Doing more Random Kit pvp on minehut i guess

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oh okay hello everybody uh last episode was good it was fine decent decent bit of content it got like 300 views which is if you don't know a lot from me having like 30 Subs uh hey you and that episode was six months ago so I figured hey why don't I continue the world renowned series of me playing mine Hut kit random uh random kits random Kit PVP whatever you want to call it anyway I'm playing that now so I hope you enjoyed this episode because I am hopefully not going to die immediately I'm gonna die immediately aren't I ah yep I died immediately that was a pretty good Kip I'll be honest I'll be fair uh okay so anyway if you know me I am like decent at PVP decent I'll say kind of lightly um not the best person in the world definitely oh that was fast why is everybody up a totem all of a sudden what happened to like Shields being a thing okay um anything nothing I literally got nothing from that that is sad that is tragic okay I don't need that and I also don't want it oh don't you spawn they're weak oh yeah let me just check that out oh I'm using old textures why am I using old textures I was like playing um Hypixel and I wanted the nostalgic okay let me just render you out real quick get away from you real quickly I think I might have just like one nostalgic feeling or something I don't know uh weekly mode on Hypixel is uh armed so now there's guns everywhere foreign thank you sir you are so kind no clue how much that donation will change my life somebody's gonna sneak up behind me and kill me I know it I don't have a shield yet oh actually no I do I have it equipped uh uh don't need just more of this no no I'm looking for another right leggings in particular not gold leggings another right ones who's that I would have sworn I just heard something someone move okay oh geez what A noise they got on there nothing there it's weird that like looking down makes things far away look closer it's the fisheye effect oh oh those are pants those are pants I need I I want those pants I need those pants I don't want your pants your pantser guarded heavily I want your pants you have easy to pick off pants come on man let me get oh wait you're the guy with the pants I'm gonna die yeah I'm not winning this anyway oh sweet sugar [Music] um oh my God why is my elbow being so stretched oh God oh oh wait how'd I get that I just have this magically now okay um yeah I'm gonna have to go for this guy's pants aren't I okay it's right there didn't pick up the pants I repeat pants have not been picked up oh Jesus no that is the wrong place to be right now okay out quickly evade nonsense caveman logic talk oh God Jesus sir I don't want any fighting right now um yeah that's that's not good at all nothing this none of this is good why did I do this to myself just why just why have I done this sharpness too that's a lot more useful don't want that don't want that don't want raw iron don't know why anybody would want raw iron um what else don't think anything how the other end gets my inventory or Enchanted okay yeah encounted stuff is useful if I can get to nine o'clock then I'll be teleported back to the surface thank you why are you using your left hand it's so freaky whoa hey one second you can't just both start teaming on me that's not that's not a thing you're not gonna do that don't even you know what screw this I'm getting out I'm not losing all of my moolah all my life savings ah cute I did not mean to do that that was not a very good trick at all yeah nope nope die get back here get back here don't you D ah yeah he dares come on one more one more hit God dang it dude how was that that was so well placed kudos to you no why do you do this to me I just want pants too much of a man to ask just want a simplistic pair of beans maybe one of you has pants one of you does have pants it's that guy that guy has pants those pants probably just got blown up no God why are there so many tunnels around here come on hey no no be a good boy pants I require them please quickly quickly yes yes God dang it yes oh my God oh no I'm gonna die aren't I I'm gonna die that's that this all right end of the episode everybody this is a great end of the great Saga of of that yeah that's sad makes me depressed I don't want to turn around I always reset my sprinting progress nope nope nope nope nope and no that is all nose no those are all no the answer to all of these questions or no it's not like a parent for bidding my child to do something bro will you get off of my tail I have nothing that you are interested in I have the same stuff as you how I know that I don't know that is it a good reason for you to stop chasing me yes all together yes please stop you done is your ruthless Rampage of mindless murder gone it is all right that's a great note to leave off on all right let's see oh okay that's a good replacement there okay Power two you can see two now we can just chuck all of these out on the grip oh my God I got an ax I this is so this is the happiest day of my life I am so careful right now all right I'm gonna try to get a sword what do you say I get a sword it can't be that hard what maybe you have a sword I'm not sure though oh you have a sword I want that sword come on let's see that story oh that was quite the play don't resist the urge hey no yeah fight each other fight each other fight each other I said Jesus said fight each other is it that hard to not understand that I mean to fight each other when I say oh oh you're weak they should actually start getting a look at my opponents before I start worrying about them shouldn't I love that he was making a full front another right they're just sitting there just staring at staring at him like uh yeah what the heck is going on what is what is even happening oh sorry Jesus bro what was that what even what even was I don't even understand what that was what the heck laughed the heck do you have a sword let me check oh you have a sword come on man don't be oh don't you dare that is an even bigger reason to kill you okay you gave me this totem I can use it I probably should have put that in my off hand shouldn't I have that would have been a lot smarter of a move uh we're talking about Nathan that we're talking about Nathan so I must think you know we're talking about the biggest dumb person in all of history who doesn't even know that things are are things yeah is that the normal height for a shield to be I'm pretty sure my heel reducer's on right most positive it is and