- I've noted an increase of TikTok ads that are selling medical products. Here's a list of ones
that I would never buy. Some of them? Downright dangerous. Check it out. Bee-whoop! "Did you know?" (chuckles) I love the TikToks that
tell me, "Did I know?" Like I didn't go to medical school. "Your cells are rapidly aging "because of constant
exposure to technology." (claps) I got a revelation
(drum rolling) for you at home.
(drum rolling continues) Did you know you were aging?
(drum rolling ends) (chuckles) Do you use technology? Do you not use technology? You're still aging! "This device creates a
coherent, protective shield." (whistling sounds) Coherent.
(static noise playing) - [Narrator 1] I am so honored to offer this scientifically-proven
EMF mitigation device. (record scratching) - Man, people are really
using, "Scientifically-proven," in a weak way these days. - [Narrator 1] It creates a harmonic field in your environment, reaching 100 feet in all directions. - "It creates a harmonic
field reaching 100 feet "in all directions." - [Narrator 1] Penetrating
through walls and floors. - And it goes through walls and floors? - [Narrator 1] It restructures water. - It restructures water! This is the most miraculous lamp. I don't even know. What is this? - [Narrator 1] They improve
sleep, focus, and energy. - Why do I go to work when I could just put
this up on the display, and just have the patients
hang out in the room with this thing? I need to look this up. Like where do they sell this? $2,000! "Improved sleep, more energy, "better concentration, improved hydration, "reduced stress and
anxiety, fewer headaches, "enhanced physical recovery. (exhales) First of all, let me woosah and relax. It says it, "Creates a
360-degree coherent field "of 100 feet in all directions, "penetrating through walls and floors." What's hilarious is, I don't know what a coherent
field of 100 feet means. I think they just say words. "Calms the parasympathetic
nervous system." And then it has a little asterisk and it says these statements
have not been evaluated for medical accuracy. Yeah, no (beep). Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. "Elimination of influences of 5G, "geopathic zones." I don't even know what
a geopathic zone is. "100% water structuring." Decade plus of education, don't know what any of these words mean. And the device itself is just stones. "Say goodbye double chin. "100 times a day." Okay.
(whistle sound) This is some kind of sucking device. See, the problem with this product is that it's trying to make you believe that there is such
thing as spot reduction. There is no such thing. If I lower my overall body fat content, then I can see more muscle. But if I just work out my biceps, I'm not gonna just see fat
reduction on the biceps. It doesn't work that way 'cause your body works as a unit, as opposed to individual pieces. And that's what essentially they're saying when they say, "Remove the double chin." Here, we have another video of it. "How to get a slimmer face quickly." Again, ridiculous promises. I mean look at that image. They're literally taking someone who's posing in a uncomfortable position that's not normal for them. And then they have them stand up straight. That is not what happens Look, like even if you pull
up this thing on Walmart, "Reduces the appearance of wrinkles." Well, not at all. Because wrinkles are
formed from muscle usage. In fact, when we inject botox to prevent or get rid of wrinkles, we're trying to relax the muscle. To paralyze the muscle. "Releases any tension in the face?" How do you strengthen a muscle
(bouncing noises) and release tension?
