THE BLOOD ROOM & RING EASTER EGG! | Yandere Simulator Myths

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hey I'm Jay from the Cub Scouts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator myths a series where you guys ask me questions give me challenges or tell me myths that you guys have about the game and I try to answer them in this video we have a lot of good ones to go through today so let's get it started first myth of today's episode is not actually a myth but an easter egg one gets a cue boss's ring to head over to the cherry tree okay as you guys may or may not know succubus ooo goes up to the roof at lunch time and then you can steal her ring so let's get that thing there she is she just placed her ring down on the bench hopefully that ring wasn't given to her by senpai I will cut a [ __ ] so let's steal this remix and she didn't even notice a thing blonde ass and let's head on over to that cherry tree baby headin over to the cherry tree gonna figure out this mystery ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha my waifu she can't see me but i'll give a damn cuz is that cherry tree uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh okay let's figure out what this mystery is about this ring what about this ring choose money she's like that ring oh yeah baby is that all that's gonna be said that ring maybe if I go to the demon world insert the ritual knife ooh maybe another Easter egg will activate since I have the ring and then I activated this cherry tree thing I don't know let's figure out this mystery okay let's put this into this and I know you saw me but I'm gonna run my ass off into this ritual world and hopefully we can solve some more mysteries all right guys I have a ring are you guys gonna say anything new or nah uh you're a gang okay she doesn't say anything what about no dig don't say something okay what about you senpai boards okay none of these three guys can say anything maybe it was just a little easter egg when you steal sake boss's ring and then you can hear that so there you go it does work on to the next one I found something scary one kill Midori or anyone else with a knife to go to the counselor's office three go to the bookshelf and get closer four get your knife out and you'll see it's spooky okay I'm not easily spooked and that is a lie because I'm easily spooked I'm a little [ __ ] boy sometimes but we're gonna grab this knife ooh and an midoriko Dinos rifle and then I need to go to the counselor's office I don't need to hide the body or clean up myself do I ain't no [ __ ] we're just gonna go ahead on over there with our bloody clothes and we're gonna see what happens all right here we are and counselor don't mind me this is not blood it's just red ketchup I was eating in and out earlier so we need to go to the bookshelf and then take a knife fool there we go that's sick cool blood splatters on the wall you see that oh damn on the floor too oh [ __ ] and on the counselor can I get it can I get in the cleavage nope I can try there you go does this work in cinematic mode let me see let's pull the tape ooh it does okay let me try to get it all over the counselor so let me position the camera like so and boom there you go it's actually on her neck permanently unless I'm tripping balls that's blood right this that that has to be blood okay let me put away the knife I put it away and it's still on her neck then I pull this out it's all over the desk it's all over the floor that's awesome let me actually try doing it in other office upstairs because I know there's bookshelves over there too maybe we can get a bloody wall over here let's take up a knife food aw it only works in the counselor's office I wonder why I wonder what's so special about it there may be something grisly happened over there like a murder maybe it was the counselor maybe she murdered some people but there you go guys you kill somebody you go to the counselor's office you pull out your knife in front of the bookshelf blood splatters everywhere even on the counselor herself onto the next one can you modify a bloody uniform for Kaukauna and actually give it to her if so does she wear it that would be epic if she could wear it I'm gonna fast forward time and talk to sugar boobs right now there she is can I talk to you for a minute I want to get a task from you my uniform doesn't fit excuse me we were talking blondie how rude is it to walk in front of two people as someone's having a conversation - you're gonna walk in front of me all these [ __ ] boys are gonna die these [ __ ] boys are gonna die that is so rude to all my god purple head - you [ __ ] anyway you know what since they walked in front of me I'm gonna use them as my experiment so where is blondie can you follow me put is and I am going to hit you over the head with a shovel yeah just follow me over here I got something cool to show you hey blondie you see the shovel do we see a [ __ ] that's for interrupting my conversation with cocconi so I have blood on me you know we're not even gonna clean up this body because it's in this random bush over here so I'm just gonna change my clothes and see if we can modify this bloody uniform I really do hope that this one works though because if you give her a bloody uniform is you can just wear it around all day that would be one of the coolest glitches ever so let's go inside of this sewing room and yawn dari China is like a level-10 sewing edge ah you can't modify this [ __ ] hold on let me see something let me actually get a uniform from in foshan and see if you can modify that one and then not the bloody one so let's get a creature to form and let's pick it up from behind the school there you go so if we are able