From Default to "Study Level"! | LDA Approach | Black Square Analog Bonanza | MSFS

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capacity 394 North California verify you have information Lima at Reno and expect from a17 left good information and just want direct Haley let's go 33 94 right if you want the Arnav x-ray first from Haley yes please [Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we are going to be taking a look at the next installment in the black Square steam gauge overhaul series and that is of course the analog Beechcraft A36 Bonanza I'm sure that at this point many of you are already familiar with the black Square steam gauge overhaul series for those who aren't though the series essentially aims to overhaul a number of the default aircraft in the Sim fundamentally the steam gauge overhaul series upgrades the aircraft systems and of course gives us mechanical gauges within the cockpit but you'll notice as well throughout the video the aircraft has also been significantly improved in a number of areas including sounds flight model there are multiple avionics options available as well as 80 plus random or scheduled failures other nice details we also get Advanced engine modeling including spark plug fouling vapor lock flooding backfires so really other than the external model of the aircraft which remains unchanged from the default as you'll see throughout the flight the black Square analog King Air really a whole new aircraft in most respects just flight have been kind enough here to utilize has taken Early Access look at the product so as always do bear in mind that could mean that there will be improvements and changes to the aircraft ahead of release that being said the A36 wasn't a very nice State when I came to flight and hopefully I think what you'll see here in today's video will be very representative of the final product I've got what I hope will be another very interesting flight lined up for you today we're coming on the ground at Reno's stead airport we're going to be taking the aircraft back home towards Lake Tahoe some of you may remember that we flew the same route in Reverse using the Coronado Bonanza and I thought it'd be interesting to run the same route again to compare the more modern version of the aircraft unfortunately the weather hasn't been quite so kind to us here today but it is of course going to give us the perfect opportunity to test out the a36s IFR capabilities so as usual we're going to be carrying out a full flight in the aircraft all the way through from a cold dark start right through to shutdown hopefully that will give you a good opportunity to see the level of depth that's been modeled into the A36 we're going to be flying the LDA approach as well onto Runway one eight at Lake Tahoe something rather unusual so hopefully you'll enjoy that and then at the end as always whilst this video isn't strictly a review since we are taking an early access look at the product I'll give you my thoughts on the black Square analog Bonanza as always ladies and gents I do hope you enjoyed the video again I think it should make for quite an interesting flight with the IFR conditions and hopefully you'll pick up a few tips and tricks along the way if you do enjoy the content then please consider giving the video a like and if you've yet to do so then please consider subscribing to the channel as well once again we'll run things right through from a cold dark start so let's head for the cockpit of the A36 and we'll begin running through that process so here we are then in the cockpit of the black square and log A36 Bonanza as you can see a fairly gloomy day here on the ground of Reno definitely IFR conditions on Route potentially as well we might pick up some lighting conditions as we go technically the Bonanza not certified for icing conditions but I think it'll make the fly pretty interesting particularly for the approaching towards Lake Tahoe later on it's okay to press on for now as usual we've already carried out the walk around running throughout before Star Treks then the passenger safety briefing not required seats are positioned for takeoff Rudder pedals have been adjusted seat belts and shoulder harnesses are secure the landing gear handle is selected down Cal flaps are selected open if you like circuit breakers are checked and as always with a black square product it is worth checking circuit breakers can be pulled and there are random failures modeled on the aircraft so the circuit breakers can also be tripped alternate static source is set to normal left side circuit breakers are once again checked in your selector will start on the left and in terms of the fuel quantities expecting to see around 20 us guns in each main tank I've got about seven gallons in each tip tank there just to check the functionality of those later on the battery alternator and stamp alternator can go on the enunciator is just the gyro warning life now expecting to see that and carrying out to test the light functionality there looks good everyone looks Master is selected off for the starts the beacon and the nav lights can go on but the landing gear indications we do have gear down three greens bus voltage is checked and for the fuel quantity indications as we suggested about 20 years guns there in each main tank in about seven in each of the tip tanks the start itself it's definitely going to be a cold start you can see about minus two degrees outside air temperature currently so prop can go through to fully forwards mixture can go through to fully rich throttle is set fully open we'll Prime the engine so initially coming through to the low position on the