How to Start and Grow your Adepta Sororitas army

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the most important thing to remember is to buy what you want if you buy what you want and not because some pale guy with a hair flick that won't go down told you to then you are more likely to finish painting the models you bought and not end up with a pile of shame but I will give you a good series of steps to get a working small battle sisters Army hello the adepto soras with that in mind I think the best place to start is with a special character you don't have to you may prefer an army of unique your dudes so I'm not thinking of a regular character like a dialogus or a hospitala I have a hack for that later but a named character your favorite from the stories you could have the Triumph of St Catherine if you like painting diaramas you could have the banner bearers as and Agatha if you like a banner the four other characters I made a poll of and Celestine was the most popular Celestine is the character that's been around the longest the one that people know she is a pure untainted character in a horrible setting she is the one that turns up with hope not oh I need to crush the enemy otherwise everyone is going to die she will make sure that you are there alongside her and if she dies her whole thing is resurrection so you don't need to feel bad if you play badly in the game and she ends up dying it's not the end of her story she will always come back in the law Celestine is currently in a role very similar to being Inquisitor gfa's dog go there fetch this do this come back that's the kind of relationship they have with each other right now so you could also have Inquisitor graa as a model it's an Inquisitor it's an imperial Ally but she works very well in a battle sisters list the reason we do one model first lets you see if you like the models when they're in your hand and you're not just thinking about the LW of the battle sisters it lets you test a color scheme and even if it's different to what you end up going for that's okay because special characters may have different color schemes anyway to stand out from the rest of the squads and if you get the Triumph it lets you paint six different color schemes to test many out the Demona fuge Works nicely alone as a loone operative and is a great start to any sister's Army because you don't need to be thinking about which units to pair her with she's fine alone with her little Eldar friend that we can just ignore if you liked morn Val then the next step would be to get three Paragon War suits although at the very early 500 Point size games morn Val works okay alone but only at 500 points after that she will W Paragon warsuit to support if you picked Celestine and most of you did a box of seraphim that can also be built as zepim is best to follow up if you picked anyone else they work with battle sisters and several other units so we can move on to my general recommendations you have your first model and you may have though not necessarily bought a follow-up box of sim or Paragons but you don't have to yet when I'm advising you on what to get next I do not mean watch this video hit pause click add to cut watch more click add to cut and repeat it like that I mean watch this video do one step come back to the video when you have built and painted that model or box and then watch this video again next we are getting a big box and this is where a lot of people fall off they don't complete it or even complete most of it and it just sits there in a pile of gray unpainted plastic this is called a pile of Shame this is why you painted one model to know if you like the faction and the models or if you just like the idea of them there is no start collecting box for sisters but we have two big boxes available the combat Patrol and the boarding Patrol each of these is for a game system slightly different to 40K but both are great places to learn and you don't need as many models combat Patrol is only for the models in the box but I see no reason why you couldn't play Combat Patrol Missions at 500 points that is how I learned the rules for 10th edition of 40K or we have boarding Patrol that is all about infantry in cramped spaces even if you pick the special character junith thua as your starter Pokémon she is an infantry model despite the big floating flamer turret which big box you go for can be personal preference if you like the models in one box more go for that but I would recommend the boarding Patrol the combat Patrol models are all monopose so your models will end up looking like everyone else's I don't like that but if you find that easier go for the combat Patrol now the boarding Patrol box is no longer available directly from Games Workshop it was all to do with this arcs of omen series which has ended so I would get this box where you can while you can it gives you nine repentia plus a superior to give you some nasty punch although they will not hold up to much they are very much the epitome of glass cannon that is the battle sisters Army you get five celestian sacr signs they're decent at holding objectives and are okay at hitting things and you get 10 sisters this gives you some guns and you're also getting a unit that's good at holding objectives and