Never Carbon Clean Your Car’s Engine

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rev up your engines, today I'm going to explain the truth about carbon cleaning your engine, now as I showed in previous videos, it really doesn't matter if the outside of your engine is dirty, but it's important that the inside of your engine is clean, so of course you want to change your oil regularly to keep the engine clean that way, but realize that when gasoline burns in Earth's atmosphere inside your engine, that one of the byproducts is carbon, and carbon can take up space inside your engine, if you get a lot of carbon buildup inside the combustion chamber, the carbon takes up space, that space will make the compression ratio go higher, because you have less space in the same area it'll make the compression higher compression, it can lead to pre-ignition your engine clanging when you're driving around, it's not a good thing, now in conventional gasoline engine like this Toyota Matrix, the fuel injectors are on the intake so when the air gets sucked into the engine, the fuel injectors spray gasoline with that and they go over the intake valves as they're sucked in, and if you know anything about gasoline it's very good solvent, it's a very good cleaner, so you generally don't get much carbon buildup on the valves of a conventional engine if you use good gasoline and change your oil regularly, but if you have one of these modern GDI gasoline direct injection systems, an older Volkswagen with one, they're notorious for carboning up the engine, because the GDI injectors are directly spraying fuel into the block, they don't spray it over the intake valves, and with all this anti-pollution equipment, the PCV system can take oil deposits and stuff out of the engine and burns it, but since it's no longer mixed with gasoline when it goes over the intake, it can build up carbon on the intake system, I guess you could say they should have seen it coming when you're talking about the Volkswagen engineers, but alas they didn't see it coming I've seen Volkswagen engines that were so carboned up that you had to take the intake off and you had to get a sandblasting machine and instead of putting sand in it, you would put walnut shells because they're softer, and you would actually have to bless the carbon off the inside of the engine, now some of the really modern engines that have GDI, like some of the Toyotas, they actually have a GDI system and then they also have the regular fuel system on the intake system and the computer alternates back and forth, so the regular injectors on the intake spray gasoline over the intake valves to help clean them, and those engine hey don't have a problem with them carboning up, as long as you use good gasoline and change the oil regularly, I see a lot of people are trying to sell carbon cleaning to their customers, they went out they bought a machine, they want to pay for the machine and make a profit, so they try to tell everybody, Oh your engine needs carbon cleaning, we got a carbon clean your engine, and many times that's not the case, they don't need carbon cleaning, now if you want to see if your engine needs carbon cleaning, you can use one of these borescopes and look inside your engine, I like this one cuz it's a standalone unit but I've even bought 14 dollar ones on eBay that hookup to either your laptop or your phone and they work perfectly fine too, so they don't cause much anymore we'll just take off the beauty cover, and take off this ignition coil, out it comes, and remove the spark plug, then we get the scope and look inside, and as we can see inside here, this thing is pretty clean there's no clumps of carbon lying around, which doesn't surprise me at all in this matrix engine, hey we don't drive drive it that much, I change the oil every 3,000 miles and use a high quality synthetic oil and use good gasoline, and both my wife and I are pretty fast driver so we keep the engine revved up which helps clean it out yeah engines can carbon up if you don't go over 30 miles an hour, that's where the supposed myth of the Italian tune up actually does work quite well in cars that are driven too slow, the Italian tune up being the slang for, getting on a highway driving your car real fast, my wife used to have a camry station wagon and she drove it three miles a day back and forth to work in city traffic, one time we took it to San Antonio which takes about four hours to drive and the speed limit someof the way was 75-80 miles an hour, and when we got back boy that thing ran even better, it ran okay before but it idled better smoother had more acceleration cuz that help clean the carbon out of the engine from it going too slow all the time, but let's say you looked inside you saw a whole bunch of carbon and you need to clean your engine out, maybe you bought a used car, maybe it goes too slow, there are lots of carbon cleaning systems out there, but only a few of them are actually safe, now one is using water what's water do when it gets really hot it turns to steam, steam cleaning can clean things really well, now it actually can work but it has one main disadvantage, if your tempted to do it yourself by spraying it in or just pouring it in the engine, you get too much water in you can hide or lock the engine and bend the