Trapped in GIRLS ONLY Prison!

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sir are you okay you look like you just got killed by lipstick so was someone kissing you oh geez don't look on the top bunk what do you mean on the top bunk whoa whoa Shady what's on your head I don't know it's just some random hat oh my gosh wait I see someone even scarier behind you is that our cellmate yo what's good little bro no why are you our cellmate how about I give you a whooping no no dude we're in one room together could you just go one minute without hurting me not a little bro let's just get out of here yeah that's what I'm saying can we work together to get out of here I think we're getting trapped by a girl guard bruh I don't know but she kind of bad though what what does that even mean she says my precious prisoner well there's three of us so there's three prisoners I don't know but I'm gonna eat this cake right here why are you guys eating the cake actually that looks kind of good I think I'll eat it too oh I can eat the whole thing and wait we got a spoon from it whoa we can use the spoon to probably get out and is she a Scooby-Doo toilet right here what the heck oh wait that costs money I don't want to buy that right now all right let's dig come on cash wait dig where oh in the suspicious right here do you guys see on the wall that my bounty is a million monies yeah we saw that we just dug into an underground like facility thing I know me and Josh are zooming through it come on oh my gosh and there's lava down below what kind of person puts lava under a prison whoa whoa the platforms are falling oh why don't you guys warn me whoa yeah be careful don't stand on the rusty part bruh I do not mess with this gang I'm trying to get out of here neither do I would either work together okay how do we get past this part look she's coming out of the vent whoa oh why is she looking at us like that that's so creepy press this button oh it just opened up little pipes for us that's so convenient and do you see that on the wall meet the family yeah that's creepy what's that little robot in the middle I have no idea I think they adopted it into their family and somebody even wrote on the walls help turn around well I can't really turn around now there's nowhere to go I know maybe we just go through hey bro let's just get this over with man come on oh my gosh guys whoa I don't even want to look at that thing she kissed him to death that is disgusting oh my gosh do you guys hear her laughing she's right under us and she has pictures of me oh she's pictures of me is she my crazy fan girl or something I don't know I think so oh my goodness I need to get out of here as quick as possible whoa oh gosh this lady is crazy she's trapping us everywhere guys we need to find an escape come on jump out of the pipe nice easy Josh move out of my way you're slowing me down hey bro you the slow one here bro no I'm not oh my gosh you know what whatever what does that button do oh it just opened those platforms for us and why are these pipes so loud all right just watch out for the security cameras in here there's a big buff guard oh and those red spots on the floor is where the security camera can see yeah holy smoked oh I just walked in one oops oh gosh I just got jump scared by her oh gosh Josh died too Josh how did you die hey bro at least I'm beating you huh you're not even beating me we're at the same spot look at the wall we see you on camera this reminds me of five nights hey Shady you just pushed me into the camera what the heck okay wait up for me we have to stick together remember guys now we're just chilling in the hot tub wait what what do you mean hot tub we're chilling in the hot tub without you wait for me oh my gosh guys do you not realize who's in the hot tub with you us whatever she asleep bro wait really oh okay this is kind of chill we gotta wait in here wait why is the water green ew ah somebody definitely took a dung in there or something I think it was you no it wasn't hey why is Alberton there no we have to help him get out oh gosh Albert will save you hold on what do we do with these chairs you just place them up here so you can get up oh okay that makes a lot of sense all right I'll Place mine right there and then I'll jump on top of it boom this map is so easy she cannot keep us stuck in here forever I know Shady you having trouble oh nope you're just kind of in my way let me oh oh geez dude there's spikes on the floor try not to walk wait how did you just walk over air can I do that too whoa oh my goodness you're supposed to grab the boards under you look yeah I know I just saw you walk on air so I wanted to do it too well you're not as cool as me so sorry hey yes I am I'd say we're about the same level of coolness y'all both broke no I'm not okay you know what whatever I'm just gonna ignore Josh right now we look like we're in some sort of bathroom now yeah maybe there's some sort of Escape but happened open this stall cash oh okay what is in there whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh I think I accidentally just intruded on her that was crazy and there's dong on the toilet ew that's so nasty I'm standing on it it looks like a Hershey's Kiss oh that looks kind of yummy no I'm just kidding it doesn't look yummy hey yo you had me thinking about chocolate for a second okay guys I'm pretty sure this is the one we're supposed to go down so let's all jump down let's go oh gosh wait are those more guards they're so old though I know they're not gonna do anything they can't even walk yeah true they would not be able to be as fast as us for sure oh whoa Shady how did you fall in there you need to press the button before jumping obviously yeah I kind of forgot about the button oh my goodness did you think it was just gonna open automatically or something oh watch out for these things they start shaking under your feet whoa and you still