Blue Beetle — Why the Audience Doesn't Care | Anatomy of a Failure

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the Omak ensures security core can rely on the future we can control The Omen I think it works pretty well don't you [Music] Blue Beetle is new superhero movie that concludes the current iteration of the dceu or Begins the next one or I don't know whatever in it there's this average guy Jaime who gets a burger box that sadly contains no Burger but instead an alien Scarab a Scarab that jumps up his ass and turns him into a superhero and then an evil weapons Company CEO shows up to steal the Scarab for her weapons technology and then Jaime fights a mini skill transformer for some reason and that's about it Blue Beetle and for me at least Blue Beetle was quite the emotional roller coaster not the movie itself but rather the experience of trying to see it I wanted to see it in theaters but I couldn't because there genuinely were no showings for it to the point where I thought that Disney was trying to bury the film because it's just too good because I mean these results are not naturally possible why isn't it possible it's just not why not you stupid bass well I finally saw it now and turns out it's all natural baby there were no showings for Blue Beetle simply because people just didn't want to show up to see it which is kind of sad to say because I do think there are cool things here the shoot is pretty cool forcing the hero to deal with an alien Consciousness that only he can hear and understand is a great idea the sitting and cinematography are are very cool this is basically Miami and not only does it remind me of how Michael Bay shoots Miami it also stands out from the usual gray DC aesthetic the culture is extremely cool we don't usually get Mexican heroes or hero families and that was great plus even though the actors here are unknowns they did a really great job but aside from those inherent puzzles that the filmmakers here were lucky to have the filmmakers themselves didn't really bring much to the table in fact as far as the narrative side is concerned it's as if this was their first time writing or making a film it's not the worst DC movie because it didn't really have any prior value that it could devalue but it is arguably one of the most incompetent DC movies the inherent problems here are bigger than they've possibly ever been Blue Beetle is so fundamentally incompetent that it's no wonder that audiences didn't give it so today let's see what these fundamental issues are if you mess these things up especially when trying to introduce a new superhero nobody will care enough to show up and you will die and wither away alone [Music] the first fundamental issue causing audience this interest here is lacking First Impressions that fail to sell what's on sale as a quick initial example look at the opening the evil CEO flies into a snowy desert where her men are digging up the McGuffin and what unfolds is this she talks to her henchman who says they'll get to the McAfee by morning that's it it doesn't exactly convince you of any value not on the villain side or the MacGuffin side or any side this is the part of the movie where it's easiest to sell the audience on the journey ahead yet this movie doesn't even try to the point where my mind for instance was already trailing off it's in there I can feel it [Laughter] to give you a better sense of what I mean look at the introduction of the hero Jaime which is basically this he arrives at the airport of his home City to reunite with his family that's it he talks with his family he goes to eat with his family he goes home and looks at the city's guideline and then he goes to a cleaning job that his sister got him that's it that's how this movie sells its new DC superhero character to you as a guy who is in no way interesting or deserving of your attention hello that's powder movie sells itself with absolutely nothing of value this piece and before we get into whether any value is sold later on what you must understand as a filmmaker is that as in real life First Impressions in film are everything if the first impressions are lacking it's really it's really tough to come back from that which is why you have to make the most of what you have right away in pushing Boots Puss in Boots is introduced with him throwing a fiesta in his enemy's Kaza after which he defeats a shadow of the glasses Colossus a thousand times his size his boldness and fighting Talent is right away very apparent I've made my mark come and then the wolf is introduced with him the showing up to wipe the floor with Puss in Boots with barely any Everett [Applause] the first impressions are very strategically used to build up the value of who these characters are and the reason to be invested in them I mean even more criticized DC movies are able to do this Bruce Wayne is introduced with him running into collapsing buildings Batman is introduced with him terrifying civilians and robbers and even police even though we all already know that this character is awesome this movie still immediately sells us on why he is awesome whereas in Blue Beetle not only are characters sold as just whatever characters who may as well be anyone but the first impressions also work against the inherent value of what's on sale the Mexican culture for example down the line turns out to be the biggest reason to watch this film yet the beginning focuses mostly on a stereotypical negatives oh the heroes are Mexican so they're immediately worried about being arrested is that kind of talk right there that's going to get us all busted oh they're Mexican so they struggle to get a