Aerosoft A330 Is Enroute (FULL) The Blu-XPerience [EP.37] MSFS

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Looking forward to it but seeing as how it's an aAerosoft product I'm not trying to get my hopes too far up.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OD_Emperor 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2023 🗫︎ replies

I'm cautiously optimistic, after the twin otter's launch i'm hesitant to flock to a new aerosoft aircraft

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/maximan2005 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey hey hey hey hey what's going on guys it's another episode of the blue experience and as usual we always aim to bring you some exciting news and content and information um on the podcast I hope you guys have been good we've been you know recording a lot lately so as you see we'll be um putting out uh parts and clips of the different shows we're doing then we'll put the whole episode out but without further Ado let's get right into it uh I'm pleased to have on as a guest or we are pleased to have on as a guest again for the second time um Airsoft and one and only Matthias is with us today we're going to be discussing many things and I should say they're multifaceted Airsoft because they have many projects in the works not just flight Sim as you guys know from this side so we're going to be talking about a whole bunch of things here but what we want to do is matteus welcome to the stream I appreciate you stopping in with us and just a bunch of questions that we've had you know um what everybody's been talking about is the A330 all of my streams is when is the A330 coming out when is it coming we need a wide body long-haul airplane so we have you on to talk as much as about it as possible thank you so much Mateus for being on the show appreciate it happy to be here so I'm I bet you guys in your forums and in correspondence you're getting the same question about you know what's the status of the airplane and when is it coming and what is it going to have and what are the features uh is there anything you can tell us right now as as far as you know how far along the road you guys are maybe not or you know how's the development of the plane coming that's that's just about the hardest question you can ask any project manager right now um I am I wish it would go faster but I am not unhappy with the progress that we are making um we are behind the schedule that we made halfway last year uh but we made another schedule at the end of last year and we are on that schedule at this moment so it is it is going well um the the biggest issue now is that we have to fight the feature creep because every week we find out something new that we really would like to add it and everybody's things it is it is Mega cool and then you ask how much time does it take a week at least a week and well you know that's one week is always three weeks so yeah yeah that's what we're fighting at this moment but we are pretty close to releasing the product to the external beta testers so those are the bad addresses who are not in in our internal team which are almost all real uh Airline people that is the status depending on how how good the better test go we can set and we release date that's good so basically kind of one of the recent biggest challenges you're having is just where to where to draw the line right so like yeah so the feature creep is creeping in where your developers I'm sure everybody in the project is super excited about it and they just want to like can I add this one last thing in there right and it keeps happening over and over next thing you know you've extended development for another six months is that kind of like what you're kind of getting at yeah and then and if you if you if you add something at this moment it has to be added to the manuals which are pretty special in this product because we are using an an interactive E manual learning system and not a standard paper DFT manual so the uh the step-by-step flight is part of the manual I say I see there were three areas that I wanted to ask you about specifically but I'll probably add a fourth um I wanted to ask you about the modeling Avic which is texture quality inside and out I wanted to ask you about the sound and also the systems you're very important but you said that you're going to have a manual is that going to be in some kind of EF will there be efb in the airplane electronic flight bag or how is that going to work or is it going to be at the the toolbar no no no no okay it's a it's a standalone application and web application um where you see the cockpit you can click on instrument it will tell you what that instrument does if that instrument uses other instruments you can get a link to to that instrument so it is much less linear manual as well that you can explore parts of the aircraft you can explore the navigation system or the hydraulic system and then you can use that knowledge in the step-by-step flight which is described in detail and there are video sections to show you exactly what going on that there but this is a learning tool then you're basically teaching people how to fly the airplane and what the different things do yes yes um and it is it is made to be the easiest way to you to use it is on a tablet or a separate monitor wow wow that's something I haven't seen done really but I mean could you agree done it no we were getting a little bit there is still the the traditional manual but I feel that it is a chore to read all that text and yes only customers do not like many of us a lot not at all no no like reading at all no they they appreciate a good manual uh solid manual but it is not always the best tool products learn about an aircraft by sitting in the book page uh next to somebody who explains the cockpit yeah I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised of what you're talking about now because that's not something that I saw coming or ever thought about but so many people ask hey how do you fly the plane how do you learn what does this do and so you're going to have a a a guide that you can put on a tablet where they can quick reference certain things of the airplane yes and that the reason we do that because the audience has changed from prepared to Microsoft Flight Sim it's a different kind of of customer with the prepared 3D customer we would expect a lot of basic knowledge of aircraft aircraft systems navigation I don't think it's fair to be expected from everybody at this moment so we really wanted to have a manual which was easier to use more um open I'm really glad it's funny last time we got together we talked about a little bit about how the flights in the community has changed from p3d to Microsoft and explain all that stuff like that and I love that you guys are really I feel like you're one of the few developers who've really embraced that that change the fact that the flight Simmons we were flying today are not at the same skill level and should not be have the same expectations as in previous years like there's people coming in a lot younger uh and they don't know how to fight his play like XP gets to say the question I get the question all the time in streams how do you learn how to fly all these planes well years of experience and YouTube tutorials and various manuals and things like that and I agree with you I am right there with you I don't like Rita manuals most people don't like to read manuals and the fact that you are coming up with a interactive um I it sounds like a manual that doesn't feel like a manual because I agree with you when I was working at the airport they had all this