Don’t Get CAUGHT in Roblox MM2!

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Mia today we're playing murder mystery 2. I'm good at this game too I love being the murderer because nobody ever catches me I'm really bad at being the murderer but I'm good at being and innocent well maybe you'll be good at being the sheriff she's the person with the gun that has to kill the murderer the sheriff yeah but hopefully I'm innocent because I want to figure out who the murderer is and I have a weapon on my hip look oh wait I have a what do but honestly being the murderer is way more fun to be honest yeah no I think I might want try being the murder mystery box whoa this has so many cool skins okay you know what I'm gonna unlock it give me one of these Keys give me oh wait I have to buy Robux real quick one sec wait what I'm just gonna get a bunch of these gems yeah you know what give me all this yes 2 000 gems and now I can open as many crates as I want so let's open this mystery box and open come on give me give me give me give me give me I gotta get something good for my first one yes oh no I just got a high-tech knife I don't want that I want something better give me something cool come on like an epic or a legendary I want the red one no oh I got a cool looking knife though it says graffiti oh graffiti is there any other boxes I can open oh I can get a knife box oh the game started what the heck oh and I'm innocent Mia where are you um what if I'm the murderer cast wait you're the murderer no I'm innocent hi how do I know you're not lying to me get away from me Mia get away from me do not kill me all right let's just keep walking I hear a knife going on did you hear that but yeah it's probably upstairs stay down here okay Mia somebody killed someone oh and there's coins I'm pretty sure if you get 10 coins then you can get your very own gun right I found where the murderer was oh geez ball can I hide somewhere here please oh gosh oh gosh oh geez Mia run away he died it's a girl with glasses I have nine coins I just need one more coin and I think I'll get the gun come on just one more coin oh there's one over here no that girl just picked up oh no I'm getting all my coins stolen has she got me I'm in oh geez Mia that's totally not good I think he's gonna run down here where's the coin already I swear there was a lot earlier oh there's one right here give me give me give me give me give me give me wait what how many coins do you need to get the gun I have no idea let me see oh geez I wish I was a sheriff I could have easily killed the murderer by now oh geez there's a burger she's trying to throw the knife holy smokes wait what is she doing I think she's scared to come down the hallway because one of these people has the gun oh my goodness okay well as long as I stay here I should be fine right I don't know where she is all these other whoa that guy just got killed why was he standing in a plane side like that look I'm just gonna dance around ooh can't get me can't get me oh I think she's scared that's not the murderer cash yes it is uh she ran away over this way oh she's behind me now run this way holy smokes wait there's so many coins out here though Mia I have like a million coins I have 20 oh oh the burger right there get away from it oh man I died oh gosh this game is so stressful who had the gun they could have easily killed them and wait I could spectate to see what's going on oh it's just this girl and the murderer so let's see if she kills her I wonder if the innocent person is gonna live you have to win for all of us I was the murderer not founder I have no idea the murderer is not that good I just got unlucky there she goes oh and I think she's catching up to her oh geez oh she's on the way run lady run oh geez she's gonna keep running around the spot like this I think this person really knows how to play this game because they know the exact route to dodge yeah and look at all those coins oh oh geez oh Jesus is the murderer gonna get her what I don't think so she seems to be better than the murderer uh the murderer is getting really close though Mia I don't know oh oh I told you if they only had more time uh yeah true okay well I hope I get murderer next time I really want to get everyone but anyways let's see what else I can get oh I have the graffiti knife sure I guess I'll do that I only have a normal knife but I'm Gonna Save up my coins I'm gonna open another mystery box and this time I'm gonna get a knife box and let's do rainbow box yeah this one looks cool all right 100 gems give me something good please please please please please come on no I just got a pink knife seriously ah well I'll take it no I'm not gonna give it to you Mia let's see this gun box maybe I can get one of these cool ones no come on Roll give me something cool yes yeah I got a red I got the universe gone what how I'm pretty sure that's the rarest one and wait am I innocent again oh man I want to be Sheriff so I could use that Universe gun that I just got gosh that was so awesome well I'm innocent too are you sure Mia how do I know you're not lying to me again because if I was murderer I wouldn't be hiding hmm I guess that makes sense I'm in some vents right now and I'm trying to make my way through I'm hiding behind a bunch of boxes and watching people run by the