Donald Trump Talks Guns, Mental Illness, ISIS (Full Interview) | Meet The Press | NBC News

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SnapshillBot 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Yes, Dementia Don's mental health is a big big problem.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/meowsaysdexter 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
mr trump welcome back to meet the press thank you not on the phone face-to-face it's really nicer that way right i think so too let's start with uh the horrendous news of the week and i want to get you to react to what the president said he was very came out very frustrated he said let me read you one of his quotes we spent over a trillion dollars and passed countless laws and devote entire agencies to preventing terrorist attacks on our soil and rightfully so and yet we have a congress that explicitly blocks us from collecting data and how we could potentially reduce gun deaths how can that be well you know i watch the statement and i understand exactly what he's saying but you know no matter what you do guns no guns it doesn't matter you have people that are mentally ill and they're going to come through the cracks and they're going to do things that people will not even believe are possible and whether it's the school shootings which are really very prevalent in this country they seem to be more prevalent in this country what's your explanation they're just sick people they're mentally imbalanced and they probably see it happening here more we have more mentally ill people than other countries i think what we have is i think we have copycats i think they watch it and they see it here maybe more than other places and the world can be a pretty sick place in so many different ways but we have mentally very unstable people and that is going to lead and you know it's not politically correct to say you can have the best security you can have the best everything but people are able to get in and do this terror you're just terrible damage you've you've done a 180 on guns you were somebody in the in the late 90s you said you know why not have more background checks i actually carry a license and it's very difficult to get here in new york city very difficult i have one and i think it's a great thing to have i mean from my standpoint i feel much better about it should it be difficult to get shouldn't it be something that's difficult to get well i think what should happen is we should take care of a lot of the sick people that we have walking the streets you know in new york i can tell you they opened up hospitals because of the fact that it was it was so bad and they let people out and we have people walking around all over the country we have it and they do that for budget reasons but we have people that are very sick walking the streets all over the place now with that being said you look at these people and they're loners you can almost predict what is going on with the person that did the shooting loner being rejected by everybody no friend usually a man a young man and his midfield now at the same time you could say and the neighborhood always says oh you know what now that i see this happening well the truth is you can't put all these people you know if the neighbor says well i think he's not so well what are you going to do institutionalize him for the rest of his life it's a very tough thing to do the truth is we've had things happening for hundreds of thousands of years and you're going to have them happening for it's it's a very very sad situation all right but we have i mean this is a startling statistic 153 000 people have died from gunshots since 9 11. and counting 911 up to 2014 three over just over three thousand people have died from terrorist attacks we have the president's point is we have devoted all these energies to prevent terrorism should there be a sense of urgency on this so the way i look at it you take chicago you take baltimore you take various other places where you have tremendous gun violence and death right the strictest laws in the united states in the world for guns happens to be chicago where they have a lot of problems baltimore a lot of the places where you have the biggest problem is where they have the strongest laws but locally without a national floor are pointless but the problem you have is the the strongest the most stringent laws are in almost every case the worst places it doesn't seem to work it's a tough situation chuck it's a tough situation and when it comes to the schools it really is mental health it's a mental problem you don't believe this is a we have too many guns do you think there's too many guns in america well you know you could make the case that the school that we just you know went through and i see it was a gun-free zone you were not allowed to have guns at all in that particular area and you can make the case that it would have been a lot better had people had guns because they had something to fire back you say you can make that case do you make that case well i would i would say that it couldn't be much worse i think the police did a great job they got there quickly and they were able to kill him but you can i can make the case that if there were guns in that room other than his fewer people would have died fewer people would have been so horribly injured would you be comfortable walking around new york city if half of the residents were carrying well you know you have different places and a lot of different things but we have a lot of problems in new york city as is and a lot of people have guns in new york city right now i understand could you be comfortable if more people had guns i don't think i'd be any more uncomfortable because the people that would have them would be responsible people so i don't think and you know in theory what they say is the theory and i can understand this very much if you had more guns you have more protection because the right people would have the guns but it's a very very difficult situation when you see the the mental illness problem that you have in this country and that's what it is and it's not a gun problem let's tackle that and wouldn't a background check what a mental should we have a mental fitness check before you own it you know you