(bouncing noises ends) "Firms and tightens the facial skin." How? Skin is taut because of skin
molecules and skin proteins. Not because of muscle. So like, a lot of promises, a lot of statements. It's not a miracle slimming
device that it claims. - [Narrator 2] A change-your-life hack and health hack. - Again, big promises. Let's see what we got. - [Narrator 2] So this machine produces seven different waters. - Okay, so there's
different pHs of waters. I don't know why you'd want
certain pHs of waters medically, but let's see. I'm gonna be non-judgmental. - [Narrator 2] But what's also cool is it boosts the molecular hydrogen in these three drinking waters. So drinking two glasses of this water is equivalent to eating five pounds, yes, five pounds of blueberries. - What are we talking about? When you consume water
that has a pH of 9.5, which means that it's a basic pH, not acidic, alkaline. When it dumps itself through the esophagus into the stomach, do you know what the pH is that's chilling in the stomach? Two. Very acidic environment. It's called gastric acid for a reason. And then when you drink
this pH water of 9.5, what do you think happens? Do you think it stays alkaline? No! It becomes acidic and it
mixes with this thing. And then what happens is
when you drink the water and your body absorbs the water, you think your blood
concentrations of acid-base is not incredibly tightly managed? It's so managed that your blood pH has to
stay between 7.35 and 7.45. Otherwise you die! - [Narrator 2] This is my favorite. It also makes Beauty Water. - Beauty Water. My god. I guarantee you this
device is like 10 grand. (dramatic sound) (static noise) The bottom line is none
of these things are proven by real medical science. Everything is over-promised, over-hyped, and it's not because
I'm saying we know more or doctors know more. (record scratching) It's that we know what we don't know. And they refuse to admit
that they don't know. It is a big problem. - [Narrator 3] Stop fingering your ears. - First of all, yeah, jamming your finger in
your ear is not a good idea, so this is starting off well. - [Narrator 3] Use this
ear camera instead. - Oh no. - [Narrator 3] Just
connect it to your phone, put it in your ear. - Okay, so this device, it looks cool, it looks technological, and it actually works. Meaning that you could
see the inside of your ear with your camera 'cause it works through Bluetooth. But this is a terrible product and I'll tell you why. Terrible in the sense of
how people are using it. People think that this product
is great for cleaning ears, then they go inside their
ears with no training, and start scratching up their ear canals, busting their tympanic membranes. Yes, their eardrums. We're seeing this in our offices. Plus, I don't really
understand the obsession of removing earwax from
the inside of your ear. If it's clogged, you could could put eardrops in. They sell them over the counter. It'll melt ear wax and it'll come out. And ear wax is good for your ear. It actually traps dust, bacteria. It even protects the canal if there's a little moisture in there from your skin getting irritated. There's actually no good medical utility that the average person should
have this in their home. I have it in my home. I remember when Jen Selter came over and she had an earplug
that fell apart in her ear. And I, as a medical professional, was able to use this tool. But I would not recommend
anyone having this at home. - [Narrator 3] Remove that
ear wax for better hearing. - And if your hearing is not good, you should get evaluated by a doctor because it's not always because of earwax. There's true issues with hearing, especially these days, with everyone blasting
their music with earbuds. That literally could
be early hearing loss, and that's a real problem. That's why I really recommend
not listening to your music over 50, 60% max volume. - [Narrator 4] How I
increased my height one inch. - I can see how already, this is drawing people in because everyone wants to be taller. Not everyone. A lot of people want to be taller. - [Narrator 4] This posture
corrector is pure magic. - It depends what your
definition of pure magic is. It's certainly not my
definition as a doctor. Because posture correctors
largely are unnecessary and potentially harmful. Because the goal of having good posture is about creating a good, natural posture.
(bell ringing) And when you're putting on a
device to create good posture, you're essentially weakening the muscles that create good posture, and you become dependent
on a device like this. There's a lot of information out there about, "Posture needs to be perfect." You don't always need to
sit up perfectly like this. Like, it's okay to lean
back if you're tired. But it's about having good
solid strength for your posture in order for you to be
able to sit comfortably and not have to slouch over like this. Or have a forward
shoulder rounded posture. So like, these things are far from magic, and actually in many cases
do more harm than good. "Mastic has been grown in Greece "and chewed for thousands of years "as the original natural chewing gum." As a doctor, I was not trained to answer this question so I can't fact check that. But Mastic is, I think, some kind of resin. "Sculpt your jawline, "results within the first week, "100% natural chew, "discrete exercise program, "gluten/allergen free, "not for the weak." Not for the weak! Can you imagine a less motivating product than a product that's
encouraging you to get strong but is saying it's not for the weak? How does that make sense from
an advertising perspective? I don't like a lot of these products where you're chewing very heavily, 'cause you're using the
masseter jaw muscle. Yes. But remember, a lot of the shape that comes from your jawline, doesn't come from the muscle. It comes from the bone and
structure that's already formed. It has nothing to do with the muscle. So yeah, while you can
exercise the muscle, you could also over-exercise this muscle. Do you know what happens when
you have a sore masseter? Pain in the TMJ area.
