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- I'm about to uber-fact-check these UberFacts. Are you a motion graphics designer that has really top-notch editing skills? There's a link down below for you to apply. Do it, do it. Let's just get started. Pee-woop! "After kissing someone passionately, their DNA can linger in your mouth for more than an hour." I don't know why through that passionately thing in there, but this is true. Not only are you sharing the bacteria, fungi, viruses, all of them microbiota that exist inside your mouth, you're also sharing some of your DNA. It's also called saliva swapping. (lips smooching) "Bonding with dogs causes your brain to release dopamine and oxytocin in the same way as loving a child." Bear, you're like my child. It's also the same thing that's released when you're cuddling with someone. Oxytocin is also known as the cuddle hormone, but you also let off something known as beta-endorphin, which also is a feel-good, positively attributed neurotransmitter that your body just makes you feel loved. "The human mouth is dirtier than a toilet seat." Ah, this, I mean, it depends on your definition of dirty. Because if you're doing strictly bacteria, it is true. If you ever actually hit someone in the face with a punch and their tooth goes into your knuckle, that could be a fight bite so that when the bacteria gets into the joint or near the joint, or when you reposition your hand like that, it can no longer escape, gets trapped, puts you at risk for osteomyelitis, a bone infection, septic arthritis, a joint infection, and those are quite serious, so we give antibiotics really quickly for fight bites. A human sneeze can travel about 100 miles per hour. Yeah, this is true. We've seen on slow motion cameras where the sneeze microdroplets, the ones that probably aren't carrying viral material, are shooting as far as 27 feet away. The reason we say stay six feet away for the influenza and COVID-19 is because we've seen that the majority of the heavy droplets that carry the virus actually fall at that six-feet rate, but it doesn't make you 100% protected by any means. Why did that lady just sneeze on her cat? "The largest bone in the human body, the femur, can support 30 times the weight of a person's body." This is, in fact, true. Strongest bone in the body. Oh, hey, Bear. Also, the reality is to fracture the femur, it needs to be a high speed car accident, a very high fall. You're not gonna just fracture your femur as a young healthy adult by walking on the street and taking a slip. "If human DNA were uncoiled, it would stretch 10 billion miles." - $1 million. - 10 million, million miles. That's equivalent going to Pluto and back. I gotta fact-check that because that is excessive. (ambient music) This fact is actually not true. Each cell in your body has DNA. If we uncoiled it, it would go about six feet. And then if you add up all the cells in our body, that adds up to 67 billion miles, which is 150,000 round trips from here to the moon. I don't know about you but I've never taken a round trip to the moon. If I would, I wouldn't do it 150,000 times. "The highest blood alcohol concentration ever recorded was 0.91%, more than twice the usual lethal level and 11 times more than a legally intoxicated person." It is potentially 11 times more than a legally intoxicated person, but let's see what the highest recorded on record is. I'm sure I can find that out. (ambient music) All right, this one's false. There are much higher reported levels across the globe on this. The important fact here is actually, anything above a 0.5 blood alcohol content is respiratory failure, death, coma, et cetera. "When doctors say they need something stat, it is a shortened version of the Latin word statim, meaning immediately." Instantly, immediately, yes, this is true. And that's why we say, "Chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions stat," because they done immediately when someone's unconscious without a pulse. The Pentagon spends an estimated 41,600,000 a year on Viagra. We fact-checked this. It is absolutely true. And if you combine it with drugs like Cialis, Levitra, which have the same mechanism of action, that totals $294 million. The reality is, sometimes we prescribe these medications for pulmonary hypertension in order to lower the pressure in the lungs. Some of the other ones are also used for prostate issues, so don't judge and think that it's all about fun. And sometimes it's about procreation. "If a male pees on a pregnancy test and the results are positive, it could be indicative of cancer." I like that they put the word, "It could be," because there are certain tumors, specifically testicular tumors, that produce this hormone beta-hCG, which is what we test for when we give you one of these over-the-counter pregnancy tests. So while it's not something I would use as a screening method for cancer, if it does show up positive, that's a good reason to go see your doctor. "British researchers have found that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate. That is a lot of chocolate. Facet-check time. (gentle music) It is true, and it can give you the same neurological boost as receiving $25,000. So smile away. "Flow is the mental state your brain enters when you're completely involved in an activity that brings you so much joy, you lose the sense of space and time." True. When you go, let's say, rock climbing, or you're playing the piano for fun, there is no financial benefit, sexual benefit, work benefit, and yet, we put so much effort into doing this, burning calories. It doesn't help our survival one bit, yet we do it. Why? Flow. That's why when you set little goals for yourself throughout the day, that brings you joy. And they're attainable goals, and we create friendships along the way, this is the secret to fulfillment. I don't wanna say happiness. I'm gonna say fulfillment. "Humans