already have pretty stringent laws and you have pretty good and stringent laws already on the books that we don't use a lot of these people they come through and again i use the term they they fall through the cracks and they're able to get guns and they were able to get other things i mean frankly if it wasn't guns they'd end up getting something else that would be maybe worse than guns so what's the matter so what do you have a plan you've talked about you want to explain you've said mental health is a problem you said this mental health is what would you do about it well i would work very hard on mental health without that but i have to say no matter what you do you can have problems because you have sick people they happen to be intelligent and you know they can be sick as hell and they're geniuses in a certain way they are going to be able to break the system these people are going to be able to get into a school or get into something and it's a horrible thing to say and it's not even politically correct but it's common sense you're going to have problems no matter how good no matter what kind of checks you do know what kind of balance now with that i think mental health we have to do better we have to do a much better job with mental health what does that mean well it means better services better doctors if communities can report people that they obviously know i mean their government get involved in something there have been a couple of these cases where the communities said we knew this guy for years was really a sicko now there were two of those cases where it was really heavy and clearly the aurora guy from very different yes the very tough part though is how do you take that person and say we're going to institutionalize him for the rest of his life it's very tough he hasn't done anything yet so you know a lot of people could be covered by that that would lead a fairly decent life or even a very decent life so it's a very tough situation but if you go back a thousand years and you go forward 5 000 years you're always no matter how good the procedure is you're always going to have a certain violence and it's horrible to say right and people don't want to say it but we do have a monopoly on mass shootings in the world we have the monopoly we seem to and the only difference between us and really every other westernized country is the amount of guns we have in this country versus where uk you name it you know half of europe you go through but there are other countries that have tremendous amounts of guns and and you know they have they have they have problems also and there's also a copycat theory you know you see it i mean these people see it happening and this other people it's a small do you think we should stop covering them well that might help i mean look i've had complaints viewers will say okay stop covering these things it's a huge tragedy on one hand you cover it on the other hand do you stop covering well i liked what the sheriff said last night that he refuses to use his name he refuses to show pictures of him but in the meantime the news is all using his name and everybody now knows his name wouldn't it be wonderful if you wouldn't cover it because i think that's part of the problem you have copycats they want to do it they think it's wonderful they're sick people let's move to your tax plan uh you said it was going to be revenue neutral you said it was going to raise taxes on the wealthy a lot of people have done the numbers overall it cuts taxes on the wealthy dramatically when you throw in the estate tax and things like that and it's a big hole in the deficit until we find out what you're cutting okay so what are you ready we're cutting a lot and we're cutting taxes really for the middle income more than anything else everybody's taxes are going down though everybody's taxes are going down and some people won't pay tax and the reason they're not going to pay and i love the idea of having a little sort of fat in the game if we can but the fact is these are people that are doing very poorly i mean they're making not a lot of money and we're saving a tremendous amount of administrative course and a lot of other things by not making it pay my under my plan i really think it's a very dynamic plan we're going to grow the economy hey if china does it seven percent they're having a terrible year we're saying we can't do it three percent and four percent we just had four percent last quarter well and we can do it well we also had zero percent the first quarter i understand but we just had four percent the last quarter and we've less than four percent but we had right three point nine right yeah i was it was uh it was what three point nine percent okay but if you look at the overall average we're doing two percent and we're doing less than two percent for the year so we can do really terrifically china if they do seven percent right but i don't know an emerging economy he's always going to go six if we do six or seven percent our sweet spot is three to five right if we do six or seven percent under my plan everybody benefits we've never done that we've never had a year but we can't we can do that we can how is that going to work well first of all a couple of things number one corporate inversion is a big deal and that's getting worse and worse companies are going to be leaving here the old days they'd leave new york and they go to florida they'd leave new jersey they go to texas they're leaving the united states now and they're going out to different whether it's ireland and lots of other places in europe and asia and they're leaving and there are many companies right now chuck that are talking about very seriously leaving this country and you're talking about thousands of jobs and a couple of these are big powerful companies with lots of jobs one other thing your tax plan would not stop ford from moving for instance that plan no but the incentive will be you're right but the incentive now is going to be to stay here and very importantly the two and a half trillion dollars that we have outside of the country which i think is a much higher than the number than that you know what most people think the two and a half is two and a half but they have no idea the folks that do this professionally including government