks   living no one is talking about something called  opportunity cost when speaking of how much cheaper   the RV lifestyle is and I'll tell you a little bit  about what this opportunity cost is here in just   a minute but when you really run the numbers  the RV travel lifestyle is not cheaper than a   traditional Sticks and Bricks lifestyle when you  add up Campground costs maintenance repairs food   internet Insurance fuel it's not less now I know  right now a lot of people will say that they can   live in an RV for less than it costs for a rent  or mortgage payment and I'm not talking about   living in an RV stationary I'm talking about the  RV travel lifestyle it's not cheap traveling from   location to location and when an RV is in the mix  throw fuel economy out the window Campground costs   can also run anywhere from 900 dollars to two  thousand a month even sometimes more and let's   just say that you've got the top of the line  Thousand Trails membership run the true Break   Even analysis with the yearly maintenance fees the  annual dues and you'll figure out what your true   monthly cost is for campgrounds now the biggest  elephant in the room when it comes to the cost   of this lifestyle is something called opportunity  cost and really the best way I can explain this   is by sharing a little bit of Our Own Story we  have chosen to have a home base that we also use   as a vacation rental when we travel instead of  selling it all to go full time or even selling   the house to buy an RV we personally have felt  that the wise thing to do was to not get out of   the real estate market when people choose to not  have money in either some sort of an investment   or in real estate which is an investment they lose  the opportunity to gain the appreciation on that   asset or investment so for example the house that  we purchase when we relocated our home base to   Florida in 2020 his game gained over two hundred  thousand dollars of equity since we purchased it   just two years ago if we had sold our home base  in Colorado and just purchased an RV instead   we would have essentially lost two hundred  thousand dollars in the last two years that   is the opportunity cost where RV life is simply  not cheaper or a way to get ahead financially not cure or fix fill in the blank there's a  misconception that if your family's falling   apart at the seams just move into an RV to be  closer together or that if your marriage is   falling apart or if you suffer from depression or  whatever it is that ails you just hit the road and   magically all your worries and cares disappear  into the sunset and if anything RV life can   actually make things worse if your family Dynamic  isn't what you consider peaceful and harmonious   right now rving's not going to help RV life could  actually be more stressful and if you are not in a   good place mentally or emotionally RV life could  make things worse we highly recommend seeking   professional help getting healed getting whole  focusing on Mental Health before jumping into this   lifestyle there have been way too many stories in  the news in the last year or so emphasizing this   exact thing you will take you with you wherever  you go and rving is not a way to escape whatever   baggage that you or those close to you might be  carrying night but I'm still fighting I'm not   staying down truth number four campgrounds are  getting harder to book especially in the winter   in warmer climates or in popular destinations now  rving in cold weather is not ideal which is why   most rvers either one put their RV into storage  for the winter or two move with their RV to a   place that's warmer for the winter and if you've  ever tried getting reservations for Florida in the   winter you know the struggle is real thousands of  people since the pandemic have jumped into the RV   lifestyle which has met more Campground crowding  than ever in campgrounds near popular destinations   like national parks can be near impossible to get  into in the summer months seems the secret is out   the RV travel is more comfortable and convenient  than other forms of travel and it shows when it   comes time to make reservations at campgrounds  as the saying goes necessity is the mother of   invention and this is where we are glad we can  now use a surface called RV when looking for cam   grounds RV not only makes finding campgrounds  Easier by being able to search up to five   platforms at once but one of the things we  love most about RV is their unique instant   book feature for sold out searches now we've had  amazing success using RV to book campsites at   the highly popular state parks in the Florida  Keys and more unlike other campsite searching   platforms which simply just notify you of an  opening RV will actually instantly book that   campsite for you if you so choose and RV has a  92 percent success rate in booking a campground   for the upcoming weekend when there are three  or more sold out searches running at the same   time this solves a huge problem when it comes to  finding a campsite especially if you're more of a   weekend warrior rver now because we love sharing  our favorite Resources with the RV community and   we are committed to only sharing about products  or Services we love and use ourselves we have   partnered with RV to offer our viewers a 10  discount with our Link in the description below   good day coming it's a good day truth number  five RVs break all the time we've been in this   for five years and I cannot tell you how many  times things go wrong and when you think about   it it's just really to be expected I mean  every time that you drive your RV down the   road it's like a series of earthquakes  with your RV shaking and moving around and if you drive across I-10 or almost  any Road in Louisiana it's like an 8.0   on the Richter Scale earthquake people  if you're going to be an rver learning   how to work on an RV yourself is a must  see how much water we can get out of here oh that's nasty and let's just be real calling  an RV Tech every time something goes wrong gets   expensive fast ask me how I know when we first  started rving we were not the most handiest of   people and neither Ben or myself have any sort  of background in the trades or experience with   things like electrical or plumbing and we paid  our fair share of stupid tax calling a tech out   to fix our RV only to find out it was a blown  fuse we have learned to attempt to try to cover   this simple basis first but we really didn't know  much about basic RV electrical or Plumbing Systems   now this is where resources like the National  RV Training Academy are very helpful and the   nrvta is not only a certified tech school but they  also have an owner's fundamentals course designed   specifically for RV owners and this is a great  way to get to know your RV but also to save a   ton of money by knowing how to fix things yourself  and if a visit to Athens Texas where the nrvta is   located isn't feasible well they have a home study  course available as well which is the course that   Ben and I have taken to learn more about our  own RV in fact a little story we just got back   from Athens and on the way home our fridge decided  to stop working now Ben was able to troubleshoot   and fix it pretty easily just having some basic  knowledge on how these systems work good job Ben truth number six rving is addictive if you've  been rving for any length of time you know   what I am talking about once you get out there  and you start RV travel or RV camping you are   hooked there's just something about having your  own bed and your own pillow and your own food   and your own fridge there's a lot of own going  on here isn't there basically there's nothing   like bringing your own home with you wherever you  go plus let's not even talk about the beautiful   changing view the new scenery the new friends  and much more that come with this absolutely   amazing lifestyle one of the reasons that we  choose to live the RV life is because we want   to go and do and see and just really prioritize  experiences with our family over material things   you'll have to let us know in the comments  below what are some truths that maybe you've   learned or even questions you have about the RV  Lifestyle the comments is a great place where   all of us in the RV Community can just come  together and have a great discussion if we   don't see you out on the road or around the  campground we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 461,395
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Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, rv living full time, rv lifestyle full time, rv living tips, full time rv life, full time rv living, rv lifestyle, rv newbie, living in an rv, living in an rv full time, travel trailer, full time rv, how to rv, rv tips, travel trailer living
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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