A Comparison of Budget Motion Simulators DOF Reality VS Everyone Else

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in this video I show you why I chose the aleph reality for my motion simulator and probably while you'll end up choosing DOF reality for yours here we go in-depth comparison and a total look at the majority of motion simulators available [Music] and here we are but before we get going let's take a quick look at everything SIM Racing's channel you can see there that we're a little late on those subscribers you want to give a little subscription help out put a lot of love in these videos definitely appreciate it so as you may know may not know we just released the DOF reality p3 full review just recently and I did say in the video that I would do some kind of comparison and I figured while I had all of these favorites I was just kind of tab them all we'll just go through them now our goal here is not to put down any one company we're just going to compare what I have so basically everything else and why I chose the DOF reality over some of the other competitors and it's not our fault all we're doing here is just looking at what they've provided and kind of looking and speculating at what they have you know some of these probably are a lot better than a DOF reality but there are probably a lot more expensive so you get what you pay for we're looking at low cost versus what you get so we're gonna look at the whole thing so here we go first thing before I we start I want to just kind of go over the fact that lies prices are gonna be in Euros we can convert you know a few of them but I want you to understand that $2,500 which is what the DOF reality p3 sells for is two thousand one hundred and seventy nine euros I'll keep that in mind it's in the 2000s euros to get to p3 so let's start first guy on my list here is this face tech phase tech so they sell the racing cube and you can see that it's from fifty eight seventy four so it's almost three times the price of the DOF reality does look interesting don't say let's watch a quick video why not let's get on with it oh I like the up-and-down interesting doesn't look extremely quick quick but it's definitely pretty cool so I guess it doesn't spin around in circles looks like it would it's definitely very impressive looking but wow it's read more fifty hundred bucks what's in the box basically nothing ouch so it's basically like the bare bones model for eight grand I mean poof let's move on very very unique though next up is modem simulation now they don't seem see the video gallery or I'm not already ok nothing really you can pick this which tells us it's an elite-level 6 action motion simulator who has a whole bunch of cool stuff here and I guess you can get text backs but you can't buy it you know contact them it looks expensive as well so we're going to move on now this is atomic motion system motion systems so let's say well we're America so we're gonna take us to Tallinn simulations I guess to purchase this so I don't know what this is this is our home screen I guess yeah so let's go products whoo $32,000 for this entire package so we know this is definitely gonna be not the cheapest thing here so that's your products that's all we got what is this I thought we could buy it here just say where to buy so let's try clicking here there we go now I can actually purchase it only got one in stock one in stock and look at that price just for the seats whoo so it's got quite a bit of motion I'm not really sure what these wheels are for maybe if you're trying to move it around because you could store it it does you know see that does store kind of kind of folds up I like to see you do that with my pedals on there yeah it's definitely interesting but for that price you know you're talking see what that costs let's paste that in there Oh $8,500 for the atomic racing no no we're not gonna do that so uh let's let's move on alright so moving on away from atomic motion systems here Oh we come up with sim experience one of the og the original gangsters of sim racing and you can even see and go but on a youtube here and you can see it at this ute this video is from five years ago this one's from four years ago so they've been doing it for quite a while and honestly really haven't updated any of their products they're kind of still rocking the same designs and they're just really starting to show their age you can clearly see that this is just a seat mover that vibrates or I'm sorry not vibrates rotates and you know moves around but you can see these actuators here basically just pushing the seat up and down so when it ends up sitting you know you end up sitting in it all this is moving while all of this is stationary and it just kind of feels weird and we just call that a you know but mover so it's really just to do F 2 degrees of freedom so this kit here looks like it includes the traction loss which is nice they are one of the fear first if not the first to bring traction loss to you know a motion rig a commercial commercially available motion rank and I'm a the stage 4 here which has like a whole bunch of sheeting all around it I guess to make it feel more like a cockpit but still the same overall design so mrs. a3 dof system that you're paying poof five thousand four hundred and ninety nine dollars for I don't even see the Stage five kit for sale anymore but I mean even the cheapest ones $21.99 that's just this so you see where we're coming now when I say that you know the DOF reality definitely comes in at a good price let's check out their video [Music] so just see it