buying our kitchen appliances + bathroom finishes for the new house | XO, MaCenna Vlogs

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] good morning guys this is kinsley her name is kinsley if you didn't know she's the prettiest and sweetest puppy that ever did live she's gonna be four this year i realized that the other day and i was like i can't believe time is like flying by that fast that she's four and we got her when she was like 10 weeks old or so look at her face i love her so much we actually have a very busy day and a very big day in terms of making like decisions so at 2 p.m we have an appointment my mom's actually gonna come with me this time we have an appointment at ferguson's to finalize all the plumbing all the appliances so we can get everything on order so nothing's delayed so i want to walk the showroom again one more time i want to look over the finishes that i picked for everything and finalize it for the guest bathroom we were going to go with this sink that has like some texture on it found one if you guys watched canton flea market video i found one for 18 very similar even the one that i found i like better than this one because it's a little deeper also today i have to call and order wood luckily wood prices have come down a little bit but i have a whole list of wood that they need in order to build the you know structural headers in the house and the two by fours that they're going to need to not only frame up the things that i want in the house that's existing but also some of the addition um so i need to order like a hundred two by fours and some 12 by 12s for some headers if i can get the wood delivered to the house this week they can frame and do all the work this weekend so i'm very excited hi i'm wondering if i can place a wood order to be delivered over the phone is that that's awesome do you have any idea about the lead times like if i come in today when i can have the wood delivered yeah thursday this week maybe if you get it early enough perfect thank you so much okay changing plans since they won't let me make the wood order over the phone that's like the most important thing that i had to do this week because i will not be the reason that we are delayed um but it's completely the opposite direction of san antonio which is where i need to be a clue my mom's gonna come with me to san antonio but i have to go the opposite way so i'm gonna come back and pick her up so we're gonna get ready really fast two seconds okay it is 11 45 right now 20 ish minutes to the building blades i can't believe i have to go in the opposite direction but i have to she said that if i order it today it should be their thursday um depending on if they can get what i need because she has no idea how big of a project or what i'm ordering you know i could be ordering like a whole mansion of wood i'm not when you build a house you can do a couple of different kind of payment terms i guess or how you work with a contractor they can give you a proposal for you know this is the house you want to build this is all the stuff you want this is the price you know when it's one price and you don't see any of the invoices you don't know how like much each kind of thing costs it's just an overall project price or you could do a cost plus kind of relationship with a contractor where you know how much everything in your house what everything is going to cost from the wood to them framing to pouring the slab whatever then you pay your contractor plus that so it's usually a percentage that the contractor has that they make on top of whatever they particularly work on my contractor is amazing he's just like border the woods i have arrived deliver what wins to be okay oh thursday that'd be fine too look at us getting things done you know she was like is yellow pine okay for the wood and i'm like yes i think so i text i'm just texting my contractor i'm like i got yellow pine now i gotta go get mom now we gotta go get appliances we're gonna do so much fun stuff today mom's here hi mama hi are you ready to do some client appliances and plumbing shopping yes we actually have i went over everything today this morning and kind of wrote my question list and things that we need to change once we found that sink we need to take a sink call right that thing that she made for my vintage claw foot tub faucet situation that was like 4 000 and i was like so that we need to we have a lot of stuff that we need to take off take yeah remove basically not pay for and also a toilet alternative to my 900 toilet don't do that because i kind of want it still but i feel like it's ridiculous that's that's sad that's a sad sad thing that's sad we'll look at it again okay maybe i'll sit on it well you might as well if you're not gonna you know what i'll do it there well you know what i feel like it makes more sense for the guest bathroom to have that pretty toilet because you'll actually see it yeah the other bathroom you can literally will never see the toilet it's gonna be behind the wall so you're gonna buy it for me and i can stay with you and spend the night and i i will have that one yes okay i can live with that and technically we came out ahead because i found an 18 sink for that bathroom right so i mean that doesn't exactly equate to 900 but you know what we're saving moving on to somebody area how much was the other thing that almost 100 so 100 900 but you still have to buy a toilet how much was the other 12 i think it was like three or four okay so 100 600. we're trying to stay here i should get two toilets they're just the perfect cottage toilet that's the problem will you walk back in your bathroom and go no i'm not using that toilet i'm going it's just pretty toilet i can see yourself doing that i probably would do that like romeo this is your turn this is your toilet mine is in the guest bathroom you have to have permission to use it yes it is cute all right bye we'll take a look i think i think we're a little early too so we're gonna walk around and um i'll look at stuff and pull some things out so that whenever she's ready we can go through them welcome to ferguson so this is one that we're switching to for sure this is the one for the primary bathroom but not the finish just the shape okay we're doing an antique breath right yes both the bathrooms will all be antique grass so this faucet is almost like half the price of the one oh yeah do you ever want to stop up this guest bathroom if you soak like delicates or anything like that but that's gonna be in your bathroom yeah no okay so it would just be a risen kind of yes so like a little great drain can you see that oh i see yes okay it's the perfect cottage toilet that's my problem because i like that it's round so rounded what do you think about the symmetry between a squared off and a squared off you could do the matching one which would be the only other