Donating Setups To Streamers With 0 Viewers…

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today ladies and gentlemen I am feeling generous bro you don't have to donate more bro shut up okay someone tell me I'm Dreaming I'm going C shaking bro I can't play right now bro D near about to vomit I going to go onto twitch we're going to find some people who need a better setup and I'm just going to buy them whatever gaming peripheral they want however we're not just going to give it to any old joeo we're going to give it to people who really need it people with zero viewers oh boy I I've been there zero viewers with my my Minecraft oh God I want to find someone who's really humble we're going to try and make their day today because like I said I'm feeling generous and to find that person I've got my friend Adam here we've clearly got Mr Beast money today so let's spend it okay right Adam what game is the first game we need to look at Minecraft we go we can go just chatting just chatting just someone who's just chilling there's a lot of boo many boo oh my God yeah welcome to Twitch is this what is on Twitch all the time there there there's a lot it there's so many feet this isn't even the PS and hot tubs category there's a p there a PO and hot tubs yeah this page just seems to be feet and boobs right let's go to Minecraft right let's find a good Minecraft streamer lowest to highest I'm going to try and find some oh here we go one viewer let's see how entertaining this guy is he needs new headphones that's what he needs he's using airpods for headphones hey man you going to talk to us you could get a PC here bro if you just talked to us I can see your eyes moving over to look at the chat he's getting some FR oh bro this buttery Chef is not that buttery I see his eyes glimpsing over to the chat every so often he's he can see my chat you right there bro I'm going o well you could have got a game in set up there man and you fumbled the bag there who's this guy hey man okay just not talking to us then okay really fumble in the bag here people don't like us so it seemed like no streamer was giving us any attention but then we met this guy hey man yo what's up D what's up wel to stream bro if there was one thing for your setup that I could buy you what would it be for me it would be a mouse to be honest yeah at this point cuz my keyboard is like perfectly fine which one would you want I would buy is uh model o or maybe yeah that's like $49 we can afford that here we go why did Bud said hang on I heard oh thank you so much for the donation bro so good man I just got a $50 donor bro bro thank you so much for the donation bro really appreciated me but then things took a turn for the worst you see this guy right here had a really really toxic teammate donate to you bro why do you think who the hell donate to me you're actually the most useless teammate in existence ever why didn't you donate to me like what get yourself that Mouse bro yeah of course of course of course bro of course oh my God you're actually the definition of useless so I thought I'd donate a little bit more what else do you want I need to know what else do you need for your setup n bro that's fine that's already enough bro a you know I have 420 for shits and giggles oh bro thank you so much for the donation but I don't want it bro you need to stop okay yes I need it he does what if I don't stop what are you going to do I I need donations please man I'm the one who's for 20 boom bro that's enough bro that's enough trust me bro that's enough you don't have to donate more bro shut up okay yes I do we're doing more another 420 bro can you just stop bro you don't need to donate more bro maybe I do maybe I do need to donate more that's already enough unless you give the money to me then no okay dtic bro are you dantic no no freaking V he dantic wa wait wa no does he know me does he no I know him I know I've seen his bro I've seen your video is in my videos no way n nah right because he because he's a subscriber we're going to give him an extra CH 100 yo oh thank you thank you bro thank you but okay really appreciate that but okay that's fine you don't have to donate I don't even know what to say this guy's funny man I like him this is the first time ever gotten this much donation a aren't we nice I mean aren't I nice I just stood here and laughed at them how about we send some of your money Mone in the next one uh yeah cool um we then moved on to our next streamer and although this one had 11 viewers I still wanted to donate because of well she's broken a leg oh my god well I felt bad all right I'm sorry about your leg sorry about your leg it's right how much to fix your leg I think she needs a microphone if you could have any new item to add to your streaming setup what would it be good question microphone yeah I need to I mean I need to solve this m business out cuz it is horrible if I donate you don't need to do that all my stuff kind of um goes back into like the stream and everything like that but right let's get her a new mic uh daning I said not to thank you so much you didn't have to do that they send another a42 oh my God okay D there's enough why do all the streamers want me to stop me giving the money I'm giving you money no yes no no D stop my card keeps getting declined cuz it keeps thinking that I'm being scammed not being scammed I'm just I'm scamming myself not more please oh my there's other people out there who deserve this far more than me that that's it now it does not get higher than 185 but it but it does but it does may be wondering why run we cut to this segment here is because this video gets very crazy like we we've given away more money