Doing My Makeup In Alphabetical Order

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M is for mirroring the eye look in post production

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mannierob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did he really think "the house" was started by RichLux? I'm screaming. That whole section made me cringe so hard, considering his claims of knowing a lot about drag. He should know drag culture well enough to know the phrase (and it's "the house down (boots)" anyways) came from the drag/ballroom scene. And if anything if he didn't know, it's a quick Google search. Hell I'm only 18 and I've seen Paris is Burning more than once for christ sake..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 198 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/definitize πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He spelt foundation wrong.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jammiesarecomfy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


he just said the pink drink was put on the menu because of him i am livid!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 100 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/n7cn7c πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think I would’ve liked the video better without the whole lingo thing too. I get what he was going for and it’s a cute idea, but after listening to the flashback Mary story for the thousandth time I was hoping he’d just get on to the challenge lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video is sister shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hookerboots12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doesn't EYEliner come before eyeshadow? If he had done it that way it would've been more interesting but he chose the easy way.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My thoughts: I didn't really need to know all the sister lingo but cool I guess?

Hoola looks insane on James, glad I'm not the only one who struggles to make it look decent πŸ˜‚

Hold up tf does "carving out my brows" come before...brows????? Oh wait, he put them in e... For eyebrows. Idk if I'm dumb or not πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

Fun idea concept... But it seems a bit... Idk I didn't enjoy it. Maybe it was meant fo his die hard fans or younger fans...? It just seemed ... Idk boring... No sister shade!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/serendippity_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

After the third time he inserted one of his long winded stories that had nothing to do with the challenge I quit watching. I feel like he's getting more and more annoying recently

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/farfromnever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel oh my gosh you guys I am so excited for today's a brand new video and that is because we're doing a makeup challenge that has probably been one of the most requested videos of mine of all time I'm really not sure why but first today we're taking it back to kindergarten and we're going to be doing our makeup in alphabetical order now if you are a fellow makeup wearer lover artiste guru such as I am we all have a very specific order or routine that relate to our makeup in for me that would be prior foundation concealer powder contour blush baking eyebrows carve out your eyebrows eyes shadow liner mascara lashes highlighter lip liner lipstick and finally setting a spray but if these makeup steps are reordered into alphabetical order the list would look a little bit like this oh boy are we in for a challenge you guys know what I do these challenges they always do try my best to actually make the final look look really Bob and this is definitely no exception so I'm very excited to see what we can come up with today also speaking of our ABCs there is no denying that the sister speech has become quite a large part of my brand there are so many iconic words and phrases that I say literally all the time in my videos and that you guys have started saying too so just my sis up a little bit in to make things a little bit more fun as we go through our makeup routine as the letters of the alphabet I thought it would be super cute to create a sister dictionary and tell you guys some my all-time favorite words and catchphrases and of course the meetings behind them as well so you can be a true a sister without further ado let's jump right in and learn our ABCs [Music] so the first of the alphabet is a and an our sister dictionary a stands for acrylics in case you have never noticed my nails are always fully done and a beautiful pink to white ombre and they are not my natural nails I always get them made out of acrylic my nail tech Jeffries I'm gonna be for a very very long time and a beautiful acrylic nail is the absolute essential to a completed James at Charles look B is for beefy which basically means big or like thick you could describe a man as nice and beefed a dinner or a meal it was very very big and beefy if it was a hearty meal even like a test at school if it's a really really large one it's a beefy test definitely would my all-time favorite describing words the letter B also brings us to our first step of our makeup routine today which is going to be baking now this should be interesting because there's a general rule and makeup that you're not typically supposed to put foundations or liquids overtop of a powder which is exactly what we're doing but at the same time I also AM a little bit oily right now so it could be good to set it we're gonna find out so I'm just going to take this with my powder puffs and I guess I'm going to put this powder on all of the high points of my face that I would normally have my concealer so underneath my eye is the center of my forehead and then right below where I would put my contour as well that's interesting looking I'm so scared of this already okay the baking is complete I'm not really sure well I'm going to wipe this off what we're gonna figure that out later I guess but for now our next type of a makeup