Pistons and do all kinds of damage, now professional mechanics have water cleaning machines takes about 40 minutes to do, you pay the mechanic to do it he has a machine that's setup for that but it doesn't do any damage it's a relatively complicated procedure it's not just sitting there guessing spraying or pouring water in the intake back in World War 2 some fighter planes they had a system that if they were being attacked and they had to try to get away as fast as possible, they could actually inject coolant of the engine right into the engine, because not only does it clean but of course it gives a boost of power hydrogen h2o oxygen, you get more power that way, it's not something you're going to do all the time sometimes the engines would blow up, but I guess if someone's behind you with 50 caliber machine guns blast away, you really don't think about damaging the engine that much the thing that seems to do the best cleaning that I tried out is ats chemical one, the 3c induction cleaner, it hooks up to the induction and what it does is there's a microprocessor and it has time to release of chemicals that they've created to clean all the different parts and do it correctly without damaging the engine now I remember a while back when Ford came out with their GDIs and they were having carboning up problems, Ford put out a note that said, do not use these carbon cleaning chemicals, because if you do chunks might come off and if you have a turbocharger it can break the turbocharger, if you have big enough chunks it could clog up the catalytic converter, they were saying not to use these cleaners, but this system works differently, it took these guys years to figure this out, out of Albuquerque New Mexico, I guess there's nothing else to do in Albuquerque, so you might as well invent something, modern fuels and additives and oils and their additives, so having a new system with special chemicals run by a microprocessor it only makes sense to me, so as far as I'm concerned the ats cleaner seems to do the best job of any of them out there but as I said before, you have to decide hey do you really need your engine carbon cleaned in the first place, of course you can test it like I showed with the borescope, if you got an older Volkswagen with the older GDI system, I definitely would advise having that done every once in a while because they have a problem with building up, but if you have a normal non GDI engine and you drive at normal highway speeds a lot, you probably don't need any cleaning, but if you drive like a turtle or let's say you just bought a used car from an estate from an old person that hardly drove at all, and maybe it has 15,000 miles and it's 18 years old, probably be a good idea to have some carbon cleaning done to that, but don't be misled by the promises of your cars going to run better, it's going to have more performance, it's going to get better gas mileage, if your car runs perfectly fine now, you really don't need a carbon cleaned, because modern gasoline configuration they keep perfecting it, it burns much better than gasoline when I was a kid, when my grandfather was a young mechanic those Model T Fords would carbon up all the time, practically every winter you'd have to tear the engine apart, clean the carbon off the valves and pistons and put it back together again, those days are long gone, and since the fuel injector systems are run by computers as as is the ignition modern cars are much more efficient, you're not gonna have the build-up of carbon as much because of that reason, but whatever you do, don't just get a jug of water and start pouring it down the throttle in the engine, you can just and engine doing that I've seen that happen, and please don't go to one of those car washes and use one of their wands that has the high-pressure steam and do it, totally unregulated and you'll probably destroy your engine if you start spraying that inside, so now you know the truth about carbon cleaning your engine, and realize for most people most of the time, it's an unnecessary process the car just does need, because unfortunately carbon cleaning that's become like some of the snake oil products where people say, add this to your engine oil then it'll run better and rebuild your engine while you drive it's all a bunch of nonsense too, the additives in oil are fine, the additives in modern gasoline are also fine, for normal driving you don't have to mess around with carbon cleaning, but if you are a worrywart hey pull out a spark plug or two, look inside with a borescope, if it's clean inside ha peace of mind knowing yeah you don't have to do anything, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 3,340,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car advice, car diy, car engine, car engine explained, car repair, carbon build up, carbon clean, carbon cleaning, cars, car's engine, clean, clean engine, decarbonization of car engine, decarbonize engine, decarbonize engine with water, diy, engine, engine carbon clean, engine carbon clean review, engine cleaner, engine repair, how to, how to clean an engine, mechanic, never, never carbon clean your car's engine, repair, scotty kilmer, valve cleaning
Id: BIycEyNci1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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