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hello folks I hope you're all doing very well we are in msfs and yeah sorry I haven't shown you a DCS World video yet of a crystal but I promise you it is coming I'm just loving this Sim so much at the moment and I'm finding it quite hard to do anything else with the Crystal but it is coming I promise you but for this video well this is going to be a big one because I've been asked so many times can I compare the Vari arrow to the primax crystal I couldn't until now I've had the headset for a while well still quite new to me but I've been using it every day and I've got a pretty good handle now on how to compare this to the top of the line best VR headset that I've ever known to date the Vara Aero and yeah I think you're going to want to watch this one guys whether you are an aero fan if you've got one or you're thinking about upgrading to either that or the crystal so for this video we're going to fly out of Thruxton which is by burning blue design a beautiful rendition we're going to head over to Popham Airfield another burning blue design Airfield then into Goodwood as well and if we've got time we'll go across the sort of South Coast and into showroom in the brand new caronado Sky Master version 2.0 so it's going to be a beautiful flight no doubt about it this is the best way I can kind of chat and share my opinions whilst flying so with that being said let's get this aircraft fired up after a very quick word from a deer sponsor to the channel I'll see you in 30 seconds time VR Rock offer the widest selection of custom made prescription lens inserts that I've ever come across and whether you are nearsighted or farsighted they cater for all the major VR headsets all the way from a Quest 2 to a vario arrow and even the huge lenses of the pimax akx however if you don't wear glasses that's also fine because to be honest it's essential to make sure that you keep your lenses and your eyes happy VR Rock lens inserts offer five different Coatings including anti-glare and blue light filters which actually help combat motion sickness and insomnia right now I have a five percent discount code which can be used across their entire product range so go grab it now while it's still available so yeah Arrow versus Crystal now I just want to say straight off the bat that keep in mind the right arrow has nearly been out two years so for it to be Top Dog for that length of time is impressive anyway and I think really vario releasing that headset has inspired pymax even I know they have been working on this headset for a long time to really make the crystal the very best it can be so first of all let's talk about image quality let's not mess around here because that's the first thing you guys want to know isn't it how do they compare well in terms of the visual Fidelity they're both absolutely fantastic they really are and you wouldn't do wrong experiencing both of these headsets really whichever one you pick you're gonna love it without a doubt however I will maintain that the crystal does look better than the Aero simply because of the color palette that this has with the local dimming and cooler panel looks amazing there's less red shift going on and there's less chromatic aberration also if you think about it the field of view makes a huge difference to really making you feel like you're right there in this cockpit whoa it's a bit windy today guys [Applause] [Music] so with that being said I think there's even more of a sort of 3D feeling of being in VR I think that also is because of the binocular overlap which is also better in the crystal so in terms of when I say the image is sharper it's not necessarily because of the actual sharpness of the resolution of the image it's because of all those things coming together if that makes sense however the Aero is still absolutely incredibly sharp and there's one thing that it does do better I think the arrow looks sharper in the far distance than the crystal I have no idea why but don't get me wrong I thought you look out there now the pie Max Crystal looks absolutely pin sharp but I do feel the Aero is just that little bit sharper but for sort of you know looking at the cockpit the crystal looks better that's a really weird thing I don't know why that is the case but uh yeah that's something I have noticed but overall I have to give the first point in terms of image quality and just feeling like being in the cockpit to the pie Mass Crystal without a doubt and I haven't even mentioned the fact that this headset has a local dimming which means that flying at night time well not just night time even like now even the daytime it just looks so much better the sky is richer the green of the fields is just deeper all of the colors of the instrument panel including the EDM 800 and the gns 530 GPS it just looks absolutely stunning it really does so that's the first thing out of the way okay which is probably the thing you want to know the most also it has to be said that the crystal is a lot cheaper than the right arrow with better image quality and you don't need base stations because it has Inside Out tracking and overall the tracking is pretty good although I will say it has bugged out on me a few times um but I think that's because I'm near a wall and every time I look this one not every time guys but I'll do it there look sometimes when I look to the far left see it's fine now but sometimes it will have a bit of a fit bear in mind though that the tracking algorithms are improving all the time but you know that's not to say that the tracking is terrible it's not I think