auxiliary pump just checking functionality there and through to high just waiting so we see a peak in fuel flow which we now have the engine is primed we'll close the throttle and just leaving that about half an inch open for the start the engine is modeled quite nicely on the Bonanza we'll talk more about that as we go but certainly do have to be pretty accurate with your stops you just to get the engine to catch anyway as always just checking no one in the vicinity of the prop we just got the ground crew out there on the left we'll give him a shout clear prop and closing up that DV window once again come down for Max and cranking through to the stop position so the engine catching start warning light is outs well pressure has come up so fitting in the throttle up to 1000 RPM we'd have a good start so running through the off start checks the bus voltage looks good alternator load is checked all pressure we're looking for at least 10 psi within 30 seconds you can see we're well within the green band there now so leaving the engine idling between 1 1200 RPM mixture we will actually just lean out here slightly on the grounds as we are put around 5000 feet currently again the engine is modeled quite accurately so you will get for example spark plug fouling so mixture is set enunciators are checked instrument air pressure is checked and the evidence Master can go on just waiting here for the TDS Garmin gtxi to initialize we don't need the secondary GPS here today so we'll turn that off Towers System test okay and for the transponder for now we're going to standby there are a couple of things that don't State save currently on the aircraft which would be nice for example transponder being one of them so the g10xi has initialized we'll get the weather here first so just going to Flight Plan and Reno that's actually going to give us the real world conditions currently there's not much use to us but we'll set the altimeter ose two seven we have q h around uh three zero two five and that's set on both sides giving some Aerodrome elevation of around 5040 feet which does concur with the aerodrome elevation so ultimate is a set for the EG gen XI will set up the flight plan pretty straightforward for us today we're going to be departing out of Reno towards the Valley viewer which is Sarah whiskey Romeo School Valley and then on towards Lake Tahoe which is kilo Tango Victor Lima it's going back on that that's right 148 did you hear the power up from the last arrival as I was talking to him so we have Reno outward School Valley and then Lake Tahoe the VR itself frequency one one three decimal two so we'll tune that up and we can just transfer that straight across coming back to the map Page Track out towards School Valley is 199 we'll set that on the HSI and you can see they're already picking up the score Valley DME showing 34.2 miles towards the VOR and if you look there in the top right of the ggnxi what do you have the VOR visually identified Sierra whiskey Romeo says 200 and 199 there on the HSI what's that the hitting bug we're on my head I'm going to be departing Runway 3-2 so GPS is set autopilot we're going to be climbing up to 12 000 feet initially the 12 000 pre-selected and we'll pre-select a vertical speed of 700 as well for the climb we can um that up later on the lights once again got the beacon and the nav lights on we'll take the taxi light on as well in preparation or the taxi and it's a little bit gloomy outside so we'll take the panel Lighting on there as well which you can see has been done very nicely and what it's worth there's the panel flood which gives you that very characteristic beachcraft blue hue we'll just go with the panel lights for now so likes to set cabin Heat we've got the defrost on currently we can probably take that off again for now that was from a previous flight we'll leave the our cabin air on and for the cabin Heats you can see they'll just bring up the cabin temperature which is also modeled you do have to manage the heating and cooling off the cabin as you go again a really nice feature we'll leave that as is for now we'll keep an eye on the temperature the cabin heat is set circuit breakers once again just checking none of those have popped during the start [Music] and for the oil temperature we're looking for at least 24 degrees here before we commence a taxi we're up at around 60 now so we're good there for the taxi in terms of the all temp so we'll assume we have been cleared for the taxi again we're going to be departing off runway three two so it'll be a nice short taxi for us not a whole lot of wind around today but we'll get ourselves pointed into the direction of Runway 3-2 for the run-up the apartment can come off and just swing ourselves out to the right here make sure we flow our ground crew 772 Arena Tower traffic Pilates five mile final wind 190 at one eight that's two four Runway one seven left two for takeoff no just taxi Straight Ahead joining onto the main taxiway that takes out for the thresholds of Runway three two and two six no traffic coming down the main taxiway itself and looking at the windsock there looks like the wind is more or less out from the East actually what little there is of it so we'll just carry out the run up at the holding point for Runway three two I'll keep things nice and easy [Music] so just gently coming onto the brakes we'll bring the aircraft to a stop at the holding points and once again part break is set to come up on the throttle to maintain a thousand RPM the runoff itself just checking those temperatures and pressures everything looking good so coming now through to 1700 RPM Challenger seven seven two zero