to modify this uniform then it is officially debunked and you can't give Kaukauna your bloody uniform that you modified so hopefully hopefully hopefully ah you can modify it so you can modify this but you can't modify the bloody one so that is officially debunked you can't give kikuna a modified bloody uniform on to the next one okay I got one one kill senpai - can you grind senpai that has to be like the least amount of words written in any myth history okay so what we need to do we need to go into Cyrano mode there we go and then we're gonna fast forward as we're listening to this EDM music and then we're gonna kill senpai look guys even the teachers dancing to this music dance teacher tense alright simp I it's show time one two three boom boom yes there you go okay so let's drag his body all the way over to the grinder dammit we got to hurry this one up because the police timer is going down fastest alright there you go there's a dumping option so let's grind us some of that senpai come on I know it glitched out already because the screen changed colors ah damn it and sent pies bodies appeared he's a frickin wizard Harry so yeah I don't think you can grind senpai because usually when I used to try to put him in an incinerator it would glitch out like this as well where the screen would change like a certain color and then you can't move or do anything so that is officially debunked you cannot grind senpai on to the next one J if you're interested in what the counselor is doing on her computer then follow these steps one join the photography club to upgrade your camera three go to the counselors room and zoom in on her computer you should see what she's doing on her computer okay we have joined the photography club we have our sweet psycho camera around our neck we are gonna see what this girl is up to so let's take this out start zooming in ever so slowly [ __ ] can't even see what the hell that is one uh what is that I can't even read that I do see on the left-hand side it's the list of people's names because right here I can see Masumi are on shaka but i can't see anything else like i don't know what this means on let me see if i can get a better picture of this let me actually go to this side right here and see if I can zoom into this bad boy oh that's that's not what she's doing on our computer no that's not it okay let me take a picture of that and I don't know I can't even read that if you guys could read that you have eyes like a damn hawk because this [ __ ] is blurry to me to be honest let me save the picture and then let me look on my photo album view and there's no way we can zoom in on the picture know that you can zoom in on the picture damn it's okay let me see if I can get one more good angle probably from right here there you go that's a good angle I don't know are there any programming experts around here that sees what I'm seeing maybe this is like some code for the game I'm not sure but all I see are the names of students on the left-hand side and on the right-hand side maybe these are codes for their characters you know for the under simulator game I have no idea but this is what she's doing on her computer if you guys can decipher what's going on over here more power to you write it in the comment section below but there you go onto the next one challenge try to give the students octo dogs in Ebola mode without killing anyone challenge accepted [ __ ] let's go turn into Ebola mode and let's make those damn octo dogs and we aren't gonna kill anyone we are gonna be super efficient and we're gonna be super sexy while we're doing it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're all coming up [ __ ] hahaha that was scary there's no way I'm not gonna kill anyone as they're coming up right now oh let me get one to suck you there you go free food shirt T Quinn oh don't don't don't whoo she almost touched my bullet oh [ __ ] okay excuse me let me give one to Incubus oooh as she's coming up you want some free food there you go free food Cheryl take one alright oh [ __ ] me okay round two I'm gonna give it to everybody in the middle locker because senpai is gonna make me drop my plate if I talk to him over there so let's give him some free food sure I'll take one there you go what about you sucky you want some too huh true I'll take one No ah damn it you know [ __ ] you guys I'm gonna try it again dammit I need to be this hard and that's what she said okay we're gonna try to scare gonna give some to you there you go and then you I'm gonna give it to the people on the outside of the locker there you go and I know people are gonna be in the comment section saying why don't you just give it to them while they're in the courtyard well you know what I like making it difficult for myself for no reason at all so let's give some to her there you go and we have four more left so I'm gonna give some to you know what I'm gonna try to make it do here without touching anybody and I know my hair is swinging a little bit but don't worry we're gonna do it okay let's give some to you they go let's give some to you only two more left give some to you and then you're the last guy yeah we did it you know what we got all the octo dogs off our plate in Ebola mode that was the challenge anything that happens after that is fair game so challenge one on to the next one Jay I got one one listen to cojones call to doom assume his task three go back home four post on the internet about Masumi smoking cigarettes I don't know what will happen check it out all right step one is to listen to cojones call like I said that was a one-time thing I don't want to do that again done step two do miss UMI's tasks about cigarettes hurry I like dying of smoke