Doing Makeup On My Arm

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hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel you guys I am very very excited for today's video because we're doing a challenge that I really never thought I'd be doing now you guys know as an artist I'm always looking for new people and it comes to follow to keep me inspired and wanting to create now to my all-time favorite pages to follow on Instagram are by the usernames shine and shadows and Gabrielle with access now their work are both so beyond incredible I've gotten so much inspiration from them and have recreated many looks on my page but there's just something a little bit different about both of their makeup looks and that is that most of them are on their arms now I'm not gonna lie when I first saw these arm looks I was a little bit confused and the first thought that went through my head was oh my god what youtuber is really struggling for ideas now but when I thought about a little bit further if the exact same thing is doing a face chart which is basically practicing a makeup book on a piece of paper before doing on your face but this name is just on your arm it's done I honestly have no idea how I'm going to do in this challenge today as many of you guys know when I was younger I used to draw and paint portraits all the time so I'm pretty familiar with being able to recreate the human face and I also do makeup pretty much every single day as well and I like to think that I'm relatively good at it so combining the two could be easy but these artists are also insanely insanely talented and create the most beautiful colorful glittery or blended makeup looks so this could be a major major fail but regardless I am so excited it's your head the sound today and without further ado let's get started [Music] all right you guys let's just jump right into this challenge today as you can see my full face of makeup is already on and fully complete and that is because we're gonna be focusing on my arm today hello second camera angle now the first step of my arm makeup routine is going to be to apply a coat of foundation all the way around my arm up just to even out all the skin and for today's video I am very very excited to tell you guys I have partnered with wrap on to show you at their brand new a photo ready candidate foundation now in today's look I am actually wearing this on my face as well and the shade is 320 and before I even tell you guys that the find that things about this I will go ahead and say it and this is not even part of the sponsorship if this is the only one of the best color matches I've ever had regardless of the sponsorship I'm gonna be reaching for this a whole lot more so y'all stop drawing me but let me tell you because actually is a really mom foundation to the brand new Revlon Photoready canon foundation comes in 31 different shades of a medium buildable coverage natural finish formula it includes antioxidants and anti blue light ingredients infuses vitamin E and also is anti pollutant as well which means it basically keeps out all the disgusting crusted bus and stuff that's floating around in the air kind of good wearing it on my face and blend it out so easily and I will say feels extremely late on the skin as well and it also provides coverage while still letting your natural beauty like my freckles shine it through and best thing of all it only retails for 1099 so good so crushed you guys don't have to check it out and thank you once again to Revlon for working me on today's video alright so since this is the first time of me literally ever try this out I think for my first look I want to start off with something easy know if it goes well I will definitely do another one a but I want to do this look from my a paint-by-numbers photo obviously not the whole numbers and white part but like the actual glam that I had on and this one I is really really pretty and I think I could kind of do an okay job of putting that on my arm maybe let's try it so I think I want to start doing my eyes in the same order that I would doing normal I look sad which is starting off with my eyebrows this could be a major major mistake because if the eyebrows aren't looking good the entire look is already cancelled but that's good because it means we get to keep doing the challenge until it works that's not good looks like my literal worst nightmare I'm gonna grab my Anasazi at number 12 brushing my Anasazi at dipbrow pomade so looking at this photo of my eyebrows definitely like the biggest thing shocker my eyebrow and inner corner pretty much ended the same place but the tail and that eyeball do not let me turn off like up here my eyebrows go up at a pretty soft angle and then it kind of goes straight out I'm going to incorporate this freckle and two into my brow so it doesn't show at the end okay eyebrows are pretty thick as well let's be real like I said this is the first try it's okay if it's not perfect if I pull this this way I can they kind of blend out the dipbrow my brother definitely thick all the way through but they do have like a somewhat bit of ombre from like very very filled in and the tail to a little bit more sparse and like hairy and airy in the front of the brow so I want to try to recreate that same look today I'm just setting that different place using tea from my palette then it's blending that shade in towards the front a little ombre moment I guess like another angle brush now and another dark brown shade I'll grab Benny and T from my palette I'll use this to like sketch in actual hairs I'm not gonna go outside of my brow lines as well because I definitely took rush