folks have no idea what that number is i think the two and a half could be much better two and a half trillion dollars is going to come and more it's going to come back into the country and that money is going to be used within the country and it's going to be great and they will be taxed but taxed at a rate right now if you have money outside of the country it's almost impossible to get it back in for two reasons the bureaucracy and the high tax i'm going to get it back in and that money is going to be used and that's a huge incentive we still have a hole in the deficit that this tax plan blows open unless you tell us what you're cutting well i'm just telling you what are you cutting here on growth so it's 12 trillion in missing revenue over 10 years giving you the benefit of that on economic growth you still have 10 trillion to make up i'll tell you no no if we can get it up to five percent or six percent it's a huge that's a huge difference right there okay six percent is something we have not done but uh well we used to do it in the old days we used to do it six it was four to five six no no in the old days in the good old days we used to what's the goal i think we can do it a while ago but there's no reason why we can't look we get rid of regulations we lower taxes we create stimulus we take jobs back from china japan all these what you're saying is you make it all up with growth no no not all up with growth we also start cutting because the waste in this country is unbelievable when you look at all of them going to get rid of entire departments uh i would get rid of some you look at as an as an example department of education you get rid of it no not entirely but i would certainly get rid of a lot of it if you look at jeb bush he's a big you know he's a big common core person i'm not i want local education we could save a fortune with environmental protection not a big department though you're not going to get rid of a lot it's a lot of money you're not going to get rid of as much as what is another agency we have even in the military i'm going to build the military it's going to be much stronger than it is right now it's going to be so strong nobody's going to mess with us but you know what we can do it for a lot less they sent a washer from south carolina to texas it costs 997 000 okay so you believe you can it was fraud less money from defense than we do today i think we can make our defense much stronger spend somewhat less money and increase so you can cut the defense and make the military stronger chuck when they send an 18 cent washer from south carolina to texas and it costs almost a million dollars to bring it there because of the fraud and abuse and everything else i mean it was a fraud but there have been many cases like that we can save so much when a hammer that you buy at home depot for eight dollars nine hundred dollars no no but these tissues have said this overnight i know i'm not a problem abuse oh if i get waste front and abuse and that's how i'm gonna do it i know but i'm not a politician i'm a business guy i mean of course for the last three months i'm about to never happen but you watch it happen with me all right let's get specific here so you so you're telling me you're gonna be able to cut the defense budget from where it is today i'm gonna i'm gonna make sure the defense we have better defense we're gonna have better than we you can do it for less money but i think we can do it for less money yes so then you i think there's tremendous waste we build a bomber for two billion dollars and by the way they say it's not good okay they say they say the previous plane is better and we're spending two billion dollars so maybe we go with the previous right so you're going to cut the education department you're going to you believe you can save money in the defense department where else environmental protection take a look at environment cut the epa i'm just 20 weeks they destroyed a river in colorado i mean three weeks ago and they were the ones that did it they opened the gates they opened the dam and a lot of bad stuff came out and they don't even know i mean it may be destroyed they are and i deal with them all the time it's impossible most real estate people do no no can i be honest it's impossible shouldn't it shouldn't it be difficult though no it should be fair uh it stops everything over nothing do you know one of the reasons the wall never got built was environmental protection agency they couldn't get an environmental impact statement approved the wall and when i talk about the wall i'm talking about the wall at the southern border which is very much necessary which i'm going to get built and mexico is going to pay for it by the way i still don't understand how you're going to a lot of people get mexico that's what i do you know why because we pay a tremendous amount of money to mexico number one number two we lose a tremendous amount of money with everybody coming in tremendous amount of money including jobs by the way forget about crime and everything else and mexico we have a u.s trade deficit with mexico is close to 45 billion dollars a year they'll be happy if explained to them in the proper way and i have a great relationship with mexi i love mexico i love i love the people of mexico but mexico is going to pay for the wall you have promised about four trillion dollars in some spending most of it on roads and bridges you've talked about the infrastructure issue the health care plan four trillion you know when i when you say four trillion can i give you an example that's the estimate of what it would cost right can i give you i'll give you two two quick examples i'm running for office right i'm doing very well you'd have to say i'm leading in every poll everything do you know that i've spent very little money running for office i understand that okay less than anybody else guys that have spent five million people like us that are giving you too much air time well maybe but you know whatever it is but i've spent very little money running for office and yet i'm leading by a lot in every poll state polls texas north carolina south carolina new hampshire iowa no no what if that's a good transportation it has a lot to do okay so i've spent almost no money and i'm leading in every