contact so there's 1700s checking the max first [Music] best on to the left [Music] I've got about 120 RPM drop there on the left which is within limits we're looking for a maximum of 150 and back to both again on the mags and again all of these sorts of things are modeled on the aircraft there are multiple failure options I believe as well for example Magneto failure could present itself so it is worth carrying out the run up you can see they were actually a touch low down to around 1500 RPM it's almost a 200 RPM drop there on the right hand mag so potentially a little bit of an issue they'll just wait until we see what the peak RPM is again [Music] okay so peeking back around 1650 so still just within limits there and obviously for the sake of the video today we're going to take the aircraft into the air if we get unlucky we might have a failure to deal with on route so back up to 1700 we'll cycle the prop good afternoon departure or morning North Carolina departure 7720 [Music] okay thanks take a check there on the prop instrument air pressure once again is checked and gently now coming back to idle on the throttle traffic is about eight miles ahead of you uh they're going to continue Southlands a little bit there but they're reporting that in one mic drops before okay thanks out of uh one zero thousand five hundred and idling there around 600 650 RPM so the run-up complete coming back up to a thousand RPM running through the rest of our checks the autopilot once again is set 12 000 feet to climb 700 feet vertical speed pre-selected and as I say We'll arm that up in the climb the G10 XI has been initialized Supply plan has been entered the transponder got 1200 and we'll come on to out for the engine instruments they're checked enunciation lights are checked flight instruments between about zero eight five there on the HSI Compass agrees we've got 199 there on the HSI bar heading bug is set and the ultimate is they're showing around 5040 feet HSI once again is set the fuel we'll come over to the right tank now and again just checking those fuel quantities everything looking good will definitely take on potential for some icing here again we're going to try and avoid any icing conditions as best we can the aircraft not certified for it you can see that coming temp now up around 22 degrees so hopefully we'll Plateau there if not we'll just have to reduce the cabin heating a little so PT is on property is not required flight controls not full left all right on the ailerons and on the tail full up and fall down and on the rudder or left and for right so the flight controls are full and free electric pitch trim is checked and we'll set that for the takeoff I find around three units up is about right for the takeoff I don't know whether or not that does concur with the green band I would assume the green band is the takeoff band so it goes about two units up otherwise find the aircraft is a little bit nose heavy so trim is set flaps we'll check the operation of the flaps which comes straight through to the down position here and Visually confirming there we do have the down indication light flaps of goods back through to the approach setting and once again visually checking the flaps it's going to be a flaps up takeoff so we'll come back into the up position and again just visually confirming the flaps are up once again seat belts are secure shoulder harnesses secure doors and windows again one of the quote unquote weaker areas of the black Square products no functioning door on the aircraft that says a limitation of using the default SIM model but the door is closed and locked DV window is closed passenger writing desk is stowed and the final items here before the takeoff we'll get the landing lights on packs you like can come off strobe lights are on transponder set to alts air conditioning is set off and for the mixture we'll just come slightly forward here but we'll stay after fully Rich since we are up at around 5000 feet and on stage is all checked visually we look to be clear of any traffic coming down final so part break off get ourselves lined up here on Runway three two five 148 taxi to the rampant via Charlie and just monitor ground one two one point nine all right clear to stamina via drag Boise up to one nine zero expect three seven zero five Yellowstone seven seven read that correct um so far I'm up for the departures and arrivals into Arena important right lights off of the right out of our city okay so we're nicely lined up here now on Runway three two looks as though we've got a bit of a break in the weather ahead of us as well so we should be able to maintain visually clear with the terrain at least till we're up through 10 000 feet the apartment can come off with that turbocharger we should be able to maintain 30 inches on the manifold pressure even up at 5000 feet so just spitting in the throttle [Music] okay Paris check temperatures pressure is looking good aircraft just wanting to pull out to the right up to 80 knots so easing back on the yoke [Music] and we're born we'll just leave the gear down until we clear the runway in case we need to land back straight ahead in a bit of a hurry and we are now clear so tapping the brakes bringing the gear up I'm going to carry out a Max performance climb initially so we'll keep full power full RPM and pitching for 100 knots again just till we're up through 10 000 feet making sure we are clear of the train as quickly as possible needing just a little bit of right Rudder here to Center up that ball again with a fairly high power setting so trimming for 100 knots the gear is up flaps are up but the seven cut that open Center one two eight