Don Q Inn - Crazy Themed Hotel - Dodgeville, WI - Plus Mustard Museum!

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically middleton wisconsin and we are going to stay at a very special hotel tonight we have to get there first and on the way i just wanted to stop and see you maybe a few things and uh first stop today we have returned to the mustard museum yes a museum based only around mustard i was here years ago and uh it was fascinating so let's let's give a second look to the mustard museum please follow me [Music] so [Music] here in the mustard shop actually the museum exhibits are down the stairs here [Music] here we have mustard ring toss four rings for a dollar see the rules here uh place money in the donation box honor system mustard lovers are always honest for each jar you ring you win a jar of mustard take your prize from the shelf below all right so yeah the prize mustard is down there we're gonna put our dollar in and take our four rings okay we gotta stand back here we will try to ring some mustard almost oh it went on and bounced off oh i only got one more ring come on one i need i need some mustard oh of course the mushroom museum full of different types of mustard what's that mustard snack sauce oh it's mustard from zanzibar a little mustard character there did you know canada is the world's largest exporter of mustard seed i did not apparently saskatchewan is the monster capital of the world the first 27 virtues of mustard mustard is adventurous articulate confident affectionate bold courageous appreciative clever courteous humble generous effervescent what does that mean honest fluffy oh yeah i don't want fluffy delicate graceful faithful creative industrious observant resourceful kind open-minded steadfast nimble patient and tolerant wow mustard is pretty great just so many different bottles of mustard from all over the world this massive wall here we have mustard from every state alaska arizona arkansas california has quite a bit of mustard this is all california mustard some north carolina mustard i don't know i don't i don't recognize oh yeah yeah there he is uh lusty monk mustard i actually love this um some of the best mustard that's made the you can get it in asheville north carolina near where i live really really good stuff this case has some interesting mustard in it we have mickey mouse mustard yogi bear mustard down there it's a little mustard man back there mustard flavored soda and uh look at this they have all the different kernel mustards and various games of clue even have krusty the clown as colonel mustard looks like an old bar door here wines spirits and beers so you pass through that there is a mustard piece theater all these chairs where people can pile in here and watch a documentary about mustard well mustard medicine medical mustard says mustard baths uh take care of rheumatic pain stiff muscles headaches and tired feet has anyone ever taken a mustard bath leave a comment let me know about your mustard bath look at this these are different medical mustards mustard powder mustard ointment mustard leaves yeah i wonder i never knew uh mustard was such a powerful medicine i wonder if it's a controlled substance this is the world's only all mustard vending machine which you put your money in different mustards custard amounts beer and broth mustard it's all silver spring mustard different times jalapeno mustard that might be a bit much here is the founder of the mustard museum barry levinson a very very eccentric individual got mustard see we julius caesar with a mustard mustache here at this table you can sign up for the mustard of the month club you sit down fill out this form sit next to this mannequin right here you can see he's wearing a poupon you hat poop on you if you get it you get it poop on you there's a thank you letter from oprah winfrey thanking barry for appearing on her show apparently ketchup is banned it's considered poison here for order of the middleton condiment authority apparently barry hates ketchup beyond belief he can't even stand the sight of it and look at this a mustard quilt of course here the carpetbagger channel we appreciate quilts and quilters to the fullest these are all old mustard t-shirts national mustard day the world's largest mustard pass oh apparently they they passed to the mustard all the way from here in middleton to mount horab mustard egg i guess mustard day is a celebration that they have here oh mustard on ice cream i don't know of course they poop on you the americans mustard college keep calm and mustard on i got smeared smeared it's the periodic table of mustard all the different mustards on there kernel mustard oh man some so much mustard so many mustard puns there's a swiss mustard dispenser you like milk it like a cow the mustard squirts out there's a mustard costume or you can dress as a giant bottle of mustard pretty cool they actually have a mustard tasting bar here in the gift shop where you can taste a variety of unusual mustards where i picked my mustards to try that's uh ghost pepper mustard nashville hot mustard yeah that's the joke is the hottest mustard here yep all right and then we also have champagne mustard so let's give these a try [Music] okay so this is praline mustard so that it's sweet enough to put on ice cream what's very interesting there you go we were sweet but definitely taste the mustard in there it's actually really good so we have champagne and garlic so there's a little more unusual mustards here ooh that's really good he's got a sweet taste yes i am how many subscribers 390 000. 