I saw that stage 5 in the I saw that in the video and I don't see it on here at all nothing oh there it is there at stage 5 so look at that in a second I did find it so yeah I liked how it said unrivaled performance or unparalleled motion yeah that's my favorite part yeah I don't know I guess for the price it's definitely interesting very interesting so we're gonna move on before we do I want to check out what that stage 5 this is turnkey that comes at monitors because of all this all this stuff the diamond plate flooring it's really nice looking it's also $26,000 yeah moving on shall we well we're not going back to Tallinn we're done with them so here's a salad a salad dot code 80 no idea no idea the website looks really really simple so can we see I mean it's alright I'm already looking at it's on request so it's not in stock I guess they build them for you it's sixty seven hundred ninety nine euros which is somewhere in the seven thousand dollar range and wolf it is definitely unique looking it looks like it has a lot of motion but how do you get in and out of that thing looks complicated and you know a lot of weight swinging it's gonna take up a ton of space I mean I and then with the with with the website being like this this makes me wonder about this so we're moving on here we are gecko systems they do motion simulation apparently you see this girl sitting in some kind of motion chair check their products out looks like they only sell one product it looks like a lazy boy first motion simulator to provide immediate strong sustained forces so this looks like something that is more of a relaxed type thing I have seen videos on this and there's really not that much motion to it to be honest with you if they showing you the video seeing it go I mean it's definitely moving around it's just it's not a ton of movement and just not a ton of movement so let's see what we talk about for pricing here download pictures order inquiry so it's one thousand six hundred and seventy two euros it's somewhere around fifteen hundred bucks I mean it definitely looks comfortable it doesn't look like any kind of racing chair to me but for fifteen hundred doesn't seem that bad but it's really again just a large seat mover that's gonna take a lot of space I don't know if all of this is actually necessary these straps I mean even even the DLF doesn't throw me out of it almost you have some bolstering on the side of the seat so learn more about motion simulators interesting we're moving on alright here we are we're at a can of say an Eng kind of thing now all prices below include a 20% v 80 I think this is yeah this is the one that it works with like Xbox and ps4 and all that which is really cool don't get me wrong a lot of them don't work with any kind of game system not that I was gonna use it for that because I'm a PC gamer but that is interesting but I believe that they use their own patent patent it's like a program to run the games and for PC that's gonna become a problem because again I don't like proprietor like proprietary software I prefer to have something open so let's see if we get some pricing here so this one is 34 84 so it's somewhere in the fourth thousand dollar range so we can get it down a little bit so okay so let's just try to get just the platform here twenty five hundred bucks so the pricing isn't horrible you can clearly see it's just you know it's a two DOF but it does look like the entire platform is attached so it's a full motion to DOF rather than just being a you know glorified but shaker I wonder if there's any videos yes there we go the monitor mounted to it it's not a bad looking rig I gotta say kind of impressed with this one how much was it again somewhere in the yeah I'd say it's comparative to the pricing of do F's but with the prior terry software and and the fact it's only it doesn't have traction law so I'm gonna move on because I can get all that with the DOF so again probably why I didn't pick this company so we're moving on CXC simulations very nice-looking rig there it's check their products out I hate that we can't do that ok well that looks that looks crazy not the commercial just a row this is the regular interesting can't wait to see the price of this let's buy it by now all it's the standard is 50 mm but it goes all the way to 88,000 next this is motion simulation calm very interesting what is that what in the world it's like a football helmet okay well racing simulator oh man look at that thing it looks like a big helmet it's from 50,000 euros or whatever that is I don't even know what that symbol is that's still euro I'm American sorry but regardless that's probably a lot of money let's find out so that would be theirs pounds of sterling $64,000 there's no way $64,000 for that okay we're moving on again so this is a little Kickstarter project here so who knows when you'll even get this it's definitely interesting feel three so if you got a lot of time on your hands this could be something doesn't seem like the video of Eros it's got quite a bit of movement huh hmm I mean it's definitely interesting I'm curious to know if it has any kind of traction also I mean nothing just kind of spins around it's it's definitely interesting like I said I don't know what's the what's the buy-in on this thing pledge one thousand four hundred or more pledge it's not available not available so now you'd have to pay four thousand no moving on you know now we're at sim gear.com looks like another expensive simulator I only got one so let's try to buy it let's find out one yes if you wanna buy it you went to buy now