point eight empty day overall on the takeoff the aircraft felt reasonable definitely you can still feel the DNA there of the default Bonanza a little bit squirrely on the rudder but not too bad and fairly heavy in rotation as I say even with that there's a bit of off trimming two four zero Finance so I just come up through seven thousand feet and again just about visually clear with the train we're going to be coming into the cloud fairly shortly though getting pretty hot now in the cabin as well 29 degrees we'll deal with that once you've got the aircraft leveled off don't looking good on the speed the aircraft is pretty straightforward hand fly a little bit of a left-wing down tendency we can trim that out as well later on CE we've set cruise power there's eight thousand so another 2 000 in the climb still visual with the train well actually just come out slightly to the left here bring ourselves away from this Bank of cloud try and maintain visual conditions as best we can and of course that's also going to have us turning onto our flight plan route a little bit sooner with that in mind we can Center up the heading bug plan turn there's 9 000 foot now in the altitude okay we're a 5014 contact open Center one three two point zero five come on turning with about one six zero that should bring us back towards our flight plan course obviously we're slightly up to the right of that currently I'm happy to make the turn now you can see we are heading away from the high terrain heading out towards the Southwest it's coming up through 10 000 so we can come back towards the cruise climb now we'll go for 25 inches manifold pressure it's not increasing that speed and there's 2500 rpm we'll pitch now for around 120 knots [Music] and as we discussed we'll arm up the altitude we'll capture in just a moment there's the flight director coming to heading there as well kind of pressure radar contact departure out of Park City a moment ago reported our service light shops throughout our airspace and most of the departures that Arena supporting the same bike shop that sounds right or we started picking it up okay so I trimmed pretty nicely on the heading bug we'll get the autopilot in so we have flight director heading out arms Auto Pilots again 700 feet per minute rate of climb pre-selected that seems to be doing a pretty nice job there on the speed the cruise line checks we've got the prop set at 2500 rpm throttle we'll leave it 25 inches for now there's 1000 to go mixture will just continue to lean out here but we'll lean that out properly once we're in the cruise AirSpeed looks good autopilot is engaged engine temperatures and pressures are checked cow flaps will leave open for now auxiliary fuel pump is off that's the cruise contract is complete that common temperature looking pretty good now actually as we continue to climb here up into the cooler area so you can see again very nicely modeled overall just coming slightly on the Range here as well you can see we're heading back towards our flight plan course and showing about 32 miles here to run towards score Valley definitely the potential for some icing currently so we'll take the property ice on here as well PT is on as I think we discussed on the ground the Bonanza knot certified flying to no nice and conditions currently looking at the airframe looks as they were clear but definitely some potential pricing as I say we're really going to push the boundaries a little bit for today's flight just for the sake of Interest so just approaching 12 000 the autopilot here doing a very nice job so far of leveling the aircraft off and having flown the plans are a little bit at this point so far the autopilot seems to fire the aircraft very nicely it's very capable this guy was 53 uh 94 critic tally it says 12 000 feet we do have alt capture back to our cruise power setting we're looking for 22 inches on the manifold pressure and 2300 RPM we can lean out as well the mixture at this point we'll get the car flaps closed up as well you can see we do have a little computer showing EGT also we can use that for the Leaning function also shows engine horsepower output which is quite nice so we'll just lean the mixture here until we see Peak HP looks like we're pretty much bang on as it was they will just keep coming through enriching the mix just slightly here until we see there you go we've got lean established but we'll just come slightly forward to that we'll go Rich of Peak horsepower outputs Kevin Juliet here climbing team flight level 290.290 7720 so it looks like 184 is more or less our Peak horsepower so as I say just richening the mixture slightly there showing 182 23 degrees just ever so slightly too warm still we'll just take off a notch there with the cabin Heat and we are now nice to establishing the crews running through the level often Cruise tracks car flaps are closed power is set auxiliary fuel pump is off lights you can take the landing lights off here as well actually we'll leave those on we're going to be Discerning again just a moment's time the fuel you're showing reasonably balanced here just coming up on the Amber Arc there on the left tank we'll switch over to the right again and whilst we're talking about fuel as well we'll get those tip tanks on again just to demonstrate the functionality there they'll drain down into the main tanks without noting the time there as well for the fuel change 1719 Zulu because as well like we're just coming into a bit of a break here in the clouds really beautiful scenery 12 000 feet is going to keep us just above the train for our flight today it's a little bit lower than would be ideal but we've gone with