Did the Seafoam fix last? Update on the Ford Ranger

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so around a year ago I put together a video on my Ford Ranger pickup truck it had a lot of problems the top end of the engine wasn't receiving enough lubrication and consequently it was making a lot of noise the lifters were very noisy it sounded like a really bad valve tap [Music] all together the engine was in poor condition and using it that way the engine just wasn't going to last long so I used both seafoam as well as Lucas to see if it would help fortunately it made all the difference in the world and the engine began running normally again today we're going to do is take a one-year look we're gonna drain the oil we're gonna change out the filter open up that filter and we do several other things to determine the health of the engines so let's go and take a look at the truck so we're going to change the oil in this engine raus gonna cut open the old oil filter to see if there's any contamination in it rosco and do lubricity tests on the old oil several events and concerns about Lucas clumping up so what we'll do is you look inside the oil pan using a borescope to see if there's any sort of issue ok the engines cold something to fire up the engine just to see how it sounds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is what it has about a hundred hours of use on it I don't go by miles this is a farm truck so I spend a lot of time in low speeds and four-wheel drive doing a lot of work around the farm Lucas has a lot of tackiness to it but I'm not singing tackiness with this oil any longer so I'm just wondering if Lucas loses it stacking this once it's heated up just like we saw in the bar and chain oil video that's a very powerful magnet on the end of this magnet stick so I'm going and run this through the oil we're going to be looking for any sort of metal contamination I don't have an efficient way of filtering out this oil so I'm just going to use this magnet it's gonna be very difficult to see this on camera there are some very small metal particles on this magnet hey one thing I really like about YouTube is how interactive it is between myself and you guys watching the channel I'd say where people recommend I buy a device designed to cut open the filter in a previous video I used a chisel and a hammer to open up a filter not very safe and it's a lot of work I'll leave a link to this on Amazon I am NOT going to make any sort of money if you choose to buy the product and I'm definitely not trying to sell products that's not what I do I am not sponsored by any company and I plan to keep it that way the way this works is there's a very sharp cutting edge and there are two wheels that will rotate once the filter is in place and that allows us to cut through the filter [Music] it took me under a minute to open this filter up and look how clean the cup that is this thing did an amazing job so if you ever want to look inside your oil filters this is a pretty cheap device you might consider getting once a lot safer and you don't end up contaminating the filter once you're in the process of opening it I don't go to remove the paper from this filter and then we'll see if there's any metal contamination in it it's very hard to look at these filters while there's oil in them so I got a great tip from someone who suggested I place the filter in a vise and apply some pressure which will remove most of the oil allowing us to take a much closer look I'm going to take this filter out we'll take a look at it look how much lighter color this is because the oil has been removed okay this towel is pretty saturated from all the oil draining the oil out of this filter was a very good idea so this side the filter was collecting contamination this is the inside the filter that is on the clean side and as you could tell this filter collected a lot of contamination now I believe what happened is the seafoam did a great job of breaking loose a lot of sludge and built up contamination and as a result this filter collected a lot of it so what I need to do in the future is use seafoam again a time or two to continue to break loose the sludge and of course remove as much of that as possible so the engine will have good oil flow so this appears to be engine sludge this is not coming loose on the magnet and there's a good chance if it's metal it's probably absorbed so much in this filter that I can't break it free with this magnet anyway but my assumption is that this is Bane Li all kinds of sludge that's been built up in the engine for many years that sea foam has helped break free [Music] so this is a used oil we just pulled out of the engine what I do now is pour this into the cup into a lab RIS t-test on it I use synthetic oil as well as Lucas which helps explain why there's less scoring on the bearing on the right compared to the 10w30 conventional so sea foam can be added before or after an oil change in this case we've already changed the oil so I'm going to go ahead and add five ounces of sea foam to the oil this will definitely thin out the oil some but I've still got some sludge in the engine that I want to attack and get rid of so I'm gonna go ahead and add the sea foam to the fresh oil [Music] [Music] so you're using seafoam I had a significant problem with the Ford Ranger engine the engine was making a lot of noise in the top-end clearly it just wasn't getting oil now I didn't know what to do besides try some sort of a crankcase cleaner so I decided on trying seafoam I use sort of a triple seafoam as well as the Lucas approach and it worked great now I give seafoam the majority of the credit for helping the engine I decided not to go back with Lucas this time just because Lucas makes the oil a little bit thicker and thick and the winter time is an issue I don't plan to change this oil just because I don't use it enough so I'm going to use this boil for at least probably nine months to a year before the next oil change so again I'm not dogging Lucas I think it's a great product but in my situation I don't think the truck engine really needs it so today I decided to do a compression test in one soda I didn't have it on camera but it was a little bit low at 130 psi so I like your opinion on what product I should use to help restore compression now we know engine restore works so I'd sort of like to mix it up and try a different product as many of you know I'm a big skeptic of these oil additives and products I don't think too many of them work but if there's one you really think works please leave a comment and we could give it a try thanks so much for watching the video I hope you'll like share and subscribe please take care and look forward to see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 2,302,584
Rating: 4.9589753 out of 5
Keywords: SeaFoam, Sea Foam, seefoam, seafome, seefome, lifter, repair lifter, noisy lifter, engine knock, knock, engine rebuild, smoke, vibration, shake, oil, consumption, carbon, carbon buildup, build up, sea, Ford Ranger, Ford, Ranger, Update, Ford Ranger Update, Seafoam Truck, Lucas, does seafoam work, project farm
Id: prXiQgVVnDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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