(bell ringing) Grinding at night
(bell ringing) while you're sleeping. So many issues can arise
when it comes to dental care, when you have an over-trained masseter. I would not recommend this product. Even just the claim, "Not for the weak," tells you all you need to know. "Our included workout program "will leave your jaw feeling
exhausted after the first day, "not for the weak." This is another piece of misinformation. When you start a new exercise routine, the goal isn't to exhaust you, to break your muscles down so much so that you can't perform the next day. The goal is to give you
an appropriate stimulus to get your muscles to
perform better the next time. Not destroy them. That's a big mistake that not only marketing
companies clearly make, but also personal trainers. "Coffee enemas boost
glutathione production by 700 x "and detox the liver." (exhales) I can't fact check
the glutathione production 'cause I don't know
exactly what they're saying and that would require
some serious fact checking. But what I can tell you
with very good certainty is that coffee enemas
do not detox the liver. The liver itself is one of
your detoxification organs on its own. So you don't need to detox your liver. Oh my god, so this is like an at-home enema kit that you hang in your shower. "Enema tip soft silicone, "easy to insert, "only goes in about two-inches." If it's not necessary medically, inserting this tube can
already cause problems. If you have a hemorrhoid, it can cause bleeding, you could cause an anal fissure. And inserting any kind of
fluid into your abdomen, into your gut there, can cause problems. Infection, diarrhea. Even like, legitimate rectal problems. "Morning coffee enema." The gut? One way in, one way out. Why are we changing the flow? Why are we saying, "Let's
put the coffee on the bottom "instead of the top?" I don't get it. "Instant bloating and
constipation relief." Look, if you wanna use a regular enema because you're experiencing constipation, that's a different thing. But like, using it
daily to detox your body is just not true. The body does this naturally. "Great for skin and hormones too." Like, we're just throwing in (phone ringing)
a lot of false promises here. Just to do this for health
reasons is a full on lie, and people are tricking you, and it's sad to see that TikTok doesn't actively
take this stuff down. - [Narrator 5] Ionic foot detox. - Oh this is BS. Here's what happens in these clips. Person puts their feet in this thing, it starts changing colors. Here we go! "Water color." It starts telling you
what's wrong with you. This is my favorite. This is so ridiculous. (chuckles) "Bubbles equals gas and bloating." Uh-huh. Maybe inside your gut but not in here. This has actually been unraveled as one of the biggest,
most embarrassing sources of disinformation, not even misinformation, as you could see in
this Inside Edition clip where they expose these foot bath scams. - [Narrator 6] We bought
our own foot bath unit and had it tested by Steven Fowler, an electrical engineer. - Through electrolysis, they run a current through this water. - Everything you see here is just rust. - When you run the electricity
through that water, your body has electrolytes on your skin. Salt, right? Every time you sweat. And as a result, it starts changing colors. And depending on how long you run it for, it's also gonna have different colors. - [Narrator 6] And check this out. Those supposed toxins appear
even without feet in the water. - It is nothing but a scam. - This serves as an example as to how the entire industry works. They see some kind of medical terminology that they understand
what that terminology is, they don't have enough understanding to know where their limitations lie, and they start over-promising you stuff, and charging you huge
sums of money for it. You're at risk 'cause
you wanna stay healthy. Maybe your doctor recommends
something for you to do that requires a lot of work, time, energy, and you say, "Why would I do that "when I could do this? "I'm feeling slow, heavy, "and for $115 it can improve it. "Let me do it." It's BS and this proves it right here. How about some good and
dangerous medical products from Shark Tank? Click here to check that out. And as always, stay happy and healthy. I wear a suit. (indistinct) Varshavski. Check it out. (upbeat music fades)