proper job because of discrimination oh you can stand back okay why don't you ever see Jamie oh they're Mexican so they're losing their business and neighborhood to capitalism and they work as lowly house cleaners for the whites who are disrespectful and obscene to the point of being comical and look I'm not trying to dispute these struggles or say that they shouldn't be included I'm just saying that if you want audiences to get into a movie about Mexican culture then maybe her first action should be to sell them on why they should get into to Mexican culture give them reason to be interested and invested in it because stuff like this doesn't quite do the job Santa's hello actually that's not my name if your initial Showcases of mixing characters is about them not respecting basic rules they're being paid to follow I deserve a luxury dump right now I'm not exactly hooked to want to see more if your initial Showcase of the hero is an action showcasing his virginity get your damn hands off you know I don't know you and I don't care to know you all of which is a bummer because again the Mexican culture turns out to be the best part of this movie to be Mexican means to stick together in every situation to do things together no matter what those things are to play for the same team all your life which I find very interesting because it's just so different from what I've been taught so next time maybe begin more with that like for example with the villains clearing out a squad of bombed locals at the dig site to establish their deadliness and cybernetic Powers whatever you have to sell sell it in the first impressions to real audiences in rather than to do nothing the second fundamental issue causing audience this interest here is the lack of proper scenes meaning that not much really happens like I've already touched on nothing is actually achieved for a long time the CEO goes to the snowy desert and talks about the McGuffin Jaime arrives at the airport and goes to chat with his family over food and then goes home to chat some more and then to work to chat even more these aren't seen so much as their moments of verbal and visual information just carrying the story along nothing proper is being done in them to alter or progress the story it's in there okay I mean even when things appear to be going on not really once the knees of the evil CEO has stolen their CEO's precious burger and giving it to Jaime to get it away he takes it home and opens it to realize that it's not actually a burger it's the McGuffin Scarab and then for no clear reason the Scarab quote unquote chooses Jaime by going up his ass after which this happens on screen stuff is indeed happening here we're flying all across the city we're running into all kinds of dangers and it looks pretty cool right but again it's not really a proper scene per se because nothing is being accomplished in it it's not like in Iron Man's first light which was about Tony pushing his suit to the max to find its limit screen flight is 85 000 feet and then getting in trouble because of it no Jaime isn't even in control of the suit he's just kind of there while the suit just kind of flies around with the explanation that it has to quote unquote do system checks or something it's not crazy mostly this happens because the filmmaker said so you know this is that point in the movie where the hero tests his new abilities and as I have said before a scene is made up of two things intention and obstacle a character must do something verbally or physically while something stands in the way and it's the character's success or failure of doing it that changes the movie and pushes it to the next step that's a proper scene per se most of which the content of Blue Beetle is not and although there are also proper scenes here the issue there is that not much is being done with them with the Scarab Heights for example this is how it goes Denise walks into the Laboratories bumps into someone to get a key card takes the scare up and leaves and then when the alarm players she gives it to Jaime who happens to be there and who literally just then walks out the door with it that's all if even the movie itself is so disinterested in its own events that it just wants to get through them as fast as possible when Jaime protects the knees from the CEO all he does is step up and say stop and then he's fired that's all he doesn't have to do something he doesn't even try to fight for his and his sister's job or anything it's just stop it you're fired hey come meet me tomorrow and I'll give you another job and see when Jaime goes to save the needs from the CEO after his rear end has been violated by the Scarab he needs to oh never mind she's right there no way she just hops in and they drive away and see when Jaime and Denise go to break inside the evil company to get something that can help them they need to oh never mind the uncle has a device that allows them to waltz in and then Denise picks a lock and there you go and see then the henchmen comes to fight them but oh shoot will do high Miss fighting for him I have no idea well at least the uncle has to do something at the very end at least there's something what I'm getting at is that you need meaningful conflict to have a scene and that a scene is Meaningful only when the conflict is done something with the knees arguing with the CEO about her weapons technology for example is pointless one of them is saying bad the other is saying good and then that's the end of that nothing was done or achieved or changed it's mainly just information the finale is more than information the scene of Jaime deciding to jump off roof to hopefully