Doctor Strange 2 — The Wanda Problem of Madness | Anatomy Of A Failure

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this video about to buy manscape get 20 off and free international shipping with code filamento 20. also if you prefer this video in spanish i've just launched an espanol channel as well but i do wonder when you could force america to send you to any universe you want why take her power for your own you know it will kill her [Music] doctor strange in the multiverse madness is the next step from marvel further into the multiverse concept where dr strange needs to protect this young dimensional traveler america chavez because wanda wants to kill her and take her powers for reasons you know if you bought the mickey mouse dlc i just want my boys who and in terms of a lot of things this movie is a cool breath of fresh air not only is the visual side crookedly fascinating but the creepy director-porn atmosphere also makes this the first real mcu horror movie which is a great change of pace but at the same time once you get past the director's side of things you can also find a site that more so brings this movie down the riding side there are positive aspects to talk about here as well like a really rewarding payoff 90 minutes in the making but in terms of the writing issues a big bulk of them seem to center around the hero turned villain wanda maximoff one example of these wonder writing problems being that her strength as an antagonist seems to originate mostly from the fact that everyone else is suddenly weak and useless when wanda attacks an army of wizards the wizards just shoot her with arrows and a cannon for some reason when she goes head to head with doctor strange he doesn't go sequel mode like it did against thanos he barely ever does anything when she has her guard down against wong he doesn't even try to stab her in the back or something when she confronts alternate dimension avengers they don't first assess the situation and then play their cards if necessary is their mother still alive fine wanda you win black bolt knows how you can get to your children tell her black bolt [Music] no they just reveal their cards right away so that she can take them away black bolt could destroy you with one whisper from his mouth okay so in that manner what i thought would be useful to do today is to look deeper into this one the writing problem to learn something from it in terms of consistency as well as in terms of motivation and then at the end i also want to look at the insane amount of exposition in this movie in order to discuss the dangers of exposition as well as different ways to improve it now i understand this movie has a lot of fans and from what i understand there's even a cult like following behind wanda on twitter as you can expect from twitter and to be clear that's great i'm sure overall the movie is great i'm just here to look at a few specific things to hopefully learn something [Music] one key wonder problem here is the fact that she's a yo-yo villain a villain who snaps back and forth in terms of should she be taken seriously or not to explain what i mean this look at the beginning where doctor strange fights a monster hunting america chavez because of her dimensional travel powers and then he goes to ask wanda for help in protecting her turns out that one is not exactly the right person to ask we've taken her to comtaj what if you brought america here you never told me her name did you right so it becomes clear that wanda is the antagonistic force here she needs america chavez's multidimensional powers in order to be with her boys that exist in another universe but the main thing to note here is that in terms of her antagonistic drive she is not yet past the point of no return she doesn't suddenly murder strange on the spot to ensure her success no at this point she's still reasonable she's still willing to work things out return to comotaj and prepare to hand over america chavez by sundown peacefully and when wonder ultimately arrives at the wizard hq she gives strange one last chance at a peaceful solution which he refuses you're not there to enter these sacred grounds and then so much for that wonder goes ziko's sequel mode uh yeah wonder kills loads of people left right and center in order to get to america chavez meaning that that's it she's past the point of no return you don't just come back from killing like 50 people you don't just come back from executing someone injured on the ground no that's it wanda's antagonistic drive is clearly beyond stopping but once she gets inside where america shabbos is finally at her fingertips what does she do she stops she stops to explain her version of the story she doesn't kill or even permanently injure strange or wrong to ensure success but just tosses them aside and then as a result she doesn't get what she's striving for and what you're essentially seeing here is a yo-yo effect where wanda first massacres a crowd like a lunatic only for her to then reverb back to playing nice at the finish line a yo-yo effect that continues she wipes out a team of heroes like a demon from a horror movie only for her to then just once again let's range and her girlfriend go instead of ensuring success she finally gets a chance to drain america chavez's powers which based on what we've seen should take a matter of seconds only for her to not drain her powers for like 60 minutes of run time as if she's just waiting for strange to show up to stop her you know wanda's actions get so inconsistently unclear that the audience can't be sure whether to really take her as a real serious antagonistic threat like the movie presents her is she driving the plot or is the plot driving her is she truly beyond the point of no return or not and so in situations like this you want to be two things impactful and faithful it's not a good choice to have wanda cross the event horizon by killing a bunch of nameless people without even a reaction from strange you're literally trivializing death she's using the reflection oh no anyway last week if you want to make a big deal out of the fact that wanda crosses the line then do that