Don’t Boil your pasta, you’ll thank you

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so you don't want to boil your pasta hear me out first I mean pasta is a simple thing but what if it could be hot salted boil it throw the pasta you're like me you're going to time it I believe that these companies that have done extensive testing and know about about what time their noodles take to get to Al Dente and then pretty much I stand at the stove I mean don't get me wrong I'm not staring at it but I'm constantly checking for the next 10 minutes this isn't complicated I'm not saying that this is difficult it's not even using any brain power but it's taking up my usable time and I swear don't walk away from it boil over is a mess sure I could have done one of the thousands of tricks that are online to prevent boil over but that one time that I slip up and I walk away from my stove when it's on full bore blasting heat that NASA could utilize the power spacecraft of course it's gonna boil over that time but again all in all this is easy that's not the point I'm not complaining that boiling pasta is difficult I'm just saying that it's consuming and if you're like me at least once a week in my house I poke my head in the Monaco's office and ask what do you want for dinner and then she says I don't know what do you want which I reply picked last time I said lagumanade you this time what about some spaghetti and there it is that should be an easy dinner night which it is but I like to make it taste good and I think less time is always better especially if it works out to be the same and that's why I'm telling you don't boil your pasta this method takes the least possible time involved it's it's a it's about a minute originally when I thought of this video I had a Eureka kind of moment and even texted a few like friends like oh my God I can't believe the idea but then just after a moment of Googling people have already tested this talked about it and came up with the best methods so here it is we're just gonna grab a baking dish toss the pasta in fill it up with some tap water and just throw some salt on top and then we're gonna set a timer and let it sit for two hours so that's not all your noodles are gonna need some sauce and the sauce is gonna need some tweaks for this particular pasta so let's pretend it's been an hour and a half and start making some sauce for this pasta and finish it up you throw a pan on the stove and don't touch the heat leave it cold toss in about a tablespoon or two of olive oil in my opinion the more the better but I get yelled at all of the time about the amount of oil I use now mince up and toss in about four or five to to 10 cloves of garlic whatever however much you like I'm also going to mince up about half of a small onion toss that into the pan and now I'm going to put it on low about a medium low over the next five minutes and just let it sit this is going to be the most involved you're going to be during this entire cooking process now all I really want to do is Flavor the oil that's the point of this part I learned that from my buddy Steve over at not another cooking show after about five minutes I'm gonna add some salt pepper and I'm using a little bit of a dry basil because my store didn't have any fresh basil and I didn't feel like running all over town now quickly squeeze in a few squeezes of tomato paste really quick this is a tomato paste tip if you are not using the squeeze tube you are doing yourself a disservice I love getting the tube because I can add a little pinch anytime I want to anything to get that little oomph in my food now let the tomato paste cook for about five minutes that's gonna really bring out a lot of the flavors now it's time for the tomatoes now normally I would use a can of San Marzano Tomatoes but really for a basic sauce like this any peeled or stewed will work so I'm just going to toss these in whole like this and then maybe add about a quarter can of water her and that's it we're gonna Stir It Up keep it on about a low low medium heat and let that simmer for about 25 minutes every now and then you're gonna have to stir it but that's enough time for today's sponsor today's video is all about being as easy as possible if you are looking for help cooking veggies and beans in the simplest way broth bomb is a meal helper type seasoning that gets people excited to cook more beans at home and yes they really Fizz just like a bath bomb just don't get in the bath with that they do a little warning on it unless you want to be tasty they include easy recipes for home-cooked stew Curry and chili type meals the science behind them is they actually react to the coating of the legumes which creates an even further range of natural flavor compound the recipes are designed so you can use frozen veggies and canned beans which are great for those struggling to manage fresh produce in the fridge before it goes bad and they are really good I mean really good and this one's mostly just the chickpeas and tomatoes I modified the recipe just a bit to see what monoch and I like but