activate a suit to go save his family on paper is a scene but stuff like this even if these are scenes in a technical sense of the word they're not the kind I feel and need to drive to the theater for foreign [Music] fundamental issue causing audience this interest here is that most of the substance is he said she said for example if you look at the reasons behind the main conflict you won't find much there apparently the evil CEO wants the powers of the Scarab to create an army of super soldiers which we learned from a video game ad on TV but we never delve any further into it why is the success of the super soldier program so important to the villain to what purpose are the super soldiers being sold what's gonna happen if we don't stop the program I don't know it's all just talk the Omak is the future of this company you should be just like at the end where the movie says that Jaime will die if his powers are taken the good news is I figured out how to get it up the bad news is that you have to be dead and then he powers are taken and he's fine you know it's all fairy dust off the mouth there's no real reason to even fight at the end because everybody has what they want but we fight anyway because that's what happens in movies and you can find this verbal furry dust problem all over Jaime studied hard in college to become a lawyer but we don't see any of it and it never comes in play in any way Jaime complains about not getting a proper job but we never see him even try to get a job Jaime's family lost their auto shop which we never knew existed and will soon lose their house but we wouldn't even realize unless they said it Jaime wants to get his family into another place to live but for no clear reason why this looks like a pretty good place to live to me the Scarab chooses to go up high masses above all other assets but with without any indication of what Jaime has done to deserve the honor so I'm guessing it's chosen you why what why did you just trust me on this see the movie for sale for more examples but what I'm getting at is that your material has substance only when you do something with it on screen if you want us to emotionally partake in high mass family's efforts to keep their house then show them confront evictors show another family down the street being evicted while their house gets bulldozed if you want us to root for Jaime in his efforts to get his family out of this neighborhood then establish that there's gangs and crime or something there because I can't really root for him unless I have enough to understand what I'm rooting for my point is that if you throw in material simply for the sake of it it'll become air you'll take up space and run time but with seemingly nothing to show for it oh Denise opens up about her dead family and then immediately he is horny enough to have a first kiss with someone she just met yeah I'm not really buying this love relationship nothing happened her mom died oh it turns out that there's an original Blue Beetle superhero who nobody has even acknowledged until the midpoint yeah I don't think so head Court was Blue Beetle the hoe is Blue Beetle oh Jaime is constantly telling the Scarab suit to not kill their enemies and then at the end this karap has to learn from him to do the same for him when he's at his weakest what are you doing she did it should be powerful but isn't because not enough is done with it why is it so important for Jaime to not use guns or kill in the context of this film I don't know because it's not properly explored and thus I don't really care it just takes up space overall think of it like loading a musket you pour down the powder you load the projectile but if you don't then stuff the projectile down all the way it's basically useless not only will your projectile most likely miss the target but you've also just wasted a whole musket that could have been loaded with something else oh and your soldier is now also dead if you can't do anything with high mass family losing their house then don't add it in don't ever just add things in if the hero's motivation is to get rid of his superpowers you gotta do enough to make the audience invest in that motivation like oh the Scarab is starting to take over his brain and body forever because he doesn't know how to be won with it okay yes I do support and want him to get rid of it but to just have the hero say that oh oh I gotta get rid of these Powers because the bad guys are coming for me which they would now do anyway no dude you got super powers they're your best chance at survival hell no don't get rid of them now as in I just don't have enough to partake in what the movie is doing and I guess that's what Blue Beetle is most of all it's a pretty great new musket loaded with top of the line ammunition which was never properly pushed down as a result the musket was unable to bang and without a bang the audience just didn't care enough to come check it out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Filmento
Views: 585,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue beetle movie, blue betle, blue beetle full movie, blue beetle watch full movie, blue beetle trailer, blue beetle flop, blue beetle failure, blue beetle box office flop, blue beetle best moments, blue beetle watch, blue beetle mistakes, everything wrong with blue beetle, honest trailer blue beetle, is blue beetle in the dceu, why did blue beetle fail, blue beetle clips, blue beetle post credits scene, blue beetle fight scene, blue beetle first flight, blue beetle flight
Id: udb-9el0vNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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