toilet that i would say let's go ahead and do that one and i do kind of like that it matches the sink and the rounded sink in the guest bathroom matches the rounded toilet yeah okay and how much is this one yeah okay so let's change to this one because i think that that that makes me feel better i'm getting the toilet i'm just not getting two of those the hot and cold water dispenser i know that there's a tank the hot water tank goes underneath or hot and cold is it actually cold so it's more of like a room temperature oh it is yeah it wasn't super shiny yeah bubbles the hot i don't really care about it is the cold i want cold water that's why i was gonna ask yeah the only way you're gonna get cold water is out of work oh my god i'm so happy that i asked my stupid question okay so we just finished finalizing everything i'm very excited but we made the right decisions but i want to show you guys some of the things that they have in the showroom that are going to be in the cottage this is our hood insert um so we're not going to have this outside part here just the insert and we're going to make this pretty like build it out really pretty so all of the appliances in the kitchen are going to be miele except for the range which is homing because i wanted more of a cottage style like this is the miele stove and range see how kind of contemporary it looks i wanted something more cottagey and then we also got the mila dishwasher but it's going to be like january before we get it in but my mom has it she loves it don't you love it i love it and it has like a place for you to put on your silverware and stuff to wash so this isn't the exact style we're gonna have french doors with the pull out at the bottom for the freezer but it's gonna look really simple on the inside looks classy and like well put together you know she's got style with the lighting our freezer will be on the bottom like their freezer this is like a side by side but i love these this was kind of what sold me on it these look so like i don't know it looks like a cottage to me instead of having plastic drawers right aren't they cool so that's all the miele stuff for my kitchen faucet it's here look how pretty she is but in we're doing french gold like which is like a soft brassy color and with the sprayer on the side and it says hot and cold i'm so glad i asked my dumb question yes i thought that that was a dumb question i wanted to know if the hot and cold you see this water dispenser here you see how it's two knobs hot and cold i wanted to know if it's hot and cold and i know that i was like that's a stupid question of course it is it's room temperature which i don't really want the hot i want the cold this is my sink so pretty but imagine this in french gold which looks more like a soft brass color this also comes with like a cutting board on the side i think we did that here's my pretty toilet you guys i never thought i'd be in love with the toilet but i still am so we splurged on one for the guest bathroom but we went with something that actually looks like the sink that we're doing in the primary bathroom which is this one i love this kind of squared look because the house has a very square vibe all the detailing and it's raised a little bit so this we're getting for two of them in the vanity for the primary bathroom so we got the toilet that matches this i was gonna get this sink which matches that toilet because it has like a rounded look to it we don't need this one anymore we cut it off the order because if you know i found it well i found a similar one for 18 bucks at the flea market in the guest bathroom we're having a vintage clawfoot tub with a flat back on one side before the primary bathroom we're doing a newer one this one but with white feet and a little bigger and our um plumbing our faucet will come out from the wall and pour into the tub but i love it such a moment good morning ish it's kind of the morning it's actually almost lunch time so today we've kind of got some things happening my mom is actually going to play a game my mom plays bunko if you've never heard of bunko it's i don't really know the proper definition of it but it's i've played with her one time and her and her friends it's like a it's a dice game essentially where your goal is to roll as many sixes as possible so my mom has to play bunko today in kerrville and she was like do you want to come with me and drive behind me and go to ingram and go to the thrift store i'm like sure oh so i'm gonna go with her and then we have to go to the house and work at the house pretty much all day i have so many things that i still need to get done before they come and start framing the inside of the house before we head to kerrville since it's almost almost lunch time and my mom always kind of likes to eat lunch before um she goes to bunko i'm gonna make us some lunch so a thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring today's video i love hellofresh you guys know let's see what we're gonna make i wanna make this brown sugar bourbon chicken salad with kale apple roasted carrots sunflower seeds and honey dijon dressing so we're gonna make this for lunch and you guys can go to and use code mckenna 14 for 14 free meals and free shipping you should just try out yellow fresh and they have new delicious meals that you can pick from every week and for summer they're launching their taste of summer series and recipes and there was one that was shrimp and sausage boil my mouth instantly started watering so all of the ingredients and the recipe on how to make it is delivered straight to our door which saves time and eliminates food waste as all of the meals are pre-portioned so you have exactly what you need and we don't have a grocery store like right around the corner in this small town of ours but let's be real even if there was a grocery store right around the corner i still wouldn't want to go plus you save up to 30 percent by using hellofresh or versus going to the grocery store anyways so it's a win-win [Music] shall we try let's try we haven't had this one before i don't eat kale but i'm i'm gonna try this but that's the good thing you're branching out i'm broadening my horizons and you like everything i like it well we try it she loved it is it good [Music] i cook the chicken really well it's part hello fresh part amazing chef skills for me you guys should try all the hellofresh go to get 14 free meals with code mckenna 14 and free shipping i was trying to explain to them what bunker was and i basically said it was a dice game where the only object is to roll a six was that right yes and if you roll three sixes you get to fight over the dice oh yeah i forgot to tell you that yes wait three six oh there's three guys there's three guys so if you roll three sixes you get to fight over the dice and scream bunco you should see these ladies like fight like go