poll that has to do with budgets that has to do with business uh you can go i can give you so many oh let me give you another example the old post office in washington dc i got it which is shocking because it was one of the most sought after projects in the history of the gsa general services administration i got it because my financial statement is very strong because i knew i'd get it built and they liked what i was doing more than all of these other people i heard there were over 100 bidders they broke it down to 10 some of the best companies in the country they chose trump which is shocking to a lot of people because it's the obama administration chose trump we are way under budget and way ahead of schedule it's going to open up way it was going to be in 17 we're going to open it up in 16 we're under budget so the button is what you're saying what i'm saying is the roads are going to cost you 4 trillion you're saying what i'm saying is these roads i look at the cost of a road where they're going to spend 600 million dollars building a simple road and i don't mean i'm going to save you a little bit we're going to bring in you're going to build a better road you're going to have a better road for a fraction of the quality the money that we are the first one that can do this and nobody else's i am a builder i understand building i understand negotiation i understand deals would you understand why people are skeptical because they hear people telling them this all the time they might but they're politicians all talk no action all talk no actually also you know another thing they're controlled by lobbyists they're controlled by the guys that own the companies that build the roads i'm not they're controlled by ford and they're controlled by all of these other you know when they want to move plants and they want to do all these things and they end up costing so much money for the taxpayer i'm self-funding i know all the guys i know all the lobbyists many of them have worked for me i'm not controlling coming back to the math here because nobody can seem especially since you've said you're taking social security and medicare off the table you're not going to do any cuts there at all right if you take that off the table it's unfair to put it on the table people have been paying in for years now all of a sudden they're getting what they bought you wouldn't even raise the rate age of retirement no i'm not going to do that i'm not going to do that at all i'm going to take in so much money from china and other places look we have a trade deficit with china of almost 400 billion dollars a year 400 billion i had it looked up the other day i said i can't believe it with japan 75 billion dollars a year with mexico 45 billion that's why i say the wall is gonna cost five billion dollars people say ten i say five and mine's going to be bigger better nicer and everything else okay because that's what i do but just let me say all right the numbers we're coming up with those are not that low you're coming up with different numbers no no no i'm not coming up with different when we're losing the kind of money we are with all of our trade agreements and you know carl icahn is on board he wants to i'll say carl you look over china look over japan i have the best people in the world coming instead of losing money even if we broke even we're losing 400 billion dollars a year doing trade with china what kind of stuff is that and by the way that's been going on for years would you not do training for a long time i mean there's a lot of a lot of people of your wealth work at companies that like to do business i'll do in fact in this building if you go down two floors you'll see the biggest bank in the world is from china and their tenant in fact i'm going to take you and show you that bank okay they pay me nice rent they like me i'm going to get along with china we don't even get along with china china makes a fortune off the united states look what china has done to the united states is one of the greatest thefts in the history of the world okay and they know it these are very smart people they're dealing with idiots they're dealing they are dealing in the trade in trade they've taken our jobs they've taken our base they've taken our money and here's the beautiful thing we owe china right now 1.5 trillion dollars so they take all our money they take our jobs and we owe them money japan we owe them with all the cars we owe them right now 1.5 trillion dollars what kind of deal that's like a magic act let me ask you about china it's a little off topic but um they perhaps uh perpetrated the worst intelligence theft of the american government how would you have retaliated well how would president trump have punished we have tremendous power over china but the president doesn't know so tell me the power you would use the power we have is economic power we have rebuilt china they've taken so much money would you have sanctioned that you put economic sanctions on them how would your punishment look at the deal they made last week with boeing boeing's ordering some planes right i mean china's ordering plants from boeing boeing has to go and build massive plants all over china what kind of a deal is that in other words china doesn't want the planes to be built in seattle to be built in south carolina china wants the plans to be built in china so boeing as part of it i don't blame them but that doesn't mean we have to go along with it now we've got bmw to build cars here here's the power we have in this country we have tremendous power over china people don't know it our people don't know because they don't have a clue so how do you the power we have is economic tremendous people you sanction them by the way china should also take north korea and say listen folks it's over because china has very good they like to say they don't have as much as people think they have total control over north korea we have economic power we've rebuilt china china has drained our company at our our country from jobs they've taken the jobs they've taken our money they've rebuilt china you go to china you see highways you see airports you see things that we don't have in this country so what i'm saying is we have this tremendous economic power over china and i'd use it if we have