training material these like these questions and texts and like you're supposed to like once you get out there and do it you're like none of this even matters like it's completely different the way you interact with these elements than you do looking at a big text wall so I love the fact that you're like it it's the best way to learn an aircraft is to sit in the cockpit like all right this is where the battery is this is where that is and this is what it does and it sounds like it's what you're making it is and at the end of each of these short chapters there's a video that shows you everything that is done so it's Yeah well yeah we hope it is it is easier ideally we would like all our customers to start in assess now 172. take off try to find the airport back which we all know is for beginners uh a problem make your first landing and then slowly build up but that is simply not how customers are so you have to um I feel it is not right to ask customers to come to you in their knowledge we have to go to them and try to pick them up and bring them forward because for me plus later is very much a learning thing you get challenged you've got a problem you have to solve and the whole film in the game is that your skill level gets better and and better yeah I think I think that uh there was there's an aircraft I'm not going to name it but we all know what it is the next plane but a lot of people came to explain specifically to fly one plane with zero knowledge and I believe the same thing's gonna happen in Microsoft Flight Sim when you guys release your arrows off A330 when multiple different aircraft come out people are going to come and buy Microsoft flights and they're going to come and join Microsoft flights and as complete noobs knowing nothing about Aviation they just love this plane or just love this Airline maybe they flew this plane on a family vacation like I want to go fly to A330 I'm gonna go with Microsoft and fly but I've never found a Cessna I've never flown anything else and so the fact that you guys are kind of helping them along is is great and this is one of the reasons why people always ask me like what do you recommend for people who are new to flexible now the A330 is gonna be a good option like listen this aircraft actually teaches you everything you need to know to get it from A to B yeah yeah is is there a name for this program what are you calling it um or what do you what do you guys are calling it now we we use it we call this an interactive manual but now you mentioned that I think more attractive name would be would be better I have to see yeah I love the interactive manual that's going to be the title of one of her videos interactive manual in the A330 that is good so I think yeah with a better name yeah that see that's this is why we talk to you because that's a surprise to us this is a beautiful surprise love it you have been showing steadily progress of the airplane from a visual standpoint the modeling and the cockpit textures how is that coming along are you guys finished with modeling and texturing or you still have work to do on that that's all done there's a little bit of animation left but so that is in cooperation between the modeler and the developer so that is still a little bit open but it does not and and an awful lot that is open that's good yep that was good how was the process of doing that I'm not you've guys done many a plans how was the process of Microsoft with this wide body airplane getting that done was it an easy hard did you learn things new put new new ways of doing things in there or just no basically it was pretty pretty simple um it's the same uh modeler who did it prj which was the first um complex aircraft he worked with azobo and an awful lot in that the twin author we had very little issues there that were new to uh to us and in the A330 basically we knew what we were doing it was just work there were a couple of more difficult things that we we really would um I wouldn't say Wasted Time on that we spent more time on that that we wanted to do the main gear animation for example that is an animation that the same can't do at this moment say there's an animated part with another animated part attached to the animated part and the Sim simulator doesn't offer that option the A2 shirt is one of the few aircrafts which have the has that gear system um so it's for for azobo it was not um a high priority issue to fix that so we had to find Our Own Zone solution for that I see I see and do you guys use any reference material to the airplane you know what do you where do you get your references from to developing the whole thing you know visually but before we start on a project like this we want to have a photo shoot of the aircraft so we the modelers visit the aircraft takes thousands of photographs and we use those as the basic reference these are images that are made with a ruler on top of the the instruments so they can see afterwards exactly how how large something is um while they are doing the modeling they have access to the h330 crew that we use and these help an awful lot if you want to know if you want a detailed image of something they will make the image and send it to us um we are extremely happy that aircraft have got internet on board these days because often buyers can send us that information while they fly yeah so they they are not busy in the in the profit check their their discords and you see that our model needs this and this and then they go oh wait I wait and I click click click click and they send it that is great that is amazing that is amazing but yeah this that's that's one of the things that has changed stuff so so much yeah that wow yeah all right well I mean from the pictures I've seen off the plane so far I mean it looks good you know and this was months ago when you guys put them on so I can imagine where it is now and so forth um I have to ask the question how is it going to perform a frame wise you know everybody's worried about FPS all the time you know how is the performance off the plane that way um I can honestly say good um not only because we use the the latest technology that is possible but also because we are working not only for the PC platform but also for the Xbox and the cloud version that means that you have to be extremely cautious it's uh everything you can't use large bitmaps but have to use the decor version which makes it possible to get extremely detailed stuff without having to have a high resolution uh texture and in Xbox and in the cloud version the mapping that you'll have for graphics is a lot less than most people have on their catfish cards at this moment so we have to work on on that premises but like I said if you if you know what you're doing use the decode version as much as possible it is not really an issue but it means that the amount of textures such as animal is low really low wow wow so I hear you saying that this is going to be Xbox and PC it's from day one Xbox Cloud it is the sleeper scene yeah uh it is if I need to test something I always use this Cloud version it starts in 90 seconds looks good just uh easy so yeah yes um from day one that is not up to us what we can do is we can deliver the files to Microsoft and then it's Automark sorts where they we release that and I do want to ask for those people watching who don't know about the Microsoft cloud could you explain a little bit how that works and how they can get Microsoft on the cloud yeah it is um Microsoft has got their own Xbox clouds the gaming services and the basic version of flights from is part of that so if you pay nine euros nine nine ninety nine dollars a month you