generating Miracle Dice from it I have a video on how best to build the battle sisters so please watch that but if you want the multim melter cut the barrels from the heavy flamer and use two melter gun barrels that you get separately glue them on this squad can also be built as dominions but I would only consider that if you really like the mechanized style or if you plan to get so many battle sisters let's not get ahead of ourselves that you want some diversity so building sumers dominions instead of battle is going to be a good idea the canones is a multi-part canoness however the current builds are very restrictive in terms of rules you can't just put on whatever you want I would say use a Plasma Pistol or bolt pistol if you really like the Holy Trinity of Bolter flamer and melter none of this plasma stuff then have a pistol and a sword this also lets you run her as a Palatine another character option and if you're not using The Inferno pistol that can be given to the sister Superior so you got the boarding Patrol box a great start next I would get something that inspires you that is what you should do after a big box if you really like painting or playing one particular unit get another one you have done well to paint and play with all the things you've got so far I would say get an exorcist it is the most adep a soras unit out there organ missiles and once you play outside of boarding Patrol you will want a vehicle they are rather tough in tent Edition and can take some punishment alternatively the emulator is a classic sisters tank I'm just not a fan of the big stained glass but if you built the sisters's dominions the emulator is a good choice or now is a good time to get that support unit for your special character even if you didn't pick Celestine you will want some suram for what is for many players The Next Step the suram are an excellent hit and run unit while the rest of our troops are moving up the board trying to take objectives and clear enemies the Sim are dropping it the enemy's backline to murder them and then take their home objective that's the benefit of their special rule that lets them drop near an enemy shoot the enemy and then move on to the objective after the enemy is being killed you can also build them as the close combat zepim Style with power swords and a flag that lets them re all Chargers something else that's very nice when coming from reserve and something that goes well nicely with Celestine but I would definitely recommend the suram next it is important to get this box because it gives you hand flamers and Inferno Pistols that will let you make monopose sisters better and you get monopose sisters in the combat Patrol box if you got this first because you didn't like or couldn't get the boarding Patrol it is definitely worth getting the seraphim and a box of multiart battle sisters to go alongside it though we are buying a lot of things in one go and if you did get the boarding Patrol the combat Patrol is a nice next step you could build the combat Patrol as it is and use it in combat Patrol games but I think it's better to build for regular 40K and then if need be proxy models for the combat Patrol there are no weapon choices in combat Patrol so anyone familiar with combat Patrol will know exactly what a seraphim is meant to be equipped with anyway the combat Patrol are all monopos one weapon one pose no options this is why we want the sarapin box and the plastic battle sisters box if if you got the boarding Patrol then you already have the sisters Bits And if the combat Patrol seems yet a little pricey I recommend using the affiliate links in my description Gap games for Australia and New Zealand Firestorm games for UK and Europe Firestorm games gives you 10% off and currently has free delivery in the UK for this box while Gap games will give you 21% off at time of recording and using these links also helps out my channel alternatively you can support me directly with tip money dropped in my coile link that's near the top of the description it's easy do for one-off payments or memberships for extra perks now the seraphim the monopost seraphim have four with bolt pistols and then the superior with the Power sword but the squad of seraphim can have two with special weapons either hand flamers or Inferno pistols so on your multi-part seraphin box build two of them with hand flamers and also two of them with Inferno pistols this uses the special weapons and then you have two squads of Five Sisters you could have a sister with hand flamers and a sister with Inferno pistols in each squad or double them up into two separate squads you don't need to be a great converter or even do a hand swap just build the monopose combat Patrol sisters and then build the serfin box with a superior and then two with hand flamers two with Inferno pistols even if suddenly points come back for individual weapons the special weapons are worth having right now hand flamers are better than Inferno pistols but we don't build for today's meta we build for the future melter dominance is only a few months past and may come back so having two hand flamers and two Inferno pistols gives you versatility for the future you could build the Box seraphim Superior with two bolt pistols instead of the Power