that partly to save a little bit of time here in the climb we'll discuss that more during the approach again really nice route hopefully as well a really great demonstration of the capabilities of the A36 thank you Lord operator contact seven miles Southeast of the Midland airport minute 29660 two six we got 53.94 North caliper shot to verify you have information Lima at Reno and expect brome a17 left this information direct Haley this guy 33.94 right if you want the rnab actually first from Haley so as you can see we just come on to our flight plan track and we're now in nav here on the auto pilot we'll let the autopilot fly Us in towards the score Valley VOR we'll be commencing a turn actually joining onto the approach inbound towards Lake Tahoe from the VR itself so not tracking direct towards the field and we'll be making that turn around 2.5 miles just going far ground speed there one percent of that's going to be around 1.8 miles but it's actually going to be over a 90 degree turn so about 2.5 miles should work out quite nicely we'll start getting the aircraft set up then for the approach so go to Lake Tahoe and load procedure we want an approach it's going to be the LDA which is a localizer directional approach essentially the meaning there is that the localizer doesn't actually take us directly onto Runway course slightly offset again we'll discuss that as we go so we can load and activate that so for now we'll just come back into heading want to keep tracking and bound towards score Valley we'll just come into uh now for the time being just give us the uh TDI bar reference and check about 10 miles to run now the approach itself you can see that's actually going to take us over school Valley and then inbound towards the field chart just pop into view there as well so a briefly approach for the chart itself it's going to be based off the localizer frequency of 108 decimal nine we've got that tuned up on the standby the approach course is going to be 171 degrees and we'll have to tune that up later on Aerodrome elevation 6 200 6300 feet and we'll be flying the approach down to an MDA of 7000 well 7 200. that's a DH of 901 feet [Music] so we'll just set that here on the right out we'll call it a thousand here just to be a little bit more conservative it's a bit tricky to accurately set the decision bug there on the right out so there's a thousand in terms of the weather conditions we need a 900 foot Cloud base and five statute miles I believe that is a visibility I'm not all that familiar with the US charts but we do have those weather conditions actually considerably betting that here today again landing on Runway one eight vacating off to the left and for the Mr broach you can see here on the chart now just coming down towards score Valley famous approaches a climbing right turn up to 11 000 feet I think of three two nine taking us towards the school Valley viewer and once we hit the VR itself taking up the hold it's going to be inbound 038 left hand hold the MSA for the arrival 12 000 feet were going to be flying based off the MSA here the actual vertical profile initially has us coming at 12 400 but as I said we're level up 12 000 here today just for the sake of reducing the climb and again that will keep us clear terrain based on looking at some other charts earlier on so showing 4.6 miles another two miles here before he commence the turn good for checking outbound on the zero five nine radial so we can set that now ahead of time let's go 53 94 310 degrees left at the certified you're out a little bit more to the west and then send me directly approach and once we've got the aircraft turned inbound we'll discuss our vertical profile and a little bit more about our navigation we're going to start the on out here as well that'll be fairly interesting we've yet to try that on a black square product you all have unit just down below the GPS [Music] but for now just keeping an eye on our DME wait until we see that 2.5 right now that's 2.5 commencing the turnout to the left my condition I like chop this uh disability is about and has nothing and uh Sky obscured ahead ahead above Sorry probably about 12 000. and again just double checking so we've got zero five nine set coming onto the heading you can see the aircraft just about to incept outbound sometimes the vertical profile in the on of unit we've actually got the uh the Waypoint here initial fix just before we come on to the Loke that's what he pre-selected we've got one one three decimal two for the score value Bor the zero five nine radial outbounds and 16.2 miles you can see if we switch over there to Arnav on the DME that's already giving us information in reference to that so showing 14.2 miles to run so once we come onto the radio here we might just try briefly tracking out loud to narnav just for the sake of checking out the functionality as I say in terms of that vertical profile then so 12 000 feet an hour once we hit 20.4 DME on the localizer we can send down 10 200. let's get the aircraft down fairly sharply there to make the 10 200 foot height and then we'll continue the Three Degree profile thereafter currently doing around 180 knots over the ground so it's going to be about 900 feet per minute rate of descent initially we've obviously got the check Heights there on the way down and again down to the MDF 7 200 feet so nicely establish now on that radial we'll just switch over to our nav navigation just briefly just test out the functionality there you can see showing 12 miles an hour to run and slightly out to the right of course but pretty much that turn worked out quite nicely because as though we are just tracking