Does Seafoam Actually Work in a Car? (with Proof)

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Hey Guys! ChrisFix here and today we will be doing the video you have all been waiting for! Testing SeaFoam in a car engine! This is the spray that comes with the tube that goes into your intake before the throttle body. So you don't risk hydro locking your engine. You also don't need to remove any vacuum lines. Now to see if the engine got clean i will be using my Borescope camera to look into the engine through the spark plug holes. This will give us a undeniable before and after so we'll visually see if the carbon in the cumbustion chamber got removed and if the piston got cleaned. I've done a lot of fuel system cleaner tests and i have a lot more to try but i want to make it clear, just like in my other fuel system cleaner tests I am not sponsored and I'm not getting paid. I went out and bought all of these cleaners with my own money and the results will speak for themselves. and I'm just as curious and excited as you guys to see if this stuff works or not. If you want to see my other fuel system cleaner tests, the link for those are in the description below and you can check those out after this video! so let's stop talking and get before footage of each cylinder starting with cylinder number one... the carbon buildup in this cylinder doesn't look bad at all but there is some carbon buildups to we will be able to check it out if we go in close you can see the difference between the top of the piston and where is has some carbon on it at the top here you can see more carbon so there is enough carbon in here for us to test the seafoam so lets check out cylinder number two! ok in cylinder number two again similar amount of carbon in similar places take a look at all the carbon around the edges of the piston there isn't that much in the center but around the edges there is a lot we don't have to talk about this cylinder so lets check out cylinder number three! ok so similar amounts of carbon in similar places ok and in cylinder four, carbon on the outsides and a decent amount of carbon up top you can see here is another close up look at the carbon especially around the edges of the piston so thats what the engine looks like before Seaform now lets use Seafoam and see if it removes any of the carbon so here is the Seafoam I used in the lawn mower video... and here is the stuff that we are using today... the Seafoam that we are using today has a little red hose and a spray top the red hose attaches to the Seafoam like this... and this allows us to attach the it right before the throttle body so lets go do that! so we are going to take off the rubber intake hose right here and slip this right in loosen the hose clamp and that allows us to move this and put our red tube into the intake close up the intake and tighten it down so it is sealed and now we can spray the Seafoam right into the intake and it will get sucked into the engine so we are going to start the car and hold it up to 1500 RPM... so you want to make sure that your car is fully warmed up and at operating temperature before you spray the Seafoam in so we are warmed up and ready to go! ok,I just started spraying the Seafoam and the bottle says it takes 5 minutes to completely empty. so get your pressing fingers comfortable it takes about 10 seconds before the exhaust starts smoking but then you can really see it. we will skip ahead so you don't have to watch 5 minutes of me spraying the Seafoam and when we are low on Seafoam hold the nozzle down to spray and shut the engine off and once the engine shuts off let go off the nozzle now I will remove the red Seafoam nozzle the same way we put it in. unscrew the hose clamp lossen the rubber intake and remove the nozzle don't forget to tighten the hose clamp again to prevent vacuum leaks so there is barely any Seafoam left and I would say we used about 90% of it so now we are going to let the car sit for 5-10 minutes and after 5-10 minutes we will start her up and let the car run until there isn't any smoke left there should be a decent amount of smoke now which is good this will clear up give the engine a little rev to break up those carbon deposits and now lets go for a ride! the Seafoam instructions say to drive aggressively to remove any remaining carbon deposits so lets get a good run in! Nice! just really push that engine get that Seafoam thorough, break up all the carbon and lets see what we get! this car has some kick to it! What year is it? "08" its an 2008 Honda Civic Si so we are back and are waiting for the engine to cool off so i can put my camera inside the engine to see if the Seafoam actually worked in the mean time lets take a look at the sparkplugs... this is a big question that comes up and as you can see the plugs are not fouled and look the same as before we added the Seafoam which is good! now lets take a look into the engine! the moment of truth! here we go! any guesses?? This is what it looks after the Seafoam Before Seafoam... Now lets compare the two... now right away if you look at the edge of the piston compare the before and after you can see a lot of the carbon near the edge of the piston was removed you can see the ring around the edge on the after that is shiny and in the before there is all carbon buildup in addition in the areas that I circled we saw some carbon reduction from before and after now this is only 5 minutes of Seafoam its not like a headgasket leak so the piston heads aren't squeaky clean but finally we got something with some results so this is cylinder one, we have a positive result ok, this is after Seafoam so lets get a before... Before... ok... so now lets check this out! so if you look at the edge of the piston you can see the edge of the piston got clean in all the circled areas there was cleaning when we compare the before and after... and at the bottom right side of the piston is where we have a nice amount of carbon that was removed I don't know exactly how it works if it slowly dissovles it or if it breaks up in chunks. One would hope it slowly gets dissolved but again cylinder two we saw positive results before and after so lets get out of cylinder two and check out cylinder three so this is what it look like after the Seafoam... Before... again if we look at the edges of the piston similar trend the carbon was cleaned up if you look at the areas that are circled, those are areas where carbon was removed the bottom left hand corner had a lot of carbon removal you can see that same with the bottom right so now lets get out of cylinder 3 and check out cylinder 4... this is after Seafoam... Before... so this is interesting... if you look at the bottom of the piston head in the before and after check out the after... you can see there is a light coat of something I don't know if it is the oil from the Seafoam or if it is carbon or whatever but you see it there and not in the Before you also see these dark spots that are in the after but not in the before... now that being said in the before on both sides of the piston there is a decent amount of hard carbon buildup and in the after that hard carbon buildup is almost all gone that is where those dark spots are so maybe that is the piston head or the carbon soaking up the oil in the Seafoam which is making it darker... I don't know... but on the left and right edges of the piston a lot of carbon was removed so that gives you a good idea of cylinder four and there we go... we just saw the before and after for cylinders 1-4 in this straight 4 engine so does Seafoam actually work in a modern day car motor? well... you can answer that yourself by looking at the before and after pictures in all the after shots we saw the edge of the piston get clean which is a significant result in itself because that carbon can cause friction since it is so close to the piston wall that also make me think that any carbon on the piston rings themselves that we couldn't see got cleaned off we also saw a decrease in the baked on carbon in each cylinder this Honda has 125,000 miles just like my truck and the fuel system cleaners we tried in my truck haven't had results like this overall i'm glad we can finally say we found a cleaner that actually works we followed the instructions exactly the way they are stated on the container and got results! you can come to your own conclusions but personally i'm really excited and i'm actually impressed now that we found one good fuel system cleaner i'm getting really excited to try out other ones and to see if we can find another one... maybe something that works even better, who knows... definitely subscribe if you haven't already for more fuel system cleaner videos as well as other how to videos and also give the video a thumbs up if you liked it!
Channel: ChrisFix
Views: 13,057,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sea Foam, seafoam engine cleaner, seafoam before and after, does seafoam work, seafoam smoke, mythbusters, fuel system cleaner, fuel injector cleaner, gumout, lucas oil, fuel treatment, before and after, chrisfix, engine cleaning, engine cleaner, engine cleaner additive, fuel system cleaning, testing fuel cleaners, fuel additive testing, fuel cleaners and your car, cleaning an engine, decarbonizing engine, decarbonize engine
Id: u6UeJXkzDW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
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