make it happen through her killing someone meaningful i just want my voice and then sell it with a look from strange that says holy sh one that just killed that person make her transition over the point of no return clear to the audience and also once you cross that point you have to remain faithful to it it is fine to have one that change at the end but you can't keep snapping back and forth just because the plot demands it you can't keep calling your own bluff if you establish wanda as an unstopping force willing to go to any lengths to succeed and then you don't commit to it the audience can't commit to it either i warned you nothing i'm sorry little one [Music] if the plot isn't yet ready for wanda to be past event horizon then don't yet establish her to be that way don't trivialize things like death either she is ready to do anything to succeed or she isn't because if you make your antagonistic force into a yo-yo whose actions depend on whatever in the moment is necessitated by the plot you don't have an antagonistic force you have a slave-like construct of the plot the other main wonder problem here is the fact that her motivations are non-existent and without proper justification the non-existent part of this means that the foundation under one's motivation in this movie isn't there essentially the main gist is that wanda needs america chavez's powers to travel to another dimension to be with her boys which means absolutely nothing unless you've seen the show one division on disney plus if you've seen it and it works for you that's great [Music] but general audiences are usually on the opposite end a great example i saw being this big youtuber ksi who from what i understand very much represents the casual movie-going audience am i the only one that felt absolutely lost when they watched dr strange uh multiverse of madness didn't know i needed to do homework to enjoy movies i just get punished for not watching wonder vision i'm watching doctor strange and i'm like why is wonder bad now why is she pissed off where did these two kids come from right so cinematic universe aside if you don't make it clear in the context of the movie why we should care about wanda's connection with our boys we're not going to care but instead of just saying the problem out loud what can you actually do in a situation like this well the key thing is to make one's motivation understandable to the point of being even somewhat relatable what we have here currently is the fact that in the beginning she has a dream of her voice which by the rules of this movie means that it's reality streams of windows into the lives of our multiversal selves they don't exist oh but they do in every other universe i know they do because i dream of them but the thing is dreams aren't anything special we all have them every now and then they alone aren't enough to lay foundation for action imagine if thanos was trying to erase half the universe just because he saw himself do it in a dream like no that's not a thing no matter how many times you say it out loud what would be a thing is for example addiction instead of showing wanda have one dream of her voice at the start what if you take the concept of dreamwalking from later on and move that to the start what if in the beginning we learned that for a while now wanda's been fighting loneliness by dreamwalking as herself in another universe to play mom to a point where it's become a drug that she can't break free from of course it'd still be the question of why does she have boys in another universe but at least now it'd be less about the boys and more about the addiction itself no matter the drug we all understand getting hooked on something to ease the pain of something we all understand growing numb to that hook to a point where it's not enough anymore and so you need the next level thing that's a universal concept that doesn't require prior viewing i'm not saying addiction is the right answer here but i am trying to highlight how there's always many different ways to lay that motivational foundation in the context of the movie whereas if you rely purely on a show that most general audiences haven't seen then most general audiences aren't gonna care the justification for this means that even if the motivational foundation was probably late the way wanda ultimately goes about it still doesn't hold water because when it comes to her plan of killing america's showers to get to be with her boys there's a good question to be asked you could force america to send you to any universe you want why take her power for your own you know it will kill her exactly there's a very simple and harmless solution to this but the movie's justification as to why that can't be is what if they get sick in the infinite multiverse there's a cure for every illness a solution to every problem yeah so the reason wanda can't just ask to go to another universe where her boys are missing a mom is because quote unquote they might get ill or something which is weird to hear because it's not justified by past experiences we've never seen anyone close to wonderful to illness or anything of the kind so why is illness suddenly the thing she's worried about well because it's just something artificial the movie makes up to try to hide the fact that none of this adds up point is character motivations need to be established in the context of the movie and the justifications behind them need to be guided by past experiences to make them airtight show in the movie why we should care about wanda trying to reach her voice show in the movie her starting to lose someone to illness don't just repeatedly say boys and illness out loud as if that's gonna magically do something [Music] finally let's touch on another major writing issue here which is the excess of exposition not only the point and out but also to maybe find different ways to deal with it as a great example look at the beginning where we first get this cool action sequence of doctor strange saving america chavez from this monster after which he then takes her to a cafe where she can explain to him the information necessary for the plot to function it's like