TIKTOKS that are actually hilarious

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i am bored i was put on this earth to cure people's boredom so that's what i'm gonna do i haven't been recording because i got all this damn ligma on my face but don't make fun of me i will find you on facebook i will track down who your mother is i will slowly begin an internet relationship with her and i will become your stepfather so i can ground your ass this is gonna be the most epic high five my blind sister has never seen ten seconds into the video and we're making fun of blind people that's like a speed running world record [Music] i am never gonna play with the stick in my car the same ever again oh my god who ate the pizza is that real or cgi how is a damn seagull carrying an entire pepperoni pizza i didn't know they were that strong [Music] why does he look so happy to be in pain seeing these tick tocks my entire second channel is literally just profiting off the misery of others so you should subscribe because i'm trying to beat my friends to 10 mil using my second channel trying to get a double diamond is it just me as they sound like among us that door is sus bathroom 4 liquid is the best feeling [Music] we know this is probably just water that he's put there for the tick tock but the imagery that puts in my head and you're sopping that up with your bet pardon me bro yes can we take a photo together yes sir he's so polite oh god i don't like the way you're looking good this is why whenever a fan asked me for a photo i slapped him in the face i refuse to be caught lacking can you flip the garage light off before bed i don't see the point that but okay [Music] oh that's just rude what did the light ever do to you oh god bruh like i want to laugh because it was satisfying the thought well like think of the bacteria in that swamp i don't know if it's worth doing the tick tock bro when you have really nice neighbors oh god damn those are really thin walls i don't want my neck no i'd be questioning what they've heard every time i see a dog oh that's so cool dogs are the best we needed a tick tock like that in this video just something wholesome who keeps eating all the cereal i mean you got to feel for bald people right if you can't afford a hair transplant you've got to come up with creative methods no judgment i don't know what i would do if i was bald i've got a really weird shaped head i'm enjoying married life you know how much i love you this is cute this is really cute bro that was like in her nostrils almost certainly gave her pink eye holy [ __ ] amazing i love it oh god his knees i think his knees are never gonna be the same again i thought he might save it for a second but now he went god i love tick tock bro look at this [ __ ] snow that's some pretty crazy snow man oh he's lost his shoe and it's gone it's gone it's never coming back it's going into the abyss oh that's so unfortunate speaking italian in an american accent sounds exactly like how they speak in the sims stone dondo or super mercado county miami cheaper this man is speaking simlish that is the most accurate description of what that sounds like look at me i'm playing apex legend and i hope i'm gonna win ah i won that was insane click there clip that clip that clip there it's gonna be me when i'm 80 in my retirement home still getting fat dubs bad [ __ ] drive white vehicles damn wait a minute oh god damn yeah you a bad [ __ ] [Music] guess where i am right now i am [ __ ] crazy that is the perfect use of that sound i have seen in my entire tick tock experience i've seen this and it's sad kid is traumatized it's right the bird's fine he's dusted off you know and he throws it again imagine it falls again why is this a practice at weddings this seems so unnecessary pov the thief doesn't realize you have crocs flapjack holy crap time to put these bad boys into sports we'll lock them in buddy that guy's gonna regret what he's done he didn't notice i don't speed my thousands on he's zooming this has inspired me instead of wearing my ultra comfy uggs i'ma lock my crocs into speed mode maybe this will make the video better like it might make me funny if i'm wearing crocs you know make sure you clean up after yourself after having a safe peanut butter friday i feel really uncomfortable number one what is a safe peanut butter friday number two what is an unsafe peanut butter friday in fact i don't want to know the answer to these questions never let them know your next move i got my oh god in fairness a lot of people would pay a lot of money to be spat on by ryan reynolds you know i always like to take these opportunities to say he follows me on twitter you might see the free guy poster back there we're in a movie together so there's a challenge you walk down the stairs you skip a step with this thing you gotta look at it this is a challenge huh man you can see [ __ ] all right so i'm a i'm a fighter oh god see i love a good tick tock challenge that's gonna lead to broken necks you have a little brother who tries to light in the mood almost doing a fortnight emote the sister gets broken up with so little brother's like let me hit an emote real quick but that's a good little brother right there when my sister has romantic issues i tend to just tell her it was her own fault and she will never be loved in fact i'll call her right now and tell her that exact thing hello sorry i was just recording a video the reason you are alone is your own fault and you deserve it wow okay thanks she was hungover and i woke her up to do that there's different types of siblings when stunt people marry they set each other on fire that's pretty hectic [Music] that is nuts that is crazy these guys are lunatics dude even their kneel down to get extinguished was really smooth how does the fire stunt stuff work like how can you have fire but not destroy your entire head [Music] that looks sick i love these cinemas i haven't done one of those since i was a kid i think i went to like shrek at universal studios or something and when donkey spat you got sprayed in the face maybe that's why i want ryan reynolds to spit on me you know reliving childhood memories oh it's a damn lion king oh this tattoo is going wrong oh bro what are you going asking for yeah can i please have a tattoo on my back of a lion that looks like he sniffs petrol you know i want a lion that says god has made a mistake oh my god alexa i'd rather fart for me i feel like i've walked in on something oh sh i'm way too uncomfortable i ain't doing this no more yeah get me another one come on oh that's [ __ ] weird all right that was the best tick tocks we could find this month in order to cure your boredom subscribe we put so much effort into securing your boredom thanks for watching
Channel: LazarLazar
Views: 9,869,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazarbeam, tiktok
Id: DIj4bwX71Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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