3 Additives That Will Make Your Car Last Twice as Long

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now as you can see this is a very noisy volkswagen gti we'll start it up you can easily hear the noise it's making the gdi engines have a tendency of carboning up and you get a lot of engine noise as the carbon builds up things aren't lubricated right you hear rattling a lot of times they start burning oil and here's why in order for engines to get better gas mileage all cars use lower tension piston rings these days we'd rebuild engines you had to get a piston you had to clamp it down put it on top of the block and then hammer it in with wood and a hammer because it's so tight the pistons were tight they had very high tension rings so they were tight and they sealed good but of course more friction worse gas mods so they all have low tension springs you can push those in with your bare hand if you ever rebuilt one of those you can grab the rings with your fingers you can push the whole thing in you don't need tools you don't need a hammer and wood that's less pressure they don't seal as well and as they age if oil gets clogged in there they'll stick inside the pistons the rings won't come out because they don't have much tension you'll burn a lot of oil now this may sound crazy it's been over a million bucks and eight years figuring out how to get rid of carbon inside the engine they say the carbon inside the engine with the oil is different than the carbon that's made by burning gasoline this pours right into your engine oil that baby's on there tight either i'm getting old pour the engine oil we're going to see if it really works all can and now we're going to run it at a fast style for about 15 minutes we'll idle at about 2 000 rpms for about 15 minutes now i've read about phenomenal results but i might as well as be from missouri because i say show me this is going to test this system out good and as usual nobody's paying me for this this is just a task if it doesn't work i'll show you the engine will be just as noisy as it was before maybe it'll be even noisier i don't know we're going to run it for 15 minutes then like they say on a can change the oil and filter because all the carbon is going to be in the oil and in the filter put in new oil we'll see what it sounds like and interestingly enough even though i put in the engine oil i can smell it coming out of the tail pipe that shows the engine and the exhaust they're not perfectly sealed the engine oil should not be coming out fumes of the exhaust that shows piston rings and stuff are worn we're going to see if this clears some of it up i do have to say over the years i've seen a lot of snake oil products but after testing out their fuel additives i was rather impressed by that the same guys in albuquerque new mexico now i've known bernie thompson quite some time in automotive test solutions as far as i'm concerned the guy's almost as crazy as me but his partner is a computer whis between the testing and him coming up with ideas i can't wait to see what this oil cleaner does especially on a volkswagen obviously rings are worn because you can smell the stuff burning out the back still gotta wait 15 minutes though at a fast idle but i do have to ask bernie i said bernie how come only 15 minutes he says doesn't take forever but in that short period of time the engine starts ardling faster i got it set with the throttle holder i had it at 2 000 it went up to 4 000 that shows me that it's clean and something because it's free of moving now for the same throttle it went up i had to set it back to 2000 i can hear it going up a little higher now too i don't know i think the cleaner is doing something but ask for sound is it gonna make the engine quieter because of that let's find out now shut the engine off we're gonna change the oil but this is really hot so get a fan pull it off 15-20 minutes so you don't burn yourself when you're changing the oil so it's cooling off we jack the car up we go and this is a really low car so we need a jack stand so get our oil pan to crawl under so we get a 19-millimeter socket now comes the old oil germans really put long screws in these things there we go there's the old dirty oil and it is dirty as you can see in my hand that's dirty oh all the carbon and stuff is getting in this oil that we're changing out drained out you're gonna get a couple of drips we got a new gasket on here we'll put that back on and of course we have to change the oil field it's one of these stupid crap box plastic ones with the paper filter inside you need a big socket for this okay now we can do it by hand i really hate these ones that have paper inside there's such a pain in the butt but that's the germans for you plastic junk there we go there's a new filter and gasket so we put the new filter and gasket in tighten it up first you tighten it by hand and you get the wrench because you want it snug so it doesn't come loose at least there we go a little tight that's it look at that filthy black oil seems to got a lot of carbon out now we'll fill it up with oil in this case it holds 4.9 quarts of 5w30 so in it goes nice clean oil then we'll put the top back on move the jacks down and let it down jack out of the way now comes the moment of truth we're going to start it up there you are get set go so let's compare that to the original sound now yes this is a volkswagen gti with well over a hundred thousand miles