window I'm underground right now I'm in some sort of Vault and a lot of these people are scaring me so I don't want them to get near me can these guys just go away please and well I can see the graffiti knife on my back that's pretty awesome oh there's a lot of people around here get away from me I just heard someone shoot a gun who was that I don't know I think they might have found the murderer or maybe they're shooting someone innocent which would be really bad all right well while I hide I'm gonna collect these coins in the room this person has a gun oh oh geez the burger I just got killed seriously not me how did the sheriff miss their gun I don't know oh but he's about to die right here come on Sheriff come on and get up kill him get him already yeah oh my gosh this sheriff is taking so long how has they not killed them yet I don't know but I'm hiding oh my goodness I think they might be teaming with each other what if they're friends they probably are teaming with each other that's not fair the sheriff missed again seriously how are they missing so much I don't know but I'm getting a lot of XP oh oh they just died oh my goodness oh they shot someone innocent oh and that person's dead geez this murderer is just gonna Camp the gun now that's annoying where even is the gun it's it's on the murderer and look there's somebody dancing wait can't he just throw the knife at her though I don't think he knows how to throw his knife yeah wait how do you throw your knife uh I forgot oh man I don't know how to throw mine well these people aren't gonna get the gun can't you get the gun by doing something else though I don't know maybe you could telepathically make the gun come towards yourself yeah whatever while I'm spectating I think I'm gonna buy one of these cool things I got the coolest gun ever and I want to use it let's see oh here we go classic Universe yes I have the universe gun and the graffiti knife now oh gosh I think the murderer is near me I'm gonna unlock some more knife cases because I want a cooler knife so I'm gonna go in here and let's do knife box number five this one has the fusion knife which would look really cool and oh people are dying in the background while I'm spinning this case come on give me another red please oh what ew this one's nasty I want a better one come on give me the red give me the red give me the red come on and no the same thing what the heck in wait you won yeah how did you win did you kill the murderer I just got a red Mia wait a red what let's go I just got the fusion knife I'm getting so lucky right now with my things okay let me go equip this there we go now I have the fusion knife and the universe gun no I want something like that Holy Smokes look at the gun on my hip and the knife on my back oh my gosh I think I'm the coolest looking dude here now this is so awesome okay I better get either sheriff or murderer this time that way I could show off my cool knife and gun I want to see if I get something cool and look Mia if you buy this Elite thing you get a lot of stuff with it but oh no the game faded out ah Boo come on no I'm innocent again it's okay my chance to be murderer is rising every round so probably next round I'll get murderer anyways let's see what this map is whoa there's like an underground gaming room holy smokes but this is kind of a dead end so oh I hear the murderer killing people I should probably get out of here oh there's like a little hiding spot for me maybe I could just camp in here but that's boring I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna go over here I swear if the murderer guess me while I'm down here I'm gonna be so mad the murderer is cheap wait really Mia just get out of there oh gosh wait actually I think it was the Gareth wait really yeah you showed it oh oh geez I just saw the burger he's chasing this girl oh gosh get away get away get away get away oh my gosh the sheriff keeps missing her shots whoa Mia you just died right in front of my eyes what oh my goodness the murderer is just right above me and I'm camping behind this wall please kill him Sheriff come on no how does she keep missing oh my gosh she has us all in the dead end no there's someone behind him and he just ran away that was so funny is there no way for me to escape with emergency lockdown can I click this I just pushed it we launched the murderer in here perfect and look there's my body oh geez I'm just gonna stay down here I think because I don't want the murderer to kill me whoa the murderer no I shouldn't have locked down that place I should have escaped while I had the chance why is he just camping in there I have no idea and he just killed another person and now this guy's dead oh geez wait he's not dead he's escaping come on gosh how does the sheriff keep missing the shots is it really that hard I feel like it's not and they're just poopy yeah me too here's the murderer and he just killed them and now he's gonna kill this person too oh geez I think he's about to win yeah the sheriff's pretty bad yeah no kidding come on Europe shoot him oh gosh this is not good for the other people come on oh she killed him finally yay yay holy smokes game over let's go now is my turn to be murderer come on I want to win so badly yay we're winners okay murderer please please give me murderer and I'm