my brow hairs upwards so they're nice and textured kind of good okay okay now I need to do that again I think mine are much thicker than what I made this we're just gonna do it in my head my brows look like which is a lot thinner and prettier than what they really are okay more dip brow mmm okay this needs to be art or whatever more straight words so I'm actually going to interrupt this freckle right here who loved that I think my freckles knew I was filming this video I just wanted to really align themselves so I could draw my eyebrows in the right place so thank you for that try just filling this and now saying is nothing that I did beforehand except now we're doing it backwards blending in some of those hairs using a tea from the pallet once again just to fit a more like ombre shadow brow color and then using a tea and Benny we already the sounds that this is our practice so I'm going to not worry about the shape too much wow this looks so awful I'm scared so grabbing a little bit of concealer on why you same angle brush leaves to cut my brows I'm just going to cut my brows just going in very very carefully with the excess concealer then just patting it into a place so we can use it as an eyeshadow base no doing the other brow as well these are definitely not even I already know that for a fact I'm thinking maybe I should like add in my nose contour now just gonna got my regular anastacio contour kit and my angled brush from Maya James Charles brush set and then just contour it and this looks awful for some reason this contour powder it's creating like a grey tone over top of my concealer which has literally never happened before considering I use this combination all the time which is really annoying that this is not happening on my arm where I'm trying to create a look but to work just going to ignore it for now and hopefully it fixes itself later I think I need to put in my like I liked lash line first so I know where everything else is supposed to go and it's pretty much just a straight line all the way across so if that's my lash line okay now same thing on the other arm oh god what's this eyeballs looking wonky we're gonna leave it at that for right now I think I just do when I said on the normal order yeah okay so I'm gonna grab an hour 39 brush and start off with a little bit of code James and put that in the crease actually packing it on there and then blending it out just like we do it on normal or so techniques and just furthering out the edges onto that concealer so it looks nice and even yeah gorgeous bring it into the inner corner as well but kind of fading it out because we have that glitter going on there later of course feeding it into the nose contour a little bit just like I always do same thing on the other side as well I hate you my cardio bracelets are in the way of me being able to blend I absolutely hated that Louis cut that out now with an anima for fights to Express I'm gonna dip into 10% off which is the darker brown and uses to add some like contour into the crease that doesn't even exist in these before bringing it in and blending it up and just like before pulling the shade it pretty far out as well other side to match he's a little bit of no beans to add even more depth with that same em four five six brush and just keeping those kind of more on the outer third or the outer two-thirds rather of the crease now I am going to start sketching out my block winged liner using a little brush and some spooky from the palette and once you buff this into the lash line that we drew in earlier starting off thin and then going right upwards and pulling it right up and then buffing this block into the crease for some out of dimension just using this Stila liquid metals to cut my crease to a nice little round shape Oh still bad yes oh hello oh there's one right here well what do we do now let me add in some more black because they can really fix a lot of problems this is not staying block as I wanted it to be that's decent looking okay yeah okay I know it's not grabbing a little bit of a face and ring light with a little spritz of some setting spray mama I'm going to pump it in the inner corner a little bit on the brow bone too now I'm going to create my little lower lash line well it's gonna get covered off but I need to put it there anyway okay so we're gonna put some same cards we use below the lash line and then using a little bit of both coaches and 10% off to blend those shades out oh not awful bad but not awful now have it on that eyelashes which is where this could get really bad really really fast oh my god okay okay hey I'm going to do this again the other I forgot about the other idea no no don't go sin no no there's only one eye for me how are we on this level delusion and we're only 30 minutes into filming those the skin not happening today we're just gonna speed through the second eye [Music] I think I'm done I'm scared to look at it this is my first time ever doing this at least I gave the precursor am I already planning on doing a second look at this one fails so let's give the Green revealed see what we got going on Oh oh my god why how did the eyeballs end up like that so looking at both eyes and both brows they both look actually really really good but they're just not even like it's like a like this and pull the skin down already looks a lot oh this is so hard oh you know what I want to do Oh scary see well imagine this is a thumbnail I [Applause] [Music] have to photoshop that all right you guys let's be honest with each other here our first attempt at our arm Fisher is definitely a major fail I think is actually the first time we've done a makeup