get access to hundreds of games Microsoft flights in basic is one of them you simply click the button in the Microsoft Xbox Cloud interface it downloads a few files and then it's all streamed from the cloud and that works on your Android tablet or your Macintosh everywhere oh wow really I might have to try the cloud out that's crazy so it works on like an iPad like a Macbook or Android well on the phone it's it's getting a little bit hard but what you're getting is basically exactly the same code as you have on Xbox has this been streamed to you like like a Netflix basically that's cool wow and you're saying that this Cloud thing is like the sleep like there's a lot of users using the cloud that maybe don't have access to a powerful PC or even the latest in Xbox yeah any PC the tester um monitor works [Music] I use it on a uh uh all the Microsoft Surface laptop from oh perfused back oh wow that is that is so that's a a level of Entry that doesn't require you know a big investment you know yeah that's true I remember you were mentioning how excited he was about the cloud release and how big of a deal it was but I don't think a lot of us really realized just how big of a deal it was So speaking of modeling we're just talking about the you know text remodeling up the airplane you did say that is going to be good as far as user experience you know with frames because you it's going to be for the cloud for Xbox and for the PC and that's great to hear always love a plane that's smooth and he's a handle how about uh flight model the flight model itself you know there's always talk about you know explain is better than Microsoft with flight model and Microsoft still has work to do uh how would you guys uh have your flight model down who's doing it for you what references are you using on that uh the five miles is done partially internally and parsley uh by another person who got who's got a lot of uh a lot of years of of having done that uh blood modeling in in Microsoft it should look like in explain um if you got the dimensions of the aircraft all the darts of the aircraft the wing profile you enter that and the Sim makes the spark model from that of course I'd love tweaking needed um it is the engine model that is by far the most difficult um the engines for the A330 have been built for the 8030 are not using any other aircraft so it is super hard to get the data for an engine like that I'm not going to say how we got in that uh it took over a year to get a part IAL data and people always say well then you ask a private because a pilot knows no pilot doesn't know um what's what we need to do is take a test flight from from takeoff to thirty thousand feet and do the test flights indifference temperatures at different weights and then you get a whole table and then you've got to find out if the table is right and that is a massive issue and it is a massive issue for engines that that are not very well known and this is one of those engines wow so that was perhaps the most difficult part of this project to get the engine dynamometers right we are now within three percent of every data that we have which I think is I think many airlines would be pretty happy if they are within right three percent of what uh airbrush tells them that means that your your fuel burn should be spot on on a you know eight hour flight five hour flight are pretty close to it you know within three percent within three percent yeah that's not bad always take three percent extra when you load your fuel just to make sure good you know um that's that's always you know flight modeling is always people talk about it oh it doesn't feel right or it doesn't feel good or something like that yeah allow me to make a comment um first of all there are not that many customers who have time behind the stick open A330 so what they do is they um they've got an idea in their head how does aircraft supplies and they lay that idea on top of what we deliver and that can be a complex thing uh because it it doesn't always match up people believe that um there's a massive difference between a small errors and a large tablets and handling while in essence there isn't a lot of difference because Airbus designs their aircraft to be they should feel all the same between an A318 and an A330 of course the weight has a huge influence but the inputs that you give into the aircraft result in the same thing and I find it difficult to accept comments from customers who are not Pilots I I respect their feelings but in our experience it is difficult I see I'm glad you I'm glad you you spoke out about that because I've always kind of wondered slight model's always been a very controversial subject in any flight simulator and I feel like probably one of the biggest I guess complaints most developers get is about their flight model whether it be you know whatever Spectrum it is you know on various planes and customers most of us I think I would guess 90 of your customers have never flown a plane you know so how like for me for me I've never flown to A330 so who am I to say whether it feels to too light too heavy to uh you know whatever so it's yeah I agree with that but it's a difficult thing to explain to customers yeah yeah and this is why we're talking to you about it so you know this is when they watch this they'll get a better understanding and idea of what goes into making a flight model giving the little bit limited information you have and relying on somebody else's feel also plus what the Sim does so you know it's good to hear from you guys as the developer so that they can have an understanding like hey it's not what you think it is or it's easy or you know I I can I can put it in different words if you do a piper or a Cessna you have a lot more people who know how that I got fuels and that can aircraft that you fly in an airbrush you sit and you control it there's no no direct link between the joystick the the stick and the uh and and whatever um if you look at Landings difficult Landings in an average your of you often see the part that's making huge movements very wildly elephants but that these movements aren't sent to the to the con told purposes right if you do that in an in a Boeing the Boeing would would go wild but in and ever should just tell the aircraft what you wanted to to to do and that means that these wild movements that's customers see the partners do are just telling the aircraft to do it as fast as possible I see and then the computers interpret that and do what it wants to do basically if you do this this this the aircraft doesn't do these things these days not a fighter jet Comfort that's a good point yeah that's a good point um uh most people who use and errors um spend too much time in a Boeing where you got that almost Direct Control to the control services so they are they're handling it too softly too gently while you're telling the aircraft what to do you're not flying it well a good way to put it you're telling it what to do you're not flying it if an Arabic part of um he will probably hit me but hey I'm sure he knows it's true as well I'm sure yeah but yeah we could go on days but you know I'm I'm I like the process that you guys are using for flight modeling of the airplane you know you put in the numbers the Sim does what it does and then you also have somebody else who's you know backing it up with experience to get to it for the for the flight model we depends almost and entirely on the pilots that's good they have to tell me if it feels right I don't even care about the numbers too much not perhaps in in late in late better we start to look at numbers and numbers good to go but about the better