to when they do the attacks when they do the hack right so how do you punish now here's the thing we don't even really know it was china because i hear china i hear russia i hear all different i hear even north korea with the movie studio people think it was north korea the truth is we don't even know who's doing it and when isis as another one that we hear becomes better at the internet than us we have a long way to go chuck so again i go back if you feel as if you had to retaliate against china in this you would use a sanction you would well you could do tariffs you might want to do a tariff you'd put them out of business let me tell you if you would use tariffs as a weapon as a little bit of an economic number one on trade in general on trade if they what they did with devaluation is incredible two weeks ago they devalued their currency the most they've done in two decades the biggest evaluation they've done in two decades it was disgraceful and that's after they've done other devaluations makes it impossible for our companies to compete so they do that now what you do about that you know what everybody said oh it was terrible terrible they don't do anything about it what you do is you do a tariff against china now just so you understand we don't judge china anything they do business we don't charge you man you can't do business in china you try if you have a company here they charge you so much tax and so much in tariffs that it's a and they don't want your product anyway that you can't do business it's a one-way street that's why they make 400 billion dollars a year let's move to syria okay you came across to me as if you welcomed putin's involvement in syria you said it was sort of like you didn't you saw very little downside why i'll tell you what i've i am somebody that and you know i've been saying this to you for a long time i want our military to be beyond anything no contest and technologically most importantly because you're getting now militaries have to be technologically advanced so we probably have a big advantage we do have a big advantage of that but we are going to get bogged down in syria if you look at what happened with the soviet union in afghanistan that's when they went bankrupt they went bankrupt they were there so long so you think so you think putin's going to get there they're going to get bogged down everybody that's touched the middle east they've gotten bogged down now putin wants to go in putin does not want isis i know they haven't hit them as hard as they should be hitting them because they're hitting the thought rather than people we've trained excuse me we're they're hitting people we're talking about people that we don't even know right the rebel group we have no idea i was talking to a general two days ago he said we have no idea who these people are we're training people we don't know who they are we're giving them billions of dollars to fight assad and you know what it's very positive i'm not saying assad's a good guy because he's probably a bad guy but i've watched him interviewed many times and you can make the case if you look at libya look what we did there it's a mess if you look at saddam hussein with iraq look what we did there it's a mess it's going to be the same thing the middle east would be better today if qaddafi saddam and assad were sort of uh if saddam and qaddafi were still there and assad were stronger you think the middle east would be safe not even a contest jack it's not even a contest iraq is a disaster and i could be better off isis came out of iraq right it was like the leftovers that didn't get taken if saddam and gaddafi do you think things would be more of course it would be you wouldn't have had your benghazi situation which is one thing which was just a terrible situation but of course libya is is not even nobody even knows what's going on over there it's not even a country you welcome putin's involvement i like that putin is bombing the hell out of isis and it's going to be isis i'll tell you why putin has to get rid of isis because putin doesn't want isis coming into russia you trust him and nobody else i don't trust him i don't trust him at all other than we both got very good ratings the other night on 60 minutes because i it was with me and putin can you believe this right so i don't know did i get the ratings or did he but the truth is it's not a question of trust i don't want to see the united states we've spent now we've spent 2 trillion in iraq probably a trillion in afghanistan we're in there we're destroying our country we owe 19 trillion dollars we're bogged down russia was bogged down in afghanistan meaning the soviet union it broke up the soviet union they're going to get bogged down you watch as sure as you're sitting there and i'm the one that said don't do you would you like i said don't do a wreck you would sort of you would pull out of what we're doing i'd sit back and this is not usually me talking okay because i'm very proactive as you probably know i know but but i would sit back and let's see what's going on here's the problem to to what you're saying in syria we are fighting assad and we're fighting for people and helping people that we don't even know who they are and they may be worse than assad they may be worse okay they may be worse and if assad if assad never happened if you didn't have a problem in syria you wouldn't have the migration you wouldn't be talking about all of these countries with what's going on in europe and now they're talking about taking 200 000 people that we don't even know who they are and bringing them to the united states the whole thing is ridiculous so i'm not justifying putin but you watch he'll get bogged down there he'll be there he'll spend a fortune he'll be begging to get out everybody that's gone to the middle east has had nothing but problems so president trump you're going to make our footprint in the middle east smaller well if you remember number one in 0304 i didn't want to be there but if you get in office in 17 years i wanted to take the oil okay i wanted to take you you know who has the oil now iran has the oil isis says do you know who the biggest customer of the oil is china you know how much they spent nothing they're the ones getting the oil but isis has it iraq has a little