routine is still on the letter B is going to be blush now I want it to be clever and I want it to use a liquid blush because that's gonna blend a whole lot better with the foundation later on but I don't have one apparently so we're gonna stick with our regular mock peaches and I'm gonna grab my morphe ii4 brush and I'm just gonna put this right on the launch point to my face this is the look the next step of our makeup routine is still on the letter B and that is bronzer once again similar to blush wanted to use a cream or a liquid and I cannot find one right now which is just fine and dandy so I wouldn't have the benefit hoola bronzer and my Murphy I'm a five to seven brush really get a good tan coming here I am well aware of the fact that this is absolutely crazy right now so please don't comment about it I think I'm going to layer on a ton of the products before it comes to a foundation so we do put the foundation over top this stuff like might peek through a little bit I could be very very wrong but I feel like that's like the only chance of this looking okay so we're gonna try our best all right the next letter of her alphabet is c and c is for shake shake is a word that you guys have probably heard before but me my friends say literally all the time so I definitely wanted to include it in this video and she basically just means like really really a trendy this new sister peeola hoodie coming to sisters apparel calm soon is very very chic my new Birkin bag that I just bought is super super chic this makeup look however is probably not going to turn out very chic see also stands for the next step of our makeup routine which is going to be carving out my brows this step I am obviously mortified for mostly because I am NOT very good at doing my eyebrows my eyebrows are two very very different shapes so I really really rely on the concealer after the whole dip brow brow ways and dip brow gel from Anasazi out process so what kind of fixing them before they even exist might not lead to the best result but we have no choice so I'm going to grab my concealer brush and a little bit of a tart shape tape concealer on the back of my hand and try our best here oh my god I'm so scared of how I look right now this is not funny the next step of her makeup routine it still falls under the letter C and that would be a concealer before I do that I'm just gonna grab a powder brush and wipe away this bake that literally did absolutely nothing and grab my shape tape concealer in the shade affair and put this in the high points of my face for some reason doing this before foundation feels so wrong I guess I'm just gonna blend this out using a Beauty Blender okay I'm just gonna pounce right into the skin not just right on so fast with the powder underneath this oh my god oh wow that is not that is not yet oh my god it's literally drying down so fast because there was the baking powder underneath I'm scared oh my god it's literally not blending out I wanted to grab settings ready to fix this than I can that's asked ah absolutely not honor I mentioned for what kind of end letter a well this has gotta be the worst my skin has ever looked I'm so scared no God it's fully dried how did that even happen that's enough of that we were moving right along from that the next step of our makeup routine is still on the letter C and not as contouring thank God I look at my Anasazi Beverly Hills a contour kit and my morphe M 405 angled brush and go in and do some charity work here well I am praying that by the time we get to foundation this looks somewhat okay also going to chisel out my nose the eyes questionable looking the next third of the alphabet is D and D stands for don't ever now if you've been a true a snapchat sister you've definitely heard me and my friends say this quite a few times and this basically just means like don't do that don't say that or like don't think that if someone's being annoying if someone is being a boring if someone is being rude if someone is saying something really stupid all you have to say is don't ever and it just means like cut it out we have no makeup set that starts with letter D so we're gonna move on to the next little the alphabet which is e and e stands for escape room if you were a true sister you would know that my all-time favorite pastime but I'm not filming or working as going to escape rooms it's came from so basically like interactive themed puzzle rooms you are locked into for one hour and you have 60 minutes to solve puzzles crack codes and work together with your teammates to get out of the room they are so much fun to do I love doing them because it really stimulates my brain and makes you think outside of the box and think quick on your feet which is like my favorite thing in the entire world I really really like and thrive in high-pressure situations and I bring all my friends to them I've literally be in almost every single one in LA but there are a few left on my list that I cannot wait to do it very very soon and I hope that you sisters will try somehow as well this is not sponsored but I really would love it to be and I definitely want to open my own escape room place one day when I'm older speaking of the letter yet that brings us to our next step of our makeup routine which is going to be thank God our eyebrows I'm going to grab my Anasazi and dip brow pomade in the shade and medium and try my absolute best to Philly then and make them look somewhat okay because we obviously cannot clean them up afterwards and pray that they turn out okay and even just gonna go right above that line of concealer creating that shape just like normal that is a good oh my god thank God are you literally kidding me okay now I just have to do it again one and then to pray that I don't my setup with the foundation later on okay this could be good we're leaving them right there that's good enough for me relatively even we can maybe do a little bit of fixing with Foundation later on I'm good with these brows just gonna set them in place using a little bit of the Anasazi out brow gel this falls under the brow step so nobody taught me