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this protein verse monster battle is something that you guys asked me about all the time so that's why I've come here to share with you the answers to these four questions that I get asked all the time so you guys will ask me how do I know if my hair needs moisture or protein how do I know if I'm using too much moisture or protein what will having protein do doing hair what's the best way to add these to my routine without further ado people keep watching this video and I will answer these four difficult and confusing questions for you haha alright benda take it away so unfortunately I don't have like a white or a black board to write on because you will want to take notes but maybe that's a good thing because my handwriting is horrid and we have Amanda so Amanda yeah would you care to write for us sure thank you so I'm going to talk about how we can incorporate both protein and moisture into our routine but first let's talk about if you really need it so let's take a look at our checklist is your hair too soft too hard lacking definition frizzy does your hair have too much volume is there too little volume your curls look stringy now depending on how you answered here I'm going to explain to you how you can solve these problems how do I know if my hair needs moisture or protein so we'll talk about frizzy hair first obviously our hair craze moocher and it looks best when it's moisturized so we load up on the moisture you use lots of conditioners anything moisturizing in general and now are your has gotten too soft now what the moisture is doing is obviously giving your curls that life that balance is giving it shine but now you're missing definition it's so soft that it's not even curling properly you need a balance of protein how do I know if I'm using too much moisture or protein so whatever your hair is very frizzy you need the moisture but then too much moisture can lead to extra soft hair which will lead to the need of protein but when our hair is all over strong and it already has enough protein and you're overloading it your hair shines actually begin to create a really hard shell and then they'll become really stiff and they'll feel dry and honestly brittle this can become a very scary state but all you have to do is add moisture to your hair and it will balance out that imbalance that's just what it is when you have too much of one thing you're needing the other do you see how that's a cycle how do you know if your product has protein in it well it's probably saying that it's strengthening fortifying it has keratin in it Rory will straight up say protein any product that is labeled this way will provide strengthening for your curls what will adding protein do doing here depending on how damaged your hair is it's usually the damaged hair that needs extra protein for me I incorporated in every single wash day but if you're someone that has never put their hair through chemical processing or heat damage well then you don't really need much protein at all in fact you can probably do maybe a protein treatment once a month or you really just gotta listen to your hair if your hair gets the point where it's too soft lacking definition or hits one of those key points just do a protein treatment to solve it what's the best way to add these to my routine or someone like me or anyone that has put their hair through processing right after processing you want to be fortifying your hair so every single wash day there's got to be something whether it's your conditioner a deep conditioner your leaving even crow creams and gels can have protein I would have protein show up within like at least two of your wash day products but the key is to know that even though your hair needs is a protein it still needs that balance of moisture so never forget the balance there's got to be a harmony so in my own routine I usually use a damaged conditioner that has protein in it from the same line I use the damage remedy mask so I use either a conditioner or deep conditioning mask depending on how many times I have to wash my hair that week then I use a leave-in treatment that has protein in it my kernel cream also has a little bit of protein in it and so does my gel so on my average wash day there's protein within my entire routine sometimes all you have to do in order to figure out if it's working is try it out yourself try out some products see if your hair reacts one way or another and balance it out with the missing ingredients it's pretty simple you just have to be able to identify what your hair needs and just take a look at the checklist and you'll know how all right guys that's everything I have for you today if I haven't answered all of your questions I know you guys have a lot you leave them in the comments below I will get to them as soon as I can and if you're wondering who has won this giveaway that I announced last week well stay tuned check your inboxes I will be announcing that person soon but the giveaway is still up if you want to enter go to my last video watch the video and in the description you will find out how to enter a giveaway valued at $500 and I think that's it what else do you guys want to see let me know leave that in the comments below as well and I will see you next Tuesday mains by mail out [Music] sorry I'm distracted by the fact that it's snowing outside the dirtiest book okay put them down giggle hello everyone and welcome to today's lesson we're gonna be tangs men I want you all to grab your notebooks because today we're going to be tackling one of the most confusing topics of all
Channel: Manes by Mell
Views: 430,283
Rating: 4.9233193 out of 5
Keywords: How do I know if I'm using TOO MUCH moisture or protein?, What's the best way to add protein or moisture into my routine?, DOES MY CURLY HAIR NEED PROTEIN OR MOISTURE?, does my hair need protein or moisture, does my hair need protein?, How do I know if my hair needs moisture or protein?, does my hair need protein, manes by mell guido, protein curly hair routine, manes by mell, moisture overload hair, manes by mel, 2018-10-20, how often should i do a protein treatment on natural hair
Id: 2lNwvRIBTSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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