I Mastered Minecraft PVP in 5 Days

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this is me about to fight Minecraft's best 1.19 PVP and just five days ago I was a complete Noob with close to zero experience how did I get here let's start from the beginning so this is my manner he's called clown Pierce dream and has gotten number one on multiple PVP servers many people refer to him as the best overall PVP he challenged me to a 1v1 that will take place in five days even though he knows that I suck he thinks it's gonna be a walk in the park an easy dub and that's where my plan comes in I'm gonna use the time I have to train get as good as I possibly can and master PVP so that I can beat him in his own game as an underdog I have to admit this is a very very big goal but let's just get started I started my training on cubecraft the only server that I knew had PVP duels as you can see from this first fight I sucked pretty bad so on here I sort of mindlessly fought because honestly I didn't know what I was really doing and I just wanted to get comfortable with 1.9 PVP first as I barely had any experience after some time I did start to get some Combos and also got some wins but the players on This Server usually aren't the the best so it wasn't anything crazy then about two hours in I ended up fighting this super annoying player that literally just spammed creepers and this hacker that got banned mid fight after that I realized that I should probably find a new server to play on so I looked at the best Minecraft PVP servers and found the PVP Legacy I jumped straight to kpvp on here since I was alone and instantly liked it way better for my training it was so fast-paced that I could do multiple fights each minute the players were better so your boy got one more combo sometimes and I just had more fun PVP improving racking up a ton of kills and getting some crazy combos like this one it was addicting I spent two hours on here just fighting player after player getting up to over 200 kills and then I called it a day totaling four hours of training for my first day on day two I knew that I had to level up my training so I called up a friend of mine who was really good at 1.9 PVP his name is Fabio and he would be my first trainer of many he first had me hop on a server called straight and then got straight into teaching me uh do you know how to uppercut I like you like this hit then jump oh yeah all right okay yeah wait oh my God sharpness is on now who is sharpness you ask well he's one of the best players in Sword PVP and he wanted to fight us no how does he do that not only did I get destroyed but even Fabio did oh what no where is she okay yo yeah so that showed us we had a long way to go but I'm up for that Journey so we got back to training and after some time oh all right your boy started seeing some nice progress what okay I even started to use the technique he taught me uppercut let's go no oh we got so lost in these fights that we probably did hundreds of them no what let's go I thought I bro what is that oh my what crazy and then completely out of nowhere Fabio dropped something on me that changed everything do you want to keep doing this game mode or do you want to practice ax because mind men are just gonna probably like want you to dawn like ax or Crystal so two days into training I just realized that I don't even know what I'm fighting my manner in how did I miss this crucial part I possibly could have just wasted all this time on a kit that we're not even fighting in so I quickly messaged my Manner and asked him and this was his response sword ax and Crystal okay thankfully we're fighting in swords so I didn't just waste all that time training but that's only one third of the puzzle and apparently we're fighting in two other game modes that I haven't even played once so me and Fabio then hopped on PVP Legacy to train these oh no what the at ax I sucked oh and that Crystal I was even worse so it honestly felt like I was back at square one but I just kept at it and after some tips and fights I started to do actually pretty good at Acts let's go no my skill that I've gained in Sword was definitely transferring over which makes sense because sword is basically the foundation of most PDP kids break my shield break mine no break mine how long are you gonna do this yeah [Laughter] not so much because Crystal was the most complicated of the three I learned the basics from Fabio but still couldn't function enough to fight an actual player I mean it takes some learning because I'm not super good at it myself so at this point I kind of just accepted that sword was the only game mode that I could have a chance at winning and maybe a ax too but I pretty much just gave up on crystal before concluding this day Fabio invited his friend to the call and they gave me their thoughts on how the fight will go yeah I feel like you can win it's just an ax and Crystal you'll get like yeah destroyed but yeah yeah and actually gonna get especially acts yeah yeah the total for this day was also four hours the next day I started on PVP Legacy alone just practicing everything I learned the prior day after a bit something hit me and I realized that the server Fabio showed me also has kpvp so I went on there to try it out and to my surprise this one was even better the players were harder more experienced and most of them respected 1v1s and didn't jump in during my fights on here I met a player named goldfe I noticed that he was really good so I just fought him over and over and over I then asked him to train me and he was down yo shall we begin the process yeah all right sounds good my meeting with a random player would end up turning into one of my best training sessions foreign [Music] Legacy progress baby all your heads when you're trying to create has been approached so far yeah you're doing a lot better that's what I like to see oh oh no yeah all these fights are down to the wire now man you're a demon let's go nice and after close to three hours of training golfe had to go but before he left he did this for me if you need training with Crystal my friend Marlo is like actually the best Crystal team here in the world right now she's insane here I'll send you her uh Discord I'm sure she'd be down to help you your boy took this perfect opportunity and added her hoping that the next day she would be able to train me this day's total was four hours with two days left until the fight I started back up on KIPP PVP at this point I was over halfway into my training I've learned a lot and improved wonders but will this be enough will I be good enough to beat mind manner I still don't know foreign [Music] this is when I ran into vexay he's one of the top sword pvpers on the same level as sharpness the man who destroyed me and Fabio earlier so I won V1 him and you know how that went luckily he was down to train me so we hopped on a call and little did I know I was about to learn a lot so one important thing in 1.9 PCP is abusing your note back I'm gonna keep hitting you and you just have to like jump when I hit you okay like every time yeah it's basically really opium Fabio briefly taught me this technique before but vexe explained it in more detail yeah it's like still way too easy for me to combat you you know you should try to not get combo bro what settings do you use do you like use Dynamic fov and stuff you have to turn it off all the time this actually improved my aim a good amount because now my field of view doesn't change when I go from walking to sprinting no way you know you can hit faster than you think sometimes like when I try to get like another hit I hit faster sometimes that works it's so hard to explain but yeah I don't know now boys this one tip changed a lot for me and right after is when I finally won a fight against him after probably hundreds just only a few fights later I got a message back from Marlo saying that she can train me Crystal but she won't be available for long so I thank the vexe and hopped straight into a call with her yo it's time to learn Crystal from the best I suck really bad well it's fine I'll show you some useful tactics what I'm going to show you is called the Pearl Flash that's really useful for if you're coming in for an encounter you can curl Flash and then go for a hit Crystal that's pretty much a hit Crystal so when someone anchors it creates kind of a hole which leads to a very very deep eye I'll give you kind of an example of how that goes she told me that mind manner loves to do this so I need to avoid them those are the two main important tips and then we got to practicing hit crystalline I slowly improved each Crystal [Music] is that good Improvement yes very good oh yeah you should practice ledge crystalline a little bit I'm seeing Improvement you're honestly like getting pretty good at it for your first day professional bunny then we hopped on a 1v1 server and fought each other for better on hand practice of course Marlo went easy on me and of course I got whooped oh my gosh I'm getting destroyed dude I wasn't even practicing winning or fighting I was literally just practicing surviving oh my gosh I didn't get out so she just became an NPC to give me a chance at actually fighting then I fought some random players while Marlo watched and gave me tips your boy was getting walked by these players but I gradually improved and eventually I started doing actually pretty good foreign and then I finally won a match let's go my first win marking the end of my training for that day with a total of six hours you know the drill your boy started on kid PVP and I actually ended up staying on here for hours fight after fight just refining my sword skills practicing what I've already learned but then I saw that my friend Fabio was on so I hopped on a call with him and we practiced some Max oh I swear I looted it somehow after days since last playing ax and only maybe an hour training in the game mode I was doing good even better than I was before who's winning now who's winning now you are winning what I think you're good enough man no must keep going we also played some more crystals stop this time around I did a lot better no no no no no no no no no oh my God I learned not to go down there oh GG the total for this day was five hours to get some final training in on fight day I hopped on kid PVP I just continued to fight random players on here until soon enough I actually found sharpness if you remember me and Fabio found him earlier and got absolutely rocked and now I found them again so with only a few hours left I took this opportunity and asked him to train me I told them all about my journey oh my god dude I'm gonna help you but you have to try your best okay okay I'm just gonna fight you a few times and I wanna see the things you're slacking on [Music] I'm proud of your progress so far rky I don't see you uppercutting a lot um you could try getting uppercuts for some extra hits if he tries to go in for a crit on you you just want to press s real quick when he creates you just Sprint hit him and then instantly go in for a crit do you like how I go in for a crit every time I can I do the most damage ever you're just hitting me normal and I'm creating you I'm not trading you so when you guys are like trading okay hitting each other um you want to jump and just press as quickly yeah fake it don't spam click and go in just keep crediting me no listen don't jump crit me now you got to do it fast just like right when I hit you you get yeah you just did it see oh my God I don't want to see those sweep hits anymore that pisses me off listen this [Music] I think you're ready for mind manner I think you're gonna destroy him I I believe in you it's time all of my training has led to this the past five days have all been for this moment time to fight the best overall PVP year with only five days of training let's win this boys the first tool is first the three wins in Sword PVP all right let's go okay oh he advances right now be careful oh my God I'm missing oh come here oh oh my God oh okay this is not looking good [Music] oh I'm really careful here let's go okay okay oh my God no oh my God [Music] up next is first to three wins and acts foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God okay let's go okay that's correct no It's The End come here [Music] oh okay [Music] let's go oh okay that's a good one okay okay oh my God [Music] no [Music] okay who wins this how many hearts I'm so low right now huh uh like four Hearts four hearts oh oh my God yo let's go it's now one to one whenever this fight takes it all it's first the two wins in Crystal who comes out to this okay oh you're pulling in oh that oh oh my God no so I can meet you though oh oh my God my uh my favorite feature no oh oh my goodness so close oh my God here oh no [Applause] [Music] oh no nice it was higher there but I need to get out whoa then just give it a pressure oh I need to go double Taps oh my God [Music] you got me there and mind manner won it all just like that after five days of training for this big fight after trying my absolute hardest I lost with big goals will come big disappointments for a week of training that's like insane like your trainers taught you well my loss being a disappointment is all just perspective though yes I did lose but I went from Noob to going head to head with the best overall pvpier winning 6 out of 13 total fights and even beating him at ax also meeting so many people and having a blast bass of dub in my books okay do you want to actually know who taught me now Fabio Mario Kart then we got vexe oh my God we got Maxim we got goldfish oh my God and for Crystal we got Marlo oh of course that makes sense yeah oh my God all those people bro yeah every literally bro that makes sense why you go so good yeah done with ggs they were like really close fights yeah yeah I think you're the next uh up and coming God
Channel: RKY
Views: 770,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, pvp, rky, dream, clownpierce, minecraft pvp, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.9 pvp, minecraft 1.19 pvp, 1.19 pvp, pvplegacy, best minecraft pvper, minemanner, #1 minecraft pvper, minecraft pvper, i mastered pvp, i mastered 1.9 pvp
Id: 6D-tGnRqopE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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