testers need to do the airline partner better test we need to do is take the A3 strategy off for a circuit and that circuit has a fuel right that is that is the test that's good that's good circuit flying I I do when I get a new airplane I have the time that's one of the first things so I can control it by hand instead of just turning on the autopilot and see you know I think very few people do that they happen they have all that for the very first flight uh and then they go and they're like what are you doing playing well you don't know how to fly the plane yet uh so it's [Applause] all right well I mean sounds good though I mean I love I love where where this is going uh how about the one of the other subjects sound um uh how's the sound coming along you know what's your process for doing sound for this particular airplane too because as you said the engines are unique to this plane I'm assuming the sounds are going to be unique to it as well yeah sure uh the entrance of the these uh Trent engines have got a very specific howl which everybody knows about this A3 charity it takes pull up there's a it has so that is a big thing we have to do that louder more expressive than in the real aircraft because customers expect that it's like um immersion part of the immersion it is but it's the same like in a if you see a Ubi Chopper you you expect to hear that sound well in reality it doesn't really make that sound a lot but the TV and movies have learned us that you will make a massive poop sounds and mesh didn't help much for the for that so it sounds you always it's not so much realism it's again what the customer expects and then mix that with three reality and then you get into other other issues because what what kind of sound do you do do you the sounds like a real pilot here here's it with his uh noise canceling headphones right you don't hear any engines there man no way there's no engine all the cooling fans often cockpits are are silent yeah but most customers relate their the the sound they expect to videos that I see from the cockpit and those videos are always done with an open microphone they record what sounds in the cockpit is not the sound that pilot hears yeah so it's um sound is by I just spoke about this uh last week with team DT and we both agreed that sound is the most dangerous topic of of of any uh add-on that you do really yeah now people will say yeah but look at your twin also with this sound yeah in the first release we simply had didn't have access to the to the white wheel portings so uh it took us a while to get those recordings so we had to fix that that issue I do want to ask for this as a side note did you guys eventually get the recordings for the twin ladder the last time we talked yeah it was before actually fixed uh about five months back okay great I'll have to give another fly because I haven't flown it since I think you guys added the new sounds still keep in mind it's the nauseous cockpits uh ever donated yes so just just try to explain to customers how much differences of the of the engines are on the same level as the cockpit doors are almost all twin engines have got their propellers behind the corporate door on a train offer they are at the same level and a propeller makes most noise from the tips and then it falls out from from the tip so the the two sound counts the louder sound counts are directly aimed at the cockpit doors is with her uh two three millimeters aluminum put out any sound damping no sound there it doesn't really matter if if the door is there or the door is open wow wow that's interesting if you have never flown in a train of corporate and I've been in a train of calculate in the in an employee and it's like an insert an inferno of sound and vibrations because these doors let's go I said were you guys able to accomplish that with the the new sound that was implemented into the Twin Adder that you kind of make it more user friendly no it is it is more the sounds that customers expect it to be it is not as loud as it should be yes so for the 330 are you saying that you you are using some real recordings for it complete internal and external recordings and if you use the headphone mode of Microsoft flights and it is like it is with one brand of headphone which I don't remember right now because every noise canceling headphone has got a complete different sound sounds yeah when you say headphone mode can you clarify the headphone mode for me because I'm not familiar with it there's a sound option in the Sim that makes the internal sound as if it's here as if you're here to a headphone diagnose canceling headphones like yeah and so that's going to be implemented for the for the 330 itself what we do the basic sound is more or less tuned to work well with that option in the SIM but that means that you hardly hear any engine any wind noise yeah silence earlier you said that you and um Randazzo from pmdg said the most hottest topic is sound but I'm thinking the most hottest topic has to be aircraft systems and you also said that there's some creep in in adding things to the airplane I'm wondering if that creep is just adding more into the system and also just a whole General system question you know everybody wants to know okay it's not okay um for the president we've got a very big a very solid idea um that doesn't change much like all the aircraft we do we don't Model non-standers Behavior so we only model the standard operating procedures and everything that you will need for those things to give you an um an example of the the feature creep that we discussed last week is at this moment you can um we get the supply plan from same brief in the electronic flood system and uh the flight planning part of that and that's the electronic flight back is able um pen send it to the aircraft but it's also possible to have that done by the aircraft by the mcdu of the aircraft but at least a little bit of extra code and that would replace oh is it gold how's the module codes from SIM Reef that automatically downloads your Life Plan oh yes and brief downloader yeah yeah um we can um we know we can replace that with a module inside the aircraft that was suggested last week and I decided not to do it because that was one of these things that would cost a couple of days and I know it will end up costing three weeks at this kind of feature clip we're talking about at this moment yep so day one you're saying that your aircraft the 330 will have an electronic flight bag correct efv no it's that's one of the part that is uh that's done I have I have one funny question uh is the Aerosoft team helping pmdg with their efb yes um the the efb has been discussed by the my developer and their developer an awful lot we've offered all the help that that they uh that they need yeah I even offered autocomplete it is from the flights back to to them it's for robot it's a a difficult topic they had very bad luck in that oh man I know it is uh it is nearly done I mean I know it's very complicated they simply had a very bad luck they made the musicians based on information that turned out not to be moving along as fast as they were expecting it to yeah I just I was just curious I mean I know that they were struggling to get it going I know you guys have successfully you know made your own efb um I'm not sure if you did one for the twin otters yeah but we had a good AP in the uh crj yeah yeah which is uh a year and a half old yeah I thought I thought the efu in the crj was a great personally um I really oh yeah it is it has all those features and uh several more features the one that we really like a lot is the map function of it which uses