Does It Work? Gel Light Up Art Pen Cra-Z-Doodle 3D Cupcake + Ice Cream Treats Maker

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cookies world all right Elsa are you ready we're gonna start making some cupcakes yes I'm definitely ready so what type of cupcakes are we making today you'll never ever ever believe it we're making 3d cupcakes today whoa whoa 3d cupcakes what is that using a crazy doodle 3d pen this is so sweet 3d shop where you can actually make the most coolest looking cupcakes oh and it looks like ice creams ever there's also a lollipops and other candies as well you can totally create your own sweet shop and you can decorate the cupcakes and the candies and the ice creams any way you want we're just gonna mold everything and then put it all together and it's really cool I want to see how this works because this magic light hardens the gel which is gonna make our cupcakes and sweets YUM what do we have Oh what is in here open this up oh this is a little 3d pen right here and it's got these little tubes of color looks like there is yellow a bubblegum pink and purple here we go here's the little light that's gonna magically harden all the gel whoa little cupcakes and we can put this together we need a place for the treats to be okay now we have a place to display our sweets what else do we have oh we've got some little cupcakes and some little ice cream a little cones well we're definitely gonna need these so a whole stack of cupcake liners oh look at what's in here some glitter bags oh okay we've got white glitter yellow and pink what else do we have here so we've got like this little clear tray that you're supposed to lay the mold did while they're hardening some little tips and the actual molds look at how cute this is here's for us to make some ice creams and some cupcake tops look at all of these little candies and lollipops we can even decorate the cupcakes with all these awesome kay these alright let's take one of these tips and we'll get the pin all set up have already put a battery in here let's make a delicious delicious cupcake first we're gonna swirl it with two different colors so I'm gonna open up the pink woah put the little top on and put it into the pin there we go we're locked and loaded now just gonna twist the top to open up the tip there we go now it's open now I'm gonna make my cupcake oh there we go squeeze it in here squeeze squeeze squeeze it doesn't look like there's nothing here to fill up this whole entire cupcake looking pretty good and I can start hardening it put my little tray down and shine the light on to harden whoop there we go should be hardening now let's put some purple color twist to open and pour does not seem like there's enough in here hopefully we can make a whole bunch of treats take my pin and shine the light hardened hardened should be nice and hardened now I'm gonna go back and add some pink in you got to do a little bit of layers at a time oh no I feel like I'm running out of jell-o [Music] enough to make one I feel like I'm squeezing and it's it's almost out I've only just started no this is like my last of my pink this is like the end I'm like squeezing this thing and shine the light make sure it completely hardens oh I don't know if I'm doing this right why did it say so I think you're just supposed to coat it on the inside and not make it completely solid why didn't it just say that oh no okay the instructions are not clear but I think I'm supposed to just do a coat no wonder I don't have enough okay let's try it again so let's put a coat around like all the way around like this deep doo-doo doo-doo-doo did you use my little spreader tool like this and get the sides maybe I think this is what it's saying shine the light let it harden on the edges think so cuz don't don't give look hollow but totally looks hollow to me on the inside of that it just says put an even layer inside well let's do another little even layer it looks a little patchy right here who's my little tool spread it oh that is nice and hard though wrap it with the pin whoo I want to make sure I get these edges really good because it looks a little thin on these edges here okay it's been hardening now for a while let's see if it's ready to come out oh whoa it is nice and warm whoo that gel really heaps up whoa all right I'm gonna let that cool down for a minute while we're waiting for it to cool down let's make like a big cherry on top with a set only comes with three colors so I guess I'm gonna use yellow for the cherry open get out the little tip so to put a little tiny cherry on top here's my little cherry mold give it a squeeze here we go sure it's nice and even in here looks pretty good and hardened now this one should be fast because it's so little okay is it ready is it ready oh it is hot hot hot that is a hot cherry all right now the cherry needs to cool let's go back here see if maybe we can take out okay I'll have to heat it some more it's not quite ready okay let's check it now see if it's ready a little bit of some sticky areas so this isn't quite ready yet but let's see what this cherry the cherry feels nice and hard so let's pop the cherry out come on out little cherry Oh careful oh it's a little sticky oh it's a little sticky oh no it still feels a little bit sticky to me I don't know if it's ready or not I don't know all right well let's make something else we'll make a little strawberry let's start with the pink so