oh we got to configure it okay well we'll take the seat I'll take a red we don't need monitors do we sure okay we don't need any of that stuff we don't need shifters that's a fanatic shifter a thousand what cuz they're like $200 I don't want any other stuff can we just see what it's gonna cost oh I have to submit Oh $22,000 yeah next see castes mechanics looks like very expensive simulator technology motion systems driving simulators this is craziness yeah we're gonna move on alrighty this is we're never gonna this is obviously way beyond the realm of DOF reality the edge 6d from 8,000 euros so way more money than the DOF no videos or anything more pictures looks interesting they're really short they got going that plate be nice to know gallery there we go let's check it out it's interesting it's only 35% of the motion ooh interesting but again very expensive so we're moving on Wow let's say it's for a space shuttle we're just gonna we're just gonna keep on going from Rexroth Bosch company could we even buy and we have like how to buy hell to buy we have to do all kinds of crazy stuff to buy okay the sorrow I believe these are for DLF I think it's very similar to like a d-box simulators just look at the modular series yeah it's got the four actuated motors commercial or home use let's go home use the gamer doesn't I'm not sure if that has motion and that looks like it only has in the back this looks like the first one that has for actual oh look at the prices 15,000 of those things pound sterling it's literally 20 grand where were we no we weren't there we weren't there we were here $20,000 so although it looks amazing I'm probably gonna move on and I got no no videos or nothing so we're moving on now this is the racing cube this was a Kickstarter I don't know what happened to this or if it's available or what but I don't see how this could withstand what I was trying to do with it it's an interesting interesting idea but you need a big room to do this because the things gonna keep spinning around in circles so we're moving on with a Kickstarter project the all motion simulator let's see what this one has to offer what the hell you're kidding me right oh okay so we'd have to spend at least thirteen hundred and forty dollars us that I yeah I'm hoping that you're with me at home understanding why but we're gonna move on so this is elite us simulation in motion products the racing simulator okay once I guess where we are by now well we're starting at $35,000 Wow looks pretty serious but $35,000 it better be we're moving on again now here is like the D box this is a company our seat that sells the D box systems and you can see what we're spending there we're talking somewhere around the sixteen thousand dollar range to get a full d box motion sim and the prices obviously can skyrocket there's thirty two thousand it's it's crazy it's probably the finest on the market probably I mean I don't know that much about it but this one probably probably is a little bit better looks like an f1 type seat yeah I mean I'm not really sure I don't I I don't have that kind of money to spend so I didn't do that much research on the on the D box unfortunately but it definitely looks amazing for that price it better be moving on sim craft motion oh man look at this big cage around this thing motions to me look at us Wow yeah we we're never gonna be able to get into one of these for the same price it's just not gonna happen you have any videos demonstration that's what we want we want to know we don't we don't want that we want just a a video nothing okay all right we'll move on back to prosím you so here we are prosím you calm before we go into actually looking at prosím you which we did go in a little bit on the actual review the DLF reality review I want to just talk about the the sim experience because this was this was what I found after I finally found the sim experience now I I looked at some experience probably four or five years ago and I mean to me this was the ultimate thing that you could imagine and it was like a dream that I could someday own it and then when the time came four or five years later I've you know had some money and this was where I first went to and upon looking at the products that they sell they really just never upgraded anything they don't offer any new new designs they just kind of stuck with what they knew which is a good thing but it's just it's not enough unfortunately for the money not when you start looking at the other companies so that's why even though this was one of my oh geez and one of my original favorites I ended up really tossing hard between the the prosím you and the DOF reality you know that's where it finally came down to and I watched you know all the reviews available for both and to be honest it's very very few and far between especially you know a year and a half ago when I actually did buy and start looking into buying an actual motion simulator so I want to I want to really talk about why I why I didn't buy the pro sim you besides the fact that it's more money now I probably could have come up with the money if I really wanted it but this to me was the killer and this is so credit to John and Racecraft simulations on YouTube I want to click this this is the actuator annoys video you hear that I do not think I could have lived with that sound now I mean I do run my my simulator with the volume relatively high or I do run it with headphones on and maybe you don't hear it when you're when it's like that but I just feel like even as loud as I could make my car I'd still hear them little things