deprivation right now oh that voice that valley girl voice if you guys live in the high end of California you know that voice I certainly don't know that voice cuz I don't live in the high end of California or the [ __ ] didn't assume ego oh there she is okay so let's finish her task oMG you are like the best you just instantly became like me at that okay now we are BFFs with Masumi let's go on the internet and post about her smoking cigarettes alright here we go and what I noticed about the room it's very shaded now you can see all the shadows that's pretty cool gives it more of a 3d look anyway let's go on the Internet's and let's post about Masumi today I saw a Masumi Chon there you go in the gym storage the back of the school yes she was shoplifting buying drugs smoking cigarettes post that and you know it's true guys Wow lame don't pull stupid lies on the Internet [ __ ] sake man sake he's always screwing things up well you know what I got something for sake oh just wait til you come around the corner sake I got something for you girl I got something that's lame posting lies about the internet posting lies about the [ __ ] Internet huh you like that stuff eh you son of a [ __ ] but anyway that is officially debunked you can't post anything on the internet about resuming smoking cigarettes behind the school even though it is true that she has cigarettes on her you can't really post anything cuz suck is gonna say Wow lame don't post lives on the Internet so hopefully that answers your question on to the last minute of today's episode if you kidnapped the rhone Shaco girl then record the video can you kidnap her again after releasing her I honestly believe that you can because I remember when I kidnapped her and made the video then the next day at school she was just regular like I know her spirits are supposed to be down but she was acting normal and by the way there's a kidnapping checklist so you can check off all the boxes as you're kidnapping somebody so check this [ __ ] there we go and I like that there's a kidnapping checklist because I see a lot of comments saying how come when I tranquilize a girl her neck is all bloody and she's not sleeping and I can't put her inside the box that's because he killed her and your biology wasn't raised high enough or some people are like can you kidnap a dude no you can't kidnap a dude so hopefully when they see this checklist all those things you have to do are still marked X so that means you cannot complete the kidnapping checklist but anyway let's go back to our house and make some things happen Oh in case you guys didn't know you can only make ransom videos at night because at night time it gets super freaky so there's a camera there's our girl we're in our pajamas gems with our cute little slippers on let's record that video all right so after this video and after the whole Kaukauna thing she is gonna be released we are gonna kidnap her again and then let's see if we can actually make another video again or if we can only talk to her and bring her sanity to zero okay we are now back at school we're gonna try to kidnap Masumi again how [ __ ] up is that though you kidnap a girl make a ransom video of her she doesn't know if she's gonna live or die she's back at school she's traumatized and now we're gonna kidnap her again so can I talk to you for a moment can you follow me please okay lead the way she's like [ __ ] the kidnapping I'll follow you ever you want to go I barely know you at school but yeah I'll follow you okay everything on the checklist is good except closing the dough and then try again dad huh yes she is not dead we can drag her again so let's put her body inside of here and I wonder if her sanity actually starts at a hundred percent or decreased because of the traumatic experience that she went through I'm gonna check the basement right now and we're gonna find out once and for all all right ladies and gentlemen it is now nighttime we have kidnap Masumi for a second time let's see if we can record another video or if we can just torture her and we can record another video that is so [ __ ] up recording two videos in one week for a ransom video let's see where our sanity is at it's at 100 okay I thought it would be lower than that to be honest because you know we kidnapped her the first time I thought maybe her sanity would be a little lower because of the traumatic experience she went through but we can torch her and make a video let's just record the video and hopefully that answers your question about the myth yes you can kidnap Masumi John for a second time after you made the ransom video thank you for asking me that and with that said that is going to do it for this episode of yandere simulator myths if you have any more comments questions or challenges you won't potentially feature in the next video please leave them in this conversation below and I will choose the most creative and unique ones but if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a like and tell a friend today the Jay from the Cub Scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 5,571,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator myths, yandere simulator myths kubz scouts, kubz scouts, kubz, scouts, yandere sim myths, senpai, winning yandere simulator, yandere simulator snap, easter eggs, glitches, myths, questions, challenges, rivals, killing rivals, all rivals, musume, senpai grinder, grinding senpai, sakyu basu easter egg, cherry blossom tree, bloody room, blood room, counselor, laptop, photopgraphy club, cooking club, ebola chan, octodog, grinder, killling senpai
Id: xEQ8nYe87JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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