it's very very good but you're never gonna beat the sort of accuracy of Base Station tracking you know outside in tracking is definitely the best so if that really does bother you the Aero definitely wins on the tracking side of things but it's more expensive a lot more expensive right then let's just uh back the RPMs off a bit take the mixture back as well so we don't foul the plugs and we'll take the fuel pump off as well so the next thing I want to talk about is the audio and once again the crystal wins hands down simply because well the audio of the Aero well there is a solution and that is to plug in your own headphones or it has a I think it has a jack on the side of it to be honest I don't even know I've never used it so there is an option to use earbuds but overall there really isn't any audio solution integrated into the Arrow when you get it with the crystal you've got the piped audio through the strap which is since the firmware update is definitely better now but it's nothing to write home about however the D Mass solution which is the floating ear design of the crystal that's also had an update um this is the Shocker right it's now on par with the Arriva G2 I think and I am an audio geek I think this sounds as good now I'm absolutely blown away with it in terms of the power the bass frequency the treble frequencies as well the mid-range it sounds really good so if you are looking at getting a crystal I would highly recommend that you pre-order it before June and I do have an Affiliated Link in the description below if you feel like supporting the channel no pressure at all but it would help sort of support future content of course because making these videos even though I do enjoy them takes a massive amount of work so we've got better image quality overall and don't get me wrong the error is amazing but we do have better image quality in the crystal and a better audio solution as well it also has Inside Out tracking which is cheaper and runs really really good I mean there's no issues with the tracking generally speaking and I think that will get better over time as well what else well since I'm talking about how much better the crystal is to the arrow we'll continue with that and then I will talk about the things that are better with the Aero because there's lots of things there as well okay now of course the crystal has a much better microphone than any VR headset that I've ever come across including that of the index but when you compare it to the Aero the arrow doesn't even have a microphone that's that's something I've never really understood because being a professional headset you kind of do need a microphone so that is a strange admission from uh vario there absolutely I can almost understand the emission of the audio but no microphone has always been an area that I've been quite puzzled with what else well obviously as I've already mentioned the field of view so we won't go into that I've included that in the image quality section but I will say again that the field of view in this is hugely different particularly the vertical field of view is massive it's basically your entire Vision I don't really see the black bars I do see them on the side but I think in terms of the horizontal feel of use about 102 degrees and vertically about the same as well so I think another thing to mention even though this isn't my kind of thing is that eventually the crystal will have wireless capability I kind of wished it didn't personally I'd rather have it as a PC VR headset only that is something that for me is a negative weirdly but it is a feature of the headset especially with the xr2 chipset it will have capability of being completely wireless which may be something that is good for you for me personally I'd rather not have that but there's no denying that the crystal has an amazing array of features in fact I don't know how pimax have achieved this really if you think about the fact it's an absolutely amazing high-end pcvr headset which has local dimming qled panels Inside Out tracking aspheric lenses Best in Class visuals and it's also Wireless as well pretty crazy not to mention the interchangeable lenses and the Y gig module and even the steamvr Facebook that's coming as well so in terms of features the crystal is an absolute Hammer blade to any VR headset that has been released period it's as simple as that for some reason I've missed pop amounts that's really strange so let me just add that into the flight plan for a moment uh eghp it's not even there is it okay that's fine we can add that in EG I'm getting some turbulence there as well just to make this ball fun I'm in the uh Realty H2 if you're wondering as well always in this thing I absolutely love it so whilst we're doing that let's just talk about the Vari Arrow now and the things that that headset does better so first of all the obvious thing is that the vario Aero is the Lexus of the VR World okay it's like an Apple product it's very desirable it's built to last I'm not saying the crystal isn't but you really feel that amazing build quality as soon as you get it out of the box for the first time and bear in mind I've now racked up 1 000 hours with that headset okay and I haven't had a single issue with it so when it comes to dependability durability all that kind of stuff reliability well at the moment I don't know what the Crystal's going to be like because it's new but there's no doubt about it everything about the Aero is so much better in terms of how it feels like for instance even the motor for the ipd slider it sounds like it's built to last for hundreds of years if