the next step of our makeup routine is also under the letter e and it is by far my favorite step you guys all know that it is eye shadow today of course we're gonna be using the James Charles X morphe palette which just restocked yesterday thank you guys so much for all the love and support on the palette as I'm filming this I obviously don't know if it's sold out or not if it did thank you guys so much and if it did not make sure you shop now at morphe calm and use Co James for 10% off your purchase before it does cis' or sell out once again for today's look I do want to do a more neutral wearable look so I'm gonna use like the middle row of the palette I do have to wear this make a book tour dinner after this I was not planning on it but it is now three o'clock and I have to leave here at 5:00 meaning I'm not gonna have time to glam again so we really need to win the challenge today or I am going to be screwed all right you guys I'm gonna start my car do I am a four for one brush and dipping into the shade tuna which is basically just a light transition it's shade and I'm gonna put this right in my crease just laying this down and winging out a little bit go we got nine four three three just gonna dip into a little bit of code James and 10% off and use this to it deepen up the crease a little bit covering another I'm 433 going to dip into a 10% off and also a little bit of it no beans it's even if the outer corner that is going back in a little bit of code genius make sure everything is nice and blended out I'm gonna do a super simple hocker crease using the Estela liquid metals at kitten karma glitter thing that was a mouthful oh my god I'm just gonna use a little bit of wig and it's so good together from the palette and give it a quick spritz of some sister setting spray just to make sure this outer corner right here is blended for Laurel Ashley just gonna grab a little bit of a co James and 10% off mixed together on that same a fluffy brush and just put this right below and then just using a little bit of a tune to blend that out so that is actually the eyeshadow portion all complete that is probably the easiest I shadow to know you guys will ever see on my channel that being said at the eyes are not fully done we do have a few steps but those how about later on and the alphabet for now the next letter is F F stands for one of our good friends favorite sisters and worse to make up mistakes flashback married now if you do not know the flashback Mary as first of all welcome to the sisterhood it's nice to meet you but let me educate you in 2016 I did a meet and greet and took a photo with a fan hey Pam hope you're doing well control over the most and I had really bad flashback in the photo because I was using a powder that was too light for my skin tone now when Pam posted the photo on her Twitter account she put a filter on the photo just like most people do and a few people notice that I looked a little bit ghostly in the photo but it didn't stop there because people decided to run with that and they desaturated the photo making me fully gray and thus was born a flashback married at first I was very very hurt by the memes because people were using it to say husband makeup artist thought I was ugly that I didn't know what I was doing but then I decided to turned around and I made my favorite video of all time recreating my memes where I basically paid myself in full black and white and turn myself in to flashback Mary but this is the first time ever that while filming a video for my channel it was more than just makeup there was production we had a little bit of a script there was comedy there was parody and there was a whole lot of editing too and I really really enjoyed the process and from that moment on and that was my channel shifted from just being Beauty to being a full on entertainment based channel and I truly believe that that video is what skyrocketed in my career and got us where we are today so flashback marry girl I want to say thank you for everything that you've done if any of your friends ever take a flash photo and they're looking a little bit too bright if the under eyes are looking cakey they're having a flashback merry moment just like how I am right now with this makeup look at the SIRT flash like Mary and F is also for foundation thank God I'm gonna got the Too Faced bronze V foundations and the shade of vanilla and and mix them together for a concoction that probably is still not gonna be close to my skin tone but doesn't matter and we're going to basically just go over everything that we created and hope and pray that it ends up looking okay I mean honestly nothing can look worse than my skin right now anyway so it's gonna be good now honestly is a more light to medium coverage foundation but I did put on a lot of it because I was looking disgusting and that may have been a mistake because the contour and blush did not really shine through like I wanted it to so I might look very flat for dinner tonight I mean okay down looks kind of good the next out of the alphabet is G & G stands for good and fresh you guys have heard me say this so many times now and it basically means exactly what you think it would be good and fresh good and practice like anything positive anything cute anything funny anything exciting it's just really really good and fresh the next day Elphaba is H and of course H stands for hi sisters which is way that I start every single one of my youtube videos important to note it is hi and not pay common mistake but it is the perfect way to greet anybody especially at your fellow sisters that watch the videos H also stands for the next step of our makeup routine which is the core is going to be highlighter now you guys know I always like to use a powder highlighter either Anasazi esto Hollywood or face from the jealous ex parte palette is literally the most beautiful shade ever but since I haven't powdered my face yet I don't want to use it powder because it's gonna cover everything up so I'm gonna grab the jeffree star cosmetics liquid frost highlighter in the shade of frozen peach instead what you