challenge on this channel and it's been like a major major major awful failure but we do not take no for an answer we don't like to fail and we never back down from a challenge so I really want to try this again and take what I learned this one runs in the Pyatt next time which is of course that my arm is round so I need to try really hard to make these like even I doesn't want to pay attention to the fact that one closer to my wrist should be up and the one closer to my elbow should be a little bit more down just to offset the like scan it movement I'm gonna go ahead and wipe this off and I'll be right back to try it look number two so for this next look I am deciding to challenge myself which is a brave decision considering the first one was already challenged and did not go well but you know what I looked at some of the videos that Gabrielle and shine shadows had posted on their Instagram accounts and I noticed on all of their videos they started off with the eyebrows and like eyeballs already kind of like pre sketched out so they had like a rough idea of where to put things which hello like I don't know why I didn't think about to begin with so for this second look I picked out this photo that I posted on my Instagram literally over a year ago I actually did a look on this I think this is in my coming-out story video this is literally what my favorite looks I've ever created in my like entire makeup career I think it is so stunning so I want to try to recreate like this exact like eye area on my arm including the eyes at the different angle and the eyes being open so this might mess me up even more than the first time around but at least I can say that I tried and if I get this it'll be really cool and fun in front of so let's just jump right in again let me grab my Nastasia brow pencil in the shade soft brow which is a nice erasable color I'm gonna draw my eyeball right here actually me to put in my eyebrows for our still that is a good brow okay I'm happy with that eyebrow that means my eyeball would be right about here to draw and buckles and beauty marks are literally landing and they're perfect places and then okay so if my brows here I have to imagine like my nose bridge is coming down right here so like my contour is gonna be I'm gonna put my contour here I know that actually Bulger's is gonna be like here oh my body is meant for this so this means this line goes right up about here and the curves end and there's the shadow in here you actually got lost but way too close when those we're just gonna be here the shadow going this way that means the brow is gonna go right here at the same angle and is gonna stop right there cuz she's thick but she gets cut off so then my eyeball goes down right here so I will number two is here and goes this okay like that and then my left eyebrow does tend to droop down a little bit in photos which is she's drooping here about us for sure now that I hope the rough draft kind of sketched out it's looking okay not gonna lie I'm going to fill in the eyes first which is what Gabrielle did on all of her videos so I'm going to grab the Jeffrey Stehr armor druglord liquid lipstick and use this to fill them in set this down with some flash back from the palette let's draw in some nice eyeballs okay now I'm gonna shade this in a little bit okay that is a good eyeball if I ever did see one truly adding in tiny little lines for our details that is a good eyeball look at that that is so professional and famous I mean so this one is going like right here now it's time to fill in the eyebrow oh okay I'm just using team from the palette and putting in same thing like the day brought before but into the tail and I'm just going to use the excess and blend it forward at this time not being at so intense and softer and less scary okay how did that still get dark that's a good that's good that's a good eye brow I'm really happy with that now I'm going to card out the brow what some concealer underneath that eyeball tail just because we will push out of there in a little bit this is already turning out way better than the first time I am first going to grab a pencil brush that is stained with a little bit of purple and dip in to escape from the palette and I'm going to use this to build our outer V of the eye and that's too big I'm not this whole life I'm gonna grab this Sigma e 21 brush instead boosting I run it to about here and then really brought it up nicely to about right there it almost think I had some more escape right into here this is actually before the palette was even a things I don't even know why using this original video probably the 35 be alright pecan but forgotten the purple also Wow below my lash line so I'm gonna bring that well leaving a tiny little gap for that light blue liner that we'll put in later in this vision oh look I also do remember that I did a purple liner so I'm going to throw that on now before the rest of the look comes on just so I can kind of keep it in place ninety to blend that out with a little bit but love that with a pencil brush and blend over the edges carefully then I'm gonna use a little bit of it you're cutting the bright red and that same brush I guess we're just sticking with this one honestly love that letting it together no need to bring it a little bit more single because it got a little bit lost in the blending process now we go a little bit of an M four five six and dip into five one eight and blend out this top edge I wanna clean just the ads up with concealer just to come on the original luck it is a little bit more like pointed so but I kind of like just loosely hold a thin it might kind of shape it a little