Does Sisters of Battle Armor Make Sense? | Warhammer Lore

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hi friends so scissors of battle they have to be one of the coolest 40K factions right just a bunch of badass ladies running around with bolters flamers and a religious fervor to rival the most powerful antivaxers however something I've seen a good amount as of late where people saying the armor isn't a great design and by armor we all know what I'm referring to but if you don't I'm talking about the boobs baby big old boobies b o b boobs this is a battle more like sister I have to battle the urge to look at those boobies am I right why the [ __ ] did I write that last night but anyways a lot of people they don't like the sisss of battle armor and for a number of reasons and so today I kind of just want to delve into that topic and figure out does the sisters of battle boob armor makes sense in the context of 40K and before we get into this I just want to preface this by saying I'm not historian or armor expert or anything I've done my research but I'm not claiming to be the number one source on any of these topics so take what I say with a grain of salt and if I make any mistakes please feel free to correct me but with that out of the way let's get into it so I've seen a lot of people criticize the scissors of battle armor for a few reasons and I'll just rip the Band-Aid off right now I don't think a lot of those reasons make sense in the context of 40K and I actually think they have a really good armor design and before you call me some wild cummer or something please allow me to explain why I think that the sister of battle boob armor actually makes a lot of sense and is a good design so the biggest complaint I see is that boob armor is just stupid because it's not practical a lot of women in fiction they wear these boob armors or these other questionable suits of armor and it really just doesn't make sense as armor and that's true the only problem I have with that is that 40K often doesn't have exclusively practicality of Mind If Ever I don't think that this Exar needs this funky hat to fight better this Captain doesn't need to wear a giant ass skeleton around his shield to block some bullets better Magnus he doesn't need his freaking titty horn learns to break the webway and ruin the Galaxy by doing quote unquote nothing wrong even the relatively utilitarian guard is led by this dude on a shining golden horse and don't even get me started on his much cooler predecessor who looked like a mini God Emperor with his god tier drip yeah so practicality isn't really the number one thing in 40K and even real life historical armor isn't exclusively about practicality likely the most well-known example of that is the muscle curious this is a type of armor that was used in ancient times by a few different nations most notably ancient Rome having sculpted abs and sick ass pecs those have no purpose other than drip but there is evidence that these pieces were actually used in battle but those aren't even the worst of it so the enemy forces are approaching I I don't know if our forces can handle them we may die today how many are there a thousand no sir 10,000 no less than that sir what 500 100 sir there is one Knight approaching what why would we be threatened by one measly n oh dear Lord help [Music] us that's right there's real life armor out there that has a large metal dong sticking out and let me introduce you to the Cod piece back in the good old days the coolest cats on the Block they all wore these cock-shaped Cod pieces in order to be modest about their cock-shaped [ __ ] um following the modern Trends this epically badass piece of intimidation was worn by some rich people who wanted to show off how flipp and cool they were on the battlefield and as you might have guessed these pieces have very little practical use in combat um there's even things that are less extreme that show that practicality isn't the only thing that's considered when making armor there's tons of examples of armors with these cool Engravings and awesome decorations that really serve no purpose many cultures they just make cool looking armors because well they look cool and they're a sign of power wealth or was just a cultural norm at the time and to me this idea just fits the sisters perfectly the sisters are the ecclesiarchy's military force and to the Imperium and the ecclesiarchy religious fervor is extremely important and they would obviously were things that would reflect that here's another historical example Samurai armor it's one of the coolest looking armors right we all right all right sh shut up you know it's true but anyways one of the most striking details of Samurai armor are the badass masks you got demons you got mustaches you got I don't know something weird but yeah these masks they technically have no practical reason to look like this they don't help you in battle and some would argue that it's actually detrimental to have these giant mustaches sticking out of your face or the extra weight of the demon ornamentation would be detrimental in battle this and that but despite that the masks were quite frequently worn and it's commonly believed that these masks were worn as intimidation and some other researchers believe that the Warriors may have even thought that these pieces of armor could help ward off bad spirits intimidating armor power of belief faith and Gody decorations potentially warding off evil spirits H does that sound like anyone yeah in 40K belief literally has power over the force of chaos for example in 40K a passionate stroke of the blade will kill a demon better than a shot taken from a million man gun line and sisters of battle they literally write churches and sing hymns as they slay and enemies of the Imperium they are just as important as a symbol as they are a fighting force now you might say okay okay but what does that have to do with boobs I clicked for the boobs and I want boobs