have that scary mask on I'm the scary man okay I remember that these ones fall down so I'm gonna need to go on this quick and let's go we're getting through this so easily I know I feel like a boss I haven't even died once that's a lie I actually have died multiple times and she's speaking at us again holy smokes Josh are you doing good yeah bro I'm ahead of you loser have you even died yet oh yeah you did to the security cameras wait do not wake her up she's sleeping right there on the chair hey wait this guy looks pretty friendly hello wait oh yeah he does look pretty friendly should we let him out yeah let him out okay come on out sir hello oh he's fighting the police car wait wait what I think he died to the police car and open the other ones I know he's beating her up holy smokes yes come on no oh man she killed me what it looks like I have to let those prisoners come out way quicker then yeah here I'll go click this one it takes three hits for each one and now we'll go click this one right here there we go and now the last one Josh why can't you fight them you look kind of similar to some of these guards hey bro you think that's funny uh no sorry I didn't mean it but look he just killed her let's go get the key oh my gosh I did get the key what are we gonna use this for it's so big obviously to open the door come on yeah sorry I wasn't thinking ahead there's a pink train why would there be a train inside of a prison and the train is going whoa it looks like we're in the subway right now and I I just saw Josh down there exit the train whoa what happened oh my gosh is she in a car what the heck is going on why are there whoa I just got killed me too why are there so many crazy fan girls trying to chase us I know come down here there's a big wind turbine oh my goodness oh oh yeah and make sure not to touch those pink Parts I'm pretty sure that kills you whoa what the heck no you're supposed to use the pink Parts as a ramp silly oh I didn't realize but guys do you remember when we looked down the vent and we saw pictures of us on the desk no I think they really are crazy fan girls of us because they're obsessed no and the one guy that died even had kissy marks on his face do you want to end up like that shady uh yeah I want to end up like that why would you want to end up like that Josh uh because oh my gosh you're obsessed with girls but that's not the right girl bro I get all the girls like this one over here eating on the burgers and stuff oh my goodness what was she eating why is she chasing me around crab wall emergency oh okay give me one of these what is this thing it's a burger gun oh my gosh just shoot a bunch of food at her boom is she gonna explode oh uh she just melted holy smokes and she dropped a Green Key that means we can go through the next door let's go I'm keeping the Blaster oh yeah me too I'm gonna grab another one before we go looks like we have to hop in this cart dude wait before we hop in the car I think I want to buy this speed coil wait really yeah it'll help me go through and it'll make me much faster than Josh okay I'm going in the car now guys this is like a car parkour way boost is G holy smokes and boost let's go the Boost is super helpful to get through all this and now we're going through the tubes again this is the most fun part ever but I wonder why they would build this under their isn't that's so weird I know maybe they just want to have fun or something yeah true they're trying to toy with us and they're probably watching us on the security cameras doing this yeah no kidding oh my goodness hey I just lost my car what the heck what oh my goodness okay well now we have a cool trampoline part Whoa We bounced so high on these can I use my speed coil I can guys what is this right here become spider should I buy that do it I kind of want to see what it's like it was 200 Robux uh guys look at me what Josh I'm gonna bite you oh my gosh Josh just became a super muscular guy yeah no kidding he looks like bull now holy smokes oh guys there's a robot typing on the computer right here I know oh gosh he's mad what do you mean she's not mad at me she's mad at me though why would she be mad at you did you do something oh place the head oh wait guys look at the arrows once I jumped on the barrels now she got mad at me holy smokes I got a paint bucket a paint bucket okay grab that maybe we can use it to drop on her I did it what you did wait it's not a paint bucket so the one it's a water bucket oh I just malfunctioned her and now I got her head let's go and that allows us to get through this vending machine is cool I just got speed wait seriously holy smokes and what if I pair this with my speed coil oh it didn't really work I'll just use the speed coil of the Whisk and another trampoline I love the trampoline parts me too they're so bouncy and fun it's like the most fun part of the parkour come on these are getting really long jumps and I think Josh is behind us I failed bro I'm sorry oh my goodness Josh we're gonna go with that oh I just fell oh my goodness cash now I have to wait for you the speed coil is definitely not enough I wish I didn't have it okay you know what whatever I could just use the railings to my advantage anyways come on relics help me yes I made the jump this time let's go all right guys don't worry I'm almost there oh gosh this looks like a pretty hard jump go oh oh this is so much harder with a speed coil I know and Josh is huge Josh why are you gigantic oh I could have also been a spider this seems really fast too anyways where do we go from here there's an arrow pointing us this way but also this way it looks like is the correct way there's kind of like a couple things in here that we might need oh like what what is in here chair errors and boxes okay let's try and get to the event by placing a box right here that's what I'm doing that box definitely is not enough I'm gonna have to use a