Roblox Make A Wish!

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oh Nico look what I've done what is that is yeah oh gosh not anymore is that a GI ant ninja yup because today we're playing a wish game A Wish game what's that uh well look you have 50 wishes and you can wish for anything oh and we can even vote for all the wishes to be cleaned up whoa yep and look they're all gone so you're saying I could wish for a diamond exactly we wish for a diabeta and it's right there look what oh my gosh get over here get over here get over uh it's it's crawling away from me yeah that's what happens you can do anything I'm gonna spawn a bed right now I want to spawn a big diamond or even bigger wider whoa wait what it got bigger that's like an infinite money glitch yeah definitely okay what else what else could we spawn I got a sword with Zoe yep if we can do this you don't attack me yeah wait is this guy a fan oh hello well they have 74 wishes and he's much taller than us yeah or maybe just you hey yeah okay let me think of something super cool huh let me think I want to spawn in a car is that my car give me whoa the way that actually worked oh I want a car oh my gosh this is so cool so it took my car sorry Zoe I think with this car now we should spawn a road come on uh Road where's our road oh gosh I don't think we have our road wait I want to spawn a giant elephant does that work wow look wow look at your elephant whoa this elephant's actually super realistic I know look at the textures this girl cords and everything I'm driving with the fan yeah how about the best driver Zoey what is that right here I don't know but let's drive into it that looks like the sun oh I think it is the Sun yeah let me see if I can spawn in a hoverboard nope I can't spawn in a hoverboard I guess it thinks you can spawn in our limited Zoe you try next let's see I tried doing a giant cookie and it didn't spawn oh my gosh Mia you go next up Mega poop Mia why did you say been Mega poop I didn't know what to wish for okay okay what about a toilet next a toilet oh okay uh I guess that doesn't work as well what about a cat oh what you just spotted a tree how old are they spawn in a tree I don't know I made the tree of the tree wait how did you climb that Mia you gotta go from the angle oh oh oh go go go go go get on top oh I'm inside of here what's in the shop whoa guys we could use more Robux to get even better wishes really like massive wishes this allows you to make extremely big wishes okay I'm doing it a constituated Robux so let's do it I want to spawn in a massive poop oh that wasn't very big Mega poop oh uh well I guess this is massive that's like the biggest it's ever been I want to make a massive house massive house spawn wait is it right over here I'm confused of what's mine whoa guys we could make a rainbow tree wait could we make a rainbow sword maybe wow I can make amethyst amethyst yeah look there's one oh I'm gonna be rich hey hey stop it stop it whoa Mia what is that you have your head a sword a sword trampoline uh does it not exist what what [Music] Are You Gonna Get Away Now Nico I'm gonna summon a blue traffic cone a blue traffic wait How's that gonna work uh [Music] you could spawn things that big I just just get pushed by a tree he called it a gigantic pine tree what if I spawn in a gigantic cat oh my God [Music] he furnish his house great idea you know what I'll spawn in a gigantic bed in here gigantic bed um I don't know if it's fun anything I don't see anything whoa whoa whoa oh gosh you know what now that I know that I could type in gigantic I'm gonna summon a gigantic poop go oh I think the poop is living in how big it could get you should make an even bigger item but the Pine Tree on the other hand ah run for that thing oh it tipped over yeah it smashed into me okay you know what I could actually go on the shop and I could get even more things like I could grab a magic carpet for 150 Roblox which allows me to fly around the map now I can summon a Magic Carpet just like that and now check us out wait what wait I'm gonna try to go top of the pie tree oh gosh uh at this bomb let me just spawn another one in gigantic pine tree wow oh gosh well I guess it's so big it falls over automatically let's get more ideas of what you're spawn in hmm maybe we could spawn in Earth whoa that's a small Earth let's make it gigantic o whoa this is so cool I wonder if you spawned more Earths you can make a park gigantic Earth which is some multiple of these in like this but guys I'm using so much I wishing a fine okay oh no hey guys I'm stuck in the sun Zoe are you in there I should have to reset oh my what about I always wanted to be rich what about money oh my gosh what if I summon a money pile Oh that's not enough wait what about gold gold oh yes let's go what about a gigantic gold bar wow You're Gonna Be Rich Shady would love this you should summon a lamb blockini a lamb block Guinea yeah I'm doing it oh no morning yeah I guess we're not rich enough it's whatever wait so we what are you looking over over there I think it's Mr Beast Mr B Isa oh he's gone oh what if he was trying to give me a prize I'm kind of hungry guys I kind of want some spaghetti I'm not gonna lie oh get some uh how do I spell spaghetti oh my oh my gosh you can we not get the spaghetti I got Spa spaghetti wait how did you oh I guess I spelled it wrong ah Nico yeah it looks like you did Nico we need meatballs meatballs wait how do you get meatballs so we need the people uh no meatballs oh man hmm I want to think of something real quick let me think I want to see if we could summon some Robux Robux um man can we Dodge Mr Baseball leave me alone foreign [Applause] the best thing okay I wish the trampoline worked what if I could spawn in a gigantic trampoline does that work no what about a watermelon you got a watermelon wait you got you got a bird whoa that's so cool I think my favorite has to be the gigantic pine tree I'm not gonna lie yeah that one's really fun let me fly on and see if there's anything cool we could spawn whoa wait are these did this guy spawn the toilet that doesn't make any sense maybe we spelled it wrong yeah maybe wait there's more things I could buy but I don't really need wishes so I'm gonna buy a weapon pack for a hundred Robux right here and then now let's go now that I got the weapon pack I can now make a rocket launcher and now I got a rocket launcher so check this out wow wow that's so cool I can also make a slingshot right wait let's go wait you can look I want it you're still alive oh my God let me get another one whoa look at this so we attacked him rocket launcher get it with the rocket launcher oh we got someone oh uh I exploded myself oh Nico are you serious he exploded ah he did exploded I think we should end this off with One Last Wish guys we gotta think what are we wishing I think we gotta wish for the best thing what's the best thing ever get together here guys we gotta wish for a gigantic rainbow pine tree yeah wait that's not a pine tree meal I watch funny complex Adventures the cooking on the screen if you enjoyed that please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 326,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: Q0QWn0u16zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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