we'll do some pink gel just like that I don't think you're supposed to fill it up all the way I guess you're supposed to leave it kind of hollow maybe I don't know the instructions were not very clear OOP there we go kind of get this one tooth the same time cherry strawberry cherry strawberry cherry strawberry okay let's see how it's working now this is still sticky no it feels good I know it's still sticky I just touched it oh man Oh back to the light all right let's check it now strawberry are you ready it feels hard no but it's still very very wet I don't know this cherry feels really really sticky too it says let it harden 60 seconds to two minutes and it's been over two minutes oh man that means this cupcake is never gonna harden and we'll keep on track all right I'm gonna have this sit like this for three minutes okay let's see now I've had the light on these for a really long time in this cherry is still sticky it sticks to my finger and the strawberry let's have the strawberry come out now hmm here we go the strawberries not uh yeah it's kind of sticky so very interesting-looking little strawberry okay I'm seriously never gonna get this cupcake out ah never ever it's very sticky it's gonna need like a million hours underneath this black light in order to harden completely okay let's make a big giant delicious Ollie pop mix all the colors and try to make this lollipop so we'll just start right here and just kind of swirly whirly around just mix those colors kind of use my little smoother thing and help me smooth it smooth it so I guess you can't fill up the whole mold maybe I don't know this is hard guys this is like difficult I'm doing it and the lollipop stick and beat the light should harden it up wait before we harden it let's add some glitter to it some super fun fun fun little sparkle there we go all right now it's hardening time all right it's been 4 minutes so the lollipop should be ready but it is very very very hot so while we wait for that one to cool let's make an ice cream cone okay but this time I'm actually going to just line it and not fill it like I did with this right here which it's totally cool but can't work so my little ice cream scoop just kind of line it a little bit I really really really want this to work cuz it's just so cute you never go wrong with making your own a treats something that's so sweet and adorable so this one's gonna be yellow and this bubblegum pink color so just lining the inside not filling the whole entire thing this is gonna look pretty cool okay it's all lined on the inside now I'm just gonna zap it see you in two minutes doo doo doo doo doo doo doo all right two minutes are up it is really hot let that cool work on this lollipop Oh pop easily out there we go did it work oh no it still has to harden right here okay there we go so now this means the cool again now that I heated up the stick a little bit so let's go back here to the ice cream pop it out here comes here comes whoa oh it's sticky oh it's very very very sticky so I just have to zap it for a little bit longer it looks like alright let's take out this lollipop again now that I kind of hardened the stick there we go oh cool actually see the glitter in it but it is still very very lollipop sticky just like a real lollipop but not in a good way oh okay so let's go ahead and start making a little cupcake so we'll take one of my little cupcake liners we're supposed to put a little bit of some gel around the edge here just like this did it do to do and this will seal the cupcake actually on there just like that and of course it will not just dry on its own you have to have the light shine on it in order for it to dry yeah I sure enjoy trying on it this time and then for my ice cream cone we'll just go ahead and put the cone right on it like that which it's not gonna fit perfectly because the edges are a little bit jagged here we'll just put the gel on anyways we'll just do it put the gel on there like that and shine the light okay now we're gonna make another one cuz we've got even more little cupcakes here and another ice cream cone so we've got a yummy delicious around scoopy ice cream cone here so let's scoop in some purple only go around the edges well there we go make sure those edges are coated we're gonna sprinkle in some glitter this ice cream cone Sparkle whoo here we go just kind of mush it around in there did you get it all over little glitter cone and shine the light in there whoo all right I'm gonna do this one for I'm gonna do this one for five minutes all right okay will it come out his cream cone out here comes here comes squeeze Oh get it out okay here it is here's the ice cream cone okay it's a little crinkly but that's okay that's okay you can save it just like that just unfold it and pop it open like that and put it on my ice cream just put some gel on the edge and attach my ice cream just like that give it a zap strawberry right on top so I'm gonna use a little bit of gel to glue them down Oh strawberry on here and my cherry right on top and light it up ice cream all right let's make some candies I'm gonna fill this candy taffy [Music] [Music] here we go and shine the light all right and those are really really hot yeah we're gonna let those candies dry and since I've got a few more little cupcakes here let's make some more cupcakes swirly whirly maybe a little yellow and purple ooh purple is running low you can mix it and make it any way you