Doctor Reacts to AWKWARD TikToks #2

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I love your tiktok videos doctor mike!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/suele-33 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for giving me a chuckle ♥️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/whereyoureyesdogo 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Tiktok tiktok.....😂🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MordernProblem 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Where do you find these videos? Lol.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/worm1134 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
- He's coding. Nurse, get five cc's of parallelograms and one Sega Genesis. (laughter) - Tik, tok, tik, tok, doopity doo. I've got some medical laughs analysis for you. Peewoop. - [Female Speaker] You don't have a double chin. What you do have is bad posture. So all you need to do is two steps, bring your shoulders up, back and down, bring your chin slightly forward and then slightly down, and look at the difference that makes. (laughter) - It's backwards. No, you want to keep your shoulders open, chest open, facing the world, ready to take on challenges. I don't know if you noticed, I've started working out again, I'm really sore and this really hurts. - [Male Speaker] Things Tik Tok made me buy. - Oh. - [Male Speaker] This is a phone charger that supposedly leads you to the strongest power source in the entire house. Oh no. (laughter) - Oh, it went to a mitochondria. Powerhouse of the cell. Touche. (clapping) Golf clap for that. (laughter) (upbeat music) This gives new meaning to walking your dog. Honestly, if my dog walked like that, I wouldn't put it on a leash. I would just say like look, my dog walks next to me. I would hold its paw. When you finally get that long white coat and your boys invite you over to watch the game. Students wear short lab coats, white coats, and doctors wear long ones. So if you ever see people in short white coats walking around they could be students. - I can't take it off. I can't take it off, like. - Take it off. - I can't. - Take it off. - I can't take it off. Like. - Take it off. - I can't. - You don't want to take it off. I remember when I was a student and I went through my white coat ceremony and I had my white coat for the first time, I remember pulling up to Coney Island Hospital, parking my car two blocks away, and proudly wearing the white coat as I walked the two blocks from my car. When really I still had like seven years of education left. Mm. This is going to be stressful. - Do you remember that patient you saw yesterday for chest pain? (somber piano music) - Malpractice lawyers near me. Fired doctor. Anything helps. - Yes. How come? - I ran into her today. She's doing so much better. Thanks for your care. - It's so true. I will literally have someone from my office staff say, "Oh, you know that patient you saw for something?" And the anxiety levels start creeping up, like, did something bad happen? Did they file a complaint? And it's not because that happens often. In fact, that's really rare for it to happen, but it, like, there's this fear that you did something wrong because you want to do right by everybody. It is scary. You want the best for your patients. And as a doctor you're going to miss stuff, you're going to misdiagnose things, because patients' conditions don't always present so clearly. They take time to develop. Part of the art of medicine. - Oh. I have such a bad headache. - I have essential oils. - Wait, is this safe? - Of course, doctors use it all the time. - Essential oil. - It literally cures anything. Here. Breathe this for 30 seconds. Keep breathing it in. - It's burning my eyes. - That means it's working. Closer. You have to believe in it or it won't -- - He's just like chloroforming her with the essential oil. - -- or it won't work. - My eyes are literally burning. - You're almost through the crystal. Just keep breathing. - I don't want to do this any more. - He threw in a Reiki crystal. - Just one more. Feel better? - My headache's gone. - I told you. - Wait. Is that grapefruit. - Yeah. Why? - I'm allergic. - So I don't have an essential oil for that. - He's going to need an EpiPen, and luckily he's not over the Atlantic Ocean. If you haven't seen that story of mine, link down below. I'm watching these Tik Tok videos on my computer and I'm using a software called ExpressVPN. For those of you who don't know, a VPN is a virtual private network. It allows me to protect my data from spies, internet service providers, or companies that just want to send me ads and marketing for things I don't even want in my life. I think data is a protected asset. It should be treated as such, and one easy way for you to protect your data is to get ExpressVPN. ExpressVPN is super easy to set up. All it takes is a few clicks on the software and boom, your data is encrypted and your location is hidden and you have the privacy that you deserve and really need. And because I've partnered with them, you can get up to three months free. All you have to do is visit, remember, doctor is spelled out, and get their software. It's easy to use, it's inexpensive, and it's smart to protect your data. It's a no-brainer for me. - Saline implants are made to withstand almost anything. Watch me as I try to break it. (laughter) - Oh, what? Okay. I don't know if this person is a legitimate doctor. I don't know what the purpose of fighting that saline implant was. I don't know the durability of saline implants, but I'd like to