Does your dog bark at people coming to the house?

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[Music] this is lupo he has he is very reactive to people very reactive to people he flips out when people come into the owner's house i've known him for quite a long time it's been a difficult process to get this guy good with people at their house and here so we've got someone he hasn't met i'm going to show you the process the process may be you've seen me do it before treat the dog from the person treats from the scary stimulus as i call it it's a big deal tossing treats to the dog you want the dog to see people men kids whoever they're scared of to as treat delivery systems right this is fearful dog stuff lupo has pretty deep issues okay so treats from the person might help it also might help for me to go sit down it's enough those are two very different methods you can't be married to either one of those the treats thing will sometimes just not work the sit your butt down method sometimes just won't work you need both those ones discipline one's positive reinforcement right one's classical conditioning one is operant conditioning classical conditioning is the treat stuff all right so here we go lupo come good i'm just gonna get him some treats and over here tyler go ahead and come on in sit sit stay good i got the leash good good check in with me right there good job tyler stay right there please and he looks pretty good he usually freaks out tyler will you walk over by the camera sit down good just movement can sometimes trigger a dog and back over here tyler stay uh-uh there's the discipline part of sit down just because the dog's like a little nervous which he isn't doesn't mean you can't be like sit your butt down and stay there sit the knee block you can't get up you're okay sit you're okay will you toss a treat on the ground perfect and toss a treat good so he's into it right and toss a treat good and toss a treat you can't do too many treats chicken is the best boiled chicken and she's out of it good sit down right five treats she gave and then he just decided to like do this weird air bark i gave a correction after that of course i'm gonna give a correction it's enough she just gave you ty five treats she's a nice person does she look like someone breaking into his house this isn't even his house no she's great and he's like i just feel like barking i don't care what you feel like doing it's enough he's got i said deep right i told you deep issues you can't bark at her she's a guest stay we're going to keep doing this ready toss treat so we're using both right we're using the treats and we're using the discipline sit test treat do do you think that tyler should be feeding treats from her hand no after that little freak out for no reason tough straight thank you good listening do you think that lupo's ready for that absolutely not good and toss a treat now this is when he barked before i don't even know what happened she didn't move i don't think look it he acts like he likes her then he's just going to bark in the air growl he looked at right at her and growled it's not cool they need to be corrected for that stuff we're being nice and we're having discipline toss treat good will you leave and come back in sometimes the dogs bark when the person leaves and right when you come in i want you to treat like take two steps in close the door and treat this is the big one when someone shows up and treat look at lupo's looking like oh where's the treats lady that's what you want from your dog person came in where's my treats and then eventually the person doesn't have the treats go on toss perfect now i'm letting lupu be in front i'm acting calm because i am calm look at my leash distance lupo can't get to her if he tried lupo can now get to her if he tried you can't be here you can't be here look at his body language as soon as i tightened it up his whole body actually changed his ears perked up and he got more defensive it was very subtle but it was there you want here he can't get to her i'm solid am i like this in flip-flops and gonna with my legs like this where i can get pulled over no but i'm chill too but sturdy all right lupo come you can train a bed behavior for people coming over but what i did was was absolutely fine so this is barky dogs i don't want to i don't even want to say fearful i've known lupo for a long time lupo has been doing this for a long time it's deep in his brain to just freak out and bark at people for almost no reason okay so we did treats from tyler that was good i did the what really probably worked it was probably the correction actually that correction was like poppy and he went oh yeah sorry and then we continued with the treats so that's that's barking at people that's the treat method and that's the discipline method with the corrections short poppy corrections all right if you have a nervous dog if you have a barky dog if you have a fearful dog if you have a bold dog that just wants to bark at people this is a good method in your house doggone leash have your person prepped to come in and have treats and you can do this process
Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Views: 191,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pa0CLxBe2LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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