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okay ready nope hi sisters james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel as you guys can see today i'm done with a very special and iconic guy hey everyone it's jojo welcome back to my youtube channel you guys i and my nightmare at the same time i have been asking jojo to film a video with me for literally almost two years now two years okay and we're gonna dive into that too that's a lie i've been wanting to i just haven't been wanting to do this okay that's fair i literally said i want to but i just don't want to do that but now i'm like i'm comfortable we're gonna do it yeah for today's video i'm giving jojo a full on makeover no glitter no rhinestones getting my makeup done number one is just like a nose like i like to do it i don't let anybody else do it it's just to know my hair even more so i'm nervous too because i want to make sure that the look is appropriate this is gonna scar you for the next five years there's literally so many things that i want to talk to you about today your rise to fame you being an internet superstar thank you jojo and her bobo business mobile okay i feel like people need to understand how much of a genius that you actually are going on in there jojo and i did make a business deal i would get to give her a full transformation in exchange she gave me a full transformation into jojo on her channel so make sure you guys go check that out it's absolutely insane thank you for good business and if you guys want to see jojo in a full-on transformation a full makeover keep on watching but this is going to be so much fun you have to trust me i trust you but before we jump into today's transformation you obviously have quite a lot on right now i do i went full jojo because i need to feel the most jojo's that way when i'm so not like i'm no joke then like i'm good you know perfect well i think we should get you changed get everything off so we can get started on this makeover completely fresh okay okay here we go we'll be right back you guys all right you guys jojo and i are back she has no makeup on so jojo the first thing that i want to ask you about before this video is today before we even get into all the exciting things that i want to ask you about okay i texted you asking to collaborate on february 7th 2019 and i said 2018 yes okay i want to do a video together so bad where i give you a full transformation yes and talk about how your business will go all these things you literally responded and i quote hey sorry i can't do that i did well okay at the time you have to think i was 15. yes that was a lot scarier to me because i was so young you know well so like this is obviously something very very different for you and we're doing this like full transformation where i want to turn you into not an instagram body but a and just like a glam we met in the middle i didn't want to be an instagram baddie but i understand but i also was like yeah let's do something different like i get why you wouldn't want to do a pink unicorn look because what's the difference you know i feel like when i first wanted to do the collaboration with you it was with good intentions like i wanted to give you a full makeover but i think at that time you know a big thing in the internet is like a lot of people think you're like acting or this is like some crazy character for you i was even one of those people that made me believe like okay maybe this is some sort of like act like let's go like the real jojo but like now i'm understanding like this is the glitters the bows everything it's all like so many people do you think it's a character and like the reason why it works for me and like where my life is how it is is because it's not a character you know and like i'm in charge you know at the end of the day like it really is me in charge obviously i have nickelodeon and i'm a manager and i'm my mom but like they're all working under me if that makes sense right like it's we everyone i work with like i don't want to be like you're the boss or i'm the boss like i want to just like figure it out together yeah no yeah that's very we are very much the same way here at my team lovely there's little glitter everywhere i know is there always glitter ever on you yes my house like if you walk through my house your feet will just turn glitter oh that's great it's insane but no i obviously like i wanted to do a video with you always like your james charles but i was like i just i can't but i don't know what to do but i can't do it but i want to do it but i wanted it i don't know well i think what opened back up the conversation was honestly like when you started posting your tech talks totally because i feel like we've seen you in glitters and bows and rhinestones for so long and that is classic jojo i started to kind of explore yes and for me like as a fan i was like oh my god this is so exciting and as a friend who would ask you to collab i was like oh she's giving the reveal that i wanted makeup all the time my makeup is such a huge part of my brand but like i am in sweatpants at the end of each time totally so i think it's so cool that you're like not afraid to show that although for the longest time i actually did sleep with a bow and a side ponytail i don't anymore but like dance moms days yeah every single night literally every single night joe doe i would wake up and i would just re-slick my hair oh yeah take my hairline make them really receding so far back we're gonna put some good contour to really bring it forward i love it i want to ask you because i feel like dancehalls was my absolute favorite show growing up i've seen every single episode every single season i would challenge you to a dance moms who knows more well considering were on the show i think you'd probably wear free when i was on the show oh that show was literally my everything and i feel like a lot of the girls that were on the show no shade to anything because i love all them don't like talking they don't like talking about it yeah but i like that you still do everybody can do whatever they want totally of course i feel like the show was literally your guys's childhood so of course everyone like has a right to do whatever they want about it like is there a reason that