Can a Fuel Additive Really Increase Horsepower in Your Car? (With Proof)

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hey guys chrisfix here today we're at east coast supercharging in cream ridge new jersey these guys built some of the fastest Corvettes in the world but we aren't here with the Corvette we're here with a stock 2008 Honda Civic Si why you might ask well you guys asked me to test a fuel additive to see if it actually creates more horsepower so we're going to test clean boost max this is a fuel supplement you add to the gas according to the bottle this is supposed to increase horsepower fuel economy and decrease emissions in gas or diesel engines so we're specifically going to test their claims that will increase horsepower and torque what we're going to do is we're going to take this Honda Civic and put it on a dynamometer also known as a dyno to see how much power it makes before we add clean boost max and then test it again after we add it to the gas to see if there's any increase a dyno is like a lie detector for cars it gives the true horsepower reading to the wheels in here we have the dyno we'll be using for the test there are two main types of dinos this dyno is a hub Dyna you take the wheels off and connect it directly to your hubs the benefit of this there's no wheel spin and no tire friction to take into account so this is a very accurate dyno which is perfect for what we're doing the other type of dyno is a rolling road style dyno that style dyno has large drums that the tires sit in between and that's kind of like a treadmill for cars since the hub dyno is so accurate we're going to be able to use this to compare the baseline horsepower and torque readings to the clean boost max horsepower and torque readings so that's enough background information let's get this test started as we get the car hooked up on the dyno let me explain what we're doing we're doing three baseline runs to get the horsepower and torque that the car makes without any add of in it then we're going to go and put the EDD in the gas drive around for a little bit make sure it's all stirred up come back and then do three more runs with clean boost max in the gas we want to see if there's an increase in horsepower and torque if the add of works we'll see a consistently larger horsepower and torque reading and if it doesn't work the horsepower and torque readings will either be the same or even less so let's get these three baseline runs in this car makes 195 horsepower at the engine any ideas of what you think it's going to be at the wheels here's the first run for this run we made 167 horsepower 129 foot-pounds of torque here's run to for this run we made 163 horsepower and 126 foot-pounds of torque so a little bit lower and then here's rung 3 for this run we made our lowest numbers at 161 horsepower and 123 foot-pounds of torque so our first run in the red made the most power at 167 horsepower and 129 foot-pounds of torque each run after that made less and less power because heat soak where the engine heats up and the air coming into the engine is hotter which causes the engine to make less power so those are the numbers we have to be if clean boost max does in fact make more power when added to the gas let's back out of here and add the fuel supplement to the gas according to the directions on the bottle you use one ounce for every 30 gallons of gas this tank is a 13 gallon tank and it's about half full so 1/2 an ounce will be more than enough to add to this guess this is all shaken up and ready to be added to the gas and that's all it needs which is pretty crazy now let's close everything up and go for a ride all right so now we're going to go for a 15-minute drive to get the clean boost max mixed into the gas and we're also going to use up the gas without clean boost max that's in the fuel lines and the fuel rail now the instructions do say to use the edit of when you go to fill up the gas tank but we don't want to introduce new gas into the system because that's just another variable that could make our tests inconsistent the new gas might give you more horsepower or it might decrease the horsepower so we're not getting new gas we're going to just keep the gas in the tank and go for a ride make sure we stir it up and that should mix it up plenty so after about a 20 minute drive we are back and the additive should be plenty mixed up so we're ready to do our final dyno runs so we're idling the car until the engine temperature is the same as before if the engine temperature is significantly cooler we might make a little more power if it's significantly hotter we might make a little bit less power so to make sure that we're consistent in between tests we're going to make sure that the coolant temperature is the same okay now that the engine temperature is the same as before let's start our three poles with clean boost max in the gas and see if we actually make more power to be honest with you I am quite skeptical I can't see how adding half an ounce of this stuff is going to make any difference but we'll see let's start the first run we just made a hundred and seventy two horsepower and a hundred and thirty-four foot-pounds of torque which is higher than the 167 129 we ran before okay let's run it again and see what happens 171 horsepower and 132 foot-pounds of torque again higher than all the runs we did before let's give it one more go and see what we get okay we got 172 horsepower 132 foot-pounds of torque which is still higher than all the runs we did before okay so let's do a comparison of the horsepower numbers from our baseline before we edit the fuel supplement to after we added the fuel supplement the before is on the left and the after is on the right the horsepower curve looks weird because the engine has VTEC which changes the lift of the cam and the time to give you more power you could actually see where the power would normally drop off but then VTEC kicks in and you get a good amount of more power you can see in the before graph the highest horsepower we made was 167 horsepower and for each run that drops and the lowest horsepower number is 161 horsepower for the after the highest horsepower number is 172 horsepower and unlike the other graph these runs were way more consistent it's actually impressive how consistent this graph is even on the third run with clean boost max the car is still making 172 horsepower compared to before where just dropped off so it's clear that there is an increase of at least four horsepower and at most 11 horsepower when we add to clean boost max now let's go look at torque again the left is before the right is after you can see in the before graph the highest torque number is 129 foot-pounds of torque and for each run that drops and the lowest torque number is 123 foot-pounds of torque for the after the highest torque number is 134 foot-pounds so it's clear there was an increase of at least three foot-pounds of torque and at most 11 foot-pounds of torque when we added clean boost max I want to finish off with a graph of the best run before and the best run after adding clean boost max to the gas in this graph the thin lines represent the before and the thick lines represent the after the blue line is torque and the Green Line is horsepower you can see the clear separation for pretty much the entire curve for both horsepower and torque which is impressive the end result is pretty clear when you add clean boost max to your gas you're going to make more horsepower more torque so after testing clean boost max what do we think you could come to your own conclusions and I'll put links to the graphs in the description below if you want to further analyze it but for me personally we used one of the most accurate dinos at a reputable shop known around the world we did three strong baseline runs added the fuel supplement got it really mixed in there good and then did three more runs with similar weather conditions and similar engine temperature and the results are clear clean boost max actually does what it says and creates more power in this test we found to create as much as 11 horsepower and 11 foot-pounds of torque which amazes me not only that when we added the fuel supplement the dyno runs were more consistent which is also important even Doug who's run and tuned thousands of cars on the dyno was impressed now I'm kind of curious to see if this actually increases fuel economy like they say the good thing about using this Honda for the test is that if it increases horsepower and torque in a Honda it'll work for your car
Channel: ChrisFix
Views: 2,327,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fuel additives, fuel additive test, fuel additives that work, diesel fuel additive, horsepower, dyno, dyno run, honda civic, honda, testing fuel additives, seafoam, fuel system cleaning, do fuel additives work, dyno test, gas tank, best fuel additives, do fuel injector cleaners work, dynamometer, engine cleaner, clean boost maxx, cleanboost, maxx, gumout, techron, lucas, honda civic si, fuel injector cleaner, fuel cleaner, gas additive, stp, increase horsepower
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2015
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