think will layer really really nicely over top of the foundation and then I'm just gonna avoid it later on and hopefully we'll still be sister shining that is not giving me the effect I need okay we're gonna try canary bling instead which is a little bit more gold in general I'm just really not a fan of liquid highlighters no matter what look I'm doing so this is not doing it for me I will however cover a little bit of face on a pencil brush and use this to highlight my brow bone and inner corners oh that's so pretty you know we're just gonna grab some anyway and hope that it doesn't get covered because I need to be glowing when I tell you guys face is really that girl like she is the girl if you have the palette you know what I mean and if you don't then I am so sorry because you're missing out the next letter of the alphabet is I and I stands for if you'd like to follow me on our makeup turnigy and follow me on instagram twitter they're opposed to shame Charles my snapshot for one of the Caesar self-esteem Charles the text rest after Charles next comes J and J stands for James my name and also a coupon code that you should always try well makeup shopping because it always works and gets you money off your purchase on websites such as Murphy calm all front and Lily lashes next comes K and K is for a kitty girl that you guys have definitely heard me say this several times on both snapchat and Twitter it is from an iconic RuPaul song hey Kitty girl and it is basically just an endearing term for your friends or your family or literally anybody you just say hey could you girl next is Al and Alice for love that or can also be expanded to love that for you or love that for me basically anytime something funny positive amazing happens you just say it love that this makeup look so far don't want that also stands for it lashes I'm gonna pop on the Lily lashes in the South so extra Miami these ones aren't nice and bake so they'll kind of distract hopefully from the rest of the face we have going on I am a little bit worried because I don't have mascara or any liner on yet and I know that is coming after the fact but I did used to do my mascara after my lashes when I first started on YouTube and it worked me for a very very long time so right and make it work oh my god I forgot how much easier putting lashes on before mascara actually is why did I ever stop doing this you know taught me how to do this Tanna of all people Tana mojo was one who taught me to put on my lashes before my mascara and I don't know why I ever stopped honestly I'm gonna start doing this again next step for this look is still under the letter L and that is liner which should be a very interesting challenge mean that I already have lashes on but regardless I'm gonna grab the Tom Ford liner in black and we're going to pop on a wing as best as we can oops that is definitely a beefy wing okay next up also is under the letter L and as another form of liner but this time not on the eyes and that is lip liner Brewed just gonna line as usual [Music] after lip liner comes lipstick next and alpha becomes the letter M and M stands for a morphe one my favorite makeup brands of all time if you've made it this far into my channel and you don't know who morphe is I'm a little bit concerned for you but just in case korva is the brand that I collaborated with on my first ever makeup product the James house X Murphy palette and I just love their team and loved everything they stand for and you can and should use code James purged a letter for 10% off all of their products and was also for mascara I'm gonna grab the Mac extended play at black mascara this is my all-time favorite and I'm going to use this to blend together my real lashes with the fake ones and finish up the eye portion and it's for not with that attitude which is by far one of my favorite sarcastic response is basically any time someone is doubting themselves or is putting out negative energy into the world you just say back not with that attitude which basically means like if you continue thinking and acting in the way that you are currently you're never going to get what you want if you're like oh my god I'm never gonna get a boyfriend not with attitude well in my case not with any other two because it's just not working regardless but point being if someone's doubting themselves or doubting you you tell them not with that attitude and hopefully they change their thought process real quick o stands for oh my god P stands for pressed pigment now if you do not know what pressed pigment is I'm assuming that you would have joined the sisterhood after the launch of my palette and if I was the case welcome to the family it really happy to have you pregnant is a super fun makeup term for a type of permit that is often found inside of pallets and pretty much half of the James Rawls morphe palette is pressed pigments they're pretty similar in ingredients to regular eyeshadows but there are a few differences mainly being there's a lot more actual pigment and at the shadow which is why a lot of the bright colors are considered oppressed penguins you have to blend them a little bit differently and also the biggest difference is that technically by FDA standards they're not considered eye safe because they can cause sister staining but I never had any problems and they have created by far some of the most beautiful eyeshadow loss that I've ever done he also sends for our next step which is powder thank God because it has literally been over an hour since I put on my concealer and foundation looking absolutely disgusting I'm going to quickly blend out any crevices and creases that I haven't built up over time I might need a sister second because there are quite a few of them and finally I'm just gonna grab Maya damp beauty sponge and my Laura Mercier translucent powder and set my face in place my hands are still there it worked the next step in my makeup routine also starts to letter P and that would be a prime now if you think after all this hard work when I have a dinner in one hour that I'm going to mess up my face that makeup you're wrong I