innocent still how many rounds am I gonna be innocent before I get murderer or Sheriff just give me one of them wait cash how do I shoot my gun I'm Sheriff well you just have to pull it out and you have to shoot it what do you mean okay perfect is it hard to shoot the gun um let me see wait don't shoot it at anyone okay it's not hard oh geez I just heard somebody die back there Mia people are dying okay I have my gun out I think that's the murderer just watch out do not get close to anybody oh I don't know I forget what she looks like it's the one that's dressed in all white I'm pretty sure okay it's not her not her let's see where could she be I think she's far right are you spectating her expectating you oh Jesus right there I just saw her oh my goodness she's about to come down this hallway watch out oh gee no the noob ran in front of my face oh my gosh of course he did that he ruined my chance of killing her why would he do that what a terrible person okay let's go MIA next round and seriously innocent again I'm innocent too oh why do I keep getting innocent uh and why are we stuck in a movie theater maybe the game's glitch where do we go from here oh never mind we just go out here why is there a movie theater in this giant mansion I don't know but I'm trying to hide in here yeah me too oh it's not a mansion whoa who just shot their gun it's the noob that walked in front of me last time the sheriff yes uh I hope he die so I can take his gun follow him around yeah I'll follow him around but then if the murderer kills him then they'll kill me too I'm sure there's a little bit of recoil I just heard that's the girl oh geez oh geez Mio we need to run away the murderer is up top on the second floor oh well I'm hiding in the movie theater oh my goodness I don't know where to hide there's like no space to go come on let me throw oh geez uh maybe I could just hide right here I'll be fine right I think clearly uh geez I just hear a ton of people dying yeah I'm hiding this murder is really good oh geez the murderer's like right there how does she know I'm here good guys okay I swear if I don't get murdered this time I'm gonna be so bad no innocent again seriously what are the chances why have I not gotten murderer once me either I only got Sheriff one time I think this game is rigged also I just dumped into an elevator and I'm in the vents now wait I need to get in the vents the murderers near me I hear people dying I hear people dying oh geez is that the murderer right there oh jeez I died no it's not the murderer you dyed me up yes they're in the office oh well it looks like they just died super quickly what was it seriously that easy guess so oh my goodness okay come on please give me murder this time please oh my gosh holy cheese how many times am I gonna get innocent yeah I got it too this is so annoying I hate being innocent I just want my Lust For Blood to be satisfied and to show off my cool rainbow knife I think we're safe in this room right now nobody seems to be murdering Mia I jumped on the vents I'm not really sure how I got up here no okay I need to get up there you can jump on the roof what okay let me try and get up oh I just heard someone die to a knife wow Mia watch out I think it's over here I need to go see the action what's going on they might be in that room cash don't go through that door oh geez I see the oh wait we just wind up going by so quickly and now another chance to be Murderer let's go okay Mia this is the last chance for me to get murderer okay yeah finally I get it holy smokes why did that take so long uh cash what I'm the sheriff this is perfect that means I can kill everyone Mia you have to let me win please I will I will okay thank you I'm killing everyone in here get over here bruh Mia do not kill me just make sure you don't kill me I'll go get my gun oh yeah I won't kill you I just killed them wait the miners here what the heck oh my goodness let's go okay let's see is there anyone else around here hello oh Mia I think I saw you I see a squirrel I'm here in here I'm killing the squirrel get over here come on why is it so hard to kill this person there we go now you're dead and where's everyone else hello oh hello ladies wait what she just dodged me how I have no idea how she's so fast oh my goodness how is she dodging me like this this girl is a try hard there we go I got her oh Mia get away from me we cannot team you just have to stay away from me get over here yes how many people are left I'm hungry for blood hello who else is here hello there you guys are gone oh squirrel's dead and this person's Dead goodbye and Mia I think you might be the last person left do you see anyone else uh I don't see anyone else I guess it's a showdown hmm Mia where are you by any chance oh my coin bag is full I'm just in the hallway okay 1v1 whoever wins this fight wins okay get over here yes I camped you out and I waited for you finally I got to kill people with my amazing knife that took so long but I'm satisfied with that round that was so fun that was fun thanks for playing oh thanks for having me if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 1,304,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly
Id: ZZjkR27lvIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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