you still do talk about it and like so openly you know at the end of the day dance moms was our lives and it was a reality tv show and it wasn't scripted but like at the same time like it was a tv show you know and like off camera like it was always so much fun and for me i think i can just see like past all the bad and like i don't want to remember the bad memories you know you always have a choice in life to look at the bright side of the dark side yes i think very much the same way totally and for me with dance i was like i just try to remember like the fun memories and like hanging out with abby and hanging out with the girls and hanging out with the crew and doing school like going to the competitions and being stressed but then like the winning you know it's like i know that i would be nothing without dance moms like it's where i started it's what got me my platform and so without it i'd be nowhere and so i was like you gotta remember where you came from you know always always come on cover girl no yeah literally i don't remember i was gonna say it's really cool to look at it that way like i obviously i like how the opportunity working with covergirl i don't actively do anything with them anymore anymore but like i'm i'm so great i would never talk bad about them like they literally gave me the platform that i have today and like i'm so grateful for that like i didn't know her without covergirl so oops excuse me i've never actually put concealer on what i don't do it you're kidding no i'm giving it to you gal so you were just speaking about how you always like to look at the positives and things and i love that and i very much think the same way how do you always stay so positive and so bubbly and like does that ever turn off especially when the cameras are off no it never turns off the only thing that happens is i'm not gonna i wouldn't say the word shy but like in public i'm either super extrovert or super introvert like i just like my group of people like i don't like if i'm at like a party i'm so like in my little bubble but yeah i don't know i just like to stay really positive i don't really have like a switch that goes off it's just like kind of whatever's in the moment yeah i feel that it depends on where i'm around but how i stay positive is really my people around me i always say like you have to have a good team obviously because that's who you work with every day but you also have to good have good friends you know and i i have i have great friends and the best friends in the whole world i feel like we honestly have quite a lot of like similarities just in terms of our internet existences we both have really loyal fan bases but i feel like a lot of people outside of our fan bases find us annoying yeah oh yeah it's like it's a very huge thing both been able to make a joke out of our music totally like stay positive and like quarantine my fan base has completely changed like for the better it's insane so it used to be like super young kids which is amazing and incredible and i love my little babies so much and now it's like still the young kids but it's also like teenagers because of tick-tock they realize like oh she's not fake and she's not crazy like she's a normal person it's like a whole new group of people it's awesome yeah yeah okay look forward [Music] oh my god i love setting powder there's so much on my face really okay oh i feel like you're used to it from performing huh so much i remember at one point when um tic toc had like first started before you really like joined the app and started making your videos i feel like there's a lot of videos going around of the tour people being like oh my god i can't believe like kids go into this and stuff which makes me feel so mad like totally it's very obvious to me that you are just literally trying to have fun and are making so many young kids really really happy yeah and i truly don't understand like where people would find a problem with that right it's crazy but for me i'm like hey they're posting about my tour but it's insane i mean like the kids scream everything like it's insane and the parents too the parents are singing it's unreal my skin looks good do you like yeah great let's do catch me wait you hold the brush you hold the brush did you drink a little bit too much jojo's juice before coming over why haven't you come out with jojo's juice before oh period it's in walmart of course oh my god speaking of things in walmart i want to know okay miss queen of licensing okay can you name for me all of your products and like just in walmart or everywhere everywhere so we'll start with accessories that's like the bose that's like earrings that's like necklaces that's like bracelets that's like scrunchies purses sure sure then we have bedding bedding at home so betting at home is like actually i have the number one girls betting in target i'm the number one girls bedding and the number two overall kids bedding i think star wars is what's ahead of me oh yeah so rude there's jojo furniture too so there's like jojo like chairs bean bags um toys are my number one category and like that's like my number one seller for everything your toys are out selling your bows yes my toys and my bedding and my apparel what so regardless hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for jojo's bubbles my brand is a billion dollar brand oh my god that is now i'm not ability i do not have a billion dollars like like i need to make that very clear i am not like so many people are totally but like the jojo siwa brand is a billion dollar brand which is insane that is insane literally insane i do not understand how people online can make fun of somebody that's 70 years old because i'm a giant toddler and i have a receding hairline and i would make fun of me too we have like a boomerang i was just gonna say do you have a boomerang i'm sure there's a boomerang yeah i love not knowing i'm sure because obviously you're i'm sure you're creative directing all this stuff but like who's like running this nickelodeon oh she got the big contract yeah so they're they're handling like all licensing all marketing like literally totally okay i'm gonna get ready to do your eyebrows yeah i wanna pluck out only a few straight hairs how many like pick your number five