How to cook ground beef for maximum flavor | I bet you didn't know this!

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hey guys welcome to another episode here on food chain TV I am very excited about today's episode all right so I'm going to show you the proper way to cook ground beef all right now ground beef is going to go through three separate stages in order to cook properly now a lot of you might be wondering like well what's the big deal I cook ground beef all the time well maybe you do but are you making boiled beef are you making steamed beef or are you making properly seared ground beef now there's something called the mayard reaction and this is basically when the amino acids in the meat and the sugars react together to form like kind of a complex mixture of compounds that give seared meat that special like Umami seared flavor like the flavor that you would get in a nicely seared steak or like a flame broiled Burger now that's called the mayard reaction and I guess it was invented by some snooty french guy I don't know if he was snooty maybe he was nice who knows anyways that's called the mayard reaction and that is actually what we're going for here when we cook ground beef all right so let's get right into this technique all right so I have a nice big Skillet here and I have it on medium high heat now if you're using really lean beef you're going to need to add a little bit of oil because essentially we need to at some point we're going to have to fry this beef okay now this has 15 fat so that's actually going to be good we don't need to add any more oil to it that fat will actually help us get to where we're going okay so let's get started here get a nice sharp knife get your free your beef and let's get it into the hot pan okay so beef has a lot of water in it so for step one we're actually going to get the water out of the beef all right so that's step one here now a really cool kitchen gadget was one of these ground meat Choppers I love this thing okay and what this does is it's going to allow us to break that ground beef down into really small crumbly pieces so you just do this [Music] [Music] now not only is this necessary but it's also actually a lot of fun now we're starting to see a lot of steam come off of that meat and that's exactly what we want during step one we want to evaporate a lot of the water that's in that beef okay so steam is good okay now here's another thing to think about look at all that water and look at all that steam okay water only boils at 212 degrees so it only gets 212 degrees hot okay so if you were to cook the beef just to this stage in that water it's really only boiling the beef okay in order to get that my yard reaction we actually need to go a lot higher and what we're going to do here is when you fry Foods in oils oils actually get up to like 250 375 degrees and that is actually what is going to cook our meat properly at this point we can season the beef with some salt okay so now we're at stage two and stage two is when most of the waters come out of the beef and we're just going to get rid of the last few little bits of water so there's just oil left in the pan okay so now there's no more water left in the pan you can hear now it's starting to sizzle and Fry okay this is what we want all right now this is a beautiful stage three we see these little pieces of beef frying some of them are actually jumping up like that like little Mexican jumping beans that is exactly what you want to see okay got my hard reaction is definitely taking place you can see by the color okay it's got this beautiful brown charred color so right now I'm trying to get as many little pieces charred as I can to maximize the flavor of this ground beef so look at this the bottom of the pan is nice and clean there isn't really much fat left and the ground beef is this beautiful brown colored and you'll notice I kept it moving most of the time that way you don't burn it okay there's a nice difference between charring and burning and that involves keeping it in motion [Music] all right so this took maybe like 15 minutes total and look what we have here so check this out guys on the left we have boiled meat which is actually the stage that a lot of people get to and over here we have beautiful crumbly shiny tasty Umami properly cooked ground beef with that my art reaction that took place the amino acids and the sugars came together made all these nice little compounds and it tastes has a nice little charred flavor that you'd get in like a steak or a burger this here is proper ground beef okay this here is just boiled beef and it tastes well like boiled beef all right so next time you guys use ground beef in a recipe take it all the way to stage three to this beautiful golden brown color and you'll see the difference so there you go guys boiled meat and properly cooked ground beef I hope this video was helpful if you guys want to help me grow this Channel Please Subscribe you can subscribe by hitting that subscribe button below you can give it a thumbs up and you can let me know in the comments section what you thought of this video the more subscriptions I have the more time that I can spend making videos like this just for you so thank you very much for your support thank you for watching this video and I will see you on the next video thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Food Chain TV
Views: 283,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ground beef
Id: iQmOGzT0PIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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