390 000. yeah it's really tasty it's garlic champagne yeah really cool how that tastes like work together that's really awesome [Music] mustard it starts off with root beer and then ends off with yellow mustard all right so this is scratchers or beer mustard oh yeah that's interesting see you take the first bite taste all that root beer then it like follows up with the mustard really interesting i love that i was a gold medalist in the worldwide mustard competition all right nashville hot monster natural hot chicken so i guess got smokey burn to it now you're ending off the most spiciest of the mustard it's really sweet a little scared very spicy are you ready i'm ready all right then okay here we go just gonna try to try a little bit of this this is the ghost pepper mustard yeah for oh that burns all over feel it burning down my throat in my mouth oh okay cool yeah it's hot it's very hot oh ghost pepper mustard probably a big mistake uh didn't have any milk in there i thought gatorade might be the the best of combat to eat but it's not doing very much oh i need something is there a milk museum around here somewhere oh oh skipped the ghostbusters for mustard all the other ones were really good really unique bashful hot was a little hot but it doesn't compare why did i do that why did i think that was a good idea uh oh bad mustard so with a burning mouth hole we move on through wisconsin stopped off here in black earth wisconsin dang that is a name here's the shoe box the midwest's largest shoe store it's a blue cow out in front here don't know if that's supposed to be babe or not but uh maybe it's just a blue cow wearing a cardinals hat i don't know should we take a small detour and uh head to waldrog only 718 miles and look at this on top of the shoebox building we have king kong grabbing an airplane and if you look real close his eyes are actually glowing red terrifying there's the shoebox van with a big boot on the top and i'm telling you black earth wisconsin that needs to be a pro wrestler's hometown here in wisconsin they have all these little cheese shops they have the wonderful local wisconsin cheese here we are at arena cheese home of kojak cheese not sure what kojak cheese is but a lot of these uh cheese shops will have a friendly mouse out front look at this guy right here see he's got a wedge of cheese it's got a a sausage there a happy little guy some fresh cheese here look at this chocolate cheese i don't even know how that works all these other fruity fruity cheeses there's chicken soup cheese it's got like chicken soup spices in it it's a brick of cheddar cheese encased in wax and made to look like a cow see here they actually have a window into their cheese making factory see the big trough there running rakes through the cheese oh you can see the chunks the cheese chunks there oh yeah i can see the cheese carrots being stirred right there this is a true must for any wisconsin road trip fresh cheese curds these curds were actually made today we saw the the men working on them back there oh i can't wait to to bust it it's also got let's get the little mouse that's in the front there on the package cheese curds these are really soft a lot of times you get them in the grocery stores they're cold they're hard but these are nice and tender oh so fresh you can probably you know a good cheese curd because you can hear it squeak in your mouth so good so salty so soft a wonderful flavor pulled over here at peck's farm market and i noticed that giant watermelon slice on the roof they also have this giant jack-o-lantern here and i think oh yeah look at this you can actually walk through the giant jack-o-lantern this is what it looks like to be inside a jack-o-lantern got some turkeys oh look a little baby baby turkeys got a couple of goats just uh standing on some tires here and under this waving american flag we have a beautiful piece of corn on the cob now we have stopped for our place of rest this evening at the don qn a hotel here in dodgeville wisconsin that has some very interesting rooms in addition to having some very interesting rooms the don q in it's a very interesting plane parked in front of the hotel now you can't sleep inside the plane but you can walk up the staircase to check out the insides oh look at this inside the plane here oh wow yes looks like a military style plane still got all the gears and equipment in here take a look at the cockpit right there man that is a lot of dials and gauges who who in the earth be able to keep up with all those guess whoever sat in this chair was responsible for that let's see there's some chairs up here you can lounge in it's like some military style beds this is really crazy oh yeah these are like places for people to sleep while they're on the plane they took a steeple off of a local church and actually converted it into a hotel realm so we enter the don q in you can see the big fireplace there in the middle it says fireplace is closed during summer season that makes sense and look at these chairs surrounding are these like barber chairs don't know what type of chairs these are if you know what type of chairs these are leave a comment in the comment section but that's very cool antique chairs for sure yeah it looks like this one here has like a hair dryer that you'd put over your head okay this one here is definitely a dentist chair have this thing that you spit in they don't have these anymore i guess because i