eleven no twelve seconds later okay you get two more on this eyebrow what two more i think i'm good is there one right there nope it's about that this one yep yep i'm gonna kill you all right you guys so jojo's face oh no not you too jojo's face is all on and she's currently baking in the oven at 300 degrees no we're not very bad the brows are both on how do you feel about them because you've never had your brows done that you like you know i i'm sticking to my plan i look like a dude but i'm here i don't i did completely disagree i'm here for it but i want to give my opinions on the final look okay so type eye shadow okay see all these nice and rainbow colors we should use those we're actually not going to today why not we could use like the pink the whole point is that we're taking it completely out of your comfort zone so i kind of want to do something like neutral and like just like we'll go in like fully opposite of me yeah okay i'm gonna have a little bit of concealer and i'm going to just lightly cut jojo's crease i'm going to use some glitter on you i just realized i'm sorry to just take you home one more time one more time glitter on you it's a little bad we should like teal glitter nope all right now i'm just going to use one of the stila liquid metals that's so pretty that is really pretty i know the father fan no okay i guess i really still don't yeah so we're going to do the eyeliner one second we love a winged eyeliner we do we love a bubble of wild wing i'm just gonna do a little bit of a shadow below your lash line now just gonna grab a little bit of face and a little bit of ring light as well just for that inner corner glow okay you guys i think that is what i done on sister seawater i knew you were gonna say it thank you we're gonna cut for a little bit and do the other one off camera apply some lashes and be right back to finish the rest of this look okay you guys we are back in both what are you doing get up here how are you feeling so far i feel heavy happy yeah my eyes feel heavy but they look pretty [Music] okay so i have one last question for this makeup process while i do it your lips and then of course we have the full transformation jojo you are only 17 years old you've become a global superstar i want to know where do you see yourself when you're like double your rate it's like when you're 30 what are you going to be doing it's so weird to think about i mean in the future what i my next like big goal is i want to perform at the super bowl oh my god that would be everything major thing i want to do i want to perform at the super bowl i love performing performing is like my number one thing like it makes me the happiest i love doing it i want to keep being on tour i want to keep releasing new music new music videos and hopefully eventually i'll be in the super bowl that's right that's everything i'll be right there in front of her actually i'll be back up dancing lovely i'll give you my backup yesterday perfect we're going to go off camera get jojo changed do a little judging to her hair and i'll be right back to show you all the finished look thank you i don't know how you got me to do this i have no idea do you like it i do i will say it's very pretty and you did a wonderful job on the hair and on the makeup you really are bringing back the hair by james's roots for them no you did do really good the makeup is stunning it's very pretty it's obviously it's not me i mean you know how i showed up here in sparkles and bright pink and neon and rainbow and but it is really pretty and you did an incredible job and like i said if it was on any other human i'd be like that human is the most stunning person in the whole well you literally look the most exciting in the entire role absolutely like a different version i feel like i'm joelle right now oh oh oh well jojo thank you so much for coming on the channel today thank you for trusting me through this glam process two years in the making and i am just so glad that we got to sit down together and i got to pick your brain about how much of a genius you actually are thank you for entering me thank you for inspiring kids all around the world with everything that you do and thank you for also teaching them that literally you can put into anything anything any dream can come true period if you guys enjoyed this crazy transformation on the queen jojo siwa please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and share your love and support also click that subscribe button to come join the sisterhood and finally click that bell icon so you get notified every time i upload a brand new video oh this is some jojo's uh fast talking oh let's hear it if you want to follow me my makeup journey all my social media links are going to be if you guys if you want to follow me on makeup doesn't mess up if you want to follow me on a makeup journey all my social media comments are going to be linked right here on the screen and if you want to text me on my personal phone number for new updates on videos photos merchants so much more it is 310-905-8746 this video sisters had a ghost's sister clarisse thank you so much love for always following supporting i love you so so much no you would like your sex videos sister shout out don't forget to always read two people links will go live on twitter and also turn on my youtube post notifications make sure you guys check out the video we did over on jojo's channel where she transformed me into her go check her out on tour as well she's a living legend and make sure you buy all of your jojo branded products available at target walmart claire's probably literally everywhere everywhere amazon's department store in the entire world thank you again to jojo for joining us of course thank you for having me i love you guys and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: James Charles
Views: 34,119,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, makeup 2020, how to apply makeup for beginners, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, jojo siwa, dance moms, transformation, makeover, jojo bow, nickelodeon, giving jojo a makeover, jojo, jojo siwa makeup, james charles jojo
Id: G1mPnQM5hQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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