doing that and it would just irritate me to no end so that was immediately one of my issues and then I started you know then I started saying alright well maybe it's not a big deal so let's let's browse their site because they have a lot of products so let's start from the bottom and work her way up because the t1000 is really the the one we're gonna look at but this is a simulator to pack this is basically just looks like a seat mover that's forty two hundred euros this one's twenty thousand euros fifty thousand euros 75 hundred euros six thousand twelve twelve twelve I mean so these are all very expensive simulators and again I'm sure they're amazing but we are comparing this to DOF realities low-cost motion simulators let's move up to the formula 12 grand 20 grand the simulator to I mean that's the price of the DOF right there and you're just getting that so you can see that so then there's the t2 that we get so this is basically what we just looked at it's just a repeat I don't understand why they do that PMP 8500 or 20,000 so again here we come to the t1000 now this is you know more more or less what do f kind of does you can buy you know the most simple one so you goodbye I don't know if you can buy just the non motion but I mean we're talking about motion so this is the to DOF so you could buy this for 2000 euros and then you can upgrade it to traction loss later if you chose to you see you get those little motors not the big monster motors talk about that in a second so to get the traction loss it looks like it's another thousand dollars so this is the 3d of3 motion with the small motors and that's what that's what you get for three grand now this really you're done upgrading at this point because I do not believe that they do a four DOF unless it uses the big and they don't do a five DOF either nothing uses see as soon as you go larger they immediately they start using the gigantic actuators upgrade to so if you already own a two motion or three motion and you want to have seat sensation so I think this is the upgrade so that just like DOF reality they also offer an upgrade where you can buy this and then you can buy the upgrade to this so you can have it from two DF to three DOF the problem is is now you're stuck at at three DOF for three thousand dollars and you can't go any further unless you buy these expensive replacement motors so when you look at the website it clearly tells you so they give you the options so you can either get died attic or prosím you PRS 200 actuators so the price for three thousand you're getting the died attic okay so let's even go without the seat because with with DOF reality I like how you can get rid of the seat and save shipping okay so if you go with the died attic which are the cheaper ones so it says if your ultimate goal is to have a t-1000 5 motion you can start with a t-1000 2 motion with two ProSim UPR 200 actuators which is not the ones that are the cheaper the died addict then take the option three motion and finally two additional actuators in order to obtain a five motion if your goal is to have three motion you can so you can see the difference here so what they're telling you is if you plan to go for DOF for five DLF or whatever that you need to buy the more expensive motors now because these little ones are going to be sitting on a shelf somewhere sitting and collecting dust well okay then so let's go take a look at what they recommend actually getting so they want you to say so let's just say that I want to go five DOF or even three let's the idea is that we're gonna upgrade because with DOF you can upgrade a 6 DOF if you chose to but you can't even do with them there they're a limit of five DOF so you can start with 2p rs200 actuators to 200 I don't know which one is which it's kind of confusing so that changes the price from $3,000 to now 6,400 euros okay now if I choose this one it's 49 hundred euros if I choose this one it so it's almost 8,000 euros so if we go back to the original it's there's that cheap price because now if you plan a race this is probably you know a good pic it'll definitely work if you plan to fly and it's probably not gonna be as amazing these don't have as much motion if there's not as much articulation with this rig versus the DOF reality so that's gonna be a little bit limited or like space games it might not feel as amazing you know might be a little bit more responsive because the actuators versus the motors you're also gonna get that you know that motor sound so let's listen to this one Windows Movie Maker [Music] they got it up really loud [Music] I mean it's you know it's not bad it doesn't sound as loud as the the larger actuators do you can clearly see though that the range of motion is definitely definitely limited so where does that leave you you know it's like to me I was in a position where I was like well if I'm gonna do it I'm not gonna limit myself to only having this I may want to upgrade at some point maybe not now but someday and I don't want to spend six or eight or nine thousand extra dollars to get what I want I kind of want and still not have 6 DOF technically so there was you know a multitude of choices I had to make and some of those things came down to it as well as you know to be honest there their website is kind of a mess it's it's not exactly the most well thought out well put-together website there's a lot of confusion and that kind of stuff weighs on me cuz then I start wondering about everything else so you know DOF realities website was just a little cleaner and a little bit more well put together and I just