that makes sense that also includes the software because it really is Rock Solid and when you first try the uh Arrow you're not going to have any issues really when it comes to plug it in it's just going to work straight away first time the variabase software is the best in the business when it comes to Simplicity but also performance as well now that I've been running both headsets I do think that the right arrow runs faster uh in terms of frame rate you know it's much more optimized by about seven to eight frames per second in VR there's one thing I am a little concerned about and that is when you do finally get your pie Mass crystals you're gonna have to spend some time setting it up it's not quite as Plug and Play you're definitely going to need the open XR toolkit and you're definitely going to need to come to this channel to see my setup guide because I will be posting a crystal setup guide for all of you who need one for when you finally get your headsets so don't worry that is on the cards anyway let's now come in for a touch and go at Popham Airfield and I'll talk about a few more things about Levi Arrow that's actually better than the primax crystal and hopefully by the end of this video you'll have an informed decision on whether to go for the arrow or the crystal or say you've already got an arrow and you're wondering where this little grade oh God honestly this view is amazing I'm way too high that's fine though we can do some side slipping once again using motion compensation so at the moment I'm all over the place in the motion rig but my view is staying absolutely exactly where it should be so here we go a tactical Landing I reckon because of those trees we're going to get some turbulence because often the transpiration from the trees does create that in real life I've noticed that happens in the Sim as well look at that right on cue we're getting some turbulence this Sim is amazing isn't it it really is so the next thing I'm going to talk about at its Landing is comfort because the arrow is more comfortable than the crystal however I have to say the crystal wow that is Bumpy is a massive surprise to me it's very very comfortable even though it's quite heavy oh there we go that was a little hard but that's fine hello there Mr tractor driver and up we go so yeah I think I've already touched on this in another video but the crystal is about the same it for me as the Aero in terms of comfort but then I'm used to having a heavy motorcycle helmet on Okay so the weight for me is not an issue but please do keep in mind that the primax crystal is heavy but it's also incredibly well balanced I can have this thing on my head very easily for three hours so far with no problems at all it's really incredibly well balanced you just kind of put it on like a cap you know or like a hat and it just stays put I love that but I must admit if I had to pick I think the Aero is more comfortable because it has more adjustability which is quite a trademark of all varying headsets that you know top strap so you're able to get all of the weight off your front of your face but it's not really a problem even with the crystal believe it or not um because the battery in the back funny enough the thing I don't like it does give you a very nice counterbalance look at those beautiful colors of all the feels down there in fact the sky Master with that high Wing has a fantastic view of the terrain we're now getting 60 frames per second by the way so yeah it does vary quite a bit but overall performance in the crystal is excellent so actually one thing to mention before we move on is the Aero also has a very nice fan setup in fact you can really feel a very light brush of cold air on your face in VR now I absolutely love that some people don't know in fact I've even heard of a few people complaining it dries their eyes out that's never happened to me but I suppose that's something to consider but I really do like that cold fresh air on the face in fact the Pico 4 does that as well with the crystal you don't get that at all you don't feel any fan on the face which is a shame I think that would be a really nice feature actually I just noticed then the tracking went a bit funny just for like half a second there it doesn't seem to like being near a wall this headset it confuses the tracking a bit like the river G2 which it also does that so I guess maybe it's an inside out tracking thing but the arrow never does that of course because the base stations so the only other thing to mention that I can think of that the Aero does better than the crystal is the fact that it is a PC VR headset and it does not have any battery so you can use that thing all day long you can use it for an entire week if you want to in fact I've managed a seven hour session in the area before because obviously you don't need any extra power I do think that is the Achilles heel for the crystal I do appreciate that it does need a battery and there's lots of reasons for that and even advantages for that perhaps but for me personally I don't like it and the arrow wins hands down when it comes to just being a pcvr headset that you can just use all day every day you don't need to worry about any batteries so if we can sum up the things about the Aero that's better than the crystal well it's the build quality software the fact that you don't need batteries I really like the comfort and yeah perhaps the far distance seems clearer to me and you also get better performance I only buy a smidge but it is better performance now compared to the crystal well this headset is cheaper it has Inside Out tracking the image