not a flashing map but an external map and you can see the the position of the aircraft on that on that map so there will be some familiarity between the the crj and the A330 as far as how to use it um no I wouldn't say that no but of course we've got a lot of functions in the oh wow so did you say you had to rebuild the efb specifically for the 330 or did you kind of use a series there's a template and then build on top of it no it's a completely Standalone the development um of course my my development spoken Hartman enhance is a part of the team not an active developer as a team but he helps us a lot and in the it'd be a lot of functions were used by him but the efb in the coj is C plus plus uh module and the in the crj is a Java Script module and speaking of that I did want to ask a question about wasm so um this is a feature has become you know new for in Microsoft Flight Sim really is only a big deal for developers and obviously for Xbox um has wasm support has that been a game changer for your Aerosoft and the development of the A330 going forward or have you kind of already been set in the way you were doing it no it wasn't was already available from the start the coj is built in C plus plus which can only run in the Sim when it is compiled to a different language that's why you have to wait uh in the first time the first time that you start the aircraft it compiles the aircraft in another set that is what is happening at at that time what has changed recently is that you've got options from um to access external data sources using C plus plus codes that is a major change that was not possible for the crj that's why the coj accounts gets your uh same brief Flight Plan and that is with C plus first now possible it always was possible with a JavaScript the 330 was that built with C plus or JavaScript you're saying okay because well while we were developing the aircraft we were not sure that the networking capability of the same would support what we wanted to do um if I would start it right now it will be C plus plus because we now can do everything that way you wanted to to do all right so um so what I'm hearing from you right now just so you can verify that you are basically completely well not complete but very happy with your progress with the 330 and no no no no you know just give a give us an overall sense of where you are with it you know right now and um we are I'm not completely sure I think we are three weeks away from the first major beta version which is sent to a lot more people which means that all features have to be ready at that time we might tweak we might fix we might do this and this but that is the status there is a secular sense I guess for me personally uh progress so you kind of mentioned that the modeling is pretty much done just wait for a few animation tweaks um the systems that's pretty much done as far as what's implemented there you still fine-tuning that no it's the I think that the mcdu developments will determine where we need that and that's what probably takes the longest I'm assuming yeah it is probably the most complex single bit of uh codes yeah would you agree that the MCU is kind of like the heart of aircraft like everything kind of spins off of the information that is or how am I do I have that backwards no I think no I think that that is wrong because if the mcdu fails on the aircraft you can apply the aircraft fine you you just can't fly it uh completely uh on the auto but the outbound it will still work the FedEx would still work out of out of throttle would still um it's a guidance system it's a planning system no it's not a hard okay if there's our hearts in the airbrush it is the it's the three com students that link all the bits to one tune together so as and then what about again we kind of talked about this before but it's kind of getting a summary of the percentage I guess you could say of each part of development so we talked about uh the modeling the systems and then flight models that pretty much there you talked about the difficulty of getting the engine tuning the way you want it and all the just uniqueness is that pretty much done or is there still more I'm obviously it's probably more tweaking through beta but I mean it's for three weeks out from beta you should be in pretty good stance yeah we're there's still a lot of work being done on the front model at this moment and schedule it's a lot done and the system integration how systems work together link to and get a I think that's still uh open issue seeing some stuffness we're doing on the autopilot and then as far as optimization you said it's pretty it's going to be pretty good right now the only reference we have is your crj and your twin otter how would you compare the performance as far as FPS and system task to the 330 versus the crj or the twin hour is it about would you expect about the same or maybe the 330 might be a little bit more heavy since I might have more complex systems or it will be both for sure heavier than the than the twin also because they're simply a lot more codes yeah yeah running um I think it will be quite similar to the crj even though the crj has less gold um we've learned a lot about how to optimize things so I would think it is the same which means that it's compared to most other aircraft it will be light that's good it is not an issue for me not a worry whatsoever and then lastly uh again we talked about sound but is that pretty much complete I mean or are you still trying to tweak it no but there is a sunset that is being um that is available to the professional testers at this moment we're waiting there feedback to tweak it I have one question cabin yes or no in in what way no will there be a cabin in the A330 even a basic modeled cabin in the A330 if you look through the doors or to the winners yes you should want to open the corporate door and move backwards no okay uh is that something considered for the future after the airplane is out in yeah okay no I know I will piss off a lot of people with I just don't care uh these days um we are a long way off from the time that a captain would would leave the copies and walk the cabin to see if people were happy how do you do madam are you having fun are you are you comfortable would you like another drink can we get another drink here that is not what is done any anymore um it's a flight Sim it's not a I don't see a lot of a lot of use for it it's um it's something that looks good on a screenshot on a product page but the user doesn't actually use it and it takes up a huge amount of protocols it slows down the sin makes the whole project larger more expensive look at people who complain that the looks completely different than the cabin that we that we did that the colors are all wrong that the sitting airline arrangements of uh a Japanese 8330 is very different from no I'm not getting there it's a flight Sim um we focus on the job of the pilot the aircraft is the tool that's a Partners use the aircraft is not the goal we don't we don't simulate the aircraft we only simulate the aircraft because the pilot needs aircraft we simulate the job of the pilot flight simulation not aircraft systems simulation that's fair no I I think that's true I like that yes no no I like that I liked it all right well guys you heard it and I fully accept that other developers feel different about it they focus on the aircraft systems and I completely understand their point of view it's just not our point of view yeah I think it's your plane and you decide at what level what features are included and what are not included obviously the community can have their own thoughts and opinions