Dentist Doctor Barbie Drills + Fills Patients Teeth - Play Doh Tooth Maker Playset

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cookies were mr. Muller why don't you come on back the doctors ready for you oh great wait a minute didn't we just see you a month or two we'll go for a checkup are you here again did we accidentally get you scheduled oh no no no I'm here with my brother mr. Muller - hi I'm here to get my teeth Craig oh okay perfect we'll come on back come on back hmm okay you too right on in this way now you're just here for a general teeth cleaning mm-hmm yep that's right okay great the doctor will be right in I love coming to the dentist they're always so nice yeah hello who's ready to get their teeth cleaned man all right cookie fans it looks like mr. molars brother mr. molar is ready to get his teeth cleaned today let's get him all ready for the dentist so we'll get him all set up right here let's have him open up and say ah we gotta give him teeth to clean so we're gonna be using uh some white play-doh to create his teeth open it up there we go take it out and we'll use this double tooth maker I just put it in the dough there you go by pressing it down open it up there we go so now we have two teeth now we can put them in his mouth so I can just keep making them and putting them in [Music] there we go now he has a mouthful of teeth we need his tongue to be created take some red dough put it right here to remove all of his teeth first okay now we can press and mold his tongue press press press and open there we go now we have his tongue created there we go now we can put his teeth back okay now he's all ready for the dentist all right mr. Muller let's go ahead and get started so go ahead and say ahh and open up nice and big javelinas head back ah there we go yeah we can really see his whole mouth said the dentist go ahead and look with the mirror all these teeth oh it looks like we might have a cavity back here I'm seeing a big Brown splotch on your tooth let's see here what is the doctor oh oh yeah yeah we've got a big big corroded area right here it looks like a cavities been attacking this back tooth let me see it let me see Oh yep you see it right there uh-huh yeah brother it's not very good have you been having a hard time brushing back there uh-huh a real hard time well we're gonna go ahead and we are gonna put a filling there hopefully we can save the tooth and we won't have to pull it oh wait a minute I'm seeing a little bit of a cavity right here on this front tooth too we're gonna have to do a filling there as well nurse yes dr. Barbie go ahead and get him ready we've got two cavities so we're gonna have to do two fillings and possibly an extraction if the cavity is too deep into the tooth it's okay brother it's okay yiii not good this back tooth does not look good so dr. Barbie said if it's too deep we are definitely gonna have to remove the tooth and do extraction all right mr. Muller here we go all right here we go so we've got the drill so let's go ahead and get started here so we'll start drilling out this cavity and getting it ready for a filling there we go here we go all right hold still mr. Muller [Music] there we go almost start working on this side and a little bit more a little bit more you're doing good there we go all right let's see if we can pick it out and scrape it out of the tooth there we go we got it we got it we got the corroded brown part all right now we just have to make room for the filling so we have to make sure it actually is deep enough in the tooth that should be good enough okay how are we doing are we doing okay yep - PJ here you go here's for the filling so for the filling we're gonna use this very very special sparkly play-doh there we go it should match in with the tooth color pretty well even though it does have a little tint of sparkle to it so we'll take a little bit of this compound kind of roll it into a ball and put it right into the tooth there there we go so he got a filling put in now let's take a look again at this back tooth yeah it just does not look good hmm we're gonna try to save the tooth but it's not guaranteed all right let's get the drill ready let's drill [Music] it's almost half of the tooth I don't know if we can save it [Music] okay okay let's see if I can kind of pick some of this oh it's not good well I'm having a hard time I don't know I think because it's almost half of the tooth we may have to remove the whole tooth but I'm not 100% sure yet keep drilling there we go doing good doing good oh yeah I can see what we have here going on unfortunately I mean I can remove a lot of the brown out of here but it looks like that it's all the way down into the root of the tooth so therefore we're gonna have to actually pull the tooth today oh brother did you hear that you're gonna have to lose the tooth in the bag yeah I'm sorry we just can't leave it because of the cavity has reached all the way down into the root of the tooth we can't just leave it because eventually you're just gonna lose it anyways it's just a matter of time so we might as well just go ahead and take care of that for you today okay okay okay so we're gonna be losing this whole entire tooth so let me go ahead and get out the little grasper here go ahead and reach on and we'll just pull the tooth out oh there we go perfect oh look at how corroded that was yeah no problem we'll just make him a brand new tooth wait a minute can I see it yeah sure look it you know gross so because it is a tooth in the back let's go ahead and we'll open up this mold maker this is a back tooth mold maker so it's a little bit thicker and wider than this maker put my dough in here and press look to create a brand new tooth and open perfect here we go we got a brand new tooth just remove the excess and put it on in there we go good as new alright his mouth is looking good so let's just go on in one last time here and make sure every tooth looks perfect looking good oh wait a minute uh-uh we've got a spot back here on this back tooth again okay but this time it's on the other side let's just go ahead and we'll put a filling over that just to prevent any more to froth okay okay let's get the drill okay let's see if we can pry it off yet there we go nope there's a little bit left [Music] oh come on there we go and we'll just put a little side filling on there there we go to kind of bulk the tooth right back up very good okay mr. Muller looks good let's go ahead and we will brush your teeth so they're nice and sparkly and clean all right so we got a toothbrush here let's go ahead and we'll add some toothpaste putting some dough on the back and pressing that toothpaste up there we go no it's time to brush brush brush brush very good and we'll have him close his mouth so we can really get a good clean - there we go [Music] brush brush brush especially those ones on the back you really like to hang on to cavities there we go okay real good I feel great ha ha all right mr. bowler your teeth look amazing excuse me dr. Barbie can I get a teeth cleaning too sure absolutely all right so let's go ahead and switch patients since he wants to get his teeth cleaned as well have him open up to see that we have to create teeth for him so we'll just use some more white play-doh and make some more teeth now that I have all of his teeth made let's give him his tongue so right in the back let's go ahead and we'll put some dough in here just like that and as we open his mouth it creates his tongue there we go now I can put his teeth in all right now he's ready for his cleaning all right let's put some toothpaste on the toothbrush there we go now we're ready there we go the rush brush open up there we go now we can brush in the back here all the way across the top here in the back and all the way around very good these teeth look good I like Archer dentist okay everything looks good all right cookie fans the molar brothers are all done visiting the dentist in their teeth look absolutely sparkly and beautiful don't forget to brush your teeth as well to keep those cavity bugs away then don't forget to head on over to my next video where I will be waiting for you for your appointment I mean the next video bakka keep ants alright cookie fans who remembers how many times was the drill used on mr. molars teeth was it on one tooth two three four or five teeth bye cookies [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 26,051,011
Rating: 4.32586 out of 5
Keywords: doll, toy, family, kid, kinder, friendly, playing, juguete, cookie swirl, friends, jouet, brinquedo, cookies, barbie, channel, video, brinquedos, boneca, dr. barbie, office, doctors, doctor, doctors office, check up, get well, medicine, dolls, barbie playset, doctors playset, medical, игрушка, playset, Spielzeug, leksak, barbie videos, for kids, for children, kid toys, dentist, tooth, teeth, cavity, dr. drill n fill, playdoh, play doh, play, doh, brush teeth, brush, cookie swirl c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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