quality overall is better you've got better colors better black levels you have audio which is absolutely fantastic um also it has wireless capability which obviously isn't something that I bothered about but it could be a major factor for you um it's also got a much wider field of view as well and an amazing microphone future Steve here I'm just editing the video and completely forgot to mention about controllers what an absolute knit but basically in a nutshell they work really well they feel very similar to The Quest too and they have capacitive touch for all of your fingers apparently anyway it's just I don't really use them when I'm flight simming but I totally forgot to mention that but it is important to mention since it is part of the package anyway back to the video so I think overall in terms of features the crystal absolutely wins over the Aero at a lower price point but there is things to consider as I say like software the Plug and Play ability of being able to just get into VR with less hassle Pi Max still have a ways to go for you know the experience they'd be very seamless having said that though I you know I have to say that this Crystal I'm using since those initial issues has been totally Flawless it works every single time one other thing to mention is the motion reprojection I do feel personally that the Aero is better at the motion reprojection side of things in fact I think it's better than any other headset out there I think they've nailed it it really is very very good however I must say that pimax um smart smoothing which is the same thing just just you know a different name is also very very good but the times recording the crystal isn't really performing very well with motion reprojection and that is just down to the beta software I'm pretty certain they will get that fixed over time but the Aero does take the honest there as well so I think we'll leave the video here come in for a landing at Goodwood it's also worth mentioning that when I do switch to the arrow After experiencing the crystal it's a bit of a shocker when it comes to the field of view but what's more of a shock than that for me is the colors the Aero suddenly feels quite washed out I never thought I'd mention that about that headset because the colors in that thing are amazing but there's no doubt about it that the colors in the crystal are way way ahead and the night lighting is also absolutely fantastic even though there is looming okay that is still definitely a thing but I do think it'll get better over time so with that all being said I know you're dying to know which headset is my favorite and that's a really hard question but I am going to answer it it's not a hard question because I don't want to upset anybody I don't care about that I really don't um it's the reason why it's hard is because both headsets have really good qualities at the moment my favorite headset is still the very Arrow but only because I've had 1 000 hours use from that headset and it's still going strong I can't possibly say to you guys that the crystal is my favorite headset when I've only owned it for say well just over a week and a half however I will say that the crystal is the headset that I am always using now and it's my preferred way of flying over the Aero so it's only going to take time for me to really choose the crystal as my absolute favorite headset once you know weeks and months have passed that is the best way I can answer that guys because it takes time for me to really give my verdict on such a big question like that and that is simply because if I Arrow is a proven headset you know it's been out for nearly two years and it's phenomenal and it's rock solid I don't know if the pi Max Crystal is going to be like that I really hope it is however I will maintain that the crystal is my favorite way of flying because it's just amazing the display absolutely Wows me every time and I'm coming from an aero now I will be doing other videos as well comparisons like say for instance some of you out there will be upgrading your Revo g2s perhaps to the crystal I think that's a great comparison to do so I will be doing a separate video on that also perhaps a pimax akx versus Crystal there's lots of different headsets that you guys are going to be coming from so that is definitely something I'm planning to do in the future but for now guys I hope that has been of some use to you and again apology is the DCS Wheel video will be coming out very very soon I'm just finding it difficult getting away from this Sim right now because it's so beautiful it really is anyway please do let me know in the comments as always what kind of content you'd like to see I think an endurance test would be quite good next you know basically a full day's flying in the Crystal and to see if I can get a full days flying with the batteries but for now folks that is it for me and I'll see you again very soon take care and bye for now
Channel: VR Flight Sim Guy
Views: 31,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pimax crystal in depth, pimax crystal vr headset, pimax crystal vs pimax 8kx, pimax crystal vs varjo aero, pimax crystal qled, pimax crystal review, pimax crystal vs 12k, pimax crystal vr, pimax crystal, pimax vr headset, virtual reality, pimax portal, pimax 12k qled, vr flight sim guy, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, pimax crstal microsoft flight simulator, flight simulator vr, vr headsets for pc, pimax crystal flight sim, best vr headsets 2020
Id: NmMGz6OEkf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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