yeah yeah keep in your pants a little longer I'll get to that soon but before that one important aspect of the adeptus soras is that they are an all female fighting force their femininity is an inherently important aspect of their order and existence the sisters of battle they came to be the ecclesiarchy's military force after Mr vany decided to have a little oops and kill billions and so the decree passive forbade the ecclesiarchy from Gathering training promoting sustaining or in any way commanding any force of men under arms however due to Imperial bureaucracy and a general 40K silliness a McBeth es loople gets pulled in which the ecclesiarch reasoned that oh well you know the sister is of battle they're all girls so that would exempt them from the decree because they aren't men under arms they're actually women under power armor but you know with this in mind it does make perfect sense to me that the armor of the sisters would emphasize their femininity along with showcasing religious iconography the fact that their female is the reason that the ecclesiarch gets to have a military at all and so the dreaded boob armor and corsets they make sense in driving this point home you know but even with that I know there's still going to be some people who say well that's not a valid reason the armor it's still impractical and it's not befitting of an elite fighting force and to that I kind of just raised the question of whether or not real life downsides of ornamental armor would even apply to the scissors of battle and so what do I mean by this well the most commonly said disadvantages of boob armor as far as I can tell are one they have poor Force distribution two there's more grab points and three it's often heavier however taking into account the low of 40K I feel like all three of these disadvantages are made a bit moot because of a few reasons so first off let's address the extra weight the armor of the sister of the battle wear is power armor meaning that not only is it extremely resilient but it's also powered and enhances strength and this is important because although they won't be as reactive as a Space Marine since they don't have the black heras the extra weight of the armor would be pretty negligible having a bit of extra boob shaped plate likely wouldn't meaningfully hinder the sister of battle at all nor would all their little Trinkets and skulls all right now let's address the second issue of force distribution when criticizing boob armor many points the fact that the shape basically funnel strikes into the center of the chest onto a weakened point of the armor and this is obviously bad because it allows more force to be put onto a vital point however I think this is once again mitigated by the fact that sisss are wearing power armor and also to a certain extent the enemies that they face what do I mean by this well power armor is extremely durable and resistant so most conventional Small Arms weapons wouldn't likely do much damage or penetrate the armor at all and then on the opposite end of the spectrum any of the insane 40K weapons that could penetrate power armor with efficiency they would likely do so regardless of the relatively small weakness for example power weapons in 40K they basically because they have an energy field that splits things on a molecular level and so that means it could cut through pretty much any armor with these so having a small weakness wouldn't really change that fact you know all right lastly we have the issue of grab points like the last few topics I think that the context of 40K matters most enemies that could hit a grab point and knock you down they would likely just kill you with that strike and if they couldn't it's unlikely that they would be able to do meaningful damage even when you were knocked over for example if a corn Berserker is running down the battlefield he's likely insta killing anything he happens to hit and so in that regard it wouldn't matter if a chain ax happened to hit the grab point of the boob armor because you would just be dead and on the other hand if a cultist was able to somehow get his like spear sword lodged into the cleavage of the boob armor and knock the sister over it's unlikely that he'll be able to do much meaningful damage before the sister's able to respond with her Superior strength speed and durability and so to that extent the extra grab points of the armor don't really matter all that much so to conclude this video I just want to clarify I'm not trying to say that the sister of battle armor doesn't create some weaknesses over a more practical design however what I am trying to say and the whole argument of the video is that I believe there are very valid lore reasons to have things like boob armor and in addition I think there's enough historical and cultural precedent to plausibly believe that the elite fighting force of a future mega church would wear armor like this and I think that the weaknesses that the boob armor presents are small enough to justify their existence if it means that the sisters have a more powerful image and that they send the messages that the ecclesiarchy wants to send plus let's just be honest most things in 40K exist because they're cool and that's reason enough for them to exist you know and with that please let me know what you thought about the video do you have any rebuttal please post those in the comments do you agree with me do you think every faction should have boob armor whatever you thought please comment below and let me know and if you like the video please consider liking subscribing and sharing with a friend I'm still working on this channel trying to improve my skills and get better so if you have any constructive criticisms or advice those would also be greatly appreciated thanks
Channel: KrakDuk
Views: 30,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cqG2XwOwBr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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