what are the chances if I get killed that quick uh looks like it's on turning the current art back on though quickly quickly yeah I don't want to die oh that looks a lot different looks a lot different too I will say the totem used to I don't know just had like a charm to it now just like staring into your soul I had like a lot more like shape to it before now just like made of like rectangles as it seems Mojang is making everything nope get up out level of sharpness is the sacks compared to my current one they're both sharpness too useless do you really want to do this yes thank you take care of them I'm not interested in doing that right now I want to organize my inventory to be honest don't want that uh Quick Charge I'll take it I need a Bose I mean not a bow I need a sword so bad dude is it worth it to have cobwebs in my hot bar am I actually going to use them I do I have an I like that no I don't oh that's actually pretty useful if I ever need to like escape the arena or something if I give like my hands in like a firework or something oh that's a mistake that is a big mistake that's a mistake that is a mistake okay this one oh yeah if you see Nate just kill him oh he kind of annoying there we go what even was the purpose of that oh even you have a sword no you're kidding me oh you are kidding me why didn't I quit my totem I feel so dumb oh my God oh oh shoot oh no oh that's special suddenly explodes the second I get into the arena sounds just like uh sounds like my life yep even will he notice if I place a block right here none of them even noticed foreign finally oh my god dude I waited for so long to actually have something in the style of my kind of PVP oh no go up around Dodge and weave slip jab cross if you're into martial arts okay here ah so that's what this does can I just there we go die get up get up out this is my loot what I want all of your stuff thank you whoops oh my god dude why is the DUI for the totem so large oh my God your entire screen just instantly taken up what the heck dude why do I have so many pickaxes I don't know I don't have a shield oh I'm so dead I am so dead oh I have another right sword I'm still gonna die yeah I'm gonna die there's no counter to this guy's field I mean I do have an ax but that's gonna take some time to get out of my inventory okay wait no he took he took a breath took a step back for a second to load his bow the heck is this I think that's the area I was in earlier Maybe potentially I'm just gonna be a quick two three two three motion two three motion two three there I'm gonna die there's no way there's no way come here imagine Health levels buddy whoops that was a bad idea I am instantly dead if he hits me I am instantly can does the universe want to hear me wait what did you I spawned with a firework rocket and that's what happens just instantly done okay okay it's gone just wasted what do I have absolute crap who ain't even like in their worst nightmare would want this kind of armor I think the gear is fine but like bro what is TNT going to do to you that's positive effects oh there we go now you're in a cobweb wow that was incredibly fast all right there over there for there oh I have TNT and cobwebs this is interesting so basically I got like the most overpowered kit in the entire game and just had it on reserve in an under test and turns out that every once in a while the games decides I'm going to reset everybody is that a crystal it's from can I lower somebody over here oh my God imagine if I can I have no I have no clue how to use these like I know how the damaging system works but I have no clue how to use these whatsoever if I could actually lure somebody over here though that would be just the funniest thing ever I don't need a force field I'm not going to be able to use that correctly piercing two all right I guess it's a nice between those two come on anybody anybody want to get blown to Smithereens no one not surprising a lot of stuff that oh scrap that scrap that don't want that anymore not that either not that either not that either no oh that's it okay Captain's 2 versus chapter one uh that should be over here and that should be over there and this let's be right here because I am not going to be able to be skilled enough to blow anybody up today hello can I have your helmet please and potentially anything else that you're carrying at the time I just like to contact you but your car's extended warranty it's not that much it's not that big of a deal don't you don't you use your stupid sling shout out I'm turning that to obsidian good luck what was the point in doing that I'm sorry what were you going to accomplish you're going to fall oh you have a sword what the wait what thank you that was a little bit confusing I don't want that don't want that I don't want that don't want that no no no no don't want that obviously not that cabinets one no out of here out of here out of here oh that's good better boots and there's the helmet there's the helmet which I'm just gonna use wood I don't get any other kind of block as my main building material uh oh steak that's even better all right get rid of the empty buckets I have so many buckets why do I have so many buckets get rid of them uh okay oh Jesus right in time please right on cue that is insane what what sorcery is this getting the trigger oh my God that should have triggered that totally should have triggered what the heck bro all right yeah I'll go for you you're worthy Target I think maybe maybe not don't pick up that stuff and just start spamming all the weirdology I have a totem that's too bad it's gone now don't spam your ax that annoys me so much don't you even think about it okay you know what map reset in 24 seconds oh my God okay quickly get as many diamonds as possible and emeralds in anything oh now only 10 seconds yeah okay I kept some of the stuff probably worth like nothing anyway uh that's from another episode because that was a complete fail I am completely Rusty in normal PVP because I've just been in creative mode or Hypixel like for the last I don't even know how many weeks yeah anyway I'm gonna call it there maybe I'll continue this series this gets like I don't know 300 views like last time but that took like six months for that to accumulate so anyway I'll see you guys next time peace out everybody that was the wrong control okay goodbye
Channel: Jason Balk
Views: 281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d_RaVX3e9OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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