on it it's gonna make noise it's been abused in the past guys drive them hard and their volkswagens they get loud as they age i'd never buy one personally that's my choice i fix cars i don't like a noisy car i like nice quiet toyotas if you compare that last noise after the cleaning to the first real noisy one you can definitely hear there's less mechanical noise there's less wear going on good use these guys told me about and i gotta test it out when i find one using those late model gm v8s that burn a lot of oil gm says it's normal to burn a quarter oil every thousand miles or so not normal to me but with those low tension piston rings if you don't change the oil enough they get dirty they stick you're going to burn oil because they're not expanding and sealing right when i get one of those it burns oil i'm going to do the same thing then i'm going to let them drive the car 5 000 miles and we'll see if it went down because the gas at automotive test solution said they did it with one of their wife's car and it went from burning a quarter oil every eight or 900 miles to not even half a quart between oil changes here's an oddball one we got a 2007 toyota corolla and it doesn't run right it accelerates very sluggish and the weird thing is he took it to various dealers and they all said they can't find what's wrong with it so let's see if they were screwing them around or were there something that even i can't figure out now theoretically it's had spark plugs air filters everything out and i don't trust anybody but i'm gonna start by checking the battery and alternator many problems can be created by lack of power from the alternator or battery so cheapest battery you can get from autozone check the old battery since it's not a very expensive one who knows now it says 520 cold cranking amps so set it up for that in vehicle battery post top post regular pro cranking amp got to put it way down to 520 and let's see what it says good battery okay now we'll check the alternator so starting up that's working fine so we know it's getting correct voltage to everything now let's just take a general overview of the engine but sure they weren't lying about the air filter oh that's clean okay all the hoses are hooked up there's no loose hoses anywhere it's all on so we'll take the stupid beauty cover off everything looks pretty normal so far so let's check out a spark plug we'll take the number one out that's the one in the front of the engine they don't give you enough working room so you got to pull the wire off and that's always fun on these you gotta squeeze and pull there we go all right that's out of the way now we'll get a spark plug socket pull out the spark plug and we'll examine it pretty much normal color grace there's no soot or anything on it so we'll measure with feeler gauges it's 44 000 of an inch if the gap was wrong it can run wrong but it's gapped right and it's running fine so there's nothing wrong with that so we'll put this back together nothing obvious showed wrong so we'll plug in the scan tool see what it says it's reading all the information now it knows what it is so we'll do a network scan this baby's only got a hundred and eighteen thousand that's not much for a toyota corolla now it does have one failed module let's see what it is it has a code for failed engine immobilizer system well that can't be making the car not accelerate right that's immobilized system that in the key the chip and the key has to match the computer if it doesn't the car will not start the starts it just has no acceleration so that's not the problem so we'll switch over to live data in this case you're better than a computer the computer hasn't found any failure but it doesn't accelerate right the computer's only going to trip code sometimes it has to go as much as 25 plus or minus the normal data which hey if it's 23 you can feel it running for it but it won't trip any code we're gonna start looking at the data short term it's subtracting fuel but long term it's adding fuel it's odd because the fuel trim is kind of squirrely let's try to figure out why look at the spark advance rev it up a little well that's working goes up when you accelerate and goes back down when you go back to idle taking a while to get back down but that's because this i got all this data and the data isn't going to refresh fast enough in this case the maf sensor 2.03 grams per second how you really want to test it is turn the ac off put it in drive and see what it does now it's idling it's saying 2.39 grams per second 2.34 this is a 1.8 liter engine it should be reading closer to 2 or 1.8 than 2.34 now one thing that can cause loss of acceleration and weird fuel trims is a clogged catalytic converter so we got a gauge we're going to take out an oxygen sensor and see if it's got too much pressure if it does the catalytic converter is starting to clog up as we look down conveniently there's an oxygen sensor right here we got an oxygen sensor socket and we're going to remove it they're usually pretty stocked i'm going to use a real long bar extension bar to get it loose they're close but we can unscrew it take the socket off now put it up here we'll unscrew it and you can see the sensor is pretty new they tried a new sensor and it didn't fit but did they test it i don't know we're gonna put in the oxygen sensor tester then we'll tighten the socket to make sure it's sealed right you got to have it tighter you won't get the