a henchman who works for demon all we knew is that they wanted to take the power for themselves what power you can travel multiverse you can physically move from one universe to another oh that's a problem i don't know only happens when i'm really really afraid you guys knew this magical book of pure good that gives the sorcerer whatever they need to do one way to make this boring cafe exposition less boring is to do it like spielberg and cameron which is to combine instead of first having a scene that is purely action and then a scene that is purely information what if you combine them into one what if you have america deliver the necessary information too strange in the midst of the exciting action sequence travel multiverse only happens when i'm really really afraid the danger is that the information might get lost in the action but if handled well the upside is that now you don't have to pause things purely for the sake of the information before being able to move on another great example is when strange and america have ended up in another universe and they suddenly just happen to step on a free technology sample that just happens to reveal just the right background information that the plot requires [Music] the movie's credit it is trying to hide the information under circumstance as in you know it's not traditional exposition it's borne out of something which can be useful but here unfortunately so contrive and force that the only audience it fools is the kind that is deaf as well as blind all others they just feel like the movie thinks they're idiots it's time that you open the portal does it matter instead of hiding the information here what you could do is for instance treat it as a challenge if doctor strange needs to understand america's past then he should have to work for it don't just have them quote unquote randomly stumble upon the information have strange notice something he can use to crack the information from her i still don't know if the memory technology is the way to go but the point is to treat the information as a price to unlock an interrogation in a sense if the hero has to work for information suddenly the information feels less like boring traditional exposition another example is when strange and america have gone to alternate universe range's home where his former rival explains the concept of dreamwalking i'm afraid she can do far worse than just summon monsters a dreamwalking sorcerer projects their own consciousness from their universe into another possessing the body of an alternate self they may puppeteer this unholy doppelganger and pursue their enemies from afar the issue here is that the movie presents the exposition as it's bringing the exposition into reality before the rival explains the concept of dreamwalking dreamwalking has not existed in this movie it's literally born out of the words that the movie speaks and what you could do here is present tree mocking without context beforehand in a way that makes us wanna know the truth about it for instance what if you do show wanda you stream walking in the beginning what if you have some person start to follow strange in america around in the alternate universe like the creature from it follows now we'd be like what the hell is going on and just before we get in real trouble the rival saves us and then fills in the blanks about dreamwalking now it's not boring exposition because based on what we've seen we genuinely want to know about it as another example there's the scene where alternate avengers explain what happened to strange in this universe from our experience the greatest danger to the multiverse it turns out is doctor strange which actually doesn't feel like boring exposition firstly because it's delivered by characters so inherently interesting that we just want to hear them talk but more importantly because the information here contradicts a mystery from before earth's mightiest hero who died defeating that strange did not die defeating thanos a bit earlier we learned that something occurred in this universe that made strange sacrifice his life to defeat thanos and then this scene is all about no that's not actually what happened and it's that conspiracy-like contradiction of an underlying mystery that makes the information actually fascinating to learn point is there are many different ways to deal with exposition so just beware of doing it in a way this movie most often does because if you fall in those same exposition pitfalls then it's just gonna be like replay your significance oh my god this this is a memory of me two years ago hold on pause for a second what's going on oh right i used to be so miserable because of my crappy uncomfortable underwear it was so bad that i accidentally sent my girlfriends through a multiverse portal yeah i didn't indicate this before but that's how it is man i was so lucky to fix the issue with my new anti-chafing high performance boxer breeze for manscape their silky smooth around my waist and thighs and even in the middle thanks to their cradling jewel pouch design these boxes hug and support me like a second skin and they even come in a variety of colors to choose from no joke they're the most comfortable most breathable boxers i've ever had and what's best is that you can get them and all other landscape items for 20 off with free initial shipping by using code filament.20. so click the link below and do so anyway yeah yeah that's it [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Filmento
Views: 1,553,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multiverse of madness, doctor strange multiverse of madness, multiverse of madness funny moments, multiverse of madness full movie, multiverse of madness clip, doctor strange 2 full movie, doctor strange 2 clips, doctor strange 2 explained, wanda black bolt, smartest man alive, multiverse of madness final fight, doctor strange vs wanda, multiverse of madness best moments, multiverse of madness action, multiverse of madness mistakes, multiverse of madness honest
Id: KJhj-YbBkkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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