want and a little bit more yellow in here looks like it's a media a little bit more yellow right here sprinkle in some glitter whoops and stop it whoo so how is it looking in here let's see definitely feels a little bit hard it looks a little bit thin here so I'm gonna add a little bit more yellow just looks like you kind of got a little bit thin there we go and zap it now take out this little cupcake press press press whoa there we go that one came out easy it looks pretty good for the most part there's a little bit of the missing area just put it right on one of these little cupcakes put some gel do-do-do-do-do and attach there we go yep and light it the candies are ready let's pull out the candies there we go they still are very very very sticky but candies aren't done at least there we go there's that one two more cupcakes to make let's just kind of do it a little stripy swirly whirly cupcake take the gel stripy it all over dude to do come on pink it's almost out oh no okay the pink is gone [Music] alright I'll have to do it all in yellow okay and zap it whoo all right see you in five minutes all right five minutes later here we are let's go ahead and pop it out wait a minute is it ready is it ready seems kind of hard ooh but it feels very sticky I don't know it's so hard to tell when these cupcakes are ready I don't know if these will ever dry let's just take it out it's been five minutes and it recommends two minutes so this should be so much there we go we'll put it on that cupcake on this side nobody knows but if you turn it around what's going on it looks okay on that side who forgot to glue it on oh no I'm running out of you huh I'm not gonna have enough to make the last cupcake no these are so sticky you guys aah and there we go whoo all right the last one so really swirly whirly it whoa oh that means I'm using it all now and light it up whoo there we go oh right here we go it's been 5 minutes now let's take it on out Oh with hot hot hot hot hot okay I have to wait a little bit maybe we'll make a few more little additional toppings like maybe some tiny little hearts whoa Oh with the leftover pink that I have I barely have any pink left there we go there we go tiny little stars do I have any yellow left any yellow at all oh there we go maybe if I had any purple oh squeeze squeeze make the last few pieces a little candy oh it's going all over the place oh there we go okay squeeze the last bit out there we go and then shine the light on them all right let's pop this one out whoa here it is nope can place it right on this little cupcake I forgot to leave extra gel there we go there we go there we go squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze volley apart there we go okay got it on there and zap it there we go all the way around looks so colorful and now these little mini candies go ahead and pop them out oh I can't really get these ones out oh no come on out oh no which one this one right here oh man okay these ones do not want to come out very easily these tiny tiny ones I can't get them out but this heart turned out perfect except for how sticky it is ooh even the candies maybe we can sandwich them together oh and you can make like 3d candy you just have to seal it whoo there we go kind of fuse it together ice creams have been completed I admit they look really really really really adorable so did this set work kind of yes and kind of no yes it did create shapes and no because they're so SuperDuper sticky they just take forever forever to mold I mean it'll probably take I mean I would have to sit here for a really really long time with this light just to even get these to stay they're just gonna always be sticky it has a really chemical smell it would be really cool if it came with an oven like a little light-up a little oven that you can actually put them in and this light would turn on for you instead of having to hold it the whole entire time that would have been really really cool but they do turn out really really cute I wish it was more obvious that you don't just fill the whole thing in that you only do the outside lining it did not say in the instructions so now we can display everything on the little cupcake display so I got my little ice cream cones got my green one green little cupcake this little ice cream so patty there we go everything looks pretty good for the most part so Elsa would you like to have a cupcake hmm I would love one I'm gonna go for this icy blue one mmm very good cupcake though very good are you sure are good aren't they all right cookie fans thanks for hanging out with me remember to just gel with the flow of life and everything will be all right then head on over to my next video and I will see thereby cookies does anyone remember what color was the cherry made with was it yellow purple or pink [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 17,602,990
Rating: 4.3977561 out of 5
Keywords: video, review, cookieswirlc, cookie swirl, set, playset, juguete, kinder, unboxing, cookie swirl c, food, cooking, baker, baking, bake, maker, cookie swirl c videos, channel, family friendly videos, kid friendly videos, cookieswirlc videos, for children, for kids, cooking videos, barbie, chef barbie, barbie videos, doll, no bake, cupcakes, gel, 3d pen, 3d, pen, light, cra-z-doodle, cra-z-art, queen elsa
Id: WS3bXhMjgJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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