right pressure reading now it's nice and snug you can screw the gauge in and now you can see the gauge is hooked up and we'll start the car start it up give it a few revs [Music] and we see it has no pressure at all now we'll rev it up and see if it changes [Music] as you can see the gauge moved a little but it means nothing if you have two and a half three four five pounds pressure the cat's clogged up but this stays pretty much at almost no pressure at all meaning the exhaust system is free and it's not restricted so it's not that we'll remove the gauge and the socket adapter then i'll use my magnet to pull it out i use a magnet so i don't burn my finger so i'll blow into this one and you can see it moves i blew in it so the gauge is working fine so now we're bringing out my big boy my otc high level scanner see if it gives us more information we can use since the math sense has already been changed then it's got an infidential one the correct one for the car it's not that he said he had the map sensor change it made no difference it still ran poorly let's see what bosch has to say go to diagnostics auto id i'm going to do all the mode 9 data and mode 6 data it's a much more specific machine so we get a lot better information start it up and do data stream since we're having problems with the running we're going to do engine transmission now we'll start with all data items just to get a general overview now as we look the long-term fuel trim it's adding fuel so long term it is running rich even though now the short term it's actually subtracting a tiny amount of fuel the ignition advance is 14 that's normal we'll rev it up goes back up and we let go goes back down you notice on the previous scan tool took a while for the ignition timing to go back down because it's a cheaper tool this bosch one is much better it refreshes quicker hence when we took our foot off the gas it went back to normal timing like it's supposed to fast not the car that's doing it that was a scan tool differential looking at the rest of the stuff got to refresh the screen now and we can see at idle it's 1.96 2 grams per second that's normal at idle now when we bring it up to about 2 500 rpm in neutral it should read about 7 grams per second we'll get it up to 2500 there it is so it's reading right there i got it down a little it's hard to keep it up but that's working it's going up and down like it should now that is a new toyota nippon denso mass airflow sensor but you can't trust anything i tested it that's worked let's check the air fuel sensor the monitor sensor two bank one sensor two tank one sensor one all right we're gonna check that stuff as you can see the one that we checked before the air fuel sensor bank one sensor one that's has voltage but the bank one sensor too it's not changing at all there it is it goes zero it seems to be lazy rev it up it's not moving like the other one eventually does so we might have a lazy oxygen sensor but let's go further now looking at the fuel system we've got a long-term fuel trim that's adding so it's running slightly lean now it shows no misfires at all so this is a real quandary it's running just slightly lean i'm guessing the fuel injectors are just kind of old and worn a lot of times you can clean them gonna try some of this royal purple throw it in a gas tank and see what happens got the nice funnel so it fits right in so in this case the funnel got stuck so you got to stick your finger in and then pull it out well isn't that just to catch me out there there it goes you can always wiggle him out i'll start her up go for a good half hour drive and we'll leave it in second gear so it'll rev higher and burn quicker a lot of ticket about say 4000 rpms for about half an hour of driving while we're driving around now so let's check the fuel trim now and you can see the long-term fuel trim has gone to 0.8 that means it's only adding a tiny amount of fuel instead of about five percent it was had before so it's fixing it now that was only a half hour drive as you drive longer it can even do a better job dirty fuel injectors seem to be one of the biggest problems in this vehicle but i know something that's dumb ass slightly dirty fuel injectors that don't spray enough fuel or don't make the perfect conical shape can make your car hesitate when you try to take off okay is it possible to get an f250 that actually runs decently for a couple thousand dollars used here's living proof now yeah it's gonna have a few dings bent parts yeah the paint's not gonna be perfect still pretty solid with all the tool sides on in there's a reasonable amount of money just there and a big serious bumper nice big bed has dual gas tanks now you can get a brand new one of these with this reading body for 58 000 bucks they're still making these things yeah this is an old truck it's a 1996. cranker up you hear that v8 of course it's a v8 engine but it's a 5.8 liter 351 windsor made in windsor ontario they are excellent engines back in the day everybody wanted these engines to put in their mustangs to soup up the 351 windsor has a place in history and they can last forever and yes they are incredible gas hogs you got a big old f-250 work truck you're carrying tools you're not going to get gas mileage you want to get big gas mileage go buy a new one it's still not going to get the great gas mileage either they're big heavy trucks turn the key on and baby's got 269 000 closing on 300 000 miles