on if they prefer to have a cabin a lot of people who fights him don't care either me and XP actually talked about it not long ago how yes we'd love to have cabins and aircraft but how often do we go back there right like we go and look at on our first look video oh look how good the textures are this is so nice and then we rarely go back there again unless some random viewers like hey can you do a cabin tour and we might do it that's like once a month if that um so and then keep in mind if we would do the cabin and stay within the um the modeling limits that we that we said we would have to remove some other part of the cockpit you can't keep on adding more polygons and expect it to behave well in Xbox when the first when the first complex airliners are on Xbox show me any that has a full features cockpit I don't think there will be any because everybody who keeps Xbox and cloud in mind knows you have to be so careful with your other guns and if you want to sell a lot of uh aircraft you have to keep the Xbox and the cloud version in in the mind you've got no option I do want to ask um are there any extra features uh that are planned as you can speak on about the 330 besides and you already mentioned the uh the interactive manual which is really cool I think it's going to be a big deal and be groundbreaking and Innovative but anything else actually anything like you know any kind of ground handling built in um or anything unexpected no I think our efb is pretty high and I think that that's the future otherwise this is the first of our airbrush project and a lot of the things that we are doing for it are intenders for all the uh airbuses so this first version will be in in my mind a pretty basic version still pretty high high end in in most aspects but yeah there are more there are a lot of things that we would like to add a complete well-functioning multi-crew cockpit for me that's a massive thing and you're saying that's what you would like to add you're not saying you're putting that in I just want to clarify that it's not going to be in this version but you would like to know that in the future no we would we would really like to add to uh to uh to add that um in the A330 for the poor prepared 3D it has a lot of even Merchants stuff at the cabin crew would offer you coffee and all these kind of things that's so cool I didn't know that we yeah and you had to know how to open the door like the accident the actual um cabin door yeah yeah you have to you have to check the camera to see that there's nothing gun behind the doors check the camera and then had to know how to open the the door and that is stuff that's not in this version but we liked of it but again um but you got to have the basic whites and we got to know that the basics run well on every platform because we before we can add these kind of things yeah so and these are things that you want to add to the Microsoft flight 7 version as the same version are you thinking of like making an advanced you know how p3d is that was like a basic plan no I no I'm I absolutely hate it but when companies make an advanced version I hate it um that's also not something that I I really like if your needs the money I understand that you do it but we are Airsoft we don't need that money so funny me and XP we had the zigzag conversation I was like if you need the money just ask like if you're I understand I mean Airsoft you guys been doing this for like longer than I've been alive so throughout the years yes and so I understand some of the newer developing teams are new they're on a really tight budget and they want to do these really cool amazing projects and I think they're gonna do a great job but they come out but hey uh we have a paid Early Access and what they really I mean I mean it's from my point of view what they really just want is they just need money to continue and finish a project and I'm like if that's true okay that's fair and if you are open and almost about that fine yeah there's no issue they can donate they can do a patreon or uh GoFundMe whatever you need to do to crowdfund your way to finish this project because people just like the 330 are very excited about your planet you're making and I'm pretty sure the community our amazing flights and Community will support you and help you finish this project on the same tip so you can mention the the Erebus family so you guys do have intentions on building more aircraft in the Airbus family built off of the 330 systems is that correct there's no A330 system 18 to the latest A330 it is basically the same system and the way we developed it it is more or less that it's the config file that determines what aircraft it's a result then a different system that's how airbrush does it that's how we do it so are you planning on again using this system to develop more airbuses in the future yes can you say what they might be if you can it's fine oh okay that's what I thought that's making sure no no no no I do think before the a230 launches we will be able to run to to say what we're working on because for example if the modelers are done with A330 they it means they're working on another project right and that is another Airbus wow yeah sure uh yeah so I can't I was my next question is going to be the 330 Neo so I'm assuming you can't say anything about that if or when or anything right for all the Neo aircraft the biggest difficulty is to get the information but clearly that is the aircraft that Airbus wants to want to sell so yeah it is a very interesting aircraft that's good that was gonna be my question blue I was about okay more and more airbrush planes but you explained it well so it's the same systems and you can apply it to other planes so we look forward to hearing about those planes when you when you decide to do them and and break them out okay so I want to ask you about Aerosoft North C uh if you guys who are watching listening to know what that is that is your project that you guys did over I believe between like the UK uh north of Amsterdam kind of near uh what's that area called what are really so American I know I know I'm so very good what did you call that water park North okay hold on um the quartet coverster North Sea which is between uh Scandinavia Holland and the UK covers the channel between England and France and the IEC between islands and and England and that area is the biggest Industrial Park in the whole world at this moment the investment there done for wind energy and oil and gas are incredible there are ships there that that refits the ship for one job to another job is 250 million dollars wow not to build the ship but to refit the ship for another job so we covered that whole area with everything that you can see from the air which means every ship every oil rig every wind Park every boy every light shape everything that you'll see I think it's pretty impressive I I've been a big fan of it since it released uh I mean there's tons of oil rigs ships wind farms all in that that area and it's a massive area like it you're not gonna fly from one side of it to the other like you're gonna have to like check it out in pieces as you go and as a person me who loves flying helicopters I've had so much fun simulating transporting people to and free we've got them if you fly helicopters you've got another what was it 1800 new places to launch or a helicopter on ships on oil rigs on Transformers stations and because that one did so well we were looking for a follow-up on that and we had to choose between the Gulf of Mexico or the Arabian Gulf region and because the we've got more customers in the U.S we decided on the Gulf of Mexico so so we now