sword or chain sword if you want to run this as a seraphim Squad of 10 she could be just another sister with two bolt pistols and if you were to split them into two squads of five you can have her as a superior holding two Bol pistols it's something worth considering and I think doing this turning every model we possibly can in the multiart Box into a specialist to then be the specialist in the monopos squad so we're mixing and matching I think that's better than building the box as a squad of zephram though you could then put the hand flamers on the monopose sisters with an easy cut and glue on the gloves two special sisters per Squad two with Bol pistols and then the superior Celestine prefers zepim as a unit but we have more on how the characters work with each unit in my much longer video but she works well with seraphim 2 the three Arco flagin in the combat Patrol are good for generating Miracle dice as they go down or they can be used for performing actions the five repentia gives you some punch and unlike the Aro flant they can use the grenade strategy I won't say more the repentia as I have a whole video on them that you can check out the penitent engine is adding some real punch to the Army be aggressive with it in low points games it will take a lot of enemy Firepower to take down and at worst it is a good distraction while the rest of your battle sisters move up at best it will slay Heretics tanks or heavy infantry the Rhino is for transporting units you could build those sisters from the boarding Patrol or that you bought separately as dominions for as long as dominions have existed it has been a tactic to scout of the board in a transport and then jump out with flamers and melters it's easy enough to build the squad with three melters five sisters with bulk guns a superior and a simulacrum then you take the monopo flame assist assuming you don't want to try and do any cutting and gluing for weapon swaps and there you have a good Dominion Squad if you didn't use all the hand flamers from the seraphim you could use one on the Dominion Superior so that is nine models from the multiart sisters box and one monopose model that last model from the multiart box set have a heavy Bolter or a heavy flamer and put her with the monopose sisters now you have a good squad for holding an objective you can then also change up the monopose sister Superior weapons with a hand swap if you like but the model looks quite good as it is now the elderly canoness with the metal leg if you don't like the build which is one of the few set builds you can have under the canoness rules then you could use the parts from the multipart sisters box and build her however you want if you want a brazer of holy fire use the backpack from the repenti you Superior or you could just use that model and then add the arms from the multipart sisters box to make your canones and then use the whip arms on the canoness model that way we get past the monopose idea of everyone's models will look exactly the same as yours and if you got the boarding Patrol that is why we built the canoness in that as a Palatine so that we don't have two canonesses so far we've built up a nice little force it could have been morn V Paragon War suits and the combat Patrol or it could have been the boarding Patrol some suram Celestine and an exorcist I'm giving you many options because I don't think there is one best way to start but following the steps of character big box and something that inspires you are a good few first steps now here is a hack that probably means you won't need to buy any regular characters for your battle sisters Army don't say 3D printing I know 3D printing exists but these individual models bought from Games Workshop are expensive it's about 20 per model that is $40 Canadian doar $35 $50 Australian do and while you're thinking about conversion rates here's an alternative if you want want characters by the naviate box set we're not building them as novitiates we're building them as characters and then we can convince ourselves that by buying a Games Workshop box we are somehow getting one over on Games Workshop there is a model you can build as a hospitaler now the hospitaler is currently more of a diarama thing on a 50 mm base so a base change to put the naici on a bigger base it's optional as there are no longer blast templates in 40K miss them or not base size is less of an issue now than in the past Editions we also get a dog Matata we also get a dialogus we also get an imagifier though if you didn't use the zephrin pennant you could use that instead I did the sister Superior in the noviciate squad could be built as a canonist or a Palatine or an Inquisitor you have whip arms for another repenti your Superior and then all of the chainswords from the monopose sister Superior the Battle Sister multiart box the seraphim box will let you make more repentia that's three chainswords plus you get one big chainsword in the Box liking repentia seems to be required when starting battle sisters alternatively instead of trying to make a repentia superior you could try and make an Inquisitor as well as a canoness and then those four sisters left over give them the power swords that you didn't use on the zhim and now you have some Crusaders or death