don't want people spitting because it's too messy then now they put the hose in your mouth suck the water out yeah look at that ominous chair right there with the big i guess that would just be a light that they would shine in your mouth i wanted to check out the pool here it seems like a pretty normal pool it's got a mild looks it's got a mild tropical theme according to this mural here but uh yeah probably still uh so fun to swim in all right so getting ready to uh check in to our room here we'll do the grand reveal oh it's blue in here and nice and cold here in an igloo this is the northern themed room and our big old bathtub there hey let's check this out the red chairs there with a little heart table in between this beautiful mural of the arctic you can see the northern lights up there and here is our igloo with a polar bear a skinned polar bear on top of the igloo oh my gosh i love this so much you're in here you can actually see the the lights change here i guess you can enjoy the northern lights from your bed here inside the igloo we do have a little mirror there on top let's see if we can we can see oh there you go hey hey can you see me all right there's mirrors on the side of the bed too hey this big circular bed got my telephone there in the little nook yeah you can see the northern lights there flashing under the bed you can turn on normal lighting here if you want to get a peek i don't know what the room looks like without the northern lights we got this strange red lamp here but oh man this is so cool you gotta love that old-fashioned room key look at this they even have a flat screen tv that you can watch from the giant bathtub i love this mural of these two polar bears screaming in each other's face i just noticed there behind the lamp there's a colony of penguins of course you need a big old air conditioner to keep this arctic room cool oh we got our bible in there the gentleman at the front desk was actually kind enough to tell me that he would give me a tour of some of the other rooms so we can take a peek at some of the other theme rooms that they have here at the don qn oh this is the jungle suite oh wow the tub there the shower got branches and trees over top here very cool it's the bedroom in here the canopy here over your bed this is the native american suite i got a similar bathtub and a teepee here leading to the bedroom there's cactuses and uh dream catcher tv a native american theme it's a cactus you can see a waterfall here in the tub cactus there all right so this is the hot air balloon room oh wow look at that they start here up on the mountain and you actually walk down and the hot air balloon is a bed there and of course has the tub here in the mountainside asian theme to it a mirror on the ceiling a little like keyhole entrance here to the bathroom okay this is the caesars palace rail see the columns there around the shower bathtub oh look at that columns surrounding the bed here very cool oh look there's gonna have a radio there in the middle of the bed it's a honeymoon suite called cupid's corner oh wow it's all red in here that heart-shaped bed that one's got a radio to the heart-shaped bed is a matching heart-shaped mirror there on the roof and of course like all the other ones has the jacuzzi hot tub all right check out the space themed room oh wow you can see the light show on the ceiling there we have an astronaut nasty not right above the window wallpapers like the surface the moon you can see earth these amazing space chairs here and then just look at this i guess that is the the bed up there top of the space pod tube is here under the pod let's check on that bed up here oh that is so cool that is so cool you can sleep here in the space pod you can look at saturn there in the sky your planet earth the milky way oh it's very cool i wasn't able to show me all the rooms because some of them are currently occupied like the cave room here we have the arabian nights room the mid evil room that one looks interesting thank you for joining me here today and joining me on this trip across wisconsin to see the wonderful don q in i love the theme rooms here big thanks to the don q and for letting me take a peek at some of the unoccupied theme rooms and i'll tell you before you leave a comment my first uh my first choice was the space room but it was booked unfortunately the people had not arrived yet so he was able to show me that room but i love the space but i do love the northern light room that i'm in sleep in an igloo with the northern lights with these with a polar bear rug above my igloo wonderful place here uh if you like these videos please subscribe and uh it'll let you know when a new video comes out i upload very regularly um if you want to check out some older videos on my channel i've been to the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions music parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff um if you like to support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month and uh also selling some enamel pins in the etsy shop all that just helps keep this train on tracks this boat in the water and just original in here until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 38,078
Rating: 4.9631257 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, mustard museum, roadtrip, dodge q inn, dodgeville, wisconsin, WI, spring green, igloo, hotel, theme rooms
Id: o4f1orVd1Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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