started on that project we got a databases are we now making the new objects because it is amazing how different the industry is the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico as it is in the in Europe yeah right and I think that's going to be a big deal like you said I mean doing what you did over in North Sea you have a lot of customers in that area who are familiar with all of that and I think that as far as the U.S goes the Gulf of Mexico if you don't know where that is guys that's just off you know Mississippi Texas Florida all that little Gap right there that's all the Gulf of Mexico and it has a major ship traffic major oil rig traffic I'm I live in Houston because of all that oil and gas there my family is because of that so I'm looking forward to it I think a lot of people in the United States who love flying helicopters or doing anything over the Gulf of Mexico are going to love it I love setting up you know little rescue missions and this and that so I'm looking forward to uh what do you I guess you're going to call like Aerosoft offshore Gulf of Mexico or something like I'm assuming I'm not going to name it remember this thing so I'm assuming it's going to be called it's called Aerosoft offshore landmarks go Mexico that's good I'm looking forward to that yeah of landmarks Gulf of Mexico that is I think even I know XP doesn't fly helicopters but if he could at least have the landmarks there so when he flies from like Texas to Florida he can see all the restaurants you will if you fly at a low level between Texas and Florida you you will be able to see at least four thousand objects that you have not seen before yeah and we uh once a big features that we're adding is a it's a Carrier Group here so it's the carrier which is an objects that we're working on now and it has more than 10 million polygons in a single ship which is um like all the high definition airports off of a small country in one single ship with all the other ships that that go with it the closest uh well and that'll be that's something you guys are trying to add to the offshore landmarks as a package that's not going to be a standalone thing no no no but we are looking to make that carrier the I believe it's a romance wagon a standalone project but that's not for this one you can land on that haircut with a helicopter veto aircraft but it's not fully functional yeah just gonna be asking my next question would it be a fully functional carrier where you can land with the catapults and the wires and things like that no that is not internal for for the for this one for this project if we have 10 million protocols in one object and then adding 20 000 other objects and that is not that is not going to work well this this will be a good start If people really like it um the objects that we have has caused the lifts the holes where the aircraft are wow it like I said it's a 10 million polygon object yes there's there is not a single object in the flight streaming World which is more than the 3.5 that we did in the naughty project I believe that the biggest other object is less than half a million this is 10 million and would you believe it the flashing game engines loves it no problem that's that's amazing I'll just say this uh as I'm going to speak for all of the milsim people within the flight center community because they do exist we see you um I wanna I wanna push you guys and encourage you guys to after the offshore release to continue to try and take that and make a standalone ship that people can actually use for Carrier apps with like the F-18 Hornet mod but to do what the issue we say which one issues Microsoft does not allow any weapons or weapon-like systems on the marketplace per se but it means that all the aircraft you got on the carrier they are not allowed to have any weapon [Music] not even the weapons even the weapon stations are not possible yeah sure I mean you just put bags on it put fuel tanks and call it a day yeah what you're saying but these are carriers built for the F-35 I shall not known to carry a lot of Tanks yeah true right I'm just saying think about it I know that there's a few mods out there that are free that are not great some of the moves some of them don't and they all fall short in some kind of way and the people who I know a bunch of different flight Sim Fighter Squadron both on Xbox and on PC who are like just begging for more military reports begging for more things to do because there's some great aircraft coming out of military aircraft it just nothing to do with them so like why so having Carrie would actually help with that I believe that's on Monday I will receive the the aircraft carrier Zuckerberg images and other shows images that is stuff that you've never seen before in classroom wow all right yes you have seen it [Music] and so you guys are just Airsoft has just continued to just put our products and I love it I want to transition over to something you mentioned before we started uh talking here is completely different than flight simming this is more like driving simming and it's called City Driver and you know I've never heard about it before and I quickly pulled it up and this thing is actually fascinating so can you tell us a little bit more about City Driver what it is and so forth yes but let me first um give give a very short overview of the known slashing stuff that Airsoft does yeah we've got more people in our office working on non-flight some stuff than on flashing stuff stuff wow that has been has been the case that is partly because lots of fashion stuff is done by people outside the office but um we have been doing non-sizing stuff for the last 15 years these things successful which with that we've done bus frames matter of things uh 20 cents car Simpsons uh trucks and symptoms so we've done an awful lot of that and we never mixed that a lot up with the flight Sim customers because you didn't want to give them the idea that our full Focus was not on flight Sim but we've been doing this this for a long time and just as our professional Department is already 12 years old that's doing 12 um that's doing professional scenes which are often based on the classroom stuff on the best stuff that that we do but these are all the Deep departments our main office in paderborn has around 50 people um talk and in total I believe that we pay around 150 people so Airsoft is is simply a lot larger than what most people think that that we are wow so do you have an entire department for each of these games to allow to stay you know relevant and understand like when we talk about flights and stuff earlier like you sound really really in tuned with what the customers are saying what they want what they're asking you know and you're responding to that and is it the same way like that in the other departments with like bus Sims train Sims driving Sims stuff like that yes um what we do is we have to the project managers I'm I'm a project management for the flightcheon business I don't do any non-flatching stuff I don't even do explain we've got other project manager do they explain and it's the project managers who guides these these uh thanks and uh to handle all that we've got our marketing department our ited department uh our financial deep department so it's it's a very different kind of of company than most people think that we uh that we are that's interesting I mean that we've never heard of a few guys doing the other things or I haven't heard of it so when when you mentioned um this um project that I'm looking at here I'm looking at the city driver I was like wow this is something new and um I love for my audience to take a look