cult assassins though the Crusaders would be missing their Shields and the death cult assassins would be missing a second power sword but these would give you some more squads that can be there to generate Miracle dice as they die maybe assassinate some characters and certainly to perform some actions which is what we call the text when you have to do something on a secondary objective card now there's some caveats you will notice that at no point I've said buy the Codex because currently we don't have one we have index rules that are free online even once the Codex comes out in like 2025 hello the future I hope everything is okay even then the index rules will serve you well enough for your first few games and for combat Patrol there is a separate but very similar set of rules anyway you will also have noticed that I haven't encouraged you to build towards Wards a 1,000 Point Army list on an app or a list building site that is because it is a turbulent time for Army points if you play Space Marines or tyranids your points will have changed four times in the last 5 months for battle sisters we had ninth Edition points then 10th edition points then 10th edition points changes and we're expecting a new points change in January I don't think you'll have your thousand points ready by then especially if Christmas is something you have and then you have more things that are on sale especially if there's a Games Workshop special battle sisters box for a limited time only and even if you do get your th000 points ready in time for January then the points will change and you will be slightly over or slightly under why not battle sisters now naturally you clicked on this video because you either really like the cut of my jib or you wanted to know how to start a battle sisters Army well I should also give you some reasons why not to start a battle sister Army historically the Adept of aoras have been one of the least supported factions they turned up in second edition they got the witch Hunters codex and that had to last them for three additions before they got some little rules in the white dwarf and that is what had to keep us going until the index is of eth Edition and then finally we got our own codex currently the sisters not being supported seems to have changed they are now one of games workshop's Flagship armies but history is something we should remember ladies with guns have not always sold the best in terms of the meta which we don't care about because it is constantly changing but we are one of the worst performing factions so if you're getting into sisters now thinking oh yeah okay these seem great these seem really powerful no unfortunately not and one of the bigger things with starting a battle sister army they are one of the most expensive armies Space Marines have a lot of older models that you can pick up cheaply the older metal Sisters still go for a premium and unlike say adeptus custodes where you can get 20 models and that is your 2,000 Point list you're looking at a 100 models to get to 2,000 points of battle sisters unless you are going very vehicle heavy so what's good about battle sisters what keeps me playing battle sisters why should you say yes to the adepta sororitas they epitomize 40K Warhammer 40,000 is not a true sci-fi it is a medieval fantasy in space so having a church organ as a missile platform and battle nuns is really cool it lets you release your frothing religious fanatic side you don't care about casualties you don't care about the odds the god Emperor is with us in game and in law that is true so the sisters let me put my Christian in Christian von carian the battle sisters are also regular humans nothing with alien Magics no Gene modification we're regular humans without having to be a full-on Imperial Guard horde they have to spend even more money to get even more models to get to 2,000 points and the battle sys have a lot of Versatility if you like going mechanized or you like heavy infantry or you like hordes of models or heroic characters saving the day if you want shooting or if you want to get stuck into combat the sisters can be exactly that for you there are so many ways to play the sisters of battle if you need more help with sisters I'm the YouTuber to come to because I play them I don't just have a battle sister model in my channel Banner because it looks really nice so let's end with a video about the current win rate of the sisters of battle and if you watch all the way through that you will find out even more reasons to play the adepto soras keep the faith
Channel: 40k Vtuber: Christian Von Carmian
Views: 15,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vtuber, 40k, 40k vtuber, new40k, 40k tactics, 40k strategy, Warhammer 40k armies, wargaming, 10th edition, warhammer40000, warhammer40k, warhammer, 40k balance, codex, 10th ed 40k, 10th ed, warhammervtuber, sisters of battle, how to play sisters of battle in 10th edition, how to play sisters of battle, how to start sisters of battle army, what to buy adepta sororitas, start collecting adepta sororitas, how to start adepta sororitas, how to start adepta sororitas army, adepta sororitas
Id: Tgt-0O84cZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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