think they're quite durable. I don't know if they're made to be twisted and turned like that, and I've actually had patients come in who had an implant that ruptured, saline implant. The one experience I've had was a patient came in and she walked into this, like the edge of her car door, and she like, kind of turned in and didn't expect the door to be there and it punctured the implant. Oh, that hurt. But we right away got her an urgent plastic surgery eval and it got figured out. - Sweetheart, there's no need to worry. You won't feel a thing. - Why when anyone on Tik Tok tries to play a female character, they put a disgusting white towel on their head, and they're like, oh that's somehow represents female hair. - Okay? (screaming) - If you ever enter a pediatrician's office, or a family medicine doctor's office, there are screams galore. That is part of the process, because children are naturally nervous. They get scared, there is stranger anxiety. This is part of normal development. When we give vaccines, even if it doesn't hurt that much, it's scary. Imagine a stranger bringing a needle to you. So yes, there are screams all the time. My strategy, is to give the child a distraction, and sometimes a present before I do anything. Not, I'll give you a lollipop if you listen, but here's a lollipop so you'll listen. - I just want you to know that I miss you and I love you. Can't wait for this show to be over -- - Oh. - -- so that I can touch people. - Touch people. Mm. No, honestly, like I want to go back, this sounds weird, but to touching people. I want to go back to shaking hands. Insider, I don't know if you follow that, it's an Instagram account, they recently posted that, like handshakes are about to become a thing of the past. No, it's not, Insider. Handshakes are an important part of non-verbal communication for humans. It's how we trust others. It's how we show we have no weapons, from back in the day. But it's like a way to communicate with someone. A handshake tells a lot about that person, about your relationship, about how you're going to communicate. And the fact that there's a pandemic going on, sure, we can suspend it now, but it doesn't mean we need to be afraid of all germs and become germophobic. Pandemic, no handshakes, no pandemic, handshakes. See how that works? We don't have to swing the pendulum the complete other way every time something happens. (upbeat music) (laughter) That's funny. Oh my God. So yeah, there is Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and again, they're using the little towel and the pillowcases for the hair. I don't get it. ♪ Come with me and you'll be ♪ ♪ In a world of hippaviolations. ♪ (laughter) ♪ Hippaviolations. ♪ - For those of you who don't know, Hippa is Health Information Patient Protection Act, (buzzer) Health Information Patient Protection Accountability Act, (buzzer) Health Information Protection Accountability Act, (buzzer) oh no. It's down below. (orchestral music) No, no, no, no, no, no, no. When I was in the hospital and I worked a 36-hour shift, I wasn't like, (bell pings) in fact, when you're leaving the hospital after a 24-hour, 36-hour shift, you're literally walking with your eyes half closed, body fluids all over your scrubs, placenta on your shoe if you're working in the OB department. Residency is a hard time. There would be a period where I wouldn't see my friends for a month. And they were like, where were you? I'm like, ICU life, six days a week, 18-hour days. Tough. - Good morning, sexy doctors, and welcome to "Hospital". Six of you will die this season, and I don't want to catch any of you having sex in the on call room, unless it's with me. He's coding. Nurse, get five cc's of parallelograms and one Sega Genesis. (laughter) The chest compressions are like this, and she's getting parallelograms and Sega Genesis, which is the first ever video game console I've owned. God, that's brilliant. Medical dramas are so inaccurate. Uh-oh. Are they cutting into it with a Cuisinart knife? That is not an approved medical piece of technology. That's made for chicken and steaks. That was a good flap. I'm not going to lie, solid flap. (laughter) Was that supposed to be a delivery of macaroni's. Those are little macaroni's. How did they get the macaroni's inside the banana? You guys are going to probably laugh at me. Those aren't macaroni's. Those are like fettucini's or, God, what's like the long pasta called? (frustrated grunt) It starts with a Z, no it doesn't. Let's give another huge thank you to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this video. The link is down below. Click it to get up to three months free and if you want to know how I got into med school, click here for this video. And if you want to see how I stay productive, with some easy tips for you, click here for a productivity 101 video. As always, stay happy and healthy. Which one are clicking on? (instrumental music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 6,307,707
Rating: 4.9633393 out of 5
Keywords: funny tik toks, funny tiktok compilation, funny tik tok video, funny tiktok memes, funny tiktok videos clean, medical tiktok, dr. mike, doctor mike, dr reacts, doctor reacts, mike varshavski, hilarious tik tok, tik tok mashup, tik tok video, tik tok funny video, clean tik toks, tik toks that are actually funny, funny tik toks try not to laugh, funny tik toks that will brighten your day, funny tik toks memes, funny tik toks reaction, funny tiktoks about school
Id: lZtwuAzvGEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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