I saw the range of motion and the fact that you could fly or you know race and have all that motion it just seemed like the better pic to me I didn't want to spend ten thousand dollars just wasn't gonna happen so we're gonna leave prosím you but again you know high marks I'm sure that people have them love them and don't get me wrong if I could have you know their most expensive five DOF rig I mean I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy the hell out of it or recommend it but everything has its pros and cons and you have to look at things logically and 2500 our standard a lot better than almost ten thousand so or move on now this is probably the most controversial of all of the of all of the different motion rigs that are out there this is the one I get the most emails on the most questions of hey should I buy this one versus the other one you know or versus the laughs for this is the one that comes up a lot in comments of YouTube as well as emails so the next level racing motion platform version 3 is really just a seat mover it's all it is it's a butt mover it's all it really does just kicks your butt around your pedals and your steering wheel and everything stays stationary and I'm just not a fan of that right from the door but that was something I want the entire rig to move at once rather than having it having it just be a butt mover that was almost a requirement for me and I you know I've watched some videos it definitely looks it looks cool and I think for the right person you know someone who's who's not as experienced with working on games and and setting things up and I think the usability of it is probably a lot easier to run then then like the DOF reality platform using sim tools but at $3,000 the price tag is just so high I just you know if I was gonna spend that kind of money it was gonna just is gonna be on a full motion rig and I just couldn't stomach $3,000 for just just a simple blood mover so one nice thing about it is you know you can get primal Amazon and if you don't like it you know he could prime it back so you could use it for like a month decide you don't like it send it back that's one you know benefit to the next level racing but I mean I'm sure you're gonna love it it's just do you love it as much as you would have loved the DOF reality now to each their own I mean it's obviously more mobile it's just so expensive $3,000 for a butt shaker well inside simracing love those guys so that's like the sim experience see that it's kind of got like just kind of kicks you're just kind of kicks your seat around so you can see that the seats move in and none of this is moving you know and that's just to me that's not very realistic it's just not the way that it would be in real life because you think about it if you have to slam on the brakes you're gonna actually be kind of slammed into the steering wheel and I wouldn't do that in real life I would have my hands keeping me in the seat you know the only way I'm hitting the steering coming towards the steering wheel is in an accident so to me it just it's it's a no-go so $3,000 I couldn't stomach it and if if I was gonna spend that kind of money on something but I I needed just kind of what this is then I would still go DOF reality and I get the m2 I mean the m2 is literally $8.99 and that doesn't include the chassis it all it is is this piece right here so it's basically I mean if you look they're very similar same concept this one's obviously you know it's more than three times cheaper and it uses sim tools has two two motors and it does all the same movement you know it's got that you know roll pitch pitch and roll so it's it'll go up and down it doesn't have any traction loss a real nice thing about this is it fits like this chassis and many other chassis including my GT Omega it will fit right inside of it and the GT Omega is like supposedly like eight you know China cloned so you can find on Amazon Chinese cloned racing chassis GT Omega I think I had that art I maybe I didn't have the art no but I think it would fit inside the art as well GT Omega which one do I have basically like that so there's DOF reality motion simulator look at I guess I can't find it but it's very much like the art and the point is that you can literally just drop this inside bolt it down and you know if you have an existing sim chassis boom you're good to go and the other thing I love about this is if you're like a do-it-yourself kind of guy I mean think about what you could do with this you just drop it in anything that you would anything that you're your dreams could create for nine hundred bucks and you got it you know I mean it's it's it's a no-brainer so let's take a look at the actual DOF reality sight okay so here we are on the DOF reality website and you can see it's really nice I mean it's it's I think it's well done just like next-level racing's is and some experience you know a lot of them are pretty good Prost mu is definitely I don't think is user-friendly and is nice as well as you know some of the other ones we looked at but you know it's nice because they give you like a straight down you can just look at every model that they sell right on their homepage okay so and then you can choose to go to specific ones if you really wanted to and you can compare them all so there's the C mover that we were talking about for nine hundred bucks and if you're just a flight guy this might be your answer because you know you're just getting the motions that you really need you don't need traction loss to fly and it's a really cheap way to get in now do you