at it and see what it is all about it's on this it's on Steam right now I'm I'm assuming yep you can add it to your wish list um yeah it looks really um I'm really interested personally myself I mean I think our me and xp's viewers know that we are both very interested right now in driving and racing uh and so this is very interesting no racing no no no racing I'm just saying it we have we have been set up right now with uh steering wheel and gear shift and brake pedals so driving is a natural thing for us I see that it's going to be coming out in June June 5th is it the release date plan release date yeah um what I really like about the project again I'm not a joke manager I'm just helping the project managers who who who actually handles this but it's very much um stimulator to Microsoft heart um in most other games most Are the SIMS you've got a goal you have to be the fastest or you have to reach something in this one you can do all that but it's very much like flashing you can just apply you can just drive it's an open world you pick your car you drive to Munich and that is really what this theme is and there are very little Sims out there which actually do that most of the Sims are gold orientated yeah good yeah like like is is to explore the world explore the car the vehicle that you're using that's exactly the same you explore the city explore the cars and if you want to raise from one part of City to the other part of the city definitely call Highway sure so I do have so many questions um you really shouldn't get a start on driving but since we're here um multiplayer yes no we're about to be built a little bit careful as far as I know at this moment I'm not going to answer it I simply don't um the I mean again I know you're not the project manager on this specific project but just have you heard anything about mod or Steam Workshop support or are you guys planning to release like more car packs more cities more areas stuff like that I want to comments on car packs on and cities I would expect that to be depending on how successful it is but most certainly the option is there I would love to drive this car on in downtown men in Manhattan nice I would love that how many how many cars are going to be in um in the first release of it you have any idea yeah I should have checked before you asked me all these things um that's okay uh Tesla look-alike I must say this look-alike and a BMW would look alike a lot of people want to go out there and just drive like you said there's a there's a market for people who just want to cruise and drive just like we do in Flight Sim we go and fly places people want to do that in a car and uh Carson are nice the scenery looks really really really really really good yeah it does um the behavior of the cars is okay yeah and I'm having a blast innocent really I'm having a blast yeah it's all my wishlist now and I I think that in kind of in summary because we don't have a lot of info again you're not on the team that's developing it but I think like the X people you want the audience to kind of understand and knows that City car driver is coming um you can wish list it now and to be honest just looking at the previews from the steam page and screenshots like you said the scenery itself looks really good I mean it looks looking at what looks to be a Ferrari um in here in one of the screenshots as well as Tesla yes and sedans Coupes everything at this very moments there seems to be an awful lot of usually expensive cars people have to be tuned down uh a little bit Yeah but uh it is really the kind of sim that we that we like because it's the same it's it's not a game because you in a game you have to do something in this you don't have to do anything you can drive sure your electric car to your heart's pocket and a at a charging point charges up and then another tour it's it's just it's not right let me explain uh a little bit different um often in the evening when I've I've had enough with all my work I sit on my couch and switch on the Xbox switch on Microsoft that's him and just apply a little bit just not going anywhere I fly in the region where I live I see the places that I know it's entertainment it's not you're not stressed or are can join what you will what you do you're not trying to make a difficult Landing within code Sprint with one engine out right you're you're flying a small end the aircraft over woodlands and and Fields and then deciding what what airports you're you're going to land on this is the same this is exactly the same I'll say please tell me you have manual gear cars included because yeah sure sure I feel like games like this really help people learn how to drive stick I know I've recently learned how to drive a manual I've got a manual car now and uh I'll go in there's a trucking game that I play that helped me learn how to work a clutch so you're American I'm one of the very few Americans honestly just learned how to drive shifts yes yes I know it's super American I've been driving one for the last 20 years yeah I've been driving stick have a six-speed um BMW 328i naturally aspirated so that was my daily driver for a very long time uh 255 000 miles I finally gave it to my son so but yeah I miss it sometimes and what do you drive now I got a 535 it's battle shifters but it's not the same as my manual transmission car it's not the same it's beautiful but it's not the same you know um my son one of my son loves it the other one does not want a manual car he knows how to drive it because I taught I taught both of them one could care less the other one he loves it you know but I will never give that car up I just love the fact that the manual shift car is an anti-thefts an anti-theft scene in the it is yes it is yes device right there that that shift yes well thank you so much uh for answering our questions as much as you could I'm really looking forward to I'm really excited about everything that Aerosoft has to come again you guys are so much more than just flight Sim you have uh City Driving games you have bus Sims you have trains I have a lot of things I want to ask you about train Sims but we won't even go into there on this show uh but yeah thank you man for hanging out with us and being on the blue experience welcome thank you thank you but this I appreciate it there's a lot of information here so all right guys we've heard lots of information Today We Have Heard lots of detailed things uh as to what to expect when Airsoft final releases their A330 I get the sense that we're closer than we were before definitely and Matthias and Airsoft team are very happy and comfortable with their work and their work progress we just need to give them more time to get it done so we can have it in our hands and and fly it so thank you Mateus for being a part of the show being a part of blue experience and we hope to talk to you again soon for more projects coming up uh thank you so much Mateus absolutely blue you take it out man all right well guys thank you so much for watching this episode of the blue experience we'll definitely catch you in the next one remember you have three choices give up give in or give it all you got peace love and God bless you we'll catch you in the next one we out thank you [Music]
Channel: Blu XPerience Media
Views: 7,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation podcast, flight simulator, flight simulation podcast, real world pilot, flight sim streamer, the blu-xperience, blu games, xp72
Id: SuiVdqXymps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 4sec (4984 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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