bit but and there really is no iraq if you think about it chuck there really is no wreck iraq is a corrupt group of people that's all erected i'm getting i'm getting a rap song but there's two two more questions i want to get at you you said something the other day that caught me off guard you said you're not a masochist and if you start falling in the polls yeah you'll go back to your business what does that mean are you not in this somebody or not and i was just going to say yeah i i just screamed you said it on the today show and with uh my buddy john harwood yeah and it caught my ear i'm like uh-oh no what does that mean a lot of people have asked me that question number one i'm not a masochist and if i was dropping in the polls where i saw that i wasn't going to win why would i continue and it's funny maybe it's like not like me because it's the power of positive thinking i'm a very positive person i'm a positive thinker but the truth is i'm a realist i'm doing great in the polls right now i think you will say i'm not saying anything i'm leading everything you're leading every poll everything by a lot in a republican primary not only leading by a lot okay general elections are different stories but that's all right well yeah yeah you know i'm a pull i believe in polls you know how many elections do you see where the polls were wrong not that many okay you see them but not that many if i were doing poorly if i saw myself going down if you would stop calling me because you no longer have any interest in trump because he has no chance i go back to my business i have no problem with that i said hey i gave it a good collapse to know seven that's true and he stuck it he stuck it out that's right so you won't stick it out i'm just saying that it happened but i'm a person that is a realist if for some reason you stop calling me and others your cohorts okay and they stop calling that it's not going to happen look i can tell you right now that in the republican primary i can look at some of these people that i'm competing i get along with most of them believe it or not you know every once in a while they start hitting me because they try and build up their numbers but i get along with most of them they shouldn't be many of them should not be running any longer they're not going to make it it's not going to happen if i felt i was in that position i'd get out but in all fairness i think i'm in the exact opposite position right now i'm the one everybody's gunning for do you think electability should matter when people judge you right now you're somebody that loses to bernie sanders in many of these general elections i haven't hit him yet but i haven't started but if you don't look jeb bush does better against bernie sanders than you do because i haven't focused on bernie sanders and you know the one one disadvantage i'm not a politician i haven't been out there i've never campaigned i've never done this before but i'm a smart guy i've had huge wins over my life i've been a guy that wins most of the time and if i don't win i make it into a win but i haven't focused on bernie sanders okay and i haven't focused on hillary either she did a terrible job i think she's going to be i don't think she's going to be hard to beat and actually some of the polls have me beating now hillary i haven't seen any polls right you struggle against biden and sanders and more and look biden hasn't been hit yet and bernie sanders hasn't been hit yet but when i if i win against these other 15 or 16 or however many are left which is a ridiculous amount of people but assuming i get the nomination i'm going to win because and i'll tell you why i'm going to win because people in this country are tired of losing and they're tired of politicians and they're tired of seeing what they're seeing our country is in trouble and i'm going to make america great again that's what i'm going to do let me ask you uh politics is a family affair you obviously your wife felt comfortable doing something with people magazine yes first time they were very nice she had she had done that are we going to see on the campaign trail yes yes she feels very strongly about certain issues especially women's health issues she feels very very pretty soon and is going to start doing interviews you'll probably do an interview with a lot of her a lot of potential first ladies have an issue that they want to well she feels very strong about women's health issues i mean overall himself as an example uh jeb bush didn't want to fund women's health issues okay well it was he made a misstatement he correct then he came back and he said he misspoke when she saw that she was so upset by it she couldn't even believe it and ivanka too who you just met ivanka feels so strongly about women's health issues and you know they know how much i respect women they know how much and i say it i cherish women my mother was one of the great people what you're saying we're going to see them on the trail they're going to be on the trail and they want me to be more forceful on those issues because i will take care of women better than anybody else how soon i think they're going to go on very soon i mean i think melania is really she's looking forward to it actually she'll be very good next couple weeks i would say within a couple of weeks yes and and ivanka too we'll be looking for it mr trump thank you sir great honor hey nbc news fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel subscribe by clicking on that button down here and then click on any of the videos over here to watch the latest interviews show highlights and digital exclusives thanks 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Channel: NBC News
Views: 588,165
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Keywords: nbc news, nbc, news, news channel, news station, newspaper, breaking news, us news, world news, politics, nightly news, current events, top stories, pop culture, business, health, Donald Trump, Donald Trump for president, Donald Trump video, Donald Trump annoucnement, GOP, Donald Trump GOP, Trump 2016, 2016, vote, election, Donald Trump Meet The Press, Donald Trump NBC, Donald Trump Imigration
Id: s1B-okG3548
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2015
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