it came out as a restaurant quality dish and their recipes are super hearty and filling their herbs and spices no added calories or sweeteners and reduce sodium about 25 percent less than traditional soup and with a set of Four Seasonings you'll get a total of 40 pints for delicious stew it's pretty amazing it's ideal for meal prep and it's great for family dinner so gang click the link in the description below and check out all the different flavors of broth bomb you are going to love these profound thanks for sponsoring today's video and providing Monica and I with a lot of food just in these three little containers it's gonna be a ton of food now it's been about 30 minutes the sauce is boiled down at this point you can give it a taste it could be ready to go or you can add some seasoning most people just do salt but you could do nutritional yeast mushroom powder maybe even MSG if you're daring enough me personally I'm just gonna add a little bit of mushroom seasoning it's going to add a little richness and saltiness to it now as far as the unboiled pasta well it's been sitting for about two hours and it feels pretty much just like fresh pasta it feels just like fresh pasta wood kind of like a dough type of feeling now there was a really interesting article over on food Labs that said that the boiled noodles and soaked noodles were hydrated with about the same amount of moisture so I did want to test that and when I waited out mine were different but I realized I read it wrong because in their technique they actually boiled their soaked noodles after they were soaked it was just a way to make them boil longer that's not what I'm doing here what I did want to do was do a taste test comparing the difference between boiled spaghetti and soaked spaghetti and see what the difference is now I know there's going to be a difference in the sauce and I want to give you a few warnings about this method now the soaked noodle weighs less because it's not entirely hydrated yet it still needs to be cooked and that's going to happen in our scenario in the sauce now for this sauce particularly I made it thin on purpose and you're going to want to use this particular noodle in anything where you need a thicker sauce and that's because this still has most of its starch before we threw this in the pasta right as I hit the two hour timer I just kind of rinsed it off with a gentle cold spray and just agitated it really gently that's gonna release some of the starch there's still quite a bit of starch left up inside this noodle so that's why you're only going to want to use it for sauces where you need to be thicker now I wouldn't traditionally plate pasta like this I just did that because that's what a lot of people do traditionally I would add the spaghetti right into the sauce and use some of that starchy water to thicken it up but since these noodles were just soaked you didn't need the starchy water it went right in no energy use the boil whatsoever and you have a pretty perfect Pasta so now let's see what Monica has to say about the difference between the noodles first up boiled tastes like spaghetti yeah a little Al Dente it has a nice bite and snap to it and the sauce is is nice and light and I and I really like it what do you think about the sauce coverage oh yeah I mean it's not really sticking on I have to like grab sauce and put it on here it doesn't stick on that well so there it is basic pasta prepared in a very basic way uh so now let's see what Monica has to say about the non-boiled pasta it's 100 sauce stickage sauce coverage sure use that mess okay yeah I like this a lot yeah I mean I think it's good like I like how it kind of sticks to it and almost thickens up the sauce of it you know you take it up the sauce a lot so I mean it's I think like a happy medium it also really good but the noodles are good right like it's a really good bite yeah am I gonna not boil my noodles all the time when I know I'm making pasta ahead of time I think so happy at the time it's good it doesn't have the time just put the noodles in a thing so here it is yeah I mean it comes out good make a Cacho Pepe fettuccine alfredo something like that it's gonna be really great now a few of the articles I read all said to use smaller pasta shapes but as long as you agitate and you get some of that starch off it's gonna be good and if you were aware that your sauce is going to be thicker it's going to be even better so prep for that know what's gonna happen before you start and start experimenting
Channel: Sauce Stache
Views: 1,384,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sauce Stache, Saucestache, vegan recipes, vegan meat, recipe, dont boil pasta, pasta, noodles, spaghetti, quick dinner, faster dinner, faster noodles, quick noodles, easy dinner, no boil pasta, 1 pan pasta, cook pasta in sauce, pasta sauce, spaghetti sauce, homemade sauce, easy sauce, dont boil, boil, boiled, boiled food, boiling, cooking tips, dinner tips, spaghetti tips, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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