have a tea normally I would use the touch of water cream or the cell canvas primer but instead I'm going to grab the more view prep and set spray and give my face a nice good squirt to really melt all the powder and everything in together and to prime my face q is for quaking which is similar to shaking but not the same thing as shaking because you use it when you somebody or something else is shook by you and like a threatening manner but it's always sarcastic does that make any sense at all no for example if somebody was trying to make it for the first time and just unleashing in their inner artist one look was complete and they could easily look in the mirror and say wow James Charles is quicking which is implying that they are a better makeup artist than I am which very well could be true but it's a fine joke does that make any sense people who explain things well or quaking are is for real one if you're describing a person a real widest one that's always there for you that's really honest that's nice that's always down for a good time you know just a real one for a real one however is a extension on what phrase that we say all the time and it's always following a verb for example twerk it for a real one or blend in your shadow for a real one we don't really know what it means or why we say it but we say it for a real one and it's fun fastest for you guessed it sister all of you guys are all sisters I and the Queen's sister we're all sisters this is the sister speech and if you don't know what sister is at this point you should probably just sister stop watching this video is also for the last type of our makeup routine settings right I'm gonna grab the Urban Decay all nighter I'm going to lock this in place because it's makeup somehow I feel Sleater doubt okay and I places to go people to see things to do but I need this make a book to last all night long T stands for the house now this is by far my favorite thing to say right now I mean my friends are all obsessed I heard about it from another youtuber named rich locks basically any time something is very something else you can say it is the house that was the worst explaination ever oh my gosh it is very very cold outside it's cold the house you that alpha is so ugly the Alpha is ugly the house well this makeup look actually turned out pretty good this makeup look is good the house the house is the new best way to put emphasis on anything the next little the alphabet is U and U is for battle a shirt inner artist and not a stitch tag line inside of the iconic James house x morphe palette unless you're an artist for me as a form of empowerment and i believe that everybody truly does have an artist somewhere within them whether you want to believe it or not that is kind of the whole point of both this palette and my youtube channel is to push people to express themselves play with color kids do not be afraid to look act speak and express themselves in whatever way that they want V is for vent a panga D Jane could eat with light ice that is the drink that he order from Starbucks every single morning it wakes me up it keeps me energized throughout my work and my meetings it is a drink that used to be on the Starbucks secret menu but thanks to me and all of your sisters being obsessed with it it is literally not on the permanent menu and everybody gets it all the time it is loaded the best drink in the entire world in Starbucks please sister sponsor me W is for whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah unfortunately I could not cope with anything for the letter max because in order to have an X you have to have a boyfriend first Y is for you're kidding which you use when you simply cannot believe what you're hearing you have to say it that way though you're kidding you're kidding you're kidding last but finally not least we have Z which is for also known as sleep which is saying that I do not get a lot of because I spend all of my time planning mediocre jokes for videos like these oh my gosh you guys 26 letters later we are finally all complete with make up an alphabetical order challenge and this is the completed love at first I was a little bit sister scared because my eyebrows were looking way too beefy and my concealer had flashback Mary quaking but in the end I feel like we Unleashed our inner artist and the final look came out very very good and fresh if you guys enjoyed today's video please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below it really means so much to me and also leave me a comment and let me know if you were to make a sister dictionary which phrases or sayings would you put in there that I may have missed if you have not ready don't forget to click that big red subscribe button down below and come join these sisterhood we are 15 million sisters trying to love to have you join the family and also click the bell icon so you can get notification every time I upload a brand new video I hope you'll remember our phrase for letter I if you do say it with me if you like to follow me on my makeup dirty can follow me on Instagram or Twitter which are bolts of shame Charles myself talk more by the seasons up is jr. Charles the next row asked after Charles this video is sister shutter goes sister Alexis thank you so much love for always falling in supporting you I love you literally so so so much and if you like to be the next videos sister shadow don't forget to always reach meet with its legal live on Twitter and also turn on my YouTube posts notifications are race this is that is ollie on for today's video thank you so much for watching I love you and don't ever forget that I will see you in the next one haha whoa whoa hey yeah
Channel: James Charles
Views: 19,410,654
Rating: 4.8676734 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, jeffree star, manny mua, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, nikkietutorials, alphabetical order, makeup in alphabetical order, makeup challenge, challenge, sister dicctionary, sister
Id: iZLW23rwPDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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