and dive i was letting them do it i was like i'm not fighting no and you won you won like three times in a row it's strategic she's played three times she's won first place four times so i've won more one more time than i've played we made it so we're at the thrift store in uh ingram because you never know what they're gonna find they have so much stuff here all the time so still in the hunt for things you know hi mama hi [Applause] how are you good everything that's anything that plugs in as well as clothes in the back and framed art thank you more little pictures yeah i think this is like kind of like the boutique section careful there's broken glass down there careful i didn't do it no i know but i don't want you to i'm not silver i have anything that's silver there's some fans 35 test it and always got to take a look and see if i'm going to find those french dishes that i'm looking for you never know how pretty that coppin saucer is looks like chip from beauty and the beast the shape i think it's going to be so creamy it's nothing to show up [Laughter] i mean we keep looking in here like they might be putting more stuff out but i doubt it who's donating christmas stuff you know maybe if you move snow oh snowflake bell i don't know where i would put it though just one it's only three dollars look at these what happened that's perfect they're only five bucks i feel like that's a yes right 100 oh yeah five i think this is a definite go you just gotta have them cleaned i think it's really pretty though you like it it doesn't match my house but no no just like it's not texas you're just curious if i do too much but i found some cool stuff my mom saw two blankets and one was in her color palette and one was in mine i love it i actually have one of these i actually have one of these like in a different kind of color palette in la and this one was like five bucks we just got to clean that i also got this little globe i've been um finding some lanterns like the bottoms but that they don't have any globes so i've been on the lookout for different shapes and stuff i thought this one was kind of pretty you know a little bit shape different it was three dollars the last thing that i got i got this black linen button down it was just like really like lightweight but i felt like it would be a pretty like kind of like over shirt for for fall you know like with like a cute top underneath because i like button downs like that like not to wear as buttoned but like open that's all i got my mom went to bunko she left me so we have to go work at the house fun for us and we're back at the cottage so i actually i was dressed like normal a normal human being like nice like nicer because i was like sometimes i don't want to go to the thrift store i want to go shopping and look like i'm working like my work clothes like a t-shirt and shorts and tiny shoes it's just it doesn't give me life it doesn't make me look or feel cute so i brought all my clothes one two three four clothes something i just realized do you see this window they put a piece at the top like this top window wasn't the right size or something so they uh i'm not gonna be able to use this window now that window is fine this window is fine but that one how did it do that so today trying to accomplish the rest of this like prepping for the framers to-do list that i have which is the video that over here which is the video that you guys would have seen on sunday so today is tuesday and so i have a few more days to get everything ready before they start framing the inside of the house i've got wood being delivered like you guys saw yesterday we got that ordered um so i've got to patch the floor i've got to put the rest of the paper down and i have to take down a light in here i thought all my lights were done but they weren't i had to take down this light and here that one up there then i think we're pretty much there um so i'm gonna work down here for a few hours gotta pull the salvaged wood floor out of the workshop back there i've kind of piled a lot of stuff in the front of it so wish me luck trying to get it out oh my goodness you guys update it's later much later i think it's like seven o'clock now okay i've been working on this floor for a while and it's actually not nailed down because i just wanted i thought at first i was not doing it right like the nails or something then i came to realize that you know this floor all of this floor is salvaged from fox run which would is every bit of a hundred years old and these aren't the pieces that were originally next to each other in that house when we took it all up so they just don't you know it's aged and over time they just aren't very straight so i was having a really hard time getting them to kind of match up you know this one's the worst right here so i kind of uh laid them all out like kind of a puzzle piece moving them around to see which pieces fit which way just so that i could get the right pattern didn't nail him down yet i'm going to come back i'm just like so hot i'm going to come back in the morning and kind of like do it again maybe i can fix this one and then once i have the pattern i can nail it down and then it should be good and then right here where this hole is this is going to be underneath the island so i'm just going to have a piece of plywood there so that we can conserve as much of this salvaged floor as possible so that i could use it in the primary bedroom maybe and then i have that hole back there that i need to patch with like actual this floor too so i just like i like cannot anymore i'm tired um but i had a good day because it was just me down here it felt very like zen like me just working on a project by myself which i love it's like kind of like my therapy or my meditation you know what i mean but i hope you guys enjoyed this vlog don't forget to go check out the last video of me prepping for the framers to come which they're going to be here in a few days so i have a lot more work to do that will be in that video um so go check it out i'll leave it linked for you guys and i hope you guys have a great rest of your week and i will see you next week for another video bye guys i'm glad you think i'm so funny you don't believe everything you hear i do have amazing chef skills romeo has really chef skills but the chicken you're eating right now isn't cooked to perfect it is it really is i know
Channel: XO, MaCenna Vlogs
Views: 142,912
Rating: 4.9706535 out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, xo macenna, macenna diy, macenna vlogs, lifestyle vlogger, day in the life, mckenna, kinsley, romeo and macenna, romeo, macenna lee, kitchen appliances, building a new house, renovating a house, renovating old house, shopping, shopping for our new house
Id: VT9Ku2O15xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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