than I should have done but luckily I was managed to get this vid sponsored by Ser shark VPN can we get a can we get a round of Applause for surf shark surf shark have honestly saved this video and my wallet if you don't know what surf shark is it is a virtual private Network or VPN if you don't know what a VPN is it's basically these free things it massively improves your security online it gives you full access to like regionally locked things on the internet like watching Netflix shows from different countries and also because of that you can get better prices online like like if you set your location to like somewhere like India you'd be surprised by how many places offer you a cheaper subscription it it's honestly crazy and you can get all of this for 2 49 a month that is so cheap even if you just want to try it out to see if it's worth getting on that you can get three months free by using Code Dan so if you want to secure your privacy you can click the link in the description after this video but let's get on to giving some people some more money curtesy of Sark I love her reaction it's my favorite oh my God that is too much though honestly we're donating one more one more 100 cuz she said thank you about 5 million times dantic 123 tipped 100 someone tell me I'm Dreaming someone pinch me dantic man what the hell man is so real we've donated 290 so how about we round it up to 500 right we're going to do 210 thanks for subbing I'm going to cry I can't I can't oh my God D thank you what the now for the very last person we're giving money to I wanted to make sure that we found someone who really really deserved it and it's fair to say things started looking good as we went onto this guy's stream hello what up Dan hello man good bro I'm just going to go straight up there hey want some money bro money is not needed but if you give money that's fire what stuff do you need for your gaming setup bro stuff that I need for my gaming setup is honestly nothing man I got everything man I'm not going to lie to you there's another streamer that's like worth your attention bro I would recommend giving it to them oh he's nice he's nice you know what let's give him a little donation okay send the money BOS bro he actually donated $5 bro no way dantic what a goat bro yeah man wait wait Adam there is 17 people left in the game every kill we is $5 you win the game $50 come on man every kill equals $5 bason I need you to hold off on this game bro he's telling his mate get out get out I need kills one second I got I got to put the Visions on bro he's put the sunglasses on bro my hands are sweaty now bro he's shaking he's shaking are you sure man take my money all right bro I'll take your the [Laughter] money oh come on come on get it get it God damn oh there's one right by the bush bro I want I wanted to win oh damn you got it it's all good it's all good he put like 90% of the bullets into that guy to finish that guy bro I'm actually tweaking right now on oh there's one one count no I thought he was watching me it's all good bro dantic I I appreciate you believing in me bro thank you for even donating five bro but if you want to refund that because I played like afterwards that's okay I know he's nice let me give him at least 25 why'd you donate 25 bro give yourself something nice you're crazy dude do 25 25 I want to do it 25 no bro said another 25 what's wrong with you gang $55 for somebody that lost the game thank you bro I'll make sure to put it into the setup if he's investing it into the setup you can have 100 I like this guy we Dro in here F we can go your bro I no bro this fake this is fake bro no way dud like hey B I'm shaking bro I can't play right now bro you just donated 100 bro I need to chill real quick all right oh he looks so shocked D you're crazy dude thank you bro we're doing it again we're doing it again we're give him level 100 I like this guy he sent another 100 B bro I'm tweaking bro thank you man like a blessing type bro I don't even use that word often bro but it's crazy to me what's up dude what's good man how's it going man I'm awesome man it's crazy for real I get like a little steam deck and well just uh check your uh PayPal again one second I can't even see again man bro you n dog are you sure bro like you if you charge that back I'm not tripping it's all you bro all you make sure you get something good for your son and just keep being humble keep streaming man brother I appreciate the kind of words I'm in shock I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry bro Bast how did you win bro what what you won Bast how did you win bro what you better thank your friend dude another 50 brother what you the game way I didn't win the game Bast did Bast where are you bro I'm mean up with you I'm giving you this 50 in hand brother all I just made it bass in's house bro there's no way bro I got handed to his brother what a nice ending to the video I'm I'm I'm very happy we've helped out this guy you know he's buying steam deck or stream deck I don't know what he's buying but he's he's upgrading his gaming St and that's what matters that's what we set out to do if you guys like this video I'll do it again maybe we can give away like a whole PC or maybe even a whole game instead of who knows we need we need a lot of money for to be able to do that so please like the video
Channel: Dantic
Views: 275,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantic, donating to streamers, donating to small streamers, gaming setup, setup, donating, Donating Gaming setups to Streamers With 0 Viewers, pc, gaming, mr beast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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