back onto the course there as well the time being though we'll leave the school value VR tuned up and we'll leave the localizer there in standby again the audio approach the reason it's an LDA as opposed to a localizer approach you can see there that the course itself 171 is actually somewhat offset from the the runway heading Runway one eight that's primarily here probably due to terrain concerns you can see the localizer there would actually take us over the higher Terrain anyway in terms of those tip tanks looks like they've pretty much drained down now those lights should go out once they're empty you can see that's brought our fuel tanks back up to just above 20 year scans there in each main tank as they pretty much drain we'll get those off now content looking nice and showing about Tim Master right now before we make the turn again with our ground speed being around 180 knots that's going to be more than a uh 90 degree turn we'll go with about 2.5 miles again to make that turn that seems to work out pretty nicely yeah thank you for the report change the device anyway in terms of the approach checks the ultimators are set cow flaps are closed power set as required inter temperatures and pressures [Music] are checked fuel quantities we've already discussed fuel quantities look good and we've got plenty there to go around for flaps and landing gear we'll hold those for now we'll take the landing gear before we commence The Descent onto our Three Degree slope just to help keep the speed in check and start reducing that speed we can reduce our vertical speed then as well Three Degree profile that allows us as well we can take the approach flaps on the way down we'll hold off on the landing flaps till we're visual with the runway anyway for now that's the approach checklist complete we'll just continue here another four miles here until we make the turn onto the audio uh direct healing from here just under one zero thousand was it first question 394 affirmative artillery cross daily at her above one zero thousand cleared rfx30 room at one seven month approach across Haley at above one zero thousand clear out of X-ray one seven eleven twenty four zero nine compact Nor Cal departure see ya status coming up on three and a half miles to run another mile here till we make the turn we've also now tuned up into Tango Victor Lima that's the localizer inbound towards Lake Tahoe we'll leave the course barred for now just until we made the turn we'll use the heading bug first to get the aircraft around the turn and then we'll switch out the CDI bar as well so that's two and a half miles 171 on the course [Music] [Music] and bearing in mind at the moment the CDI is still vertical track slave to the on out there's 171 I'll bring the heading bug around to a line and we'll come back to a nav here on the HSI looks like the turn just a tiny bit early there we're just gonna have to wait here until we come on to the CDI bar before we commence The Descent and everything looking good there now so descending down to 10 200 feet let's discussed we'll take the gear down [Music] just helping that speed back and initially we'll go with around 700 feet per minute rate of descent just bring the speed back as well into the white Arc so that we can take the flaps as we wish we'll go for around 120 knots now here in The Descent you can see there that localized bar just fluctuating slightly I gather that Back Square have actually accurately modeled nav Aid Interruption and certainly you can see that the needle we're having slightly more realistically there we were broadly on the scale there for now but we'll just have to regain the Loke here by coming out to the left of our course [Music] showing 17 miles to run and again 12.4 miles we can continue our descent [Music] so good now on the speed just increasing that power slightly to give us 120 knots we do have three Greens on the gear we'll just periodically increase our mixture there as well though we're not going to go back to fully Rich since we're going to be landing at around 6 300 feet it's 1 000 to go [Music] once we're back on that localized bar we can come back into nav let the aircraft track the Loke for us once again the TGs G10 XI which doesn't come with the aircraft to be clear but it's a very nice piece of Kit particularly for flying the states all of the United States charts included and you can see great for situational awareness here there's nav once aircraft tracking straight down the local Center up the heading bug again and about another two miles to run here before we can continue the descents [Music] with that speed back at 120 knots now should need around 600 feet per minute to maintain the Three Degree slope and again we're going to be going down to our MDA of 7200 feet [Music] so the aircraft just capturing the out but again we've just got another 0.4 of a mile here before we can continue the descents [Music] what's that 7200 here a little bit preemptively and once again we can arm that's 700 feet per minute now just reduce that to 600 as discussed lastly tracking the log and 12 miles slightly higher on the profile 9.3 we're looking for 9 500 feet just increase that vertical speed again to make sure we do get back onto profile down through ten thousand Landing lights are on again just increasing that mixture as we go engine temperatures pressure is all looking good speeds checked and just coming through 10 miles so we'll go to approach flaps potentially a little bit early there on the flaps but it's nice to get everything done ahead of time on an approach like this so flaps are set to approach and 9.5 miles again 9 500 feet so just a touch lay now we'll reduce that vertical speed looking pretty good there 9.5 just below 9 500. 