sure the seats got holes down to the foam the dash is cracked it only has crank windows but they still crank has the cool vents though like i grew up with this kid but now comes the big question does the ac still work well let's turn it on man it's freezing cold it's impressive it's spinning and more importantly it's not making any odd ac compressor noises it's still in really good shape now the engine you can hear it's got a couple exhaust leaks you're gonna expect this on a truck a lot of guys won't even fix them but that cold ac ah i am impressed after all this is a 1997 f250 when they say heavy duty they mean hey it took this giant bash and it's still rolling down the road it just looks like it's making kind of a grimace and as we go underneath so high you don't need a jack on this baby you got surface rust on the frame frame is still rock solid and sure the exhaust system after the catalytic converter is now completely gone you can hook the muffler that fell off back on if you want here's gas tank number one as we go to the back here's gas tank number two and again you see superficial rust but the metal still solid as can be they used to build them like rock to me it looks like it's still the original differential and it works perfectly fine there's no noise from the pinion gears inside the bearings are fine no humming these things were solid built back in 1997. these beefy leaf springs that are still in good shape although they have superficial rust this thing's still set up to carry a lot of weight it still has the original double walled exhaust coming off the engine look how they built them this thing hasn't rusted it's still solid after all those years gigantic disc brakes in the front this is just rear wheel drive the front wheels just roll down the road it's not four by four now i did notice when driving it it shifts a little bit off now with this mileage truthfully that's generally the lifespan of the transmissions in these things it goes black getting a little bit funky so i'm going to try a trick i've tried for years now i can tell the fluids just been changed because it's got a new gasket in the bottom and the fluids clean but i'm going to try an old trick my little vacuum pump's handy i just stick it in and suck a cord out down in the transmission check tube at the bottom now pull a little bottom out we'll suck a quarter fluid out here it comes you can see the fluids flowing in now we'll pump out about a quart okay we pumped out as much as we needed to now we're going to put in the lucas stop slip this stuff is often amazing for american vehicles we'll just take our pump hose out you knew it was going to squirt man a face right stick a funnel in pour the whole bottle in now this stuff is really thick it's sealed so it doesn't go bad you got to rip the seal off which of course doesn't want to come off it's always hard guys they seal them two sealed there we go finally now we just pour the whole bottle in this stuff is thick so it can take some time to pour the whole bottle in tough and better to let it run as you add it and it'll go in faster and if you run out of patience you can heat this up in a pan of boiling water it'll get thinner and pour faster that's what i do in the winter this is going slow enough i hate to see what it's like in january or february but eventually the battle's empty we'll take it for a spin there we go the seat belts still work does iron blow amazing that's a typical ford you can hear the power steering grown they all grown on these there goes groaning away and all trucking has a lot of rattles but it still goes down the road take it out in the country here a little there guys have windsor [Music] mind you the front end needs some work it pulls to the left and the tires are all just jumped they dry rotted they're worn on evenly i'd start with new tires in an alignment and see where that goes but the engine and training are still good and have yellow but it still rumbles down the road and i do have to say i'm absolutely amazed how much smoother it shifts once i put that lucas stop slip in a lot of times you got to wait till 250 to 300 miles of driving but this one geez i put it in it's not slipping anymore yeah it makes a lot around the noise because the front tires are worn out but it's running a nice temperature not getting hot and yeah the check engine lights on yeah but that's because part of the exhaust system isn't even there anymore but it still runs good now sure the turn signals don't work anymore and the muffler fell off but it's a clean break and you can see somebody already welded one piece on you can always weld another one on but the ac still works it's still a pretty darn good old work truck that you could put a little time and energy in and have a really reliable truck so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music] you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 467,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, fuel cleaner, fuel system cleaner, fuel treatment, fuel additives for cars, how to use fuel cleaner, do fuel cleaners work, do injector cleaners work, fuel additive testing, fuel system additive, do fuel additives work, fuel, additive, fuel additive test, how to clean fuel injectors, engine carbon cleaning, how to clean carbon from engine, car additives, car additive
Id: cz1T6hh1sgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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