realize that this is not upgradable you know this is what it is so scrolling down here's the h2 now this is basically a to-do F now the H is the economy version because of the cheaper motor then the professional does I can't say if these are good or bad because I've never used them but from what I hear and different you know around the forums and things people people love them I just knew that I was gonna be putting a ton of weight on top of this thing really stressing it so I chose to go with the bigger beefier motors knowing that and you know the price difference wasn't that big as we're gonna see in a second so the economy version this is just a to-do F so there's no traction loss as you can see and it's what you get for $1,199 so you get the full motion the whole thing is gonna tilt crazy amounts just like mine does for 1,200 bucks I mean it's no brainer and then later you can spend seven hundred and you can upgrade your H 2 to H 3 to get the traction loss so 700 bucks so it ends up being $1,900 total plus shipping and gets pay shipping twice or you can just go with the h3 right from the door which is the one that includes traction loss still the economy motors and you save 100 bucks by doing that plus probably a little bit of money in shipping as well so that's obviously and you see the box looks like it's a little different than the one that I have and then you can choose to go from the h3 to the h6 and add three more motors and goes full 6dof that would be an extra 1800 hours on top of that and of course you can just go straight to the eight-six if you choose to for $3,600 I mean we just went through all of the motions and come on it's almost cheaper than virtually every single one on there it's only 600 hours more than next level racing and you get this versus that I mean I don't know about you so now this is what I have I have the professional the the P so this is the two accesses has no traction loss and you see the motors are a little bigger little beefier little faster response time thing like that and we can upgrade just like before it's a little more expensive but not a ton more I mean look we're only talking 1,800 bucks so it's what an extra six hundred so that one is 1200 and this one is 1800 s so it's 600 hours extra to go professional and then this is the one that I actually have the p3 which is only 2500 bucks what happened I click something so like I said I'm I'm in love with this one this is more than enough and I'm very satisfied with it but I could choose to upgrade to the p6 if I chose to for an extra twenty five hundo or just buy the p6 right from the door for five grand might be nice if like you know they give you a little discount because twenty five hundred and twenty five hundred is five grand so maybe like give you a hundred our discount if you buy it all at once and of course shipping is definitely saves on something monstrous like this so get a little comparison chart of everything and how fast you know the torque the peak power speed motion ranges you get all the information they're not they don't hide any of this stuff here which is really nice to see not afraid of their competition they really shouldn't be so let's go up here and just browse so what's pro I think probably okay so pro is what I have we can fly obviously so 6 DOF is gonna be obviously the ultimate flight experience but I have a great time flying in to DOF with mine so just can't imagine much better would be you can buy obviously you can pick what you want to do they do do PayPal you can go you can get credit if you're a little short on cash see got a nice question-and-answer area gonna answer a bunch of your questions feel free to read this before you asked me the same questions haha I'm just kidding you know I don't mind all of you guys questions and you can send them to everything simracing at gmail.com all the games that are supported and there's even more this list is always growing because like I said this is through sim tools which is like an open platform and other people can add to it so awesome and reviews there's gallery section you know there's our new review up there already which is really cool a couple of our other ones were nice to make the website but you know that's why I do the videos to show what we're doing here and then of course there's you know the contact information you can email them and it's just very simple and easy to use website and I I liked it I mean it was it was it gave me enough information that I needed without a ton of confusion like like post a news website so that's just about all I got like I said definitely make sure that you are realizing that these are just in my opinions you know no rocket scientists I'm not a motion simulation expert I have never used all these awesome simulators that are up here I just you know gave you basically the the logic that was in my brain when I was shopping for a motion simulator and I thought honestly that they was out of my reach until I found DOF reality they basically make degrees of freedom reality it's I mean I guess that was the idea but it's true so with that in the video you make your own choice you decide what is best for you it's your money you spend it wisely like subscribe and I'll see you in the next video alright thanks I hope you found this useful
Channel: Everything Sim Racing
Views: 111,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dof reality, prosimu, motion simulator, dbox, traction loss, pc gaming, sim racing
Id: J2AgxmZwDEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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