7.4 is 8800 we'll start keeping a good Lookout now as well for the ground already visual with the ground itself but not quite busy with Tahoe yet so far everything looking pretty good on the approach still happy that with the speed and 7.4 DME is what we're looking for next again 8800 feet start keeping a good look out for the field as well looks like the rad outs are live just coming through 2500s ever so slightly out to the right of course we'll keep a good eye on that looks like the aircraft is correcting and just coming through nine thousand so another 200 feet here one next altitude check [Music] so 7.400 feet high increase that vertical speed once again the Mr Bridge Point itself that's four miles from the runway so we've got another three miles here for the Mr Broach point and again the MDA 7200 pretty happy though that we are visual now not quite able to identify the runway just yet okay we do have Tahoe now visual identifier just stops our one o'clock probably a little bit tricky to make out on the video [Music] we'll keep the autopilot in for now we'll just let the autopilot flash down to the MDA the approach checks Landing lights is on fuel tanks just stay on the right the Tank's pretty evenly balanced perhaps are set to approach AirSpeed is good trim is set shoulder harnesses are secure seat backs are set for landing that's the approach check is complete just come up on the thousand to go another mile here till we hit the missed approach point just down through two thousand feet there on the right outs and again at this point nicely visual with the runway [Music] so for all the LDA approach worked out quite nicely there we'll start reducing our power let that speed start to roll off [Music] there's 20 inches on the manifold pressure just coming from the MR perch point we don't need the missed approach so we'll pause that for the time being and as we've reached the Mr approach point now we'll take out the autopilot keep reducing that power just gonna hold the approach flaps for now I find that the landing flap in the Bonanza is pretty draggy [Music] so we'll just hold approach flap and 100 knots still got that left-wing down tendency there didn't trim that out during the cruise anyway for the final checks pitch is full fine undercarriage is down flaps to come The Landing clearance not required the runway is visually clear and looks like at the moment we've got uh two red to two whites around the puppy so nicely on profile you can see they're in that particular case the localizer not too far offset from the runway course itself but certainly some LDA approaches can be fairly significantly offset I'll get rid of the flight director there as well we don't need that any longer [Music] so good on the speed we'll take uh flaps through to Landing [Music] and again looking good on the profile in terms of the puppies two red to two whites with those flaps definitely feeling that drag let's check 500 we'll keep the speed at around 90 knots for now certainly needing a lot more power to do that with that extra drag and again we're going to be vacating off to the right we'll try and land pretty much on the touchdown Zone there's no need to land short we've got plenty of Runway a little bit later on the puppies correcting for that although I'm pretty happy with where we are visually currently and just letting that speed roll off towards 80 knots coming off the throttle it's holding the Bonanza off let's touch down and the runway exit lights just off heads of the aircraft again vacating off to the right the brakes feel pretty good on the Bonanza they're not by any means overly sensitive braking rate feels reasonable just starting to increase that braking strength now as we approach the exits and as we said by catching off to the right so we'll just wait until we got here clear of the runway and then we can carry out the offline checks [Music] no traffic coming down the main taxiway and Auckland on the left Well taxi straight across here we'll go and park up just off our 11 o'clock position [Music] got the main terminal building ahead of us there's jet they're parked currently and we'll get the aircraft nice and slow the flaps can come up [Music] Landing light can go off taxi lights is on take the strobes as well prop the ice and Peter heat off just get ourselves straightened up here and then we can open up the cow flaps So Cal flaps are open temperatures and pressures looking pretty good [Music] the trim will return that back to the neutral position and again Landing light is off transponder is off we'll leave the mixture as is again since we're fairly high air drain elevation here and I'll just swing the aircraft around just keeping an eye there on our right wing tip a little bit close to the building [Music] just needing a bit of power here as well to get the aircraft moving around the turn okay so nicely straightened up beautiful view there of the hills as we shut down we'll get the part brake on once again and as usual leaving the engine idling around 1000 RPM for the shutdown checks the pot break is set electrical equipment just do a quick run around there making sure everything's off and everything looking good just get the panel lights off there as well and the taxi lights so electrical equipment is off avionics the avionics Master is off close the throttle [Music] and we can bring the mixture back to the idle cutoff position good shot down there on the engine does look like we picked up a little bit of icing there during the cruise quite interesting anyway good run down we'll get the mags off standby alternator