What’s The Secret To This Famous Pasta? BURN IT!

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spaghetti Al sasina or killer spaghetti also known as spaghetti brusati or burnt spaghetti is a pasta that is so good I might kill for it but why the murderous name I'll explain later for now we got to prep some essential ingredients so let's jump into it now I got five garlic cloves here so I'm going to take about two of those garlic cloves cut off the root ends and then for my assassin sauce I'm just going to give them a pop I don't want to smash the hell out of them I just want to release some of their juice and the rest I'm going to slice thinly this is going to be for the rday sauce and then just put each one in a bowl one for the tomato sauce and one for the assassins all you need is some tomato puree a little chili flake cuz this is a spicy dish and then some spaghetti I'm going to go with about 100 G just cuz I'm making this today for me and oddly enough the original recipe calls for a pasta that is not bronze dye extruded the one that I always recommend that you buy I'm not really sure why and I'm never never noticed the difference between using a good quality pasta so I'm going to use it today now the way I do it I'm going to need three pots one with about 3 cups of water brought up to the boil another 3/4 saer to cook the weekday sauce in and another pot to cook the spaghetti in the saer I'm going to coat the bottom of the pan with oil over medium high heat I'm going to add the garlic I'm going to throw in a basil stem and I'm going to season with a little bit of salt and I'm going to let the basil and garlic Infuse into the oil to flavor it once the garlic begins to toaster around the edges then I'm going to pour in a bottle of tomato Pata now you can just use Pata for this but I want to have some leftovers that's a complete sauce to be able to use so that's why I'm making weekday sauce fill that jar halfway up with water to clean out the jar and then add that to the sauce get it all mixed up hit that sauce with a little bit of salt and then bring that up to a boil drop it down to a simmer and let that cook while we work on the pasta now we go over to the 3 and 1/2 quart sauté pan which is where we're going to cook the pasta I'm going to coat the bottom of the pan with oil and get the whole cloves of garlic in there along with some chili flake and then I can drop the raw spaghetti directly into the pan because of this the size and shape of the Pan actually becomes important to this recipe and at this point we're looking to toast the raw spaghetti almost like you toast rice before you cook it and you want to kind of gently and carefully move the pasta around so that it gets evenly toasted and once you see the color of the pasta change and you can see it's obviously getting toasted we can now start to cook the pasta like risoto by first adding in a few ladles of tomato sauce be careful of a few flareups but the idea of this recipe is to keep it kind of on high heat so just be mindful of that I'm going with about three ladles of the tomato sauce and then about two ladles of the water to almost make like a tomato broth and then on high heat I'm just going to let this go I'm going to season with a little bit of salt and then on high heat I'm just going to let this go I'm maybe going to jij it up a little bit and I'm going to run a timer to show you how long this takes it should take double the amount of time it would normally take to cook this pasta so now you just want to let that go until that sauce reduces all the way down now it is important to note that the original recipe requires the use of a cast iron pan historically one that never got cleaned when they would wipe out with a towel after every use so that residual grease stays in the pan and the heavy iron pan helps that sauce caramelize in the distinct way that is this recipe but over time safety concerns arose over the use of iron and so especially at home as long as it's a nice heavy bottom pan a good non stick or stainless steel pan will work great in this recipe especially if they are high quality pans like the ones I'm using today thanks to our sponsor today made in for this recipe we're going to need the 3 quart Sauer to cook Our tomato sauce in the 2 quart sauce pot boil some water and the 3 and 1/2 qu clad sauté pan to actually cook the spaghetti in the wide sauté pan is actually going to be wide enough to fit raw spaghetti in there to toast to start the recipe now Maiden designs professional quality pans for the home cook and they partner with multigen generational factories and Artisans to offer you a real comprehensive collection of pots pans serveware and everything else you might need to cook and serve food in a home kitchen and a pan like this works for this recipe because mless stainless clads are crafted in Italy and made of a premium five ply stainless steel material which allows for Superior heat retention even Heating and ease of heat control essential for creating that Char that is distinct in this recipe the handles stay cool and are ergonomic to balance the pan and for me aside from good quality steel the handle is the most important thing when shopping for a pan and this is why Maiden has received over 100,000 fstar reviews from both the press and happy customers so if you're looking to gear up on some of the best pasta pans around which you will need for this recipe head on down to the link in my description and now let's finish up this recipe now we're going to just continue to cook this in the style of rizot tatura which is just the style of making risoto the only difference is we're not going to really beat it like we do risoto we may J it a little bit but just to get all the spaghetti submerged and to make sure it's getting hydrated by the liquid but the idea is to kind of burn this sauce we want to caramelize it to the point that it almost catches to the bottom of the pan and it sort of dries up a little bit you start seeing more bubbles breaking at the surface you can hear the sound changing from a simmer to more of a fry sort of changes in Aroma almost to the aroma of a pizza being baked that rich deeply reduced and concentr ated tomato flavor that is the magic of this recipe deep caramelized Char and once that bottom starts to caramelize then you can take like a flat metal spatula and sort of scrape up the bottom and just give it a little toss spread it back out and as you can see we're already starting to develop some of that deep caramelized Char and just like risoto we're going to add more tomato sauce and some more water just like we did the first time and again allow that to cook down and reduce we're about at the 7 Minute Mark so we still have a ways to go so you know you're going to need some moisture to keep this going now as we let this reduce again we can talk about how the dish developed its name now according to Robert compa a great creator making Short history videos of Italy tells the story of how in the' 60s INB in the southern Italian region of Pula Chev Enzo Fran o v was at his restaurant when two guests requested something good he added spaghetti to a pan not to water and added tomato sauce and as it reduced he got distracted and the sauce began to burn he decided to serve it anyway scraping up the charred bits off the bottom of the pan and then tossing in a little bit of chili flake and then serving it to the customers he asked what they thought and the guests responded it was very good but very spicy you're an assassin a killer and that's how the name was born now that liquid's almost reduced for a second time and a good indication is if it kind of can cake to the pan as you swirl it around so again I'm going to scrape up underneath scrape up any caramelized bits and you see that right there that's what you're looking for and and then add a little bit more tomato sauce a little bit more water and I'm just going to keep doing this building that caramelization the depth of flavor in the same method as risoto and as the sauce continues to reduce we're going to continue to scrape the bottom of the pan give it a toss and keep cooking it until it's done now that pasta is starting to get cooked we can start to check for dness and it will get cooked just like regular pasta the only difference is some bits are going to be Crunchy just like a Chinese twice fried noodle or like the soat on the bottom of a paa that gets caramelized now it's been about 20 minutes and the pasta is fully cooked I'm going to kill the Heat and what I'm going to do is just add a little bit more tomato sauce just to moisten up the pasta right before serving make sure I scrape up any last bits off the bottom of the pan this is perfect and then we can twirl it up serve it on a plate hit it with a little extra virgin olive oil and this magical dish is ready to enjoy it's spicy it's deep in flavor it's rich and it gives me the texture and the vibe of like a Chinese twice fried noodle that contrast of texture soft crunchy it's still a noodle cooked like a noodle but then you get the edges that burn a little bit and that is the fun and you're going to want to try it the link is going to be down in the description that's all that I have today I'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself
Views: 501,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authentic italian pasta, spaghetti all'assasina, killer spaghetti, spaghetti bruciati, burnt spaghetti, pasta from puglia, pasta from bari, not another cooking show, the food freak, Stephen cusato, how to make pasta, rare pasta recipes, how to make pasta like an italian, italian pasta recipes
Id: xM_LTDEh-Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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