have the same number of hairs as chimpanzees, but our hair is useless and often invisible." I mean, if you're talking about peach fuzz, maybe, but the reality is, through evolution, we actually end up losing the majority of this hair. For me, what's interesting is the hair that has remained and the reasons why it has remained. For example, think about the eyebrows. Why do we have eyebrows? It's really as a way to serve as a non-verbal communication representing threat or hostility. "Exercise reorganizes the brain so that it is more resistant to stress." I don't know if reorganize is the exact term, but, yes, this does happen. In fact, the brain has a factor in it called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which actually nourishes and matures new nerve cells to form. And as a result, you become more cognitively capable, more likely to be comfortable dealing with stress, even oxidative stress to some degree. Some level of activity is almost always beneficial to the human mind and body. "The average person falls asleep in 10 to 20 minutes." I know for the people who are insomniacs out there, they're gonna get frustrated by this. This is somewhat true. My general rule is if you're rolling around in bed for more than 20 minutes and you can't fall asleep, you probably should get up and try and do something else that's calming in order to help you get sleepy again, and then come back into bed and try again. 'Cause once you lay there for 20 minutes, you start developing anxiety and frustration with being in the bed not falling asleep. It's actually conditioning you to be more anxious the next time you go to bed. As opposed to leaving the bed, being anxious somewhere else, calming yourself down, and then going into bed when you're already tired, that's the optimal approach. "For caffeine addicts, coffee doesn't actually increase alertness above baseline levels. It just reverses the fatiguing effects of acute caffeine withdrawal." There was a study done on this that actually did confirm it; however, it's imperfect study. I think that, yes, if you need that temporary boost, especially early in the morning, it's totally fine to have a cup of Joe. However, do not have it after lunch because caffeine takes several hours, more than six hours to clear out of your body. So if you're taking it at 4 or 5 o'clock, when you go into bed, you're gonna to still have some caffeine in your system, making it difficult for you to fall asleep. Or if you're one of these addicts that says, "Oh, I can drink caffeine and fall asleep like a baby." Yeah, you can. But guess what? You're not gonna go through all the stages of sleep well, and you're gonna wake up feeling unrefreshed. Boom! (explosive booms) "It's possible to die from a broken heart. This condition is called stress cardiomyopathy." Actually it's called Takotsobus, no, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Usually, this causes a non-ischemic heart attack, meaning it's not because of a blocked blood vessel and your heart ends up suffering from a lack of oxygen. 90% of the reported cases are in women ages 58 to 75. "A sunburn is the result of your skin cells killing themselves to protect you from their damaged DNA, which can cause cancer." Yeah, this is somewhat true because they're experiencing what's known as a type I programmed cell death. When you have radiation injury, your body understands that there could be genetic mutations there, so it goes through this programmed cell death, creating an inflammatory response. It's very painful, there's peeling, the skin cells actually flake off. This is a protective mechanism of your body. "Meditation is such a powerful technique that after only eight weeks, the brain structure changes." I don't know where they got this eight weeks from. Couldn't find that anywhere in the research, but the reality is, meditation does change your brain's electrical activity. The way we should think of mindfulness and meditation is just like any other exercise. That's why the more you do it, the better you get at it. Our brains tend to be anxious beings that constantly are going all over the place. And when you try and control it for a short period of time of mindfulness, that takes effort, it's hard. That's why you should do it for a short period of time and then work your way up to longer periods of time. And when you do that, your brain structure is somewhat changing. So, yeah, meditation all the way. "Listening to music while exercising can measurably improve your physical performance." Yes, not only can listening music affect your physical performance, it could also affect your brainwaves. It's changes in music, and also silence can have the same effect. Music that has like a crescendo where it's a drop or a climax in it, will affect the way your brain is reacting. It's really, really cool. "Sweat is actually odorless. The smell is caused by bacteria that live on the skin." I wanna say true 'cause when people smell BO, they're really smelling bacteria fart, so it's true on that end. However, however, however, there are pheromones that sometimes have their own unique scent that is released when you stress sweat. And by the way, when you smell something, that's just the chemical receptor in your nose. It's not even a scent receptor, it just senses chemicals. How cool is that? SpongeBob also spreads misinformation. Click here to check that out. And as always, stay happy and healthy, UberFact or not. (Mike clicks tongue) (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 3,957,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, uberfacts, uber facts, doctor reacts, docter reacts, doctor mike reacts, blood alcohol level, broken heart, viagra, coffee, caffeine, sneeze, cuddling, kisse, kisses, kiss, DNA, fall asleep, how to fall asleep
Id: vZjix-6S5xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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