alternator and battery switch is rough and that's our shutdown checklist complete so there you go guys I do hope you enjoyed our look at the black Square analog A36 Bonanza undoubtedly another very nice effort from black square and another excellent overhaul of one of the default aircraft within the SIM again this video is a preview of an early access product so you can expect a few things to change potentially between now and release but even in its current state the Bonanza is a very nice product a very capable aircraft and I think another great addition to the SIM hopefully the flight there gave you a pretty good idea as to what the product is capable of but we'll just touch briefly on some of the additions here the upgrades that we may not have seen throughout the video obviously with the steam gauge overhaul series it tends to be the aircraft gauges as well as the aircraft systems that really get the majority of the attention from black Square nevertheless the product also boasts a whole host of improvements and features in other areas for example as you'll probably have noticed here we do get multiple variants of the aircraft so firstly we have the turbocharged A36 with the tip tanks that's the aircraft we flew here today we also have the normally aspirated A36 both with the tip tanks and without there are multiple avionics options and configurations available those can be changed on the Fly and the aircraft company supports the TDS g10xi the PMS gtn750 as well as working title gns 530 integration another aspect of the black square product that I really enjoy personally the aircraft comes with 80 plus random or scheduled failures those can be based on a mean time between failure and again they can also be programmed by the user the analog kinger also purportedly boasts the most advanced turbocharger simulation available within Microsoft flight simulator that one actually caught me out during the flight you'll notice that we were adjusting the mixture throughout the flight not really necessary at all there as we were actually below the critical altitude of our turbo charger throughout the flight itself engine modeling on the aircraft has also been significantly improved the A36 for example does model spark plug fouling vapor lock you can flood the engine also induce backfires we touched very briefly as well on the mathematically accurate VOR and ADF signal attenuation and noise degradation as well as the simulated environmental control system and the JPI EDM 800 computer State saving is also included on the aircraft although as we discussed it's a little bit hit and miss there are certain things that save certain things that don't black Square though have previously upgraded both the Caravan and the King Air pretty significantly so I suspect we'll see more features come online with the Bonanza in due course the flight model of the A36 has also received some improvements although they are less significant than the rest of the aircraft in terms of its overhaul and the same goes with the aircraft sounds whilst the black swear Bonanza does make use of the default Microsoft flight simulator Bonanza engine sounds you'll notice as well that there's been a significant number of Custom Sounds added to the aircraft which really goes to enhance the overall sound pack and certainly makes the Bonanza feel that much more immersive it probably is worth pointing out once again that as with the other black Square products you do still get the same limitations here with the Bonanza that we've seen previously given that the aircraft does make use of the default A36 external model that means no opening doors on the aircraft which is a bit of a shame as always at this sort of price point apparently though that is a fundamental limitation there's nothing that black Square unfortunately can do about that it would be nice as well to have some external fixtures and fittings but I presume that they would fall under the same limitation otherwise though I really enjoyed our outing in the analog Bonanza the aircraft is shaping up very nicely indeed and certainly looking to be on a par with both the king air and the Caravan worth noting as well that the black Square analog Baron shouldn't be too far around the corner that's quite exciting in aircraft I'm certainly looking forward to and for those of you who are excited about the baron and perhaps considering the A36 as well if you do purchase the analog Bonanza you'll be entitled to a 25 discount off the baron when it releases anyway once again I do hope you enjoyed the video if you did please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel if you have any comments or questions for me as well you can leave those down in the comment section below a very big thank you to just flight for letting us take an early access look at the black Square Bonanza and as always a huge thank you as well to my channel members and patrons for all of your support I do hope that all of you are having a great day wherever you are take really good care and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 44,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piper, Microsoft Flight Simulator, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Review, Full Flight, Realism, Realistic, Real Pilot, Flight Simulation, Addon, Add on, Flight Simulator, Just Flight, JustFlight, Study Level, Tutorial, Cold and Dark, Black Square, Steam Gauge, Overhaul, Analogue, Beechcraft, A36, A 36, A-36, Bonanaza
Id: 36CArpQjCCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 26sec (3146 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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