chair and place it on top of this box there we go there's a cannonball up here come on what holy smokes maybe we can use that to defeat the crazy fan girl true let's do it are you sure this is a cannonball yep look I've loaded the cannon wait seriously oh geez that's smart okay I'm loading it too boom let's go we just got rid of her nasty arm and now she's in the wall yep and now we can go to this room look guys there's blood in this room I'm just gonna follow Shady there's kind of like a creepy guy in here yeah whoa he just killed me what the heck I didn't even do anything to antagonize him event security respective orders how's that I don't even know what language that is hey Josh stop hitting me dude ow oh my gosh that's what you get low bro get for what I didn't even do anything whoa oh Shady are you okay well oh he's kind of bullying us dude watch out watch out whoa what the heck get past them go Josh get away from me I'm going to press the button oh gosh he's coming back back Josh I'm a spider you can't get past me I weaved him oh nice job Shady don't let him get you just press it wait I could shoot webs are you serious that's cool maybe I could use that against Josh if he even tries to hit us again hey Josh take that boom uh it didn't work it didn't work hit him at him I'm trying I'm trying to hit him oh geez get over here bro come on come on you want to smoke Dodge him Shady go faster okay which side do we take what do we go where do we go uh okay I'll go on the girls side then get me through let's go whoa I don't think the girls side is where I'm supposed to go I don't think the boys side is either wait what I'm gonna try and go on the boy's side the boy side works for me the girls side worked for me I guess it was random for both of us then that's super weird and there's kids jump roping here guys why are you in prison would you not want to escape with us this kid has a teddy bear I don't think they can talk oh geez yeah they're just gonna be stuck jumping rope and ripping teddy bears let's get out of here this place is crazy we gotta find the button though where would a button be could you ask one of the kids oh wait never mind it's right here I found it that was so easy to find I know and Josh is still clueless look at him let's try and get out of here before he catches up to us hey bro just wait till I get to y'all man I'm gonna jump you no you're not we're gonna get it so far ahead that you won't even catch us we're gonna Escape before you I'm gonna body y'all oh geez oh geez he's coming Shady run run get through this vent get through why do I have to click it multiple times that's super weird oh geez that's a muscular girl she's lifting weights in here like bull get in just come in here and press the button oh there we go now they can't get us what is that oh whoa she's eating us up I think I just got eaten me too oh my goodness now where are we are we inside her body yeah bro that's why I'm still beating y'all I still beat y'all bro oh my gosh I can't believe he caught up to us whatever I'm just gonna take the spoon and dig through get me through go go oh gosh there's a guard okay just try and Dodge her we've done this before I know this is easy good thing I have a speed coil to get me past let's go but now where are we it looks like there's Minecraft chests here I know let's open them there's a blue key in this one guys look and then I can use this to open this door I'm ahead of Jaws let's go hey bro get over here come here no don't get away from me I'm just gonna parkour my way out get me out of here you too slow for me bro no I'm not I have a speed coil and a spider wait watch I just got hit by a skeleton what hey Josh cut it out no Josh just pushed me into another skeleton bro that's what you get oh my goodness you're being so annoying today what the heck nah I'm just being me cash you gotta get over here there's a mine cart Josh is trying to hurt me I'm trying to get over here Shady you're lucky he's not next to you right now I know I'm made it out why am i t posing right now whoa I'm kind of glitched out of the map right now me too I'm going through the floor what the heck is going on oh oh this is so scuffed what the heck I know did you make it out though Shady yeah I did make it out safely no way I'm still in the floor oh never mind I made it out let's go cupcakes in here why is that dog named cupcake that does not remind me of a cupcake at all I know that's the nicest pit bull named cupcake and we get another car let's go this is my favorite part when we get to be in the cars I know it's so fun I could just boost across no I think I used my Boost at the wrong time I need to use it at better times me too is this the exit yeah wait I think I see somebody crying I do too should we ask her what's wrong excuse me lady are you okay oh geez we're having a Mech battle fight her do it everyone fight her take the sword that's what you get oh she's not even damaging me I know this is so easy why is she following me like this just get away from me lady her neck keeps bobbing up and down it looks so silly I know oh what I just died what the heck oh my goodness ah all right I'm just gonna have to fight her then okay come on just a few more hits and let's go I killed her and now I can exit with my Mech wait uh why did I just hear a Vine thud uh she's floating in the air now let's go I get to escape finally me too I'm getting to the helicopter mission accomplished we escaped the crazy fan girls let's go let's go that's a w in my book I know same land the helicopter oh and it's gonna tell me my time over here but I can see it in the bottom left my time is 13.77. let's go if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 1,413,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Trapped in GIRLS ONLY Prison!
Id: 4Mgw4qVkq8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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