bit more - oh yes that looks so good and also simultaneously fresh okay great I'm really happy right now okay so now I'm going to Rob hello-hello from my palette and a little pocket rush and we're going to use this shade to cut my crease I'm going to overlay this right over top of the purple oops oh I don't want to get on there just like when I did the original look I'm going to make sure to bring out this color all the way into that inner corner and this cut crease actually went far above the crease which is really really cool this is more of like a messy stuff a crease and I got really love how it turned out so it's going to bring that into there to grab a little bit of acappella with that same brush and use this to kind of blend together the blue in the purple we use this to lightly blend oh the edge can also have a little bit of this hello right on that inner corner and bring it onto the lash line but it gonna be a little bit of Betty on a tiny little brush this is the M of 515 like hell out look at this and I'm gonna use this to add some black very little bit of block just that steady a little bit to the army I've been here my jeffree star cosmetics liquid lipstick in the shade a jawbreaker and this is from the brand new blue blood collection well it's not actually this one's been around for a while but it just realized with the blue bonnet collection which I was so excited about and proud enough sister Jeffrey I believe it's sold out by the time of this video is up so I mean go get it but like good luck I'm going to use this a tiny little liner brush to lie to my lower waterline and then adding in a tiny little bit of drug lord in there just to look make it look like it's like kind of wet then I'm gonna grab a little bit of the Mac reflex teal and add this on top then just using a tiny little bit of glitter adhesive I'm going to pop on a few little chunky glitters gonna use a little bit more of a ring lay on a tiny little brush once again and highlight the brow bone now I think it's time to draw on the lashes so now I hope to draw in my eyeliner thank God that was literally this bullseye night ever I've ever diddly done did ja know what's got you in the lashes going very very slowly toward them look a little close at first for the bottom lash line did add a little individual so I'm gonna add in a little spiky right here and some more little Spanky's that is literally so good oh my gosh you guys okay I think that is officially one out of my two eyes complete which was the far harder one I am going to now do the other one quickly and the challenge will finally be complete [Music] oh my gosh you guys literally five hours later I was so convinced this is going to be an easy video to film and I of course was wrong but finally my second eye look is complete and I'm actually very very happy with it beautiful Wow look at that artistry I went into the shell ecstatic not really knowing what to expect and this was way way harder than anticipated oh my god I really thought this is gonna be a quick little one-and-done video no absolutely not but that is of course because you guys know I never like to give up on anything I will probably openly and honestly say this is like the worst we've done a challenge so far I really get a lot of our challenge videos I usually start off really really scared and then it somehow it turns out pretty good at the end it's okay I mean looking at this like it's okay it definitely could be a whole lot worse I think we definitely learned a lot today this is great practice but I think ever wanna be on a level even close to Gabrielle or shine shadows I'm gonna probably have to do this on my arm a million more times so it seems like for now I'm just gonna stick to my normal I shadow on my actual eyelids if you guys enjoyed this makeup challenge today please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and show your sister love and support it really does help me out and mean the opposite world to me and also if you have not ready make sure to click that Baker it subscribe button and come join these sisterhood we are 15 million sisters Tong and I would absolutely love to have you join the family and also do not forget to click that Bell icon so you can notify each and every time I upload a brand new video if you'd like to follow me other makeup journey can follow me on instagram twitter they're both so same charles myself we're behind the scene itself is janetrose the texture has after charles this video censor shadow goes to sister Adam thank you so much slope for always appalling in supporting I love you so so so much and if you look to the next videos a sister shadows don't forget to always retweet my videos when they go live on Twitter all rights this is that eyes only efforts today's video thank you so much for watching it thank you once again to Revlon for sponsoring this video you guys at the photo ready candid foundation is it we've been building for almost six hours now and it still looks absolutely perfect and yes I am being sponsored to say so but like the proof is right here I'm obsessed and definitely plan on wearing this a whole lot more I think I just found a new Holy Grail foundation although they said love you guys so much I will see you at the next one [Music]
Channel: James Charles
Views: 8,124,218
Rating: 4.